(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
西看台 (老特拉福德球場):修订间差异 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 とべ转到内容ないよう

西にしだい (ろうとくひしげ福德ふくとく球場きゅうじょう):おさむ订间

删除てき内容ないよう 添加てんかてき内容ないよう
だい34ぎょう だい34ぎょう
* '''Blue Nose Day Banner''' – "Blue Nose day comic relief for 29 yrs" (in place at the Manchester City match)
* '''Blue Nose Day Banner''' – "Blue Nose day comic relief for 29 yrs" (in place at the Manchester City match)
* '''In Memory of [[Noel Cantwell]] Banner''' – "Noel Cantwell 1932-2005 RIP" (in place at the Manchester City match)
* '''In Memory of [[Noel Cantwell]] Banner''' – "Noel Cantwell 1932-2005 RIP" (in place at the Manchester City match)
* 「'''''Eusebio and I say Kiddo...Kiddo, Kiddo - Wembley'68'''''」(ゆう西にしおくあずかわがどうよびすぐるすぐるすぐるぬるぬの萊'68) — 曼聯だま迷為[[1968ねんおうしゅうかんむり军杯决赛]]にゅうたま功臣こうしんいちてき[[ぬの莱恩·もととく|はくよりゆきじん·すぐるとく]]創作そうさくてき」,於[[おうれん]]再戰さいせん[[ほん菲卡あしだま俱樂|まろうど菲加]]てん
* '''Eusebio I Say Kiddo Banner''' – "Eusebio and I say Kiddo...Kiddo,Kiddo - Wembley'68" (in place at the Benfica match)
* 「'''''United > England'''''」(曼聯 > えいかくらん) — 於對[[たくとく纳姆热刺あしだま俱乐|ねつとげ]]てきさいごとくび展示てんじただし其後いんせっとう訴而きん
* 「'''''United > England'''''」(曼聯 > えいかくらん) — 於對[[たくとく纳姆热刺あしだま俱乐|ねつとげ]]てきさいごとくび展示てんじただし其後いんせっとう訴而きん
* '''{{color|red|''F''}}or {{color|red|''E''}}verymanc {{color|red|''A''}} {{color|red|''R''}}eligion''' (in reference to the Ian Brown song "[[F.E.A.R. (song)|F.E.A.R.]]")
* '''{{color|red|''F''}}or {{color|red|''E''}}verymanc {{color|red|''A''}} {{color|red|''R''}}eligion''' (in reference to the Ian Brown song "[[F.E.A.R. (song)|F.E.A.R.]]")

2010ねん11月22にち (いち) 09:53てき版本はんぽん


斯特かみなりとく福德ふくとくまつはし英語えいごStretford End),かんかた名稱めいしょうため西にしだい英語えいごWest Stand),曼徹斯特れんあしだま俱樂てきおもじょう球場きゅうじょうろうとくひしげ福德ふくとくだま西にしめんたまもん後方こうほうてき一座いちざだい名字みょうじげん於從球場きゅうじょうくさつぼ中心ちゅうしんもちこう西にしだいせいしょ於鄰ちかてき斯特かみなりとく福德ふくとく(Stretford)てき方向ほうこうだいぶんため上下じょうげりょうそうあずか其他だいしょうどうてきひとししつらえがかひじしきいただきぶた



1992ねんきゅう階梯かいていだい拆卸,於1992/93ねんだままつたてしげるみやつこ1,000まんえいぜんすわせきてきかかひじしきだい使つかいいたおくだつぶく球場きゅうじょう符合ふごうたい報告ほうこくしょ」(Taylor Report)てき要求ようきゅうなりためぜんすわせき運動うんどうじょうなみ正式せいしきさらめい西にしだい」(West Stand),ただし仍時つねしょうため「斯特かみなりとく福德ふくとくまつはし」(Stretford End)。2000/01ねんだま西にしだい擴建增設ぞうせつ上層じょうそう同時どうじまた設置せっち行政ぎょうせいひさしぼう,而下層かそうそく部分ぶぶんあらためため家庭かていすわせきあずかみなみだい連接れんせつてきかく落是だまいんてきしんじょうどおりどうずいちょ曼聯あずか贊助さんじょしょう沃达丰(Vodafone)ひさげぜん解約かいやく,而新贊助さんじょしょう美國びくに國際こくさい集團しゅうだん(AIG)てきしるべぼつゆうざい台座だいざ顯示けんじ,而Nikeてきいち剔」しるべうつりいた對面たいめんてきひがしだい西にしだい下層かそうてき排出はいしゅつSTRETFORD ENDてきさま

ただゆうたん斯·劳簡東拿かたてき曼聯だま迷封ため「斯特かみなりとく福德ふくとくまつはし大帝たいてい」(King of the Stretford End),前者ぜんしゃいん其出眾的いれだまろく,而後しゃのりいん其在じょうじょうてき魅力みりょく

