(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Strabo, Geography, BOOK VII., CHAPTER III., section 10
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It is but just too that Apollodorus should give some explanation respecting the Mysians mentioned in the Epic poems of Homer, whether he takes them to be but people of his feigning, when the poet says,

“ Of the close-fighting Mysians and the illustrious Hippemolgi,1

Iliad xiii. 5.
or would he regard them as the Mysians of Asia? Now if he should declare that he considers them to be those of Asia, he will misinterpret the poet, as has been before observed; but if he should say they were but an invention, as there were no Mysians in Thrace, he will be guilty of a palpable misstatement, for even in our own times Ælius Catus has removed from the opposite side of the Danube into Thrace fifty thousand Getæ, who speak a language cognate with the Thracian. They still inhabit the very spot, and pass by the name of Mœsi. Whether those of former times were so designated, and had their name slightly varied in Asia, or, as is more suitable to history and the poet's expression, those in Thrace were at the first called Mysians,2 is not certain. But enough of this; we must now return to our geography.

1 Iliad xiii. 5.

2 See chap. iii. § 3, 4, of this book.

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