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User:Jdam-mk84/大韓民國空軍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 とべ转到内容ないよう


Republic of Korea Air Force
  • 대한민국 공군
  • Daehanminguk Gong-gun
Republic of Korea Air Force emblem

國家こっかある地區ちく 韩国
種類しゅるいAir force
こうのうAerial warfare
  • 65,000 (2022)[1]
  • 720 aircraft
直屬ちょくぞく 韩国
HeadquartersGyeryong, South Korea
  • 대한민국을 지키는 가장 높은 힘
  • "The Highest Power Defending the Republic of Korea"[2]
  • 공군가
  • "Air Force Anthem"[3][4]
吉祥きっしょうぶつ"Haneuli" and "Purumae"
President Yoon Suk Yeol
Minister of National Defense Shin Won-sik
Chief of Staff of Air Force General Lee Young-su
Low Visibility Roundel
せん鬥機F-5E/F, F-4E, F-16C, F-15K, FA-50, F-35A
ちょくのぼりBell 412, CH-47D, HH-60P, S-92, Ka-32, MD 500 Defender, Eurocopter AS332
攻擊こうげきちょくのぼりMD 500 Defender
巡邏じゅんらRQ-4 Global Hawk
偵察ていさつRC-800, Dassault Falcon 2000
教練きょうれんKAI KT-1, TA-50/50B, KT-100
運輸うんゆBoeing 747, Boeing 737, CASA CN-235, C-130H, C-130J

The Republic of Korea Air Force (ROKAF; ), also known as the ROK Air Force or South Korean air force, is the aerial warfare service branch of South Korea, operating under the South Korean Ministry of National Defense.





L-5がた連絡れんらく購入こうにゅう航空こうくう首脳しゅのう空軍くうぐん独立どくりつ提唱ていしょうしたが、連絡れんらく20だけで、しかもアメリカ空軍くうぐんでさえ独立どくりつしてから1ねんあまりしかっていないときであったので、顧問こもん団長だんちょうのロバーじゅんはた(William L. Roberts)は時期じき尚早しょうそう参謀さんぼう総長そうちょう蔡秉とく少将しょうしょう空地くうち協同きょうどう建前たてまえから空軍くうぐん独立どくりつ反対はんたいした。そこできむさだれつ承晩しょうばん大統領だいとうりょうさるせい国防こくぼう長官ちょうかんらに直接ちょくせつうったえ、蔡秉とく執拗しつようき、1949ねん10月1にち現在げんざい韓国かんこく空軍くうぐん正式せいしき発足ほっそくした。North American T-6(국민성금 헌납기(T-6 건국기) (國民こくみんまこときん 獻納けんのう(T-6 建國けんこく))國民こくみんまこときん 獻納けんのうあさ鲜语국민성금 헌납기

その1950ねん朝鮮ちょうせん戦争せんそう勃発ぼっぱつしたさい北朝鮮きたちょうせんヤコヴレフYak-9ラーヴォチュキン La-7当時とうじソビエト連邦れんぽうから輸入ゆにゅうし、朝鮮人民軍ちょうせんじんみんぐん空軍くうぐん導入どうにゅうしたことをけて、P-51D マスタングをはじめとする110導入どうにゅうアメリカ空軍くうぐんからもパイロット派遣はけんされ、軍事ぐんじ規模きぼ拡大かくだいしてった。

さらに1960年代ねんだいから1970年代ねんだいになると、北朝鮮きたちょうせん脅威きょういからF-86F-5F-4といった戦闘せんとう配備はいびされてき、1990年代ねんだいにはF-16・KF-162000年代ねんだいにはF-15E韓国かんこくがたであるF-15Kが導入どうにゅうされるとう近代きんだい進行しんこうしている。KT-1T-50といった練習れんしゅう国産こくさんしているほか、国産こくさん戦闘せんとうKF-21開発かいはつおこなっている。 2020年代ねんだいにおいてもF-35A導入どうにゅうなどさい新鋭しんえいへの更新こうしん随時ずいじおこなわれている。




