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Etymology 1

Kanji in this term
かれ しょ
Grade: S

Grade: 6
irregular kun'yomi
Alternative spelling
彼處あそこ (kyūjitai)

From Old Japanese. Appears to be a compound of かれ (a, that one over there, distal marker, indicating something distant from both speaker and listener) +‎ (shi, possibly the directional marker found in terms such as むかし (mukashi, ancient times), (tatashi, the standing or vertical direction), よこ (yokoshi, the sideways or horizontal direction)) +‎ しょ (ko, place). May be the older form of modern asoko below.[1]





かれ(あし)しょ() (ashiko

  1. (obsolete) yon place, that place yonder, that place over there, that area over there, that part over there
See also

Etymology 2

Kanji in this term
かれ しょ
Grade: S

Grade: 6
irregular kun'yomi
Alternative spelling
彼處あそこ (kyūjitai)
For pronunciation and definitions of 彼処あそこ – see the following entry.
[pronoun] (deictically) that place, area, or part over there (far from the speaker and the addressee)
[pronoun] (deictically) that organization or team over there (far from the speaker and the addressee)
[pronoun] (anaphorically) that place, area, or part we both know (both the speaker and the addressee know)
[pronoun] (anaphorically) that organization or team we both know (both the speaker and the addressee know)
[pronoun] (slang, by extension from the sense of “down there”) genitals
(This term, 彼処あそこ, is an alternative spelling of the above term.)

Etymology 3

Kanji in this term
かれ しょ

Grade: S

Grade: 6
Alternative spelling
彼處あそこ (kyūjitai)

Appears to be a compound of かれ (a, that one over there, distal marker, indicating something distant from both speaker and listener) +‎ しょ (ko, place).[1][2] First appears in the late 1500s, early 1600s,[2] and used mostly in the Kansai region.[2][3] Given the historical tendency for innovation in the Kansai region, the term may instead derive as an abbreviation of asoko above, by analogy with the -ko suffix in ここ (koko, here) and そこ (soko, there, closer to the listener than to the speaker).





かれ()しょ() (ako

  1. (dialectal) yon place, that place yonder, that place over there, that area over there, that part over there
Usage notes

Generally only used in the Kansai region.

Etymology 4

Kanji in this term
かれ しょ
Grade: S

Grade: 6
irregular kun'yomi
Alternative spelling
彼處あそこ (kyūjitai)

Either a shift in pronunciation from asoko,[2] or from ashiko.[1]





かれ(あす)しょ() (asuko

  1. (rare, dialect, Hakata) yon place, that place yonder, that place over there, that area over there, that part over there

Etymology 5

Kanji in this term
かれ しょ

Grade: S

Grade: 6
Alternative spelling
彼處あそこ (kyūjitai)

Compound of かれ (ka, that one over there, distal marker, indicating something distant from both speaker and listener) +‎ しょ (ko, place).





かれ()しょ() (kako

  1. (rare, obsolete) yon place, that place yonder, that place over there, that area over there, that part over there
    • 1483, 地蔵じぞう菩薩ぼさつ霊験れいけん絵詞えことば (Jizō Bosatsu Reigen Eshi, “Jizō Bodhisattva Miracle Picture-scroll”)
      kako o sokisaru nari
      ...[he] left that place...

Etymology 6

Kanji in this term
かれ しょ
Grade: S

Grade: 6
irregular kun'yomi
Alternative spelling
彼處あそこ (kyūjitai)

Appears to be a compound of かれ (ka, that one over there, distal marker, indicating something distant from both speaker and listener) +‎ (shi, possibly the directional marker found in terms such as むかし (mukashi, ancient times), (tatashi, the standing or vertical direction), よこ (yokoshi, the sideways or horizontal direction)) +‎ しょ (ko, place).





かれ(かし)しょ() (kashiko

  1. (rare) yon place, that place yonder, that place over there, that area over there, that part over there
  2. (rare) that aforementioned place
See also


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Shōgaku Tosho (1988) 国語こくごだい辞典じてん新装しんそうばん [Unabridged Dictionary of Japanese (Revised Edition)] (in Japanese), Tōkyō: Shogakukan, →ISBN
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Matsumura, Akira, editor (2006), 大辞林だいじりん [Daijirin] (in Japanese), Third edition, Tokyo: Sanseidō, →ISBN
  3. ^ Matsumura, Akira (1995) 大辞泉だいじせん [Daijisen] (in Japanese), First edition, Tokyo: Shogakukan, →ISBN