(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Strabo, Geography, BOOK VII., CHAPTER V., section 7
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After the termination of the coast of the Ardiæi and Pleræi is the bay of the Rhizæi, a city Rhizon,1 other small towns, and the river Drilon,2 which may be navigated up its stream towards the east as far as Dardanica. This country is situated close to the Macedonian and Pæonian nations, towards the south, as also the Autariatæ and the Dasaretii are in parts contiguous to one another [and to the Autariatæ].3 To the Dardaniatae belong the Galabrii,4 in whose territory is an ancient city; and the Thunatæ, who approach on the east close to the Mædi,5 a Thracian tribe.

The Dardanii are entirely a savage people, so much so that they dig caves beneath dungheaps, in which they dwell; yet they are fond of music, and are much occupied in playing upon pipes and on stringed instruments. They inhabit the inland parts of the country, and we shall mention them again in another place.

1 Risano in the Gulf of Cataro.

2 The river Drin.

3 Kramer suggests the omission of these words, which render the passage obscure.

4 Galabrii. The name of this people is unknown. Probably it should be changed to Taulantii, an Illyrian tribe, or considered as a second name of the Taulantii, or that of a tribe belonging to them. The name Galabrus, or Galaurus, king of the Taulantii, has come down to us, which gives some probability to the second conjecture. C.

5 The Mædi occupied the mountains which separate Macedonia from Thrace, between the river Strymon and Mount Rhodope. G.

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