せん結束けっそくひさ韓國かんこく航空こうくう建設けんせつ協會きょうかい於1946ねん8がつ10日とおか成立せいりつ宣傳せんでん空中くうちゅう力量りきりょうてき重要じゅうようせい。儘管當時とうじ韓國かんこく武裝ぶそう部隊ぶたいてき地位ちいほろすすきただしだい一支空軍部隊還是在 1948 ねん 5 がつ 5 にちざい現代げんだい韓國かんこく國防こくぼう前身ぜんしんただしためてき指揮しきぐみたてりょう。1949ねん9がつ13にち美國びくにこう韓國かんこく空軍くうぐん捐贈りょう10L-4くさ觀察かんさつ。1949ねん1がつ陸軍りくぐん航空こうくう學院がくいん成立せいりつ,1949ねん10がつ韓國かんこく空軍くうぐん正式せいしき成立せいりつ

Shortly after the end of World War II, the South Korean Air Construction Association was founded on August 10, 1946, to publicize the importance of air power. Despite the then-scanty status of Korean armed forces, the first air unit was formed on May 5, 1948, under the direction of Dong Wi-bu, the forerunner to the modern South Korean Ministry of National Defense. On September 13, 1949, the United States contributed 10 L-4 Grasshopper observation aircraft to the South Korean air unit. An Army Air Academy was founded in January 1949, and the ROKAF was officially founded in October 1949.



20 世紀せいき 50 年代ねんだい韓國かんこく空軍くうぐんてきせきかぎ時期じきいんため它在朝鮮ちょうせん戰爭せんそう期間きかんきゅうげき擴張かくちょう戰爭せんそう爆發ばくはつ韓國かんこく空軍くうぐんゆう1800めい人員じんいんただしただ配備はいびりょう20教練きょうれん聯絡れんらく,其中包括ほうかつしたがえ拿大購買こうばいてき10北美きたみT-6とくしゅう高級こうきゅう教練きょうれん北韓ほっかん空軍くうぐんしたがえれん購買こうばいりょう相當そうとう數量すうりょうてきYak-9La-7せん鬥機,ざい規模きぼ實力じつりょく上使じょうし韓國かんこく空軍くうぐんしょう形見がたみ絀。ざい戰爭せんそう期間きかん韓國かんこく空軍くうぐん購買こうばいりょう 110 ,其中包括ほうかつ 79 せん鬥轟炸機、三個戰鬥機中隊和一個戰鬥機聯隊。作為さくいBout One計畫けいかくてきいち部分ぶぶん接收せっしゅうてきだい一架戰鬥機是北美 F-51D ,以及よしDean Hessしょうこう指揮しきてき美國びくに空軍くうぐん教官きょうかん飛行ひこういん分隊ぶんたい韓國かんこく空軍くうぐん參與さんよりょうとどろき行動こうどうなみ獨立どくりつ飛行ひこう戰後せんご韓國かんこく空軍くうぐんそう遷至くびしか大方おおかたほら空軍くうぐん大學だいがく成立せいりつ於1956ねん

The 1950s were a critical time for the ROKAF as it expanded tremendously during the Korean War. At the outbreak of the war, the ROKAF consisted of 1,800 personnel but was equipped with only 20 trainers and liaison aircraft, including 10 North American T-6 Texan advanced trainers purchased from Canada. The North Korean Air Force had acquired a considerable number of Yak-9 and La-7 fighters from the Soviet Union, dwarfing the ROKAF in terms of size and strength. During the war, though, the ROKAF acquired 110 aircraft - 79 fighter-bombers, three fighter squadrons, and one fighter wing. The first combat aircraft received was North American F-51D Mustangs, along with a contingent of US Air Force instructor pilots under the command of Major Dean Hess, as part of Bout One Project. The ROKAF participated in bombing operations and flew independent sorties. After the war, the ROKAF Headquarters were moved to Daebangdong, Seoul. Air Force University was also founded in 1956.

