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玉井 真理子・中澤 英之・阿部 史子『遺伝医療と倫理』(バイオエシックス資料集 第1集)

遺伝いでん医療いりょう倫理りんり』(バイオエシックス資料集しりょうしゅう だいしゅう

玉井たまい 真理子まりこ中澤なかざわ 英之ひでゆき阿部あべ 史子ふみこ 19970901 信州大学医療技術短期大学しんしゅうだいがくいりょうぎじゅつたんきだいがく心理しんりがく研究けんきゅうしつ,112p.

〒390松本まつもとあさひ3-1-1 信州大学医療技術短期大学しんしゅうだいがくいりょうぎじゅつたんきだいがく心理しんりがく研究けんきゅうしつ
電話でんわ:0263-37-2396 ファクス:0263-37-2370
E-mail :mtamai@gipac.shinshu-u.ac.jp

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玉井たまい 真理子まりこ中澤なかざわ 英之ひでゆき阿部あべ 史子ふみこ 19970901 『遺伝いでん医療いりょう倫理りんり』(バイオエシックス資料集しりょうしゅう だいしゅう),信州大学医療技術短期大学しんしゅうだいがくいりょうぎじゅつたんきだいがく心理しんりがく研究けんきゅうしつ,112p. be




だいしょう 遺伝いでんカウンセリング
◆1-1 遺伝いでんカウンセリングの定義ていぎ
Ad Hoc Committee on Genetic Counseling 1975 Genetic Counseling, Am J Hum Genet 27:240-242,1975.
WHO Scientific Group 1972 Genetic Disorders: prevention, treatment and rehabilitation, World Health Organization Technical Report Series 497:1-46

◆1-2 遺伝いでんカウンセリングにかんする一般いっぱんてき倫理りんり規定きてい原則げんそくなど
Angus Clarke ed. 1994 Genetic Counselling: Practice and Principles, London, Routledge
National Society of Genetic Counselors 1992 National Society of Genetic Counselors Code of Ethics, Journal of Genetic Counseling 1:41-43

◆1-3 その
Susan Michie, Faye Bron, Martin Bobrow, and Theresa M. Marteau 1997 Nondirectiveness in Genetic Counseling: An Empirical Study, Am J Hum Genet 60:40-47
Michael Day 1997 Gene counsellors say what's "best", New Scientist, 3 February 1997
Robert M. Fineman & M. T. Walton 1996 Should Genetic Health Care(GHC)Providers Attempt to Influence Reproductive Outcomer Using Directive Counseling Techniques: A Public Health Perspective,
Sallie B. Freeman, Cynthia F. Hintom, Louis J. Elsas, II, Council of Regional Networks for Genetic Services eds. 1996 Genetic Services : Developing Guidelines for the Public' Health (Proceeding of a conference held in Washington, D. C. February 16-17, 1996), The Council of Regional Networks for Genetic Services, Emory University of Medicine, Pediatrics / Medical Genetics, pp.224-229

だい2しょう WHO関連かんれん文書ぶんしょ
◆2-1 遺伝いでん医療いりょうかんする倫理りんりガイドライン
WHO's Guidelines on Medical Genetics and "Eugenics"
玉井たまい 真理子まりこ
D. C. Wertz, J. C. Fletcher 1995 WHO Ethical Guidelines for the Provision of Genetics Service(draft).
D. C. Wertz, J. C. Fletcher, K. Berg, V. Boulyjenkov 1995 Guidelines on Ethical Issues in Medical Genetics and the Provision of Genetics Services(draft).

