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The REBT Library - REBT Network: Albert Ellis | Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy

The REBT Library

REBT can be applied to a wide variety of problems including depression, anxiety, anger management, drug and alcohol abuse, weight loss, relationship difficulties, stress management, and a host of other hassles of living.

APA Award to Albert Ellis for Outstanding Lifetime Contributions to Psychology

For a man who almost singlehandedly revolutionised Psychology and Counselling in the mid-1950's the ultimate award was bestowed on him by The President of The American Psychological Association for Outstanding Lifetime Contributions to Psychology. More (PDF)

REBT Disputing of Irrational Beliefs (DIBS) Form

REBT teaches people to seek out and dispute their Irrational Beliefs. You can increase your rationality and reduce your irrational beliefs, by spending several minutes each day answering a series of questions about your irrational beliefs. To get the best results from the REBT Disputing of Irrational Beliefs Form, give careful thought to each question, and avoid relying on well-rehearsed answers.

Online REBT Self-Help Form

REBT self-help forms have been used since 1968. Dr. Ellis highly recommends that you use a self-help form consistently to change your irrational beliefs. If you want to increase your rationality and reduce your irrational beliefs, you can spend several minutes each day using the Online REBT Self-Help Form.

What is Irrational?

During his first years of practicing REBT, Dr. Ellis saw that practically all of his clients held variations of a dozen or so irrational beliefs that led to unhealthy emotions and self-defeating behavior. Although in his later writings, he was able to condense the original irrational ideas into 3 core beliefs, it can be helpful to be aware of the original ideas that Dr. Ellis noted and his reasons for labeling them as irrational. More

The Three Major Musts

We all express ourselves differently, but the irrational beliefs that upset us can be placed under three major headings. Each of these core beliefs contains an absolutistic must or demand. These three majors musts can be summarized as follows... More

Degree of Insanity in Current Political Disoourse

Dr. Johm Minor explores the level of "unsane" discourse in the lead up to the 2012 U.S. presedential elections and argues that the discourse could be more sane if we apply the teachings of Albert Ellis and Alfred Korzybski. More

REBT Values Which Promote Mental Health

Dr. Pam Garcy shows how REBT values promote mental health and well-being. Many clients benefit from combining the values of REBT with the regular process of challenging their irrational beliefs. More

Pleasure: A Goal for Today AND Tomorrow

Albert Ellis advises us to seek pleasure for the future, as well as the present, and recommends balancing two competing adages: (1) Live as if this is to be the last day of your life, and (2) live today as if you are going to live forever. Most of us have no trouble with the first adage, but as Will Ross explains in Pleasure: A Goal for Today AND Tomorrow, the second one is much harder — but not impossible — to live up to.

Beat Procrastination Now!

A new eBook by Dr. Bill Knaus shows you how to overcome procrastination. Make today your day for giving up your membership in the proerastinator's club. You'll get more done and vou'll have more fun. Click here to read the the eBook (PDF)

The Good News About Bad Behavior

Will Ross shows why guilt is counterproductive. Many people regard guilt as appropriate and useful. Without guilt, they argue, we’d have moral chaos with everyone doing as they please, without consideration for the consequences. But a close examination of guilt shows that it’s not all it’s cracked up to be, and there is Good News About Bad Behavior.

How to Mend a Broken Heart

The best way to deal with a broken relationship is to get over it; the best time to get over it is now. There’s an old saying that time mends a broken heart. After months or years, the wounds heal and you’re able to get on with your life. But why wait months or years? Why not get over it today? Why subject yourself to one minute of misery, let alone months or years of it? Easier said than done? Certainly. It’s not easy, but it’s not impossible, either. More

New REBT primer by Albert Ellis and Debbie Joffe-Ellis

The eagerly awaited book: Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy by Albert Ellis and Debbie Joffe Ellis, is now available. This new volume is part of the "Theories of Psychotherapy" series published by APA (American Psychological Association). Click here to read the review (PDF)

All Out! An Autobiography

Robin Thorburn reviews the recently published autobiography of Dr. Albert Ellis. He concludes: Anyone with an interest in people should read this book; it is passionately written with immense knowledge ...In Short it is a startling, revealing insight of a man who successfully re-designed psychotherapy in an essentially brilliant, profound and truly effective manner then ultimately achieved recognition from prominent figures and leaders including the Dalai Lama, The Mayor of the City of New York, Presidents Clinton and Bush. Click here to read the review (PDF)

A Free Crash Course for Successful Job Hunting

Take this free job hunting course created by Dr. Bill Knaus and learn10 essential job search methods, 12 critical search resources, and a simple-to-use emotional survival kit to avoid job-search stress. Pick and choose the parts you want. There are no grades. The job you get is your reward. Click here to take the course

The Appeal of Albert Ellis

Dr. Debbie Joffe-Ellis discusses the appeal of her late husband, Dr. Albert Ellis, in a talk she was invited to present at the 117th annual APA convention which was held in Toronto, August, 2009. Dr. Joffe-Ellis has given her kind permission for the REBT Network to publish a transcript of her talk (PDF) that came about following an invitation from the Media Division of the APA, ( Division 52 ).