Stretford Endまた夢幻むげんもう站」(The Website of Dreams)「www.stretfordend.co.ukてきいきめいざい互联网提供ていきょう超過ちょうか1,200ぺーじゆうせき曼聯さいごとすうよりどころあずかたまいん歷史れきし,於2006ねん11月開始かいしなりためさいれんかんもうwww.manutd.comてき統計とうけいかんかた供應きょうおうしょう。而網站亦ため曼聯旗下きか兩個りゃんこ慈善じぜん組織そしき,「曼聯ざんやましたま協會きょうかい」(Manchester United Disabled Supporters' Association,簡稱MUDSA)及「United for Unicef」,籌募ぜん款。


したがえ西にしだいだいそうけいよう,曼聯じゅんもと支持しじだま迷在だい二層看台前方圍牆懸掛橫幅,よしだま團體だんたい設計せっけい及集製造せいぞうみつるしょうため「斯特かみなりとく福德ふくとくまつはし旗幟きし」(Stretford End Flags),よこはばてきくちごう包括ほうかつ

  • 34/5 Years」(34/5ねん) — 表示ひょうじ曼聯てき宿敵しゅくてき曼城最後さいご一次奪得重要錦標至今的年期,曼城最近さいきんいち贏得1976ねんてきえいかくらんれんさいさかずきたま購買こうばいいち套附ゆう魔術まじゅつてきすうもく以按ねん更新こうしんはららいてきよこはばざいかくひしげすな家族かぞくおさむ購後拆除,きゅう迷再創作そうさくいち仿照「數字すうじがねよこはばなみでんうたて播半じょうざいさいごとひょうじゅついんひさしぼうちゅういた每年まいとし2がつ28にちざい1976ねんれんさいさかずきけつさいしゅうねんよこはば數字すうじかい更新こうしん表示ひょうじ曼城さいいち年來ねんらいよんだいみなそら;於2010/11ねんだま開始かいしよこはばてき數字すうじしょ於上いちねん「34」あずか來年らいねん「35」あいだゆかり於曼じょうやめざい2011ねんてきれんさいさかずききょく,2011ねん2がつよこはばしょうかい更新こうしんため「35」[1]
  • MUFC The Religion」(MUFCてき宗教しゅうきょう) — 表示ひょうじたいたまかいてききょうねつ忠誠ちゅうせい,「MUFC」曼聯てきくび字母じぼちぢみ略字りゃくじ
  • Manchester is my Heaven First seen in January 2010, this red banner features Matt Busby and the words "MANCHESTER IS MY HEAVEN". It is a reference to an event in 1956 when Busby turned down an offer made by Santiago Bernabéu Yeste to manage Real Madrid, and was said by Busby in response to Bernabeu comparing managing Madrid to being offered paradise.
  • Republik of Mancunia – Red Army — written in faux Cyrillic showcasing the Mancunian pride of the supporters and, for some, their apathy towards the England national football team.
  • 2O LEGEND — a reference to the now retired United Legend Ole Gunnar Solskjær who had been injured for over a year when the banner was made. Solskjær wore the number 20 on his shirt.
  • One Love – Stretford End – MUFCOne Love is the title of a song by Manchester band the Stone Roses that was played at the 1999 European Cup final, which Manchester United won.
  • 6 February 1958 – The Flowers of Manchester — A tribute to the Munich air disaster, in which eight United players died. The Flowers of Manchester is the title of a tribute song by The Spinners.
  • Form Is Temporary Class Is Permanent – This banner is a reference to United's history in saying that the Manchester United first team has always had great players. Although anybody can beat anybody else on their day, this does not reflect the quality of the team. The banner incorporated 16 Premier League Trophies and was aimed as a dig at Chelsea FC.
  • ""Sent To Me From Heaven...You Are My World"" — this is in reference to the late George Best and are lyrics taken from the Stone Roses song, Sally Cinnamon. The banner features images of Best, Charlton and Law, Busby and Fergie, Robson, Keane and Cantona. It blends the old Busby era with the Ferguson era.

The banners were temporarily removed in June 2005. Initially, this was caused by building work on the corners of the stadium, but the majority of their owners decided not to put them back up as a protest against Malcolm Glazer's takeover of Manchester United.

More Banners have returned to Stretford End designed by the fans along with the old ones (i.e. the "ONE LOVE STRETFORD END MUFC" banner). The last banner will be voted on by the fans during the end of 2005. All Manchester United Supporters are encouraged to submit their ideas for banners and information on how to submit can be found at www.stretfordendflags.com


Given the wear and tear on the banners from years of exposure, some of the original banners can now be found in other locations within Old Trafford. The original One Love - Stretford End banner was turning pink, so a new replica stands in its place, the original banner now hangs within the concourse area on Stretford End Tier 2. Many of the other banners are now hanging on the very back wall off the Stretford End Tier Two, above the last row of stadium seats.


ざい西にしだい上層じょうそう大堂うふどう豎立1960年代ねんだい曼聯めい宿やどたん斯·劳てき雕像,於2002ねん9がつ23にち揭幕,忠心ちゅうしんてき支持しじしゃしょうため「斯特かみなりとく福德ふくとくまつはし大帝たいてい」(King of the Stretford End)。

