Category:User us

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Users that speak American English.

  • 0 User does not understand this language so, like, take off eh?
  • 1 User has basic understanding of this language. Most likely ate at a McDonalds once, but no more than twice.
  • 2 User has intermediate understanding of this language, just enough to understand key phrases like "weapons of mass destruction".
  • 3 User has advanced understanding of this language. May even be able to translate it into English.
  • 4 User has near-native understanding of this language and treats Americans as neighbors, not neighbours.
  • N User is a native speaker of this language. I'm a Texas girl, just like George W. Bush.
  • A User slurs this tongue like a cowboy rightly should.
  • E User learned this language in school and never used it since. This is impossible because foreign schools deny the existence of the United States.
  • F User failed this language in school and never used it since. This is possible because foreign schools deny the existence of the United States.
  • G User wants to remove this language from existence and therefore is a communist.
  • L User has a lisp that affects how they speak this language. If a valley girl, may have been gagged with a spoon. Totally!
  • P User is a profane speaker of this language. Bronx cheer? Got your Bronx cheer right here, meester!
  • X User only speaks this language enough to seduce native speakers of this language as mail-order brides.

This category is part of the Uncyclopedia Babel Project. See also User tx and User vl

カテゴリ「User us」にあるページ

このカテゴリには 207 ページがふくまれており、そのうち以下いかの 200 ページを表示ひょうじしています。

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