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Sino-Vietnamese vocabulary - Wikipedia

Sino-Vietnamese vocabulary

Sino-Vietnamese vocabulary (Vietnamese: từ Hán Việt, Chữ Hán: かんえつ, literally 'Chinese-Vietnamese words') is a layer of about 3,000 monosyllabic morphemes of the Vietnamese language borrowed from Literary Chinese with consistent pronunciations based on Middle Chinese. Compounds using these morphemes are used extensively in cultural and technical vocabulary. Together with Sino-Korean and Sino-Japanese vocabularies, Sino-Vietnamese has been used in the reconstruction of the sound categories of Middle Chinese. Samuel Martin grouped the three together as "Sino-xenic". There is also an Old Sino-Vietnamese layer consisting of a few hundred words borrowed individually from Chinese in earlier periods. These words are treated by speakers as native words. More recent loans from southern Chinese languages, usually names of foodstuffs such as lạp xưởng 'Chinese sausage' (from Cantonese 臘腸; 腊肠; laahpchéung), are not treated as Sino-Vietnamese but more direct borrowings.[1]

Estimates of the proportion of words of Sinitic origin in the Vietnamese lexicon vary from one third to half and even to 70%.[2][3][4] The proportion tends towards the lower end in speech and towards the higher end in technical writing.[5] In the famous Từ điển tiếng Việt [vi] dictionary by Vietnamese linguist Hoàng Phê [vi], about 40% percent of vocabulary are of Sinitic origin.[6]

It has also been theorised that some Old-Sino-Vietnamese words came from a language shift from a population of Annamese Middle Chinese speakers that lived in the Red River Delta, in northern Vietnam, to proto-Viet-Muong.[7]

Monosyllabic loanwords

A comparison between Sino-Vietnamese (left) vocabulary with Mandarin and Cantonese pronunciations below and native Vietnamese vocabulary (right).

As a result of a thousand years of Chinese control, a small number of Sinitic words were borrowed into Vietnamese, called Old Sino-Vietnamese layer. Furthermore, a thousand years of use of Literary Chinese after independence, a considerable number of Sinitic words were borrowed, called the Sino-Vietnamese layer. These layers were first systematically studied by linguist Wang Li.[8][9]

The ancestor of the Vietic languages was atonal and sesquisyllabic, featured many consonant clusters, and made use of affixes.[10] The northern Vietic varieties ancestral to Vietnamese and Muong have long been in contact with Tai languages and Chinese as part of a zone of convergence known as the Mainland Southeast Asia linguistic area.[11] As a result, most languages of this area, including Middle Chinese and Vietnamese, are analytic, with almost all morphemes monosyllabic and lacking inflection. The phonological structure of their syllables is also similar.[12] Traces of the original consonant clusters can be found in materials from the 17th century, but have disappeared from modern Vietnamese.[13]

The Old Sino-Vietnamese layer was introduced after the Chinese conquest of the kingdom of Nanyue, including the northern part of Vietnam, in 111 BC. The influence of the Chinese language was particularly felt during the Eastern Han period (25–190 AD), due to increased Chinese immigration and official efforts to sinicize the territory.[14] This layer consists of roughly 400 words, which have been fully assimilated and are treated by Vietnamese speakers as native words.[15]

The much more extensive Sino-Vietnamese proper was introduced with Chinese rhyme dictionaries such as the Qieyun in the late Tang dynasty (618–907). Vietnamese scholars used a systematic rendering of Middle Chinese within the phonology of Vietnamese to derive consistent pronunciations for the entire Chinese lexicon.[16] After driving out the Chinese in 880, the Vietnamese sought to build a state on the Chinese model, using Literary Chinese for all formal writing, including administration and scholarship, until the early 20th century.[17] Around 3,000 words entered Vietnamese over this period.[18][19] Some of these were re-introductions of words borrowed at the Old Sino-Vietnamese stage, with different pronunciations due to intervening sound changes in Vietnamese and Chinese, and often with a shift in meaning.[16][20]

