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迈克尔·希尔弗斯坦 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 とべ转到内容ないよう


知名ちめい符号ふごうがく(semiotics),もと语言がく(Metapragmatics), 语言识形态(language ideology)
头衔Charles F. Grey 杰出教授きょうじゅ
奖项むぎかつおもね瑟奖(MacArthur Fellowship)
教育きょういく程度ていど哈佛大学だいがく (BA, Ph.D.)
博士はかせ導師どうしKarl Teeter[1]
其他がく术导师罗曼·みやびかくぬのもり(Roman Jakobson)

迈克尔·まれ尔弗斯坦英語えいごMichael Silverstein,1945ねん9がつ12にち—2020ねん7がつ17にち[2]美国びくに语言がくひと类学いえ曾经しば哥大がくひと类学、语言がく心理しんりがく查尔斯·F·かくさと杰出教授きょうじゅ[3]せい个职业生涯しょうがいてき工作こうさく语言じん类学交流こうりゅう符号ふごうがく、互动社会しゃかいがく语用がく社会しゃかい语言がくかず法理ほうり论均有原ありはら创性贡献。しょう实用ぬし哲学てつがく查尔斯·くわとく斯·がわ尔士てき符号ふごう学理がくり论引にゅう语言じん类学,并且创造“もと语用がくえいMetapragmatics”(metapragmatics)かず语言识形态えいLanguage ideology”(language ideology)とう概念がいねん1980年代ねんだい以后语言じん类学范式てきさい重要じゅうよう奠基じん[4][5]



まれ尔弗斯坦ざい哈佛大学だいがく获得本科ほんか学位がくい博士はかせ学位がくい。语言がく符号ふごうがく和文わぶんがく评论罗曼·みやびかくぬのもりてきさい重要じゅうようてき导师いち[1]まれ尔弗斯坦ざい哈佛也师从逻辑学哲学てつがくひしげとく·奎因 かず语言がく诺姆·乔姆斯基。1982 ねんざいむぎかつおもね瑟奖设立てきだいねん获得该奖,并且当年とうねんさいとし轻的获奖しゃどう一年的获奖者包括弦论物理学家爱德华·かずきさきらい获得2004ねん诺贝尔物理学りがくてきどる兰克·维尔きりかつ[6]もと于语げんがくほん杰明··沃夫かず哲学てつがく查尔斯·くわとく斯·がわ尔士てき工作こうさくまれ尔弗斯坦开创りょうもと语言がくかず“语言识形态”两个重要じゅうよう概念がいねん,并把它们发展なり为连せっ语言结构与社会しゃかい和文わぶん结构间的论桥はりてき工作こうさく引发りょうじん类学、语言がく社会しゃかい语言がくちゅう一系列理论范式的转变,并且おもしん引发りょう学界がっかい对“语言しょう对论てき兴趣。てき论也提供ていきょうりょう对乔姆斯もと语言观的しんてき批判ひはん [7]まれ尔弗斯坦てき论还促进りょう语言じん类学社会しゃかい语言がくちゅう对社かい语言、政治せいじ语言、语言政策せいさく、语言教育きょういくとう方向ほうこうてき研究けんきゅう职业生涯しょうがいてき早期そうき研究けんきゅう还涉及对澳大利おおとし亚和しゅうちょ语言てき田野でんや调查语言がく分析ぶんせき




