(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
REBT Moves Forward | REBT Network: Albert Ellis | Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy

REBT Moves Forward

The first two of a series of summit conferences on REBT are concluded.  A special meeting on training and development followed. The outcome of both the summit conference and training conference points to an exciting future for the REBT system that Albert Ellis pioneered. We present the following 12 results for comment.

  1. Mission: To promote REBT for the betterment of humanity through research, teaching, professional training and development, and direct psychotherapeutic services.
  2. As far as possible, maintain the philosophy and uniqueness of REBT while advancing the system through incorporating evidence-based enhancements, and through applying and testing measurable innovations that are consistent with the mission.
  3. To take a decentralized approach where qualified REBT-oriented individuals and agencies operate autonomously but cooperatively with other REBT-oriented individuals and agencies to support the evolution of REBT-based programs that are consistent with the mission.
  4. To take an inclusive approach: keep open to opportunities to introduce rational concepts into agencies that may profit from this approach.
  5. To implement an Albert Ellis Tribute Book Series to disseminate rational approaches to a combined general public and professional audience. The series starts with the publication of books by high profile "anchor authors." Depending on their sales potential, publication of other books will follow that also carry  important messages to improve the lives of people. New Harbinger is the designated publisher for the series. The general editors are Bill Knaus, Elliot Cohen, and Jon Carlson. The tribute series will be supported by an editorial board.
  6. To establish an experimental "hub" and develop a professional training and development model that can be adopted by and used by other hub agencies who may also contribute to the general model. The experimental hub is the Tampa Rational Living Foundation. This 501-c3 charitable trust organization  operates under the Institute of Advanced Study: Mind and Brain. The Rational Living Foundation is the certification arm of the REBTnetwork.org. Any qualified associate fellow and fellow in REBT may affiliate with the Institute for Advanced Study and  benefit from a no-cost certification. Others with special training or accomplishments in REBT may be considered as affiliates. Affiliation requires no annual dues. It does require involvement in the evolution of REBT.  The Tampa center and former directors of training will actively support REBT training programs that are not aligned with the AEI and its affiliates.
  7. To bring REBT research and practice closer to the academic research community to test REBT concepts and their application. Assume there are no "sacred cows" in the REBT system that is above questioning and testing.
  8. To bring evidence-based critical thinking\life skills training to the schools through the rational emotive education (REE) model. To make the original REE program available to the schools and community at no cost, and to do the same with a planned revision. To work with the schools and community to integrate this positive preventive and intervention psychological education program into the schools.
  9. To disseminate information about REBT concepts and their application to mental health professionals and agencies through traditional training, telecommunications, and distant learning approaches.
  10. To make REBT easily available to the public through free eBooks and self-help materials. The current agency for the dissemination of this material is the REBTnetwork.org.
  11. Establish and maintain working relationships with partner agencies dedicated to the application of rational philosophical methods and methods of scientific inquiry to improve problem-solving.
  12. An organization or society is known for it humane practices toward those who are less able to care for themselves. In the spirit of this observation, establish a rational ethical code for humane practices toward colleagues, children, adults, the elderly, and special populations.



All Out! An Autobiograpy
This candid autobiography, the last work by renowned psychologist Albert Ellis, is a tour de force of stimulating ideas, colorful descriptions of memorable people and events, and straightforward, no-nonsense talk. Ellis, the creator of one of the most successful forms of psychotherapy-Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)-recounts the memorable episodes of his life; discusses how he coped with emotional problems at different stages of life; describes his love life; and subjects his own self-description to a ruthlessly honest critique. Click here to buy the book.

Shameless Happiness
A concise booklet that outlines the ABCs of unhealthy negative emotions and self-defeating behavior. Shows how to dispute your irrational beliefs. Great for beginners and experienced REBTers alike. Download the book.

Albert Ellis Tribute Book Series Launched
The series will include books of readings for professionals, psychology self-help, psychotherapy theory and practice, the application of philosophy to clinical practice, professional guides for working with special populations, and classroom and college texts. Learn more about the Tribute Series

Albert Ellis Documentary
A documentary about the life and opinions of psychotherapy's most important and influential voice. Watch a preview.

New eBook Released
How to Conquer Your Frustrations by Dr. William J. Knaus. Download the free eBook.

Free e-Book: Rational Emotive Education
Dr. William J. Knaus directly, forthrightly, and with no nonsense about it, shows almost any interested teacher how he or she may use REE in the course of regular classroom lessons and other activities. Download the free e-Book.

REBT Moves Forward
The outcome of two conferences points to an exciting future for REBT. More.

International REE Committee Formed
The formation of an international committee to advance Rational Emotive Education is a major step towards the introduction of REBT to school students around the world. More.

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