P-51 Mustangs were among the first fighter aircraft for the ROKAF



ためりょうおうたい北韓ほっかん可能かのう侵略しんりゃくてきおびえ韓國かんこく空軍くうぐんてき能力のうりょくいたりょう大幅おおはば增強ぞうきょう韓國かんこく空軍くうぐん購買こうばいりょう北美きたみ T-28 とくらく教練きょうれん北美きたみ F-86D 佩刀はかせ夜間やかん全天候ぜんてんこう攔截だく斯羅ひろし F-5せん鬥機むぎどう F-4D 幻影げんえいせん鬥轟炸機。空軍くうぐん作戰さくせん司令しれい成立せいりつ於 1961 ねんむねざい確保かくほだかこうてき指揮しきひかえせいしつらえほどこせ。1966ねん成立せいりつ空軍くうぐんつとむ司令しれいきょうけん緊急きんきゅう跑道,きょう戰時せんじ緊急きんきゅう使用しよう。Eunma 部隊ぶたい成立せいりつ於 1966 ねんせめうんさく柯蒂斯 C-46 突擊とつげきたい運輸うんゆよう支援しえんえつせん期間きかんざい南越なんごし服役ふくえきてき韓國かんこく陸軍りくぐん海軍かいぐん陸戰りくせんたい部隊ぶたい。[5]

To counter the threat of possible North Korean aggression, the ROKAF underwent a substantial capability enhancement. The ROKAF acquired North American T-28 Trojan trainers, North American F-86D Sabre night- and all-weather interceptors, Northrop F-5 fighters and McDonnell Douglas F-4D Phantom fighter bombers. Air Force Operations Command was established in 1961 to secure efficient command and control facilities. Air Force Logistics Command was established in 1966, and emergency runways were constructed for emergency use during wartime. The Eunma Unit was founded in 1966 to operate Curtiss C-46 Commando transport aircraft used to support Republic of Korea Army and Republic of Korea Marine Corps units serving in South Vietnam during the Vietnam War.[6]



1970 年代ねんだいずいちょ北韓ほっかんにちえき好戰こうせん韓國かんこく空軍くうぐんめん安全あんぜんふうけわし韓國かんこく政府せいふ增加ぞうかりょうたい韓國かんこく空軍くうぐんてき支出ししゅつしるべ致於 1974 ねん 8 がつ購買こうばいりょうだく斯羅ひろし F-5E とら IIせん鬥機 F-4E せん鬥轟炸機。當時とうじ也購かいりょうFairchild C-123 ProvidersGrumman S-2 Trackersとう支援しえん高度こうど重視じゅうし飛行ひこう訓練くんれん計畫けいかく購買こうばいりょう新型しんがた教練きょうれんふさが斯納T-41 Mescaleroふさが斯納T-37),なみ於1973ねん成立せいりつりょう空軍くうぐん教育きょういく訓練くんれん司令しれい,以鞏固きょうこひさげだか人才じんさいつちかえくん品質ひんしつ

The ROKAF was posed with a security risk, with an increasingly belligerent North Korea throughout the 1970s. The South Korean government increased its expenditure on the ROKAF, resulting in the purchase of Northrop F-5E Tiger II fighters in August 1974 and F-4E fighter-bombers. Support aircraft, such as Fairchild C-123 Providers and Grumman S-2 Trackers were also purchased at the time. Great emphasis was placed on the flight training program; new trainer aircraft (Cessna T-41 Mescalero and Cessna T-37) were purchased, and the Air Force Education & Training Command was also founded in 1973 to consolidate and enhance the quality of personnel training.



