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Links to Other REBT-Based Websites - REBT Network: Albert Ellis | Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy

Links to Other REBT-Based Websites

Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis

Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis is a licensed psychologist (Victoria, Australia) and mental health counselor (New York), and is affiliated with several major psychological associations and societies - including being a Member of the Australian Psychological Society, and an International Affiliate Member of the American Psychological Association.

Dedicated to her husband, the great pioneering and remarkable psychologist Albert Ellis PhD, they worked together for several years giving public presentations and professional trainings on Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), as well as collaborating on writing and research projects, until his death in 2007. She continues to present, practice and write about his groundbreaking approach of REBT. Enter the Site

Fearless You

The Fearless You blog, by Dr. Pam Garcy, is designed to help you reduce stress and live a more spontaneous, fearless, and joyous life. In order to do so, Dr. Garcy teaches and applies principles from REBT and other Cognitive Therapies to real-life issues and emotional struggles. In addition to bringing philosophical tenets and findings from psychology research to life, Dr. Garcy shares useful evidence-based and philosophy-based strategies for developing a fearless mindset and a more fulfilling life. Read the Blog

Rational Emotive Behaviour Education

Rational Emotive Behaviour Education (REBE) helps students develop the capacities required to successfully pursue their goals EVEN in the tough times. Through Albert Ellis' ABC Theory of Emotional Disturbance students can learn to successfully manage their emotions so that they are less likely to experience the debilitating effects of depression, anxiety and other mental health conditions that impact on overall well being. REBE Facebook Page


Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy was developed by Dr. Albert Ellis in the 1950's. Educators are beginning to rethink how they address behaviour in schools. Slowly we are appreciating that if students are to learn how to better manage themselves emotionally and behaviourally more successfully then REBT has a lot to offer through RATIONAL EMOTIVE BEHAVIOUR EDUCATION Read the Blog

Albert Ellis Friends

This is a website in honor of Dr. Albert Ellis. It contains information on his life, work, and philosophy, and some inspiring photographs. In this time of great adversities, the creators of this site proudly announce themselves to be Ellis' and his beloved wife Debbie Joffe's loyal friends and strong supporters. Enter the Site

Online REBT Discussion Groups

Online discussion groups focusing on the theory and practice of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy and how to apply REBT to daily life.

Albert Ellis and REBT: A Rational Oasis

A new blog in honor of Dr Albert Ellis. This blog is open to everyone. You are encouraged to post your questions, opinions, comments, and experiences with REBT. Read the blog

Three Minute Therapy

Three Minute Therapy's (TMT) comprehensive approach works best for individuals desiring a scientific, present-focused, and active treatment for coping with life's difficulties, rather than one which is mystical, historical, and largely passive. TMT works, as shown by research, and it is a form of cognitive behavior therapy, but has its own distinctive features. Enter the site

UK Centre for Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy

An international rational emotive behaviour therapy & stress management training centre and consultancy run in association with centre for cognitive behaviour therapy, and the centre for stress management. Enter the Site

The New Zealand Centre for Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy.

The Centre's aims are as follows:

ABC Coaching And Counseling Services

Jim Byrne is a counselling psychologist and REBT therapist in Yorkshire, UK. He also runs the ABC Coaching Academy, which provides training and supervision for REBT/CBT therapists. He initiated the Justice for Albert Ellis Campaign providing occasional updates on the Justice campaign. Jim also has information on REBT Research and a comprehensive overview of REBT. Enter the site

SMART Recovery

SMART Recovery helps people recover from all types of addictive behaviors including alcoholism, drug abuse and substance abuse. SMART Recovery is an REBT-based alternative to Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous. Enter the Site

Center for Inquiry

The purpose of the Center for Inquiry is to promote and defend reason, science, and freedom of inquiry in all areas of human endeavor. CFI encourages evidence-based inquiry into science, pseudoscience, medicine and health, religion, ethics, secularism, and society. Through education, research, publishing, and social services, it seeks to present affirmative alternatives based on scientific naturalism. Enter the Site

Institute of General Semantics

General Semantics provides a deliberate and considerate point-of-view, based on a scientific approach to language-as-behavior. We can describe it as the study of how we perceive, construct, evaluate, and communicate our life experiences. The Institute of General Semantics (IGS) is a not-for-profit corporation established in 1938 by Alfred Korzybski. Enter the Site

American Society for Philosophy, Counseling, and Psychotherapy

Founded in 1992, the American Society for Philosophy, Counseling, and Psychotherapy (ASPCP) promotes the philosophical examination of the theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy and of philosophy as a private practice profession. The ASPCP is dedicated to promoting increased awareness of philosophy's importance to the concerns and issues affecting our everyday personal and professional lives. Enter the Site

National Association of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapists

The NACBT is the leading organization dedicated exclusively to supporting, promoting, teaching, and developing cognitive-behavioral therapy and those who practice it. Enter the Site

The Milton H. Erickson Foundation, Inc.

The Milton H. Erickson Foundation, Inc. is dedicated to promoting and advancing the contributions made to the health sciences by the late Milton H. Erickson, M.D. through training mental health professionals and health professions world wide. Enter the Site

The Power of Inner Guidance

Dr. Pam Garcy, author of “The Power of Inner Guidance: Seven Steps to Tune In and Turn On!” interviews prominent rational emotive behavior therapists. Enter the Site



All Out! An Autobiograpy
This candid autobiography, the last work by renowned psychologist Albert Ellis, is a tour de force of stimulating ideas, colorful descriptions of memorable people and events, and straightforward, no-nonsense talk. Ellis, the creator of one of the most successful forms of psychotherapy-Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)-recounts the memorable episodes of his life; discusses how he coped with emotional problems at different stages of life; describes his love life; and subjects his own self-description to a ruthlessly honest critique. Click here to buy the book.

Shameless Happiness
A concise booklet that outlines the ABCs of unhealthy negative emotions and self-defeating behavior. Shows how to dispute your irrational beliefs. Great for beginners and experienced REBTers alike. Download the book.

Albert Ellis Tribute Book Series Launched
The series will include books of readings for professionals, psychology self-help, psychotherapy theory and practice, the application of philosophy to clinical practice, professional guides for working with special populations, and classroom and college texts. Learn more about the Tribute Series

Albert Ellis Documentary
A documentary about the life and opinions of psychotherapy's most important and influential voice. Watch a preview.

New eBook Released
How to Conquer Your Frustrations by Dr. William J. Knaus. Download the free eBook.

Free e-Book: Rational Emotive Education
Dr. William J. Knaus directly, forthrightly, and with no nonsense about it, shows almost any interested teacher how he or she may use REE in the course of regular classroom lessons and other activities. Download the free e-Book.

REBT Moves Forward
The outcome of two conferences points to an exciting future for REBT. More.

International REE Committee Formed
The formation of an international committee to advance Rational Emotive Education is a major step towards the introduction of REBT to school students around the world. More.

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