(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Philosophy & Ethics of Life / Bioethics

Philosophy & Ethics of Life / Bioethics


 ■What's New
 ■Theme-related Items & Links
 ■Newspaper Articles
 ■History (in Japan)

What's New

◆June 28, 2014 An International Workshop on Bioethics in the Historiographical Perspective
◆June 7, 2014 Screening of Eggsploitation

TATEIWA Shin'ya 2016 On Private Property, English Version, Kyoto Books
KOKADO Minori April 30, 2015 French Bioethics Law: How Reproductive Medicine Is Conducted,Nakanishiya Shuppan, 228p. ISBN-10: 4779509610 ISBN-13: 9784779509612 3800+tax [amazon][kinokuniya]
◆ YUI Hideki March 25, 2015 Modern History of Artificial Insemination: Postwar "Families" and Medicines / Technologies,Seikyusha, 306p. ISBN-10:4787233858 ISBN-13:978-4787233851 3000+ [amazon][kinokuniya]
YAMAMOTO Yumiko March 20, 2015 Becoming a Stillbirth Child: Interpreting "a Fetus who Is Going to Die" and Bioethics from Case Studies in France,Seikatsu Shoin, 272p. ISBN-10:4865000356 ISBN-13:978-4865000351 2800+ tax [amazon][kinokuniya]
NOZAKI Yasunobu March 15, 2015 Exceeding the Society People Fall Togther: Toward Unconditional Life Affirmation!,Chikuma Shobo, 240p. ISBN-10: 448001618X ISBN-13: 978-4480016188 1500+ [amazon][kinokuniya]
YOSHIDA Kashimi (translated by Robert Chapeskie) August 21, 2013 "Japanese Baby Hatches and Unmarried Mothers/Children Born Out of Wedlock - A Comparison with German Babyklappen and American Safe Haven Laws", Ars Vivendi Journal 5: 25-41 [HTML]/[PDF]
HOTTA Yoshitaro January 1, 2013 "Report on the Special Lecture by Prof. Ikuro Anzai Organized in Cooperation with the Japan Association for Bioethics (October 28th)"
◆ YUI Hideki March 31, 2012 "An Historical Study about the First Example of Successful Artificial Insemination in Japan: An Analysis of Doctors’Statements"
Core Ethics 8:423-432 [PDF]
YOSHIDA Kashimi December 1, 2011 "Adoption Studies and Ars Vivendi"
NOZAKI Yasunobu June 30, 2011 Toward the Ethics of Life Affirmation: From a Perspective of Disability Studies, Hakutakusha, 216p. ISBN-10: 4768479391 ISBN-13: 978-4768479391 2310 [amazon][kinokuniya]
◆ TAMAI Mariko & OTANI Izumi (Eds.) March 5, 2011 Introductory Bioethics 235p. ISBN-10: 4641124205 ISBN-13: 978-4641124202 1995 [amazon][kinokuniya]
OTANI Izumi November 2010 "'Good Manner of Dying' as a Normative Concept: 'Autocide,' 'Granny Dumping' and Discussions on Euthanasia/Death with Dignity in Japan," International Journal of Japanese Sociology 19(1): 49-63 http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1475-6781.2010.01136.x/full
OTANI Izumi April 9, 2010 "Do not Commend the Self-Sacrificial Death: The Paradox in "Death and Life Education"
Kyoto Shimbun Morning Edition:6
HOTTA Yoshitaro, ABE Akira, MATOBA Kazuko & ARIMA Hitoshi May 9, 2009 "The Importance of Social Support in Decision Making regarding Terminal Care: What ALS Patients in Japan can Teach us", Poster Presentation at 11th Congress of the EAPC, Vienna, Austria
TATEIWA Shin'ya August 10, 2009 "Decision of Ventilator?", Kawaguchi & Konagaya (Eds.) Pocket Guide of Using Ventilators at Home: Life and Support, Ishiyaku Shuppan, 212p. ISBN-10:4263235290 ISBN-13:9784263235294 2730
TATEIWA Shin'ya December 1, 2009 "Bioethics", Japanese Book News 62:12-14, Sharing Japan’s Masterpieces with the World 4 (Japan Foundation) [PDF] / [HTML]
 "In the fourth and final installment of this series, Tateiwa Shin’ya, professor of sociology and social philosophy at Ritsumeikan University’s Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences, traces the development of bioethics in Japan and recommends a number of works in the field that deserve to be translated for the benefit of readers in other countries." ....