Real REBT Alive and Kicking in Kortrijk with Dr. Debbie Joffe-Ellis

Debbie Joffe-Ellis presents a keynote speech and workshop on REBT at Katho University, in the Belgian town of Kortrijk on the 14th of May, 2009. Read about the event .

Albert Ellis Tribute Book Series Launched

The series will include books of readings for professionals, psychology self-help, psychotherapy theory and practice, the application of philosophy to clinical practice, professional guides for working with special populations, and classroom and college texts. Learn more about the Tribute Series

How to Conquer Your Frustrations

The REBT Network is pleased to announce the release of How to Conquer Your Frustrations by Dr. William J. Knaus. This (PDF) eBook is available as a free download. The Network is grateful to Bill Knaus for making this book available all. How to Conquer Your Frustrations shows you how to accomplish what you want in life, and how to apply revolutionary stress-reducing strategies to rid yourself of destructive habits -- smoking and overeating, among others -- and of impatience, worry, depression, and boredom. Download the free eBook.

REBT Moves Forward

The first two of a series of summit conferences on REBT have concluded.  A special meeting on training and development followed the most recent summit. The outcome of both the summit conference and training conference points to an exciting future for REBT. More.

International Committee for the Advancement of Rational Emotive Education is Formed

The formation of an international committee to advance Rational Emotive Education is a major step towards the introduction of REBT to school students around the world. More.

Albert Ellis Memorial Service

The official memorial for Dr. Albert Ellis was held at Columbia University on September 28, 2007. A long list of speakers paid tribute to the founder of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy. More (PDF).

A Tribute to Albert Ellis

In August 2007, The American Psychological Association held its 115th annual convention at the Moscone Center in San Francisco. A major event at this year's convention was a tribute to Dr. Albert Ellis. The panelists have kindly given their permission for REBT Network to publish their speeches.

Rational Radio

Micah Perkins presents a series of podcasts outlining the basics of REBT. Listen here

Under The Influence

Steve Lake reviews "Under the Influence: Reflections of Albert Ellis in the Work of Others" This collection of essays establishes the primacy of Ellis's writings on a number of topics in psychotherapy. Read the review.

Albert Ellis and Debbie Joffe Ellis Reflect on What Makes Their Relationship Work

Dr. Daniel Eckstein is about to publish a book on Relationship Rescue. Last year, he asked Albert Ellis and Debbie Joffe Ellis to talk about their relationship and what made it work. This is what Al and Debbie said about their relationship on March 14, 2006.

Free e-Book: Rational Emotive Education

"In this manual, Rational-Emotive Education, he [author, Dr. Bill Knaus] directly, forthrightly, and with no nonsense about it, shows almost any interested teacher how he or she may use REE in the course of regular classroom lessons and other activities." — Albert Ellis, from the preface. To download this free e-Book, right click on this link and choose 'Save Target As.'

Essay of the Month

A prime educational goal is to help students to use their resources to meet the challenges and changes that they will inevitably face through their school years and lives. Rational Emotive Education (REE) supports that goal. Dr. Bill Knaus, founder of Rational Emotive Education, describes the program, research, and developmental opportunities for expanding the REE lesson modules. Rational Emotive Education Past, Present, And Future

A Profile Of The Virginia Tech Killer

In the wake of the recent shootings at Virginia Tech, Dr. Bill Knaus, founder of Rational Emotive Education, provides a Profile of the Virginia Tech Killer, and argues that the teaching of positive mental health programs in schools — including REBT — may help to reduce the frequency of these tragedies.

Depression Can Be Defeated

Last month, Dr. Bill Knaus discussed the relationship between holidays and depression. This month, Dr. Knaus discusses alternatives to antidepressant drugs in the treatement of depression and shows that Depression Can Be Defeated.

REBT Reflections

Whether you are new to REBT, or a long-standing practitioner, you are invited to submit your reflections on Albert Ellis and REBT. All submissions will be considered for publication in the "REBT Reflections" section of this website.

Photo Gallery

Dr. Ellis and Debbie Joffe-Ellis present REBT to psychology students from St. John's University —November and December 2006" See the photos.

