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lead (可算かさん およ可算かさん複数ふくすう leads)

  1. なまりなまり
    • 1888ねん, Oscar Wilde, "The Happy Prince"[1]
      “This broken lead heart will not melt in the furnace.  We must throw it away.”  So they threw it on a dust-heap where the dead Swallow was also lying.
  2. 黒鉛こくえん







lead (さんたんげん: leads, 現在げんざい分詞ぶんし: leading, 過去かこがた: led, 過去かこ分詞ぶんし: led )

  1. (他動詞たどうし)まえき)案内あんないする。道案内みちあんないする。しるべみちびく。く。
    • 1915ねん, John Buchan, "The Thirty-nine Steps"[2]
      “Come in here a moment,” I said. “I want a word with you.” And I led him into the dining-room.
  2. (自動詞じどうし) 先頭せんとうだてつ。先頭せんとう
    • 1906ねん, E. Nesbit, "The Railway Children"[3]
      They ran at their best pace. Peter led, but the girls were not far behind.
  3. (自動詞じどうし) (lead to ... のかたちで)(みちなどが)...へつうている。...へつづ。...につながる
    • 1872ねん, Susan Coolidge, "What Katy Did"[4]
      Four tall locust trees shaded the gravel path which led to the front gate.
  4. 指揮しきする。
  5. リードする。
  6. (自動詞じどうし) (lead to ... のかたちで)...につながる。...をこす
    • 2020ねん, Bryan Lynn, "New Spacecraft Seeks to Capture First Pictures of the Sun’s Poles"[5]
      For example, scientists say the Solar Orbiter mission could lead to a better understanding of the solar cycle, which lasts about 11 years.
    • 2020ねん, VOA News, "IMF Chief Warns of Worst Depression Since 1930s"[6]
      International Monetary Fund Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva has warned that the coronavirus pandemic could lead to the world's worst depression since the 1930s.
  7. (他動詞たどうし)ひとにある行為こういを)させる。(ひとをある行為こういへ)仕向しむける
    • 1918ねん, William Strunk, "The Elements of Style"[7]
      Macbeth was very ambitious. This led him to wish to become king of Scotland.



lead (可算かさん およ可算かさん複数ふくすう leads)

  1. 先導せんどう
  2. 指揮しき
  3. 模範もはん
  4. 先頭せんとう
  5. げきなど)主役しゅやく
  6. リード
  7. 導線どうせん
  1. Oscar Wilde. "The Happy Prince and Other Tales". March 1910. Seventh Impression. London. (Project Gutenberg. Release Date: March 29, 2015. https://www.gutenberg.org/files/902/902-h/902-h.htm)
  2. John Buchan. "The Thirty-nine Steps". 1915. (Project Gutenberg. Release Date: June, 1996. Last updated: October 30, 2018. http://www.gutenberg.org/files/558/558-h/558-h.htm)
  3. E. Nesbit. "The Railway Children". 1906. (Project Gutenberg. Last Updated: March 9, 2018. http://www.gutenberg.org/files/1874/1874-h/1874-h.htm)
  4. Susan Coolidge. "What Katy Did". 1872. (Project Gutenberg. Last Updated: July 31, 2006. https://gutenberg.org/cache/epub/8994/pg8994-images.html)
  5. Bryan Lynn. February 10, 2020 . "New Spacecraft Seeks to Capture First Pictures of the Sun’s Poles" VOA Learning English. https://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/new-spacecraft-seeks-to-capture-first-pictures-of-the-sun-s-poles/5277112.html 2020ねん4がつ10日とおか参照さんしょう
  6. VOA News. April 09, 2020. "IMF Chief Warns of Worst Depression Since 1930s" Voice of America. https://www.voanews.com/science-health/coronavirus-outbreak/imf-chief-warns-worst-depression-1930s 2020ねん4がつ10日とおか参照さんしょう
  7. William Strunk. "The Elements of Style". 1918. (Project Gutenberg. Release Date: August 19, 2011. https://www.gutenberg.org/files/37134/37134-h/37134-h.htm)