Theme-related Items & Links(◆: in this site)

Euthanasia / Death with Dignity
Organ Transplantation / Brain Death
Prenatal Diagnosis
Reproduction / Reproductive Technologies
Discourses on Disability
Disability Studies
Minamata Disease
Nanbyo: ALS etc

◇ Japan Association for Bioehics (日本生命にほんせいめい倫理りんり学会がっかい
The Japanese Association for Philosophical and Ethical Researches in Medicine日本にっぽん医学いがく哲学てつがく倫理りんり学会がっかい
Global COE Program: Development and Organization of Death and Life Studies
Global COE Program: Creation of a New Interdisciplinary and International Base for Biomedical Ethics Education and Research
Global COE Program: Ars Vivendi : Forms of Human Life and Survival
International Network for Life Studies

Center for Bioethics (University of Pennsylvania)
Center for Genetics and Society
Genetics & Ethics
The Hastings Center
International Anti-Euthanasia Home Page
International Center for Bioethics, Culture and Disability
International Task Force.org
The Kennedy Institute of Ethics at Georgetown University


Who(in this site etc.)

ARIMA Hitoshi有馬ありま ひとし
HOTTA Yoshitaro堀田ほった 義太郎よしたろう
ICHINOKAWA Yasutaka市野川いちのかわ ようこう
KATAYAMA Tomoya片山かたやま とも
◆ KATO Hisatake (加藤かとう 尚武しょうぶ
◆ KAWAKITA Yoshio (かわ喜田きた あいろう
KOIZUMI Yoshiyuki小泉こいずみ 義之よしゆき
KURATA Mayumi倉田くらた 真由美まゆみ
MATOBA Tomoko的場まとば 和子かずこ
MATSUBARA Yoko松原まつばら 洋子ようこ
MORIOKA Masahiro森岡もりおか 正博まさひろ
NOZAKI Yasunobu野崎のさき 泰伸やすのぶ
OTANI Izumi大谷おおや いづみ
SADAOKA Minobuさだおか よししん
SAKURAI Hiroko櫻井さくらい 浩子ひろこ
Shimizu Tetsuro清水しみず哲郎てつろう
TATEIWA Shin'ya立岩たていわ しん
TOSHIMITAU Keiko利光としみつ 恵子けいこ
TSUCHIYA Takashi土屋つちや 貴志たかし
UEMURA Kaname植村うえむら かなめ
YAMAMOTO Yumiko山本やまもと 由美子ゆみこ
◆ YONEMOTO Shohei (米本よねもと 昌平しょうへい
YOSHIDA Kashimi吉田よしだ 一史かずし

Asch, Adrienne (Japanese)
Andrews, Lori B. (Japanese)
Annas, George J. (Japanese)
Brody, Howard (Japanese)
Capron, Alexander M. (Japanese)
Corea, Gena (Japanese)
Engelhardt Jr., H. Tristram (Japanese)
Glover, Jonathan (Japanese)
Haraway, Donna J. (Japanese)
Harris, John (Japanese)
Kass, Leon R. (Japanese)
Kuhse, Helga (Japanese)
Rachels, James (Japanese)
Singer, Peter (Japanese)




『はじめて出会う生命倫理』 ◆TAMAI Mariko & OTANI Izumi (Eds.) March 5, 2011 Introductory Bioethics 235p. ISBN-10: 4641124205 ISBN-13: 978-4641124202 1995 [amazon][kinokuniya]


OTANI Izumi November 2010 "'Good Manner of Dying' as a Normative Concept: 'Autocide,' 'Granny Dumping' and Discussions on Euthanasia/Death with Dignity in Japan," International Journal of Japanese Sociology 19(1): 49-63 http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1475-6781.2010.01136.x/full

OTANI Izumi April 9, 2010 "Do not Commend the Self-Sacrificial Death: The Paradox in "Death and Life Education"
Kyoto Shimbun Morning Edition:6

OTANI Izumi March 4, 2010 " Roots of Thoughts of 'Euthanasia'," pp.207-233 KOMATSU Yoshihiko & KAGAWA Chiaki (Eds.) Toward Construction of Meta-bioethics: Redefining Bioethics,NTT Publishing, ISBN-10: 4757160496 ISBN-13: 978-4757160491 3360 yen [amazon][kinokuniya]