Examples of multiple-borrowed Sinitic words
(Old > Middle)
Old Sino-Vietnamese Sino-Vietnamese
あじ *mjəts > mjɨjH mùi 'smell, odor' vị 'flavor, taste'[21]
ほん *pənʔ > pwonX vốn 'capital, funds' bản 'root, foundation' [21]
やく *wjek > ywek việc 'work, event' dịch 'service, corvee'[21][22]
ぼう *muks > mawH 'hat' mạo 'hat'[16]
*gre > giày 'shoe' hài 'shoe'[16]
よめ *kras > kæH gả 'marry' giá 'marry'[16][23]
*bjəʔ > bjuwX vợ 'wife'[a] phụ 'woman'[16][22]
*gjojʔ > gjweX cúi 'bow, prostrate oneself' quỳ 'kneel'[16]
れい *rijʔ > lejX lạy 'kowtow' lễ 'ceremony'[16]
ほう *pjap > pjop phép 'rule, law' pháp 'rule, law'[16]
  1. ^ Shorto considers vợ a native Vietnamese word, inherited from Proto-Mon-Khmer *(ʔ)boʔ "mother"; Haudricourt proposes that *bjəʔ's Old Sino-Vietnamese reflex is bụa in the compound goá bụa < Old Chinese 寡婦かふ kʷraːʔ-bjəʔ > Late Sino-Vietnamese quả phụ.[24][25]

Wang Li followed Henri Maspero in identifying a problematic group of forms with "softened" initials g-, gi, d- and v- as Sino-Vietnamese loans that had been affected by changes in colloquial Vietnamese. Most scholars now follow André-Georges Haudricourt in assigning these words to the Old Sino-Vietnamese layer.[26]

Sino-Vietnamese shows a number of distinctive developments from Middle Chinese:

  • Sino-Vietnamese distinguishes Early Middle Chinese palatal and retroflex sibilants, which are identified in all modern Chinese languages, and had already merged by the Late Middle Chinese period.[27]
  • Sino-Vietnamese reflects Late Middle Chinese labiodental initials, which were not distinguished from labial stops at the Early Middle Chinese phase.[28]
  • Middle Chinese grade II finals yield a palatal medial -y- like northern Chinese languages but unlike southern ones. For example, Middle Chinese kæw yields SV giao, Cantonese gaau and Beijing jiāo.[29][30]

Modern compounds


Up until the early 20th century, Literary Chinese was the vehicle of administration and scholarship, not only in China, but also in Vietnam, Korea and Japan, similar to Latin in medieval Europe.[31] Though not a spoken language, this shared written language was read aloud in different places according to local traditions derived from Middle Chinese pronunciation: the literary readings in various parts of China and Sino-Xenic pronunciations in the other countries.

As contact with the West grew, Western works were translated into Literary Chinese and read by the literate. In order to translate words for new concepts (political, religious, scientific, medical and technical terminology) scholars in these countries coined new compounds formed from Chinese morphemes and written with Chinese characters. The local readings of these compounds were readily adopted into the respective local vernaculars of Japan, Korea and Vietnam. For example, the Chinese mathematician Li Shanlan created hundreds of translations of mathematical terms, including 代數だいすうがく ('replace-number-study') for 'algebra', yielding modern Mandarin dàishùxué, Vietnamese đại số học, Japanese daisūgaku and Korean daesuhak.[32] Often, multiple compounds for the same concept were in circulation for some time before a winner emerged, with the final choice sometimes differing between countries.[33]

A fairly large amount of Sino-Vietnamese compounds have meanings that differ significantly from their usage in other Sinitic vocabularies. For example:

  • bác sĩ (博士はかせ) is widely used with the meaning 'physician' or 'medical doctor', while in Mandarin it refers to a doctoral degree;
  • tiến sĩ (進士しんし) is used to refer to 'doctoral degree', whilst in Mandarin it is used to refer to 'successful candidate in the highest imperial civil service examination'.
  • bạc 'silver' is the Old Sino-Vietnamese reflex of Old Chinese *bra:g しろ 'white', cognate with later Sino-Vietnamese bạch 'white' and Non-Sino-Vietnamese bệch '(of complexion) chalky',[34] yet in Mandarin means 'thin sheet of metal' (variants: はく, うすき) and 鉑 (pinyin: ) has also acquired the meaning 'platinum', whose Sino-Vietnamese name is 白金はっきん bạch kim, literally 'white gold';
  • luyện kim (ねりきん) means 'metallurgy' instead of its original meaning, 'alchemy';
  • giáo sư (教師きょうし) means 'teacher' in Mandarin, but is now associated with 'professor' in Vietnamese.
  • English "club" became 俱樂 kurabu in Japan, was borrowed to China, then to Vietnam, is read as câu lạc bộ, and abbreviated CLB, which can be an abbreviation for club.
  • linh miêu (れい) means 'civet' in Mandarin but means 'lynx' in Vietnamese.
  • ân nghĩa ~ ơn nghĩa (恩義おんぎ) not only retains its original Sinitic meaning "feeling of gratitude"[35][36][37] but also acquires the extended meaning "favor, kindness".[38]
  • thời tiết (時節じせつ) is used with the meaning of 'weather", while in Mandarin, it means a 'season' (mainly refers to a specific period of time, often within the context of a particular season).
  • thư viện (書院しょいん) means 'library' in Vietnamese, but in Mandarin, it refers to a 'study room' or an 'academy'.
  • phương phi (よし菲) is an adjective meaning 'fat' or 'corpulent', but in Mandarin, it means 'fragrant' or 'fresh-smelling'.
  • ung thư (よう疽) means 'cancer' in Vietnamese, but in Mandarin, it is a term used in traditional Chinese medicine meaning a 'skin abscess'.
  • thập phân (十分じゅうぶん) means 'decimal' in Vietnamese, but in Mandarin, it means 'very'; 'extremely'.
  • thương (きず) has the meaning 'to like, to love', while also sharing the common meaning of 'to (be) injured, wounded' with Mandarin.
  • thư (しょ) refers to a letter, while in Mandarin, it means book. (Vietnamese uses sách (さつ) instead)

There also a significant amount of Sino-Vietnamese compounds that are used, but the terms differ in different Sinosphere languages. Such as:

English Vietnamese Mandarin Cantonese Japanese Korean
university student sinh viên せいいん 大學生だいがくせい/大学生だいがくせい dàxuéshēng 大學生だいがくせい/大学生だいがくせい daaihhohksāang 大学生だいがくせい daigakusei 대학생 (大學生だいがくせい) daehaksaeng
professor giáo sư 教師きょうし 教授きょうじゅ jiàoshòu 教授きょうじゅ gaausauh 教授きょうじゅ kyōju 교수 (敎授きょうじゅ) gyosu
bachelor (academic degree) cử nhân 舉人 學士がくし/学士がくし xuéshì 學士がくし/学士がくし hohksih 学士がくし gakushi 학사 (學士がくし) haksa
doctorate (academic degree) tiến sĩ 進士しんし 博士はかせ bóshì 博士はかせ boksih 博士はかせ hakushi 박사 (博士はかせ) baksa
library thư viện 書院しょいん 圖書館としょかん/图书馆 túshūguǎn 圖書館としょかん/图书馆 tòuhsyūgún 図書館としょかん toshokan 도서관 (圖書館としょかん) doseogwan
office văn phòng ぶんぼう 事務所じむしょ/こと务所 shìwùsuǒ 事務所じむしょ/こと务所 sihmouhsó 事務所じむしょ jimusho 사무소 (事務所じむしょ) samuso
map bản đồ 版圖はんと 地圖ちず/图 dìtú 地圖ちず/图 deihtòuh 地図ちず chizu 지도 (地圖ちず) jido
clock đồng hồ どうつぼ かね/钟 zhōng, 時計とけい/时计 (literary) shíjì 鍾/钟 jūng 時計とけい tokei 시계 (時計とけい) sigye
hotel; inn khách sạn きゃく さけてん jiǔdiàn, 旅館りょかん/たび馆 lǚguǎn さけてん jáudim, 旅館りょかん/たび馆 léuihgún ホテル hoteru, 旅館りょかん (traditional inn) ryokan 여관 (旅館りょかん) yeogwan
demonstration biểu tình 表情ひょうじょう 示威じい shìwēi 示威じい sihwāi 示威じい shii 시위 (示威じい) siwi
autism tự kỷ 自己じこ 自閉症じへいしょう/闭症 zìbìzhèng 自閉症じへいしょう/闭症 jihbaijing 自閉症じへいしょう jiheishō 자폐증 (自閉症じへいしょう) japyejeung