Albert Ellis and REBT Videos

A collection of videos from around the web showing Dr. Albert Ellis discussing various aspects of the theory and practice of REBT. More

Addressing The Holiday Blues And Depression

Dr. Bill Knaus discusses the relationship between holidays and depression. Thanksgiving through New Years is the time for renewing old acquaintances, holiday parties, gathering around the table for a Thanksgiving feast, buying gifts, singing Jingle Bells, and making New Year resolutions.  Is this a happy time of the year? Sometimes. More

Why I Use REBT

John Minor, is the first in a new series of personal essays that reflect writers' perspectives on where REBT is part of the picture in their lives. More

Interview: The Three Minute Therapist

Dr. Pam Garcy interviews Dr. Michael Edelstein about the influence of REBT on his work. Dr Garcy and Dr. Edelstein dedicate the interview to Albert Ellis on the occasion of his 93rd birthday. More (Off Site)

Beat Procrastination Now!
Dr. William J. Knaus

In the pages ahead, we'll explore procrastination as a fascinating, complex, universal part of life. We'll start by examining what procrastination is, and, later, what it is not. We'll look at two general types of procrastination, the social deadline and personal development kinds. Next, we'll examine procrastination complications, and why procrastination can be challenging to overcome. After that, you'll learn about a three- phase program to curb procrastination. Finally, we'll look at the procrastination end-game. This end-game boils down to what it emotionally takes to sustain the effort to follow through and to free your time for doing what you truly want to do. Read the full article and learn How to Beat Procrastination Now!. Revised and updated December 8, 2006.

Logic-Based Therapy: The New Philosophical Frontier for REBT

Ethicist, Elliot Cohen, explores Logic-Based Therapy, a variant of REBT, developed by the author in the mid 1980's. Logic-Based Therapy: The New Philosophical Frontier for REBT.

The Metaphysics of Logic-Based Therapy

Logic-Based Therapy (LBT) is a philosophical development of Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT). In this article, Elliot Cohen discussess the four basic metaphysical assumptions of LBT regarding human emotions, human fallibility, reality, and human freedom. Read The Metaphysics of Logic-Based Therapy(PDF).

The Imaginary Hula Hoop

REBT advocates going along with St. Francis and Reinhold Niebuhr by changing obnoxious conditions you can change and accepting those you can't change. Cathy Stone has an interesting metaphor to help tell the difference between the two. More (off site)

Find an REBT Therapist

A list of qualified REBT therapists throughout the United States and the world.

Albert Ellis: Confident and Kicking

Albert Ellis, creator of rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT), talks to Nando Pelusi about confidence, philosophy, and stoicism. More (off site).

Rational Humorous Songs

Albert Ellis has written parodies to a number of well known songs. To help his clients take life less seriously, he often assigns them the homework activity of singing these rational humorous songs to themselves. More (off site).

The Essence of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy:

A Comprehensive Approach to Treatment
Albert Ellis, Ph.D.

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy is a comprehensive approach to psychological treatment that deals not only with the emotional and behavioral aspects of human disturbance, but places a great deal of stress on its thinking component. Human beings are exceptionally complex, and there neither seems to be any simple way in which they become “emotionally disturbed,” nor is there a single way in which they can be helped to be less-defeating. Their psychological problems arise from their misperceptions and mistaken cognitions about what they perceive; from their emotional underreactions or overreactions to normal and unusual stimuli; and from their habitually dysfunctional behavior patterns, which enable them to keep repeating nonadjustive responses even when they “know” that they are behaving poorly. More (off site).

General Semantics and Rational Emotive Therapy (RET)

Alfred Korzybski Memorial Lecture
Dr. Albert Ellis

I never would have originated rational-emotive therapy (RET) had I not been strongly influenced by philosophers rather than psychotherapists. For when I founded RET in 1955, the field of therapy was almost completely run by clinicians, ranging from psychoanalysis to behaviorists, who firmly, and rather dogmatically, believed that people's early experiences, especially with their sacred parents, made them or conditioned them to become emotionally disturbed. More (off site).

Dogmatic Devotion Doesn't Help, It Hurts

Albert Ellis

As an advocate of mental and emotional health, I have always seen "moderate" religious believers as reasonably sound individuals who usually are no more neurotic (or otherwise disturbed) than are skeptical, nonreligious people. Like nonbelievers, they are relatively open-minded, democratic and unbigoted. They allow themselves to follow and experience "religious" and "secular" values, enjoyment and commitments. Therefore, they infrequently get into serious emotional trouble with themselves or with others because of their religious beliefs and actions. This is not the case with fanatical, pietistic religionists. More (off site).