TATEIWA Shin'ya December 1, 2009 "Bioethics", Japanese Book News 62:12-14, Sharing Japan’s Masterpieces with the World 4 (Japan Foundation) [PDF]/[HTML]

TATEIWA Shin'ya August 10, 2009 "Decision of Ventilator?", Kawaguchi & Konagaya (eds.) Pocket Guide of Using Ventilators at Home: Life and Support, Ishiyaku Shuppan, 212p. ISBN-10:4263235290 ISBN-13:9784263235294 2730

『デカルトの哲学』KOIZUMI Yoshiyuki July 2009 Philosophy of Descartes『デカルトの哲学てつがく), Jinbun Shoin, 231p. ISBN-10: 4409040987 ISBN-13: 978-4409040980 4410 [amazon]/[kinokuniya]

Hotta, Yoshitaro, Abe, Akira, Matoba, Kazuko & Arima, Hitoshi May 9, 2009 "The Importance of Social Support in Decision Making regarding Terminal Care: What ALS Patients in Japan can Teach us", Poster Presentation at 11th Congress of the EAPC, Vienna, Austria

唯の生TATEIWA Shin'ya March 25, 2009 Sole Lifeただせい), Tokyo, Chikuma Shobo, 418p. ISBN-10:4480867201 ISBN-13:978-4480867209 [amazon]/[kinokuniya]


The Present of Deleuze / GuattariKOIZUMI Yoshiyuki, Suzuki, Izumi & Higaki, Tatsuya (eds.) January 10, 2008 The Present of Deleuze / Guattari『ドゥルーズ/ガタリの現在げんざい), Heibonsha, 722p. ISBN: 4582702732 6090yen [amazon]/[kinokuniya]

『良い死』TATEIWA Shinya September 5, 2008 Good Death (?)), Chikuma Shobo 374p. ISBN-10: 4480867198 ISBN-13: 978-4480867193 2940yen [amazon] /[kinokuniya]


『Dark Medicine: Rationalizing Unethical Medical Research』 ◆ LAFLEUR William R., BOHME Gernot & SHIMAZONO Susumu(しまその すすむ) (eds.) 2007 Dark Medicine: Rationalizing Unethical Medical Research, Indiana Univ. Press, 280p., Bioethics and the Humanities ISBN-10: 0253348722 ISBN-13: 978-0253348722 [amazon]/[kinokuniya]


『病いの哲学』KOIZUMI Yoshiyuki 2006 Philosophy of Illnessやめいの哲学てつがく), Chikuma Shobo, 236p. ISBN-10: 4480063005 ISBN-13: 978-4480063007 [amazon]/[kinokuniya]

『Cross-Cultural Issues in Bioethics: The Example of Human Cloning』MORIOKA Masahiro January 25, 2006 "The Ethics of Human Cloning and the Sprout of Human Life", ROETZ Heiner (ed.) Cross-Cultural Issues in Bioethics: The Example of Human Cloning Rodopi, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp.1-16. ISBN-10: 9042016094 ISBN-13: 978-9042016095 [amazon]


『生命の臨界――争点としての生命』MATSUBARA Yoko & KOIZUMI Yoshiyuki (eds.) February 25, 2005 The Boundary of Life: Life as an Issue生命せいめい臨界りんかい――そうてんとしての生命せいめい), Jinbun Shoin, 306p. ISBN: 4409040723 2730yen [amazon]/[kinokuniya]


?w?`?k?r?\?\?s???フ身?フと・?????@?B?xTATEIWA Shin'ya November 2004 ALS: Immovable Body and Breathing Machine『ALS:不動ふどう身体しんたいいきする機械きかい), Tokyo, Igak-Shoin, 449p. ISBN-10: 4260333771 ISBN-13: 978-4260333771 2940yen [amazon]/[kinokuniya]

MORIOKA Masahiro 2004 "Cross-cultural Approaches to the Philosophy of Life in the Contemporary World:From Bioethics to Life Studies", SLEEBOOM Margaret (ed.) Genomics in Asia: A Clash of Bioethical Interests?, Kegan Paul, London, England, pp.179-199. ISBN-10: 0710309430 ISBN-13: 978-0710309433 [amazon]/[kinokuniya]


MORIOKA Masahiro May 2002 "Disability Movement and Inner Eugenic Thought: A Philosophical Aspect of Independent Living and Bioethics", Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 12(May 2002),94-97.