Self-coined Sino-Vietnamese compounds


Some Sino-Vietnamese compounds are entirely invented by the Vietnamese and are not used in any Chinese languages, such as linh mục 'priest' from れい 'soul' and まき 'shepherd',[39] or giả kim thuật (かりかねじゅつ 'art of artificial metal'), which has been applied popularly to refer to 'alchemy'. Another example is linh cẩu (れいいぬ, 'alert dog') meaning 'hyena'. Others are no longer used in modern Chinese languages or have other meanings.

Definition Chinese characters Vietnamese alphabet
farm そう trang trại
city しろ thành phố
week しゅんれい tuần lễ
to be present at げんめん hiện diện
to entertain かいさとし giải trí
to lack しょうすん thiếu thốn
to be proud 倖面 hãnh diện
pleasant to the eyes 玩目 ngoạn mục
orderly; proper 眞方まがた chân phương
(polite, respectful) you quý vị
traditional 古傳こでん cổ truyền
festival れいかい lễ hội
legend げんばなし huyền thoại
to satisfy 妥滿 thoả mãn
polite れきごと lịch sự
important; significant せきしげる quan trọng
millionaire ちょうとみ triệu phú
billionaire 秭富 tỷ phú
thermometer ねつけい nhiệt kế
(mathematics) matrix じん ma trận
biology なまがく sinh học
subject かどまなぶ môn học
average 中平なかひら trung bình
cosmetics ひん mỹ phẩm
surgery 剖術 phẫu thuật
allergy おう dị ứng
hearing-impaired かけ khiếm thính
bacteria; microbe; germ ほろむし vi trùng
to update 及日 cập nhật
data; information あずかりょう dữ liệu
forum 演壇えんだん diễn đàn
a smoothie (drink) なまもと sinh tố
dojo; martial art school たけどう võ đường
cemetery nghĩa địa
a surgical mask くちそう khẩu trang
thermometer ねつけい nhiệt kế
television (medium) つてがた truyền hình
broadcast 發聲はっせい phát thanh
animation かつがた hoạt hình
subtitles だい phụ đề
to transcribe こぼしおん phiên âm
to transliterate うたて chuyển tự
visa thị thực
(informal) nurse; a medical assistant y tá
a specialist in humanities; an artist, painter, musician, actor, comic, etc. げい nghệ sĩ
a singer うた ca sĩ
a musician, especially a songwriter or a composer 樂士がくし nhạc sĩ
a poet thi sĩ
a dentist きば nha sĩ
an artist (painter) hoạ sĩ
a member of any legislative body. nghị sĩ
prison 寨監 trại giam
victim なんひと nạn nhân
special forces 特攻とっこう đặc công

Proper names


Since Sino-Vietnamese provides a Vietnamese form for almost all Chinese characters, it can be used to derive a Vietnamese form for any Chinese word or name. For example, the name of Chinese leader Xi Jinping consists of the Chinese characters 習近ひらた. Applying Sino-Vietnamese reading to each character yields the Vietnamese translation of his name, Tập Cận Bình.