韓國かんこく空軍くうぐんせんちゅう於飛てき品質ひんしつ擴張かくちょう,以趕じょう北韓ほっかん空軍くうぐんてき實力じつりょく。1982 ねん,F-5E てき韓國かんこくあらためがた「Jegong-ho」くび生產せいさんとう北韓ほっかん飛行ひこういん雄平ゆうへいじょうじょう叛逃到韓國かんこく韓國かんこく空軍くうぐん收集しゅうしゅうりょう大量たいりょうゆうせき北韓ほっかん空軍くうぐんてき訊。北韓ほっかん作戰さくせん行動こうどう中心ちゅうしん很快就成立せいりつ防空ぼうくう系統けいとう實現じつげん自動じどう,以獲得かくとくはりたい北韓ほっかんてき空中くうちゅう優勢ゆうせい。1988 ねんかんじょうおくうんかいざい韓國かんこく舉行韓國かんこく空軍くうぐん透過とうかきょう助監督じょかんとくせい安全あんぜん系統けいとう為本ためもととどけさいごとてき成功せいこう做出りょう貢獻こうけん韓國かんこく空軍くうぐん也將そう空軍くうぐん教育きょういく訓練くんれん司令しれい遷至其他地點ちてん。1989ねん購買こうばいりょう 40通用つうよう動力どうりょくてきF-16せん鬥機。

The ROKAF concentrated on the qualitative expansion of aircraft to catch up to the strength of the North Korean Air Force. In 1982, Korean variants of the F-5E, the Jegong-ho were first produced. The ROKAF gathered a good deal of information on the North Korean Air Force when Captain Lee Woong-Pyeong, a North Korean pilot, defected to South Korea. The Korean Combat Operations Information Center was soon formed and the Air Defence System was automated to attain air superiority against North Korea. When the 1988 Seoul Olympics was held in South Korea, the ROKAF contributed to the success of this event by helping to oversee the entire security system. The ROKAF also moved its headquarters and the Air Force Education & Training Command to other locations. 40 General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon fighters were also purchased in 1989.



うみわん戰爭せんそう期間きかん韓國かんこく承諾しょうだく支持しじれんぐん組成そせい部隊ぶたい參戰さんせん。1993ねん韓國かんこく空軍くうぐん也為さくとぎ維和いわ行動こうどう提供ていきょうりょうそらうん支援しえんたい國際こくさい行動こうどうてき參與さんよ程度ていど不斷ふだんひさげだか反映はんえいりょう韓國かんこく空軍くうぐん國際こくさい地位ちいてきひさげます。1994 ねん作為さくい和平わへいきょう II III けい劃的いち部分ぶぶん,引進りょう超過ちょうか 180 F-16 Block 52規格きかくてきKF-16せん鬥機。1997 ねん韓國かんこく航空こうくう史上しじょうくび招收おんながくいん進入しんにゅう韓國かんこく空軍くうぐん學院がくいん

South Korea committed its support for coalition forces during the Persian Gulf War, forming the "Bima Unit" to fight in the war. The ROKAF also provided airlift support for peacekeeping operations in Somalia in 1993. The increased participation in international operations depicted the ROKAF's elevated international position. Over 180 KF-16 fighters of F-16 Block 52 specifications were introduced as part of the Peace Bridge II & III program in 1994. In 1997, for the first time in Korean aviation history, female cadets were accepted into the Korean Air Force Academy.



韓國かんこく最後さいごいち批舊てき60F-5A/Bせん鬥機やめ於2007ねん8がつ全部ぜんぶ退役たいえきなみF-15KF/A-50だい。2009ねん10がつ20日はつか美國びくに空軍くうぐんふく部長ぶちょうぬの魯斯·S·萊姆きん表示ひょうじ韓國かんこく空軍くうぐん有限ゆうげんてき情報じょうほう監視かんし偵察ていさつ(ISR)能力のうりょく增加ぞうかりょう朝鮮半島ちょうせんはんとう不穩ふおんじょうてきふうけわしなみ建議けんぎ購買こうばい美國びくに系統けいとうれい如F -35 閃電IIわたるりょういち距。[6]

The last of the old South Korean 60 F-5A/B fighters were all retired in August 2007, and they were replaced with the F-15K and F/A-50. On October 20, 2009, Bruce S. Lemkin, deputy undersecretary of the U.S. Air Force, said that the ROKAF's limited intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities increased the risk of instability on the Korean Peninsula and suggested the purchase of American systems such as the F-35 Lightning II to close this gap.[7]