The Prince of Reason

Robert Epstein
An Interview with Albert Ellis

Albert Ellis is a force to be reckoned with, both as a person and as a professional. Renowned as much for his colorful language and strong opinions as for his innovations in therapy, Ellis developed what is now called "rational emotive behavior therapy" (REBT) in the mid-1950s. The groundbreaking therapy is based on his main philosophy: that most of our behavioral and emotional problems—from getting over a breakup to handling child abuse—stem from our own irrational beliefs about our situations and how we should be treated. Quickly and powerfully, REBT helps you replace such irrational thoughts with rational ones. Given that these techniques have now become mainstream, it's safe to say that no individual—not even Freud himself--has had a greater impact on modern psychotherapy. At 87, Ellis still lectures, writes and sees 70 or more clients per week—his steady stream of gusto and bravado apparently unstoppable. More (off site).

Cognitive Behavior Therapy's Controversial Founder

The psychologist who laid the intellectual foundations of cognitive therapy wasn't always lauded by the mental health community. In fact, Dr. Albert Ellis believed most psychologists and psychiatrists hated him — and thought cognitive therapy was superficial. Ellis is now regarded as one of the most influential psychotherapists of the last century. Listen as NPR's Alix Spiegel reports (off site).

From Therapy's Lenny Bruce: Get Over It! Stop Whining!

By Dan Hurley

On a recent Friday evening, nearly 200 people came to the Albert Ellis Institute in Manhattan to watch a master performance—call it stand-up psychotherapy—by a legend. More (off site).

The Human Condition

Ageless, Guiltless
Adam Green

The second-most-influential psychotherapist of the twentieth century, by the reckoning of the American Psychological Association, turned ninety last month. His name is Albert Ellis, and, in case you didn’t know, he is the founder of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, or REBT, and the author of more than seventy books, including “Sex Without Guilt,” “Sex and the Liberated Man,” “The Case for Promiscuity,” and “How to Stubbornly Refuse to Make Yourself Miserable About Anything — Yes, Anything!” Ellis started out as a psychoanalyst, in 1947, but soon decided that exploring his patients’ childhood traumas had “nothing to do with the price of spinach.” By the mid-fifties, he had devised his own method, based on the premise, set forth by the Stoic philosopher Epictetus, that people are disturbed not by what happens to them but by their view of what happens to them, and also on his personal observation that, as he said the other day, “all humans are out of their fucking minds — every single one of them.” More (off site).

The Interpretation of Reams

Talking with Albert Ellis, world-renowned anti-Freud therapist
Rachel Aviv

Albert Ellis, the founder of cognitive behavioral therapy, has spent the past 50 years encouraging patients to "forget their goddamn past!" The best way to cure people's unhappiness, he says, is to just tell them—firmly—to stop acting irrationally. The author of more than 75 self-help books and 400 songs, including "Beautiful Hang-Up" and "Whine, Whine, Whine," Ellis has "almost died" multiple times and is now, thanks to a recent operation, missing his major intestines. Still, he's teaching and writing at an alarming pace and was recently named, by the American Psychological Association, the second-most-influential therapist of the century. More (off site).



All Out! An Autobiograpy
This candid autobiography, the last work by renowned psychologist Albert Ellis, is a tour de force of stimulating ideas, colorful descriptions of memorable people and events, and straightforward, no-nonsense talk. Ellis, the creator of one of the most successful forms of psychotherapy-Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)-recounts the memorable episodes of his life; discusses how he coped with emotional problems at different stages of life; describes his love life; and subjects his own self-description to a ruthlessly honest critique. Click here to buy the book.

Shameless Happiness
A concise booklet that outlines the ABCs of unhealthy negative emotions and self-defeating behavior. Shows how to dispute your irrational beliefs. Great for beginners and experienced REBTers alike. Download the book.

Albert Ellis Tribute Book Series
The Albert Ellis Tribute Book Series honors the life and work of Dr. Albert Ellis, the founder of rational emotive behavioral therapy (REBT) and one of the most influential thinkers of the 20th and early 21st century. Writing was one of Albert Ellis' great passions. It is fitting that we honor his memory and his enormous contributions through this tribute book series. More (PDF).

Albert Ellis Documentary
A documentary about the life and opinions of psychotherapy's most important and influential voice. Watch a preview.

New eBook Released
How to Conquer Your Frustrations by Dr. William J. Knaus. Download the free eBook.

Free e-Book: Rational Emotive Education
Dr. William J. Knaus directly, forthrightly, and with no nonsense about it, shows almost any interested teacher how he or she may use REE in the course of regular classroom lessons and other activities. Download the free e-Book.

REBT Moves Forward
The outcome of two conferences points to an exciting future for REBT. More.

International REE Committee Formed
The formation of an international committee to advance Rational Emotive Education is a major step towards the introduction of REBT to school students around the world. More.

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