◆2-2 遺伝いでんびょう対策たいさく
WHO Scientific Group 1996 Control of Hereditary Diseases, WHO Technical Report Series 865

だい3しょう 特定とくてい領域りょういき焦点しょうてんをあてた指針ししん勧告かんこく声明せいめいなど
◆3-1 がんにかんして
Statement of the American Society of Clinical Oncology: Genetic Testing for Cancer Susceptibility Adopted on February 20, 1996 by the American Society of Clinical Oncology, Journal of Clinical Oncology 14:1730-36
Frederick P. Li, Judy E. Garber, Stephan H. Friend, Louise C. Strong, Andrea F. Patenaude, Eric T. Juengst, Philip R. Reilly, Pelayo Correa, Joseph F. Fraumann 1992 Recommendations on Predictive Testing for Germ Line p53 Mutations Among Cancer-Prone Individuals, Journal of the National Cancer Institute 84:1156-1160
Barbara Bowles Biesecker, Judy E. Garber 1995 Testing and Counseling Adults for Heritable Cancer Risk, Journal of the National Cancer Institute Monographs 17:115-118
Barbara B. Biesecker, Michael Boehnke, Kathy Calzone, Dorene S. Markel, Judy E. Garber, Francis S. Collins, Barbara L. Weber 1993 Genetic Counseling for Families with Inherited Susceptibility to Breast and Ovarian Cancer, JAMA 269:1970-1974
Francis M. Giardiello, Jill D. Brensinger, Gloria M. Peterson, Michael C. Luce, Linda M. Hylind, Judith A. Bacon, Susan V. Booker, Rodger D. Parker and Stanley R. Hamilton 1997 The Use and Interpretation of Commercial APC Gene Testing for Familial Adenomatous Polyposis, New England Journal of Medicine 336-12:823-7
Gail Geller et. al. 1995 Informed consent and BRCA1 testing, Nature Genetics 11:364

◆3-2 小児しょうにかんして
The American Society of Human Genetics Board of Directors and The American College of Medical Genetics Board of Directors (ASHG/ACMG Report) 1995 Points to Consider: Ethical, Legal, and Psychosocial Implications of Genetic Testing in Children and Adolescents, Am J Hum Genet 57:1233-1241

◆3-3 守秘しゅひおよび情報じょうほう開示かいじ
Mary Z. Pelias 1991 Duty to Disclose in Medical Genetics:A Legal Perspective, Am J Med Genet 39:347-354
Philip R . Reilly, Mark F. Boshar, Steven H. Holtzman 1997 Ethical issues in Genetic Research: disclosure and informed consent, Nature Genetics, 15 Jan:16-20
M. Z. Pelias 1996 Informed Consent and the Use of Archived Tissue Samples,
Sallie B. Freeman, Cynthia F. Hintom, Louis J. Elsas, II, Council of Regional Networks for Gnetic Services eds. 1996 Genetic Services : Developing Guidelines for the Public' Health (Proceedinge of a conference held in Washington, D. C. February 16-17, 1996), The Council of Regional Networks for Genetic Services, Emory University of Medicine, Pediatrics / Medical Genetics, pp.152-157
Dorothy C. Wertz 1992 Ethical and Legal Implications of the New Genetics : Issues for Discussion, Social Science of Medicine 35-4:495-505
Veatch, Robert M. 1997 Consent, Confidentiality and Research, The New England Journal of Medicine, 336:869-870(Editorials)

◆3-4 その
Juengst, Eric T. 1995 The Ethics of Prediction : Genetic Risk and the Physician-Patient Relationship, Genome Science & Technology 1-1:21-36
Great Lakes Regional Genetic Group, Evaluation of Clinical Services Subcommittee 1993 Minimum Guidelines for the Delivery of Clinical Genetics Services, Am J Hum Genet 53:287-289
Bebjamin S. Wilfond, Kathleen Nolan 1993 National Policy development for the Clinical Application of Genetic Diagnostic Technologies : Lessons From Cystic Fibrosis, JAMA 270:2948-2954
Department of Health 1995 The Genetics of Common Diseases.
A Second Report to the NHS Central Research and Development Committee on the new genetics, UK
Nuffuild Council on Bioethics 1995 Human Tissue Ethical and Legal Issues, pp. 139-140
Nuffuild Council on Bioethics 1995 Human Tissue Ethical and Legal Issues, pp. 139-140
The Council of Human Genome Diversity Project(HUGO) 1996 HUGO Statement on the Principled Conduct of Genetic Research, Genome Digest May:2-3
玉井たまい 真理子まりこ




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