(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
 使徒行傳 27:27 到了第十四天夜間,船在亞得里亞海飄來飄去,約到半夜,水手以為漸近旱地,
使徒しとぎょうでん 27:27
平行へいこう經文きょうもん (Parallel Verses)
ちゅうぶん標準ひょうじゅん譯本やくほん (CSB Traditional)

ちゅうぶん标准译本 (CSB Simplified)

現代げんだいしるべてん和合本わごうほん (CUVMP Traditional)

现代标点和合本わごうほん (CUVMP Simplified)

せいけいしん譯本やくほん (CNV Traditional)

圣经しん译本 (CNV Simplified)

しげるたいちゅう文和ふみかず合本がっぽん (CUV Traditional)
いた りょう だい じゅう よん てん よる あいだふね ざい そこ かいらいやく いた はん よるみず しゅため やや きん ひでり

简体ちゅう文和ふみかず合本がっぽん (CUV Simplified)
いた りょう だい じゅう よん てん よる 间 , ふね ざいそこうみらい 。 约 いた はん よるみず しゅ 以 为 渐 きん ひでり

Acts 27:27 King James Bible
But when the fourteenth night was come, as we were driven up and down in Adria, about midnight the shipmen deemed that they drew near to some country;

Acts 27:27 English Revised Version
But when the fourteenth night was come, as we were driven to and fro in the sea of Adria, about midnight the sailors surmised that they were drawing near to some country;
せいけい寶庫ほうこ (Treasury of Scripture)

the fourteenth.

使徒しとぎょうでん 27:18-20


400 miles long and


140 broad, stretching along the eastern shores of Italy on one side, and Dalmatia, Sclavonia, and Macedonia on the other. But the term Adria was extended far beyond the limits of this gulf, and appears to have been given to an indeterminate extent of sea, as we say, generally, the Levant. It is observable, that the sacred historian does not say 'in the Adriatic gulf,' but 'in Adria,' (that is, the Adriatic sea, [Adrias <99>] being understood;) which, says Hesychius, was the same as the Ionian sea; and Strabo says that the Ionian gulf 'is a part of that now called the Adriatic.' But not only the Ionian, but even the Sicilian sea, and part of that which washes Crete, were called the Adriatic. Thus the scholiast on Dionysius Periegetis says, 'they call this Sicilian sea Adria.' And Ptolemy says that Sicily was bounded on the east by the Adriatic, [hupo Adrias <99>,] and that Crete was bounded on the west by the Adriatic sea, [hupo tou Adriatikos pelagos.]

the shipmen.

使徒しとぎょうでん 27:30

れつおうおさむじょう 9:27

やく拿書 1:6

啟示けいじろく 18:17

鏈接 (Links)
使徒しとぎょうでん 27:27 そうせいけい (Interlinear)使徒しとぎょうでん 27:27 多種たしゅげん (Multilingual)Hechos 27:27 西にしはんきばじん (Spanish)Actes 27:27 ほう國人くにびと (French)Apostelgeschichte 27:27 とく (German)使徒しとぎょうでん 27:27 中國語ちゅうごくごぶん (Chinese)Acts 27:27 英語えいご (English)

ちゅうぶん標準ひょうじゅん譯本やくほん (CSB Traditional) ©2011 Asia Bible Society.

ちゅうぶん标准译本 (CSB Simplified) ©2011 Asia Bible Society.

現代げんだいしるべてん和合本わごうほん (CUVMP Traditional) ©2011 Asia Bible Society.

现代标点和合本わごうほん (CUVMP Simplified) ©2011 Asia Bible Society.

せいけいしん譯本やくほん (CNV Traditional) ©2010 Worldwide Bible Society.

圣经しん译本 (CNV Simplified) ©2010 Worldwide Bible Society.

背景はいけい (Context)
27いたりょうだいじゅうよんてん夜間やかんふねざいとくさとかい飄來飄去,やくいた半夜はんやみずしゅ以為漸近ぜんきんひでり 28就探深淺しんせんさがせゆうじゅうたけやや往前ぎょうまたさがせ深淺しんせんさがせゆうきゅうたけ。…
交叉こうさ引用いんよう (Cross Ref)
使徒しとぎょうでん 27:26

使徒しとぎょうでん 27:28

使徒しとぎょうでん 27:30

使徒行傳 27:26
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