Some Western names and words, approximated to Chinese languages often through Mandarin or in some cases approximated in Japanese and then borrowed into Chinese languages, were further approximated in Vietnamese. For example, Portugal is transliterated as 葡萄ぶどうきば (pinyin: Pútáoyá; Cantonese Yale: Pòuhtòuhngàh) and becomes Bồ Đào Nha in Vietnamese. England (えいかくらん; Yīnggélán; Yīnggaaklàahn) became Anh Cát Lợi (えい吉利よしとし), shortened to Anh (えい), while United States became Mỹ Lợi Gia (利加りか), shortened to Mỹ (よし). The formal name for the United States in Vietnamese is Hoa Kỳ (はなはた); this is a former Sinitic name of the United States and translates literally as "flower flag".

Country Sinitic name Mandarin Pinyin Cantonese Yale Vietnamese name
Australia 大利おおとし Àodàlìyǎ Oudaaihleih'a Úc ()
Austria 奧地おくち Àodìlì Oudeihleih Áo (おく)
Belgium Bǐlìshí Béileihsìh Bỉ ()[i]
Czechia としかつ Jiékè Jithāak Tiệp Khắc (としかつ)
France ほうらん西にし[ii] Fǎlánxī (China), Fàlánxī (Taiwan) Faatlàahnsāi Pháp (ほう)
Germany とく意志いし Déyìzhì Dākyiji Đức (とく)
Italy 大利おおとし Yìdàlì Yidaaihleih Ý ()
Netherlands らん (from 'Holland', a misnomer) Hélán Hòhlāan Hà Lan (らん)
Prussia ひろし魯士 Púlǔshì Póulóuhsih Phổ (ひろし)
Russia にわか Éluósī Ngòhlòhsī Nga (にわか)
Spain 西にしはんきば[iii] Xībānyá Sāibāanngàh Tây Ban Nha (西にしはんきば)
Yugoslavia みなみ斯拉おっと Nán Sīlāfū Nàahm Sīlāaifū Nam Tư (みなみ)

Except for the oldest and most deeply ingrained Sino-Vietnamese names, modern Vietnamese instead uses direct phonetic transliterations for foreign names, in order to preserve the original spelling and pronunciation. Today, the written form of such transliterated names are almost always left unaltered; with rising levels of proficiency in English spelling and pronunciation in Vietnam, readers generally no longer need to be instructed on the correct pronunciation for common foreign names. For example, while the Sino-Vietnamese Luân Đôn remains in common usage in Vietnamese, the English equivalent London is also commonplace. Calques have also arisen to replace some Sino-Vietnamese terms. For example, the White House is usually referred to as Nhà Trắng (literally, "white house") in Vietnam, though Tòa Bạch Ốc (based on 白屋しらや) retains some currency among overseas Vietnamese.

However, China-specific names such as Trung Quốc (Middle Kingdom, 中國ちゅうごく), as well as Korean names with Chinese roots, continue to be rendered in Sino-Vietnamese rather than the romanization systems used in other languages. Examples include Triều Tiên (Joseon, 朝鮮ちょうせん) for both Korea as a whole and North Korea in particular, Hàn Quốc (Hanguk, 韓國かんこく) for South Korea, Bình Nhưỡng (Pyongyang, 平壤ぴょんやん), and Bàn Môn Điếm (Panmunjom, 板門店はんもんてん). Seoul, unlike most Korean place names, has no corresponding hanja; it is therefore phonetically transliterated as Xê-un.



Sino-Vietnamese words have a status similar to that of Latin-based words in English: they are used more in formal context than in everyday life. Because Chinese languages and Vietnamese use different order for subject and modifier, compound Sino-Vietnamese words or phrases might appear ungrammatical in Vietnamese sentences. For example, the Sino-Vietnamese phrase bạch mã (白馬はくば "white horse") can be expressed in Vietnamese as ngựa trắng ("horse white"). For this reason, compound words containing native Vietnamese and Sino-Vietnamese words are very rare and are considered improper by some. For example, chung cư ("apartment building") was originally derived from chúng cư 眾居 ("multiple dwelling"), but with the syllable chúng "multiple" replaced with chung, a "pure" Vietnamese word meaning "shared" or "together". Similarly, the literal translation of "United States", Hợp chúng quốc (ごう眾國) is commonly mistakenly rendered as Hợp chủng quốc, with chúng ( - many) replaced by chủng (たね - ethnicity, race). Another example is tiệt diện (截面; "cross-section") being replaced by tiết diện (ふしめん).