『優生学と人間社会』表紙 ◆YONEMOTO Shohei, MATSUBARA Yoko, NUDESHIMA Jiro & ICHINOKAWA Yoshitaka July 20, 2000 Eugenics and Human Society: Where will the Century of Life Science Head to?優生ゆうせいがく人間にんげん社会しゃかい) (Japanese), Kodansha Gendai Shinsho No.1511, 286p. ISBN-10: 4061495119 ISBN-13: 978-4061495111 777yen [amazon]/[kinokuniya]/[boople]/[bk1] (Japanese)

『弱くある自由へ』TATEIWA Shin'ya 2000 Freedom to be Weakよわくある自由じゆうへ』), Tokyo, Seidosha, 357+25p. ISBN-10: 4791758528 ISBN-13: 978-4791758524 2940yen [amazon]/[kinokuniya]


MORIOKA Masahiro 1998 "What do We Learn from Japanese Feminist Bioethics?", Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 8 (1998),183-184. Also Reprinted in Women's Health Journal, July (2003)


On Private PropertyTATEIWA Shin'ya September 1997 On Private Property私的してき所有しょゆうろん), Tokyo, Keiso-Shobo 445+66p ISBN-10: 4326601175 ISBN-13: 978-4326601172 6300yen [amazon]/[kinokuniya]

Chapter 4
Note 7 "Assertions like those made above do indeed seem in some sense "anti-western". In regard to the various thinkers we have looked at beginning in chapter two, putting aside issues related to the "economy" to the extent of my knowledge there is no one working in the field of bioethics in Japan who has thoroughly adopted, for example, the perspective of the "person theory" (see chapter five note ten). "Self determination" is affirmed, but in most cases there is no clear assertion of "qualifications" or "criteria" required for an individual to be considered a person. Looking at this alone a [cultural] difference can clearly be perceived. I would not attempt to deny this difference. However, even in "the West" the assertions of radical (?) bioethicists are not generally accepted. And the current state of debate and regulation regarding these issues in Germany, for example, is quite different from what is happening in the United States (cf. chapter three note six). Even within the U.S. it is not as though everyone advocates for self determination and/or utilitarianism. I do not think such differences are being greatly overestimated. One other point, which I also raised at the start of this book, is that "Eastern" or "Japanese" approaches (see for example Bioethics association of East Asia president Sakamoto [1996a][1996b]) are somewhat amorphous and in the end do not make any straightforward claims. This does not mean that they have not had any effect in practice. For example, things which could never be accepted based on the idea of "rights" are easily adopted out of respect for "Japanese sensibilities" (see note sixteen). We must be cautious when vague terms are used to speak about things which have unclear but nevertheless "real" or "practical" implications. For more on Buddhist and Confucian approaches to reproductive technologies see Nagata [1996]. "


MORIOKA Masahiro 1995 "Bioethics and Japanese Culture: Brain Death, Patients' Rights, and Cultural Factors", Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 5:87-90


MORIOKA Masahiro 1994 "Toward International and Cross-cultural Bioethics", Norio Fujiki, M.D. & Darryl R.J. Macer, Ph.D. (eds.) Intractable Neurological Disorders, Human Genome Research and Society. Proceedings of the Third International Bioethics Seminar in Fukui, Eubios Ethics Institute,(1994):293-295


MORIOKA Masahiro 1991 "The Concept of Inochi: A Philosophical Perspective on the Study of Life", Japan Review Vol.2:83-115


Newspaper Articles

◆ January 19, 2009 "In Vitro Fertilization Stands Test of 30 Years" (The Japan Times)
◆ August 19, 2007 "Why not Let Doping Close the Gene Gap?" (The Japan Times)
◆ September 2, 2006 "Many Pairs Fancy Sex Selection over Nature's Course" (The Japan Times)
◆ June 30, 2005 "Changing Values Pose Problems for Terminal Care in Japan" (The Japan Times)
◆ October 24, 2004 "Best not to Forget the Women in the Debate on Stem-cell Research" (The Japan Times)
◆ December 27, 2003 "Homegrown Embryonic Stem Cells in Offing: Hurdles Ahead but Scientists See Medical, Property Rights Benefits" (The Japan Times)
◆ June 11, 2003 "Despite the Stakes, Public Role in Bioethics Debate Falls Short" (The Japan Times)
◆ October 18, 2000 "How Dead Is Dead Enough?: U.S. Taps a Controversial New Source of Organ Donors" (The Japan Times)
◆ January 30, 2000 "Rihito Kimura" (The Japan Times)


