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出典しゅってん: フリー百科ひゃっか事典じてん『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』

おかむろ 博之ひろゆき(おかむろ ひろゆき、1962ねん - )は、日本にっぽん経済けいざい学者がくしゃ一橋大学ひとつばしだいがく大学院だいがくいん経済けいざいがく研究けんきゅうちょう日本にっぽん中小ちゅうしょう企業きぎょう学会がっかい会長かいちょう企業きぎょう研究けんきゅうフォーラムしょう受賞じゅしょうせんもん産業さんぎょう組織そしきろん


















研究けんきゅう開発かいはつ支援しえん経済けいざいがく : エビデンスにもとづく政策せいさく立案りつあんけて』(西村にしむら淳一じゅんいち共著きょうちょ有斐閣ゆうひかく、2022ねん


  • "Risk Sharing in the Supplier Relationship: New Evidence from the Japanese Automotive Industry", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 45-4, 2001, 361-381.
  • "Recent Changes in Japan's Small Business Sector and Subcontracting Relationship, " in: Asian Productivity Organization (APO) (ed.), Strengthening of Supporting Industries: Asian Experiences, APO, 2002, 40-53.
  • "Long-term effects of the bank-firm relationship on firm performance" (with Li, Jianping), Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics, 43-1, 2002, pp. 41-54.
  • "Evolution of the Supplier Network in the German Automotive Industry from the Prewar to Postwar Period: A Comparative Perspective with the Japanese Experience", Business and Economic History On-Line, Vol. 2, December 2004.
  • "The Impact of Regional Factors on the Startup Ratio in Japan" (with Nobuo Kobayashi), Journal of Small Business Management, 44-2, 2006, 310-313.
  • "Determinants of Successful R&D Cooperation of the Japanese Small Businesses: The Impact of Organizational and Contractual Characteristics," Research Policy 36, 2007, 1529-1544.
  • "How Different Are the Regional Factors of High-tech and Low-tech Start-ups? Evidence from Japanese Manufacturing Industries", International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 4, 2008, 199-215.
  • "An Inquiry into the Status and Nature of University-Industry Research Collaborations in Japan and Korea” (with M. Hemmert, L. Bstieler, and K. Ruth), Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics, 49-2, December 2008, 163-180.
  • "Survival of New Firms in an Industry Agglomeration: An Empirical Analysis Using Telephone Directory of Tokyo in the 1980s", Business and Economic History On-Line, Vol. 6, January 2009.
  • "Determinants of R&D Activities by Start-up Firms: Evidence from Japan", in: J. E. Michaels and L. F. Piraro (eds.), Small Business: Innovation, Problems and Strategy , New York (Nova Science Publishers), 2009, 27-44.
  • "Shareholding by venture capitalists and R&D investment of start-up firms" (with J.X. Zhang), Corporate Ownership and Control 7, 2010, 142-149.
  • "R&D productivity and the organization of cluster policy: An empirical evaluation of the Industrial Cluster Project in Japan" (with J. Nishimura), Journal of Technology Transfer 36, 2010, 117-144.
  • "Does ownership matter in mergers? A comparative study of the causes and consequences of mergers by family and non-family firms" (with J.W. Shim), Journal of Banking and Finance 35, 2011, 193-203.
  • "Subsidy and networking: the effects of direct and indirect support programs in the cluster policy" (with J. Nishimura), Research Policy 40, 2011, 714-727.
  • "Determinants of R&D cooperation in Japanese start-ups" (with M. Kato and Y. Honjo), Research Policy 40, 2011, 728-738.
  • "Effects of regional human capital structure on business entry: a comparison of independent start-ups and new subsidiaries in different industries" (with Kenta Ikeuchi), Frontiers in European Entrepreneurship Research 23, 2011 (forthcoming).





