(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Return Policy - artelino
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May I Return an Item?

You may return items within 30 days after the date of your purchase (date of your order) in the original shipping condition without having to specify a reason. We refund you the price of the art object, the commission you paid and the original shipping fee (if applicable). However you have to cover your shipping costs for your return shipment.

The 30 days period applies to the date of your order, not the date when you request shipment. If you use our HOLD option, the right to return will in most cases not apply.

Return OK - But we say Good-By

But quite frankly, we do have a problem with returns. A real auction houses normally does not sell their own merchandise but sells objects consigned by others. So does artelino - in contrast to other online auction sites for Japanese prints that we know. Therefore a return is always a considerable loss for us. By the time of the return we have already paid the consignor of the item, and for technical and practical reasons we usually do not back-charge the seller.

Therefore we have to keep returns to a minimum, and usually terminate the business relationship with clients after the first return. This does not apply if we made a gross mistake in our descriptions

Thanks for your understanding.

Dieter WanczuraAuthor:
Dieter Wanczura