韓國かんこく空軍くうぐん表示ひょうじゆう興趣きょうしゅ購買こうばいRQ-4ぜんたまたか はるかひかえ飛行ひこう(RPV)かず聯合れんごう直接ちょくせつ攻擊こうげき彈藥だんやく轉換てんかん套件,以進一步提高其情報和進攻能力。2014ねんだく斯羅·かく魯曼公司こうし簽訂りょう一份向韓國提供四架RQ-4 Globalてきごうやく。[7]韓國かんこく空軍くうぐん購了 40 F-35 另外 20 F-35。

The South Korean Air Force also expressed interest in acquiring the RQ-4 Global Hawk remotely piloted vehicle (RPV) and several Joint Direct Attack Munition conversion kits to further improve its intelligence and offensive capabilities. In 2014, Northrop Grumman awarded a contract to provide South Korea with four RQ-4 Global.[8] The South Korean Air Force acquired 40 F-35s and +20 additional F-35.




2023 ねん 10 がつ 22 にち韓國かんこく空軍くうぐんざい朝鮮半島ちょうせんはんとう附近ふきんあずか美國びくにかず日本にっぽん空軍くうぐん進行しんこうりょうくびさんへん演習えんしゅう。[9]

In 2021, the Space Operations Center was established at the Air Force Headquarters.[9]

On 22 October 2023, the ROKAF conducted its first-ever trilateral exercise with the United States and Japanese air forces near the Korean Peninsula.[10]


A Lockheed C-130 Hercules transport aircraft

Republic of Korea Air Force Headquarters

  • Republic of Korea Air Force Headquarters
    • 7th Airforce Communication Service Group
    • 35th Flight Group, based at Seongnam
    • 52nd Test & Evaluation Group
    • 53rd Air Demonstration Group, based at Wonju
    • 91st Civil Engineer Group
    • Air Force Aerospace Medical Center
    • Air Force Weather Group
  • Air Force Operations Command
    • Korean Air And Space Operations Center
    • Air Combat Command
      • 1st Fighter Wing, based at Gwangju (T-50)
      • 8th Fighter Wing, based at Wonju (FA-50, KA-1, HARPY)
      • 10th Fighter Wing, based at Suwon (KF-5E/F, F-4E)
      • 11th Fighter Wing, based at Daegu (F-15K)
      • 16th Fighter Wing, based at Yecheon (TA-50, FA-50)
      • 17th Fighter Wing, based at Cheongju (F-35A)
      • 18th Fighter Wing, based at Gangneung (KF-5E/F)
      • 19th Fighter Wing, based at Chungju (KF-16, F-16)
      • 20th Fighter Wing, based at Seosan (KF-16)
      • 29th Tactical Fighter Weapons Group, based at Cheongju
      • 38th Fighter Group, based at Gunsan (KF-16)
    • Air Mobility & Reconnaissance Command
      • 3rd Flying Training Wing, based at Sacheon (KT-1)
      • 5th Air Mobility Wing, based at Gimhae (C-130, CN-235, KC-330)
      • 15th Special Missions Wing, based at Seongnam (C-130, CN-235)
      • 39th Reconnaissance Wing, based at Chungju (RF-16, RC-800)[11]
      • 6th Search & Rescue Air Group, based at Cheongju
        • 231st Search and Rescue Squadron
        • 233th Search and Rescue Squadron
        • 235th Search and Rescue Squadron
        • Special search and Rescue squad
      • 28th Flight Group
      • 51st Air Control Flight Group, based at Gimhae (E-737)
        Boeing 737 AEW&C aircraft of the Republic of Korea Air Force
    • Air & Missile Defense Command
      • 1st Air & Missile Defense Brigade
      • 2nd Air & Missile Defense Brigade
      • 3rd Air & Missile Defense Brigade[12]
    • Air Defense Control Command
      • 31st Air Defense Control Group (1MCRC)
      • 32nd Air Defense Control Group (2MCRC)
      • 33rd Air Defense Control Group
      • 34th Air Defense Control Group
  • Air Force Logistics Command
  • Air Force Education & Training Command
    • Basic Military Training Wing
    • Air Force Aviation Science High School
    • 1st Logistics School
    • 2nd Logistics School
    • Information Communication School
    • Administrative School
    • Air Defence Artillery School
    • Boramae Leadership Center
  • Air Force Academy

