(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Strabo, Geography, BOOK X., CHAPTER V., section 7
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After Ceos are Naxos1 and Andros,2 considerable islands, and Paros, the birth-place of the poet Archilochus. Thasos3 was founded by Parians, and Parium,4 a city in the Propontis. In this last place there is said to be an altar worthy of notice, each of whose sides is a stadium in length. In Paros is obtained the Parian marble, the best adapted for statuary work.5

1 Naxia.

2 Andro.

3 Taschos.

4 Kemars.

5 The marble was taken from Mt. Marpessus. Pliny xxxvi. 5; Virg Æn. 6, Marpesia cautes.

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