One interesting example is the current motto of Vietnam : “Cộng hòa Xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam / Độc lập – Tự do – Hạnh phúc”, in which all the words are Sino-Vietnamese (獨立どくりつ自由じゆう幸福こうふく).

Writing Sino-Vietnamese words with the Vietnamese alphabet causes some confusion about the origins of some terms, due to the large number of homophones in Sino-Vietnamese. For example, both あきら (bright) and めい (dark) are read as minh, thus the word "minh" has two contradictory meanings: bright and dark (although the "dark" meaning is now esoteric and is used in only a few compound words). Perhaps for this reason, the Vietnamese name for Pluto is not Minh Vương Tinh (冥王星めいおうせい – lit. "underworld king star") as in other East Asian languages, but is Diêm Vương Tinh (閻王ぼし) and sao Diêm Vương, named after the Hindu and Buddhist deity Yama. During the Hồ dynasty, Vietnam was officially known as Đại Ngu (だいおそれ "Great Peace"). However, most modern Vietnamese know ngu () as "stupid"; consequently, some misinterpret it as "Big Idiot". Conversely, the Han River in South Korea is often erroneously translated as sông Hàn (かん) when it should be sông Hán (かん) due to the name's similarity with the country name. However, the homograph/homophone problem is not as serious as it appears, because although many Sino-Vietnamese words have multiple meanings when written with the Vietnamese alphabet, usually only one has widespread usage, while the others are relegated to obscurity. Furthermore, Sino-Vietnamese words are usually not used alone, but in compound words, thus the meaning of the compound word is preserved even if individually each has multiple meanings.

Today Sino-Vietnamese texts are learnt and used mostly only by Buddhist monks since important texts such as the scriptures to pacify spirits (recited during the ritual for the Seventh Lunar month - Trai đàn Chẩn tế; ときだんすみ) are still recited in Sino-Vietnamese pronunciations. Such as the chant, Nam mô A Di Đà Phật coming from 南無阿彌陀佛なむあみだぶつ.

See also



  1. ^ (tỉ) is read with the alternative reading of bỉ.
  2. ^ Before borrowing this name from Mandarin, Vietnamese had used Phật Lãng Sa どるろうすな (a misreading of Phất Lãng Sa) and Phú Lãng Sa とみなみすな. Phú Lãng Sa was used in the treaty of Saigon (1862), こん大富おおとみなみすな國大こくだい皇帝こうていだいころも坡儒國大こくだい皇帝こうてい大南おおみなみ國大こくだい皇帝こうてい切願せつがんしょう三國不協之處調和,以敦えいよしみ
  3. ^ Vietnamese had used Y Pha Nho ころも坡儒 before adopting Tây Ban Nha.




