Unquotable:Quotes in Dumbass

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Fraser dumbass.jpg

So I guess you made it to this thing with quotes mostly from boring dead dudes. Big whoop. So you can pretty much put whatever you want here, like stuff about fags and stuff. Fart jokes are always good, and anything about some guy taking a dump is hilarious. And like WTF is this Oscar Wilde shit? Is that somebody I'm supposed to know about? I looked at some crap on Uncyclopedia to try to figure it out, but I got bored. So fuck it. Anyway there's a lot of crap here too and it's all pretty funny I guess. I didn't laugh much, but I'm stoned most of the time so that don't mean shit. I wanted to add a quote somewhere but this help page didn't like, help any. And then I went to the litterbox page because I needed to take a dump, but turns out it's just another page and if you take a dump on it you have to clean up your monitor and your desk cuz it's got poop all over it now. That really sucked. I thought maybe the log in page would help by sucking the log into the monitor for me but all it did was show a bunch of empty boxes, so fuck that too.

Quote That Keeps Changing All the Time

When I invented the internet, I decided I wanted things to happen sort of randomly, and for it
to be, you know... fun. So at the same time, I invented wiki admins.

I keep clicking on the little button with the two arrows that point in a circle and every time I do that this quote changes. I think I did it for a couple hours. How do they do that shit? Beyond me, man. I think it says somewhere else that there's like a robot that deletes shitty quotes, but none of these get deleted. I wrote 'em all down to make sure and a bunch of 'em came up twice. So I don't know what the fuck's going on.
Dumbass Pages   (screw up) Boring
New crapVoltaire - Aristotle - Yoda
AliveKeanu Reeves - Bill Gates - William Shatner - Christopher Walken - Random unfunny quotes
DeadAristotle - Arthur C. Clarke - Winston Churchill - Noel Coward - Charles Darwin - Albert Einstein - Benjamin Franklin - Thomas Jefferson - Sun-Tzu - Mark Twain - Voltaire - Oscar Wilde - Nostradamus
WTFAnonymous - Jesus Christ - Cthulhu - God - Swedish Chef - Yoda - Captain Oblivious
What elseQuote Market - Russian Reversal - Epitaphs - Last words - Deep Thoughts - Mnemonics

Writing stuff[編集へんしゅう | ソースを編集へんしゅう]

Stupid Manual - Rules suck - Fucking up pages is fun - Unquotable:Help (yeah, right)

What[編集へんしゅう | ソースを編集へんしゅう]

Huh? - History is Boring - Wikiquote - Software - Wikimedia

Can't understand[編集へんしゅう | ソースを編集へんしゅう]

English – 1337 – Français – Gangsta – Pirate – Deutsch – Obfuscata

The Unquotable Hall of Lame

Acclarke.jpg Oscar.jpg Churchillquotes.jpg Einstein holding tourniquet.jpg FranklinFootFetish.jpg Christopher walken.jpg Blankawooga.jpg Jefferson.jpg Cthulhu.jpg DarwinSurprise.jpg Shat.jpg Godlego.jpg Emo girl.jpg