(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Nyama - Wikipedia

Nyama (kureva meat muChingezi) zvinoreva nhengo dzemhuka dzinokwanisa kudyiwa.[1] Pakutaura kwamazuva ose nyama inosanganisira mapfupa, mapfupa acho akabatira panyama. Zvakare pakutaura kwamazuva ose, chinhu chese chakanaka chinopedziswa nekunzi “nyama” kana kuti “manyama” muuzhinji sekuti “Bhuruwayo ine nyama yevana ndatunda zvangu” kana kuti “Ndaifunga kuti Onana haagone kubata mapena asi ndakazozviona kuti aikaka, koo zvaatori makipa manyama anobata mabhora akawanda kudarika mahure ekuma Avenues”. Kune nyama dzkasiyanasiyana dzemhuka dzinopfuyiwa uye dzemhuka dzemusango.kune nyama zve inoreva muriwo unosevewa nevanhu vakuru muchishona chizere rinova bonde pamutikitivha kana kuti maporno ayo anowanzoonekwa nevakomana vachi rova nyama yavo

MuZimbabwe nyama inonyanya kudyiwa inosanganisira: yemombe; yehuku; yembudzi ne yenguruve. nyama yemusango inodyiwawo asi kazhinji hayiwanikwe kumabhucha.

  • Kudzinduka (Be resistant to cutting) kana kudzunduka zvinotaurwa panyama inonetsa kucheka nenhau yekuwomarara.
  • Nhindi (a portion of flesh; a joint of meat; thick steak without bones).
  • Nhetepo (leaness).
  • Munyepfu (Lean part of meat, not fat).
  • Murandu (share of meat).
  • Gwazvo kana makwazvo (Tough meat in its raw state; e.g. parts of trek ox).
  • Chiunwa Toughness (quality of things that require long cooking).
  • Kusasika (place by the side of the fire or well above the fire) apa kureva kuisa ingava nyama pedyo nemoto kana pamutariro uri pamusoro pemoto.
  • Kuchachura (dish some food or eat from a pot while cooking).

Tsumo - "Kuramba nyama yechidembo hunge uine yetsuro".

Kurerutsa Mutauro

  • Nyama yerunda inodzinduka chete: cooked sinew will not allow the teeth to sink into it.
  • Kushizha (to cut the throat) itska yekucheka pahuro Kati ropa ribude panobaiwa mhuka dzakadai semombe, hwayi, mbudzi kana huku.
  • Kudobodedza (Cook for long time - making soft)
  • Kumbombova (Become tender). Rega nyama iti yambombovera iripo pachoto: leave the meat cooking on the fire till it is tender.
  • Chishashavira kana chaira (Urge to imitate). Chishashavira chowadya ganda kukunda wadya mushuna: Boasting about what was eaten with skin praises it more than the one who has eaten steak. (which has same meaning as empty barrels make the loudest noise)
  • Ino muto ndiyo inei, yokugocha ikagodyiwa wani? Why (prefer) meat with soup if roasted meat can also be eaten.
  • Kuramba nyama yechidembo hunge uine yetsuro.
  • Bvupa jena rakabva munyama.
  • Ndezvowabaya, kuti chiropa hachisevesi sadza. It is for the slaughterer to say that the liver cannot be used as relish.
  • Rega kubvunza nyama kuti ndeyokugocha iwe muto uchiuona.

Mitauro ye Afurika

  • Luwanga inoti okhukhatsa (eat meat or other relish alone, or out of proportion to the amount of). Fananidzai nokuti kukatsa.
  • Taita inoti kakindi (n. morsel - a piece of food, a mouthful). Zigula inoti unde (fleshiness).
  • Hadiyya inoti maara (n. meat) kureva nyama. Uyo Ibibio inoti unam (n. animal (gen term), meat).
  • Lugwere inoti kusasika (v. 1. break open, split up, come apart, 2. bud, flower, bloom, blossom; bear seed).
  • Giryama inoti fungu (n. portion of meat, portion generally) vachireva chimedu. Lunda vanoti mbizhi (n. meat) kureva nyama.
  • Kinande inoti nyana (n. veal) vachireva nyama yemhuru. Kimbundu vanoti xitu (n. meat) vachireva nyama.
  • Lubwisi vanoti kubaba (v. Remove hair from animal meat by singing with fire). Kwanyama inoti ombelela (n. meat) kureva nyama.

Mabviro eruzivo

  1. Ayyıldız, Esat. “Klasik Arap Edebiyatında Et Motifi”. International Malatya Gastronomy Culture and Tourism Conference. ed. Aynur Ismayilova – Gunay Rzayeva. 19-24. Malatya: IKSAD Publishing House, 2022.