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ウルトラナショナリズム - Wikipedia



ウルトラナショナリズムえい: Ultranationalism)とは、「特定とくてい国家こっかあるいは民族みんぞく利益りえきなによりも追求ついきゅうする極端きょくたんナショナリズム」を意味いみする用語ようごである[1][2]日本語にほんごではちょう国家こっか主義しゅぎやくされるが、ほとんどぎゃく意味いみスープラナショナリズム国家こっか超越ちょうえつした国際こくさい機関きかん主権しゅけんゆだねるべきとする思想しそう)にもおな訳語やくごてられることがあるので、ほんこうでは混同こんどうける意味いみからも、ウルトラナショナリズムのかたりもちいる。



ウルトラナショナリズムは、「国家こっか再生さいせい (Palingenesis)」の概念がいねんわさることにより、ファシズム重要じゅうよう基盤きばんとなり[3]政治せいじ思想しそうとしては極右きょくう位置付いちづけられ、くにによっては一部いちぶのウルトラナショナリズム団体だんたいテロ組織そしきとしてまっている場合ばあいもある[4]























  1. ^ Ultranationalism. Oxford English Dictionary. Retrieved 29 June 2017.
  2. ^ Ultranationalism. Collins English Dictionary. Retrieved 29 June 2017.
  3. ^ Roger Griffin, "Nationalism" in Cyprian Blamires, ed., World Fascism: A Historical Encyclopedia, vol. 2 (Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO, 2006), pp. 451–53.
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  5. ^ The Politics of National Minority Participation in Post-communist Europe. EastWest Institute. p.65. Section author - Janusz Bugajski. Book edited by Johnathan P.Stein. Published by M.E. Sharpe. Published in New York in 2000. Retrieved via Google Books.
  6. ^ Blamires, Cyprian (2006). World fascism: a historical encyclopedia. p. 452. ISBN 9781576079409. https://books.google.com/books?id=dDYRAQAAMAAJ&q=%22%22through+deeply+mythicized+narratives+of+past+cultural+or+political+periods%22 
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  22. ^ Danger on the Swiss Stock Exchange”. INGグループ (2018ねん12月5にち). 2020ねん3がつ17にち閲覧えつらん。 “The ultra-nationalist Swiss People's Party (SVP or UDC) - the most powerful political movement in the country - is campaigning against European agreements.”
  23. ^ Arman, Murat Necip (2007). “The Sources Of Banality In Transforming Turkish Nationalism”. CEU Political Science Journal (2): 133–151. 
  24. ^ Eissenstat, Howard. (November 2002). Anatolianism: The History of a Failed Metaphor of Turkish Nationalism. Middle East Studies Association Conference. Washington, D.C.
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  28. ^ Ivarsflaten, Elisabeth (2006), Reputational Shields: Why Most Anti-Immigrant Parties Failed in Western Europe, 1980–2005, Nuffield College, University of Oxford, p. 15, http://www.nuffield.ox.ac.uk/Politics/papers/2006/ivarsflatenapsa2006.pdf 
  29. ^ On the Road with Golden Dawn, Greece’s Ultra-Nationalist Party. Time. Published 31 October 2012. Retrieved 11 March 2017.
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  32. ^ Japanese minister becomes first in two years to visit Tokyo's controversial Yasukuni Shrine”. South China Morning Post (2019ねん10がつ17にち). 2020ねん6がつ5にち閲覧えつらん。 “Eto is serving in his first cabinet position and is a member of the ultranationalist Nippon Kaigi organisation, whose aims are to revise the “national consciousness” surrounding the prosecution of Japan’s war criminals and to change the nation’s pacifist constitution implemented after the war. The group also promotes “patriotic education”.”
  33. ^ Michal Kolmas, ed (2019). National Identity and Japanese Revisionism. Routledge. ISBN 9781351334396. https://books.google.com/books?id=XUNvDwAAQBAJ&q=Nippon+Kaigi+ultranationalism&pg=PT245. "... and foreign policy are rightwing revisionists organized in groups such as the ultranationalist Nippon Kaigi ..." 
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  38. ^ https://stockholmcf.org/germany-seeks-to-ban-ultranationalist-turkish-grey-wolves-symbols/
  39. ^ https://www.kurdistan24.net/en/news/24c5f251-70e1-482a-a81a-6644a2e9bc75
  40. ^ https://www.duvarenglish.com/human-rights/2020/05/09/far-right-group-attempts-to-attack-grup-yorum-member-gokceks-grave-to-burn-his-body/
  41. ^ Alessio, Dominic; Meredith, Kristen (2014). “Blackshirts for the Twenty–First Century? Fascism and the English Defence League”. Social Identities 20 (1): 104–118. doi:10.1080/13504630.2013.843058. 
  42. ^ 世相せそう風俗ふうぞく観察かんさつかい増補ぞうほ新版しんぱん 現代げんだい世相せそう風俗ふうぞく年表ねんぴょう 昭和しょうわ20ねん(1945)-平成へいせい20ねん(2008)』河出書房新社かわでしょぼうしんしゃ、2003ねん11月7にち、12ぺーじISBN 9784309225043