  1. ^ Nguyễn (1997), p. 79.
  2. ^ DeFrancis (1977), p. 8.
  3. ^ Maspero (1912), p. 5.
  4. ^ Nguyễn (1997), p. 59.
  5. ^ Alves (2009a), p. 5.
  6. ^ Ky, Quang Muu (2007). "Doctoral thesis". Faculty of Linguistics, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University, Hanoi.
  7. ^ Phan, John (January 2013). "Lacquered Words: the Evolution of Vietnamese under Sinitic Influences from the 1st Century BCE to the 17th Century CE" (PDF). Cornell. pp. 298–301.
  8. ^ Hashimoto (1978), p. 5.
  9. ^ Wang (1948).
  10. ^ Alves (2021), pp. 660–662.
  11. ^ Alves (2021), p. 659.
  12. ^ Enfield (2005), pp. 186–188.
  13. ^ Alves (2021), pp. 661–662.
  14. ^ Alves (2009b), pp. 624–625.
  15. ^ Alves (2009b), pp. 624, 628.
  16. ^ a b c d e f g h i Alves (2009b), p. 625.
  17. ^ DeFrancis (1977), p. 14.
  18. ^ Nguyễn (1997), p. 38.
  19. ^ Alves (2009b), p. 626.
  20. ^ Hannas (1997), pp. 80–81.
  21. ^ a b c Hannas (1997), p. 80.
  22. ^ a b Pulleyblank (1981), p. 284.
  23. ^ Pulleyblank (1981), p. 282.
  24. ^ Shorto (2006), p. 96.
  25. ^ Haudricourt (2017), p. 23.
  26. ^ Pulleyblank (1981), pp. 281–282.
  27. ^ Pulleyblank (1984), p. 66.
  28. ^ Miyake (2003), p. 129.
  29. ^ Miyake (2003), p. 127.
  30. ^ Pulleyblank (1984), pp. 74, 92–93.
  31. ^ Nguyễn (1997), p. 37.
  32. ^ Wilkinson (2000), p. 42.
  33. ^ Wilkinson (2000), p. 43.
  34. ^ Alves (2018).
  35. ^ Ban Gu (author), Tjan Tjoe Som (translator) (1949). Po Hu T'ung - The Comprehensive Discussions in the White Tiger Hall, Volume II. Leiden: Brill. p. 457. translation: "A son has the right to avenge his father because he has the same duty towards him as the subject towards his Lord. Neither a faithful subject nor a filial son can ever be resigned [to the murder of his Lord or father], for his feelings of gratitude and obligation cannot be taken away from him." Chinese original:「ためちちほうかたきしゃ臣子しんし於君ちち,其義一也かずや忠臣ちゅうしん孝子こうし所以ゆえん不能ふのうやめ,以恩義おんぎ不可ふかだつ也。」
  36. ^ "Bai Hu Tong : まきよん : 誅伐ちゅうばつ - Chinese Text Project". ctext.org (in Chinese (Taiwan)). Retrieved 2024-05-18.
  37. ^ "ân nghĩa" in Hồ Ngọc Đức's Vietnamese dictionary
  38. ^ "ân nghĩa" in bab.la
  39. ^ Li (2020), p. 67.



Further reading

  • Chiang, Chia-lu こうけい璐 (2011). Yuènán Hànzìyīn de lìshǐ céngcì yánjiū こしみなみかん字音じおんてき歷史れきしそう研究けんきゅう [Study of Phonological Strata of Sino-Vietnamese] (PDF) (Thesis). Taipei: National Taiwan Normal University. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2014-09-12.
  • Chiang Chia-lu (こうけい璐). (2014). 析論えつみなみかん字音じおんぎょおそれぶんいんてき歷史れきしそう [Discussion on the Phonological Strata of Sino-Vietnamese as Reflected in the Distinction between Rhymes Yu (さかな) and Yu (おそれ)]. Language and Linguistics, 15(5), 613–634.
  • Chiang Chia-lu (こうけい璐). (2018). 《やす南國なんごく譯語やくごしょ反映はんえいてき近代きんだい漢語かんご聲調せいちょう系統けいとう [The Tonal System of Early Mandarin Chinese as Reflected in Annanguo Yiyu]. 漢學かんがく研究けんきゅう, 36(2), 97–126.
  • Nguyen Thanh-Tung (阮青まつ). (2015). かんえつ和漢わかんてきそう對應たいおう關係かんけい研究けんきゅう [A study of the stratal corresponding relationship between Sino-Vietnamese and Chinese] (Master's thesis). National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan.
  • Phan, John D. (2010). Re-Imagining “Annam”: A New Analysis of Sino–Viet–Muong Linguistic Contact. 南方みなかたはな研究けんきゅうざつこころざし [Chinese Southern Diaspora Studies], 4, 3-24.
  • Phan, John, Duong (2013). Lacquered Words: The Evolution of Vietnamese under Sinitic Influences from the 1st Century BCE through the 17th Century CE (PhD thesis). Cornell University. hdl:1813/33867.{{cite thesis}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  • Vu, Duc Nghieu (2010). The integration of Chinese words into the Vietnamese language (Departmental Bulletin Paper). Research Institute for World Languages, Osaka University. hdl:11094/8366.