Current Major Projects


KF-X future fighter program


KF-X未來みらいせん鬥機計畫けいかく ぬしじょう:KAI KF-21 Boramae 韓國かんこく航空こうくうこうふと工業こうぎょう公司こうし (KAI) KF-21 Boramae(北方ほっぽうあおたかいち款多用途ようと 4.5 だいせん鬥機,ゆかり韓國かんこく KAI しるしあま PT DI 製造せいぞう。其性能せいのうかい於輕がた FA-50 せん鬥機高級こうきゅうとおほどじゅう F-15K F-35 Lightning II あいだ。[12] [13]

The Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) KF-21 Boramae (Northern Goshawk) is a multi-role 4.5 generation fighter built By Korean KAI and Indonesian PT DI. It will have capabilities in between the light FA-50 fighter and the high-grade, long-range, heavy payload F-15K and F-35 Lightning II.[13][14]

Mid-altitude unmanned aerial vehicles (MUAV)


しゅじょう:KUS-FS おとこ 自主じしゅ開發かいはつてきKUS-FS,綽號ためMUAVある韓國かんこく無人むじん系統けいとう(KUS-FS),設計せっけいよう武裝ぶそう陸地りくち海上かいじょう情報じょうほう監視かんし偵察ていさつ(ISR)任務にんむぞくこう時間じかんちょうたち24しょう。它於2012 ねん進行しんこうくび大韓航空だいかんこうくうこうふと部門ぶもん(KAL-ASD) 於2019 ねん推出りょう配備はいびLIG Nex1 SAR かんはなひかりでん/べに外線がいせんかんはかうつわてきMALE 無人むじんけい劃於2021 ねん進行しんこう批量生產せいさんよりどころ報道ほうどう,它的つばさてん死神しにがみさらひろし25 m,よし 1200 hp Pratt & Whitney PT6 うず螺旋らせん槳發動機どうき提供ていきょう動力どうりょく。[14] [15] [16]韓國かんこくしょうざい2025ねんぜん開發かいはつあんそうざい高性能こうせいのう無人むじん機上きじょうてきうずおうぎ發動はつどう。[17]

The indigenously developed KUS-FS, nicknamed MUAV or Korean Unmanned System (KUS-FS), is designed for armed land and sea Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) missions with endurance of up to 24 hours. Its maiden flight was in 2012. Korean Air's Aerospace Division (KAL-ASD) unveiled its MALE UAV in 2019 with LIG Nex1 SAR and Hanwha EO/IR sensors, aimed for serial production in 2021. It reportedly has a wider wingspan than the Reaper at 25 m and is powered by a 1200 hp Pratt & Whitney PT6 turboprop engine.[15][16][17] South Korea will develop turbofan engines to be installed in high-performance unmanned aerial vehicles by 2025.[18]

M-SAM Block II


2017 ねんはるてん,PIP 飛彈ひだん(M-SAM Block II)開始かいしりょう最後さいごてきはかこころみざい此期あいだ它擊落了五個練習彈道飛彈目標中的五個。けい劃到 2022 ねんざい韓國かんこく各地かくち部署ぶしょ 7 電池でんち)。[18]

In the spring of 2017 the PIP missile (M-SAM Block II) began its final tests, during which it shot down five of five practice ballistic missile targets. Seven (batteries) are scheduled for deployment throughout South Korea by 2022.[19]