History (in Japan)

◆Origin of the Word "Bioethics"

The word "bioethics" was coined and first officially used by Professor Van Rensselaer Potter in 1970.
For details, please take a look at http://bioethics.net/journal/j_articles.php?aid=71

◆Introduction of "Bioethics" to Japan

Translation of Professor Van Rensselaer Potter's Bioethics, Bridge to the Future→POTTER Van Rensselaer 1971 Bioethics, Bridge to the Future, Prentice-Hall=1974 今堀いまほりかずとも小泉こいずみおおせ斎藤さいとう信彦のぶひこやく,『バイオエシックス――生存せいぞん科学かがく』,ダイヤモンド社だいやもんどしゃ

Shinya Tateiwa September 1997 On Private Property私的してき所有しょゆうろん), Tokyo, Keiso-Shobo 445+66p ISBN-10: 4326601175 ISBN-13: 978-4326601172 6300yen [amazon]/[kinokuniya]
Shinya Tateiwa 2016 On Private Property, English Version, Kyoto Books Translation by Robert Chapeskie

Chapter 1
Note 7 "This term was first used in Potter [1970] [1971]. What is being asserted here is something similar to what is now referred to as "environmental ethics" and Potter's claims (as later presented in Potter [1988]) differ from "bioethics" as it later developed (see Morioka Masahiro [1993a]). Scholars like Koichi Bai [1970] have been at the forefront of the field of "medical law" in Japan. For summaries of the development of "bioethics" in America see Shohei Yamamoto [1985a], [1989a], [1988c], Toshihito Kimura [1987], Masayuki Obayashi [1993], Chiaki Kagawa [1995a] and Shinichi Tanida [1990] (the latter two appear in Imai and Kagawa eds. [1995]). For a discussion of the discourse related to secularization see Tanida [1991]. For information on its introduction to Japan and its current status see Takashi Tsuchiya [1994d]. For collections of related resources which introduce large numbers of writings on these subjects see the following works published by Chiba University and edited mainly by Koyuki Iida and Masatake Kato (now at the University of Kyoto): Iida ed. [1986], [1987], [1988], [1994], Iida and Kato eds. [1990], [1993], and "Development of Science and Technology and Modern Society II" (part of the general studies curriculum at Chiba university), Chiba University Planning and Steering Committee eds. [1995], [1996]. Another important text on this subject which is available in bookstores in Japan is Iida and Kato eds. [1988]. The contents of the above works are listed on the "bioethics" section of the arsvi website. A list of publications can be found in "The Journal of Medical Law" (Nippon Hyouronsha). Other relavent organizations include the Japan Association of Bioethics and the Bioethics Society. For writings by one of the leading sociologists working in this area see Etzioni [1973].

◇POTTER Van Rensslaer 1970 "Bioethis : The Science of Survial", Persp. Biol. Med.14-1:127-153 <21>
◇―――――  1971 Bioethics, Bridge to the Future, Prentice-Hall=1974 今堀いまほりかずとも小泉こいずみおおせ斎藤さいとう信彦のぶひこやく,『バイオエシックス――生存せいぞん科学かがく』,ダイヤモンド社だいやもんどしゃ <21>
◇―――――  1988 Global Bioethics : Building on the Leopold Legacy, Michigan State Univ. Press <21>

TATEIWA Shin'ya December 1, 2009 "Bioethics", Japanese Book News 62:12-14, Sharing Japan’s Masterpieces with the World 4 (Japan Foundation) [PDF] / [HTML]

UP:July 8, 2009 REV:July 30, 2009/July 31, 2009/August 5, 2009/September 2, 2009/September 21, 2009/October 9, 2009/October 13, 2009/October 27, 2009/November 11, 2009/November 12, 2009/November 25, 2009/November 27, 2009/December 1, 2009/December 5, 2009/May 24, 2010/December 1, 2010/January 24, 2011/February 10, 2011/June 16, 2011/September 28, 2011/March 1, 2012/June 4, 2012/February 20, 2014/March 13, 2014/June 3, 2014/June 17, 2014/May 12, 2015/June 8, 2015/June 16, 2015, 20160618