  • 1976a. "Hierarchy of features and ergativity页面そん档备份そん互联网档あん)." In Grammatical Categories in Australian Languages (R.M.W. Dixon, ed.), 112–171.
  • 1976b. "Shifters, linguistic categories and cultural description."
  • 1977. "Cultural prerequisites to grammatical analysis." In Linguistics and Anthropology (M. Saville-Troike, ed.), 139-51. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press.
  • 1979. "Language structure and linguistic ideology." In The Elements: A Parasession on Linguistic Units and Levels (R. Cline, W. Hanks, and C. Hofbauer, eds.), 193-247. Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society.
  • 1981. "Case marking and the nature of language." Australian Journal of Linguistics, 227-244.
  • 1985a. "Language and the culture of gender: at the intersection of structure, usage, and ideology." In Semiotic Mediation: Sociocultural and Psychological Perspectives (E. Mertz and R. Parmentier, eds.), 219-259. Orlando: Academic Press.
  • 1985b. "The functional stratification of language and ontogenesis."
  • 1987a. "The three faces of function: preliminaries to a psychology of language."
  • 1987b. "Cognitive implications of a referential hierarchy."
  • 1987c. "Monoglot 'Standard' in America: standardization and metaphors of linguistic hegemony."
  • 1992. "The indeterminacy of contextualization: when is enough enough?" In The Contextualization of Language (Auer, Peter & Aldo Di Luzio, eds.), 55-76.
  • 1992. "Of nominatives and datives: universal grammar from the bottom up."
  • 1993. "Metapragmatic discourse and metapragmatic function." In Reflexive Language: Reported Speech and Metapragmatics (J. Lucy, ed.), 33-58.
  • 1996. Natural Histories of Discourse (editor, with Greg Urban). Chicago: University of Chicago Press. ISBN 0-8223-3474-7.
    • Includes chapter, "The Secret Life of Texts," 81-105.
  • 1997a. "Encountering languages and languages of encounter in North American ethnohistory."
  • 1997b. "The Improvisational Performance of Culture in Realtime Discursive Practice". In Creativity in Performance (R. K. Sawyer, ed.). Greenwich, CT: Ablex Publishing Corp., 265-312.
  • 1998. "Contemporary transformations of local linguistic communities." Annual Review of Anthropology.
  • 2000. "Whorfianism and the linguistic imagination of nationality." In Regimes of Language.
  • 2003a. "Indexical order and the dialectics of sociolinguistic life."
  • 2003b. "The Whens and Wheres—as well as Hows—of Ethnolinguistic Recognition."
  • 2003c. Talking Politics: The substance of style from Abe to "W". Chicago: Prickly Paradigm Press. ISBN 0-9717575-5-0.
  • 2004a. "'Cultural' Concepts and the Language-Culture Nexus页面そん档备份そん互联网档あん)". Current Anthropology 45(5), 621-652.
  • 2004b. "Boasian cosmographic anthropology and the sociocentric component of mind." In Significant Others: Interpersonal and Professional Commitments in Anthropology" (Richard Handler, ed.), 131-157.
  • 2005a. "Axes of Evals: Token versus Type Interdiscursivity." Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 15.1:6-22.
  • 2005b. "Languages/Cultures are Dead! Long Live the Linguistic-Cultural!" In D. Segal & S. Yanagisako, eds., Unwrapping the Sacred Bundle: Reflections on the Disciplining of Anthropology. Durham: Duke University Press, 99-125. ISBN 0-8223-3474-7.
  • 2005c. "The Poetics of Politics: 'Theirs' and 'Ours'."
  • 2006a. "How we look from where we stand" (review article).
  • 2006b. "Old wine, new ethnographic lexicography." Annual Review of Anthropology.


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Stephen O. Murray. 1998. American Sociolinguistics: Theorists and Theory Groups. John Benjamins, pp. 236–37.
  2. ^ Michael Silverstein, groundbreaking anthropologist and linguist, 1945-2020. University of Chicago News. 2020-07-20 [2021-11-01]. (原始げんし内容ないようそん于2021-11-03). 
  3. ^ Michael Silverstein. University of Chicago Department of Linguistics. [2021-11-01]. (原始げんし内容ないようそん档于2015-07-08). 
  4. ^ Jonathan Yovel and Elizabeth E. Mertz. "Metalinguistic Awareness" HANDBOOK OF PRAGMATICS HIGHLIGHTS. Ed. an-Ola Östman, Jef Verschueren, Jan Blommaert, Chris Bulcaen,. 2010. p. 252-3
  5. ^ Blount, Ben G. 1995. Language, Culture, and Society: A book of Readings. Waveland Press. Inc. pp. 106-7
  6. ^ Michael Silverstein. Macfound.org. 1982-08-01 [2021-11-01]. (原始げんし内容ないようそん于2020-01-25). 
  7. ^ Woolard, Kathryn A. 1998. Introduction: Language Ideology as A Field of Inquiry. in Language Ideology: Practice and Theory. Schiffelin, Bambi B., Kathryn Woolard and Paul V. Kroskrity (eds.) Oxford University Press.
  8. ^ Archived copy (PDF). [2021-11-01]. (原始げんし内容ないよう (PDF)そん档于2015-02-05). 
  9. ^ Faculty Member Michael Silverstein Has Passed Away. [2021-11-02]. (原始げんし内容ないようそん于2021-11-04). 