L-SAMゆび目前もくぜんただしざい開發かいはつてき國產こくさんとおほど對空たいくう飛彈ひだん,而Cheolmae II,也稱ためKM-SAM,國產こくさん中程なかほど對空たいくう飛彈ひだんのう夠與高度こうどだかたち 20 公里くりてき來襲らいしゅう目標もくひょうしん項目こうもく暱稱ため“K-THAAD”,いんため其計劃射ほどため 25 いたり 93 英里えりなみ且能夠擊中高なかだかたち 200,000 えいじゃくてき目標もくひょう。L-SAM ある Cheolmae-4 やめ投入とうにゅうきん 10 おくもとけい劃於 2022 ねん完工かんこうなみざいいち兩年りょうねん後部こうぶしょよん電池でんち。[19]

L-SAM refers to a locally made long-range surface-to-air missile currently under development, while the Cheolmae II, also known as KM-SAM, is a domestically manufactured medium-range surface-to-air missile capable of engaging an incoming target at an altitude as high as 20 kilometers. The new project has been nicknamed the K-THAAD due to its planned long range of 25 to 93 miles and its ability to hit targets as high as 200,000 feet. Nearly $1 billion has been devoted to the L-SAM or Cheolmae-4, which is scheduled for completion in 2022 with deployment of four batteries to follow a year or two afterwards.[20]

Large Strategic Transport Aircraft


2010ねん推出大型おおがた運輸うんゆC-130J-30ちょうきゅうだい力士りきし以來いらい, [20]韓國かんこく空軍くうぐん宣布せんぷ打算ださん實施じっしだい二個大型戰略運輸機採購計畫。[21] 國防こくぼう計畫けいかく管理かんりきょく(DAPA)揭露りょう詳細しょうさいけい劃,がいじゅつりょうしたがえ海外かいがい購四せい計畫けいかく耗資 4,800 おくかんもと(3,700 まんもと)。DAPA 也授けん成立せいりついち財團ざいだんゆずる韓國かんこく公司こうし參與さんよれいけんてき生產せいさん。[22]

2023 ねん 3 がつ 4 がつ,ROKAF、DAPA KIDA(韓國かんこく國防こくぼう分析ぶんせき研究所けんきゅうじょたい空中くうちゅうともえともえ西にし航空こうくう工業こうぎょう公司こうしらくかつまれとく馬丁ばていとう製造せいぞうしょう進行しんこうりょうひょう估,作為さくい購評估的いち部分ぶぶん。[23]三家製造商提交了空中巴士 A400M Atlas、ともえ西にし航空こうくう工業こうぎょう公司こうし C-390 Millenniumらくかつまれとく馬丁ばてい公司こうし C-130J Super Herculesきょうだいせんあん考慮こうりょ。[23] 2023ねん12月,DAPA選擇せんたくともえ西にし航空こうくう工業こうぎょう公司こうし C-390 Millennium作為さくい大型おおがた運輸うんゆ(LTA)II招標てき勝者しょうしゃ,併計劃在2026ねんぜん引進さん。[24] [25]

2018ねんじょりょうだい計畫けいかくがい韓國かんこく政府せいふ也與西にしはんきば政府せいふ就空ちゅうともえA400M AtlasさらかわKT-1 Woongbi基礎きそ教練きょうれんT-50きんたか高級こうきゅう教練きょうれんてき潛在せんざい交換こうかん進行しんこう討論とうろん。[26]

Since the introduction of the C-130J-30 Super Hercules as a large transport aircraft in 2010,[21] ROKAF has announced its intention to implement a second project for the acquisition of large strategic transporters.[22] Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) has disclosed detailed plans, outlining the purchase of four aircraft from overseas, with the entire project costing 480 billion won (US$37 million). DAPA has also mandated the formation of a consortium, involving Korean companies in the production of aircraft components.[23]

Throughout March and April 2023, ROKAF, DAPA, and KIDA (the Korea Institute for Defense Analysis) conducted an assessment of manufacturers, including Airbus, Embraer, Lockheed Martin, as part of the procurement evaluation.[24] The three manufacturers submitted the Airbus A400M Atlas, Embraer C-390 Millennium, and Lockheed Martin C-130J Super Hercules for consideration in the second project.[24] In December 2023, DAPA selected the Embraer C-390 Millennium as the winner of the Large Transport Aircraft (LTA) II tender, and planning to introduce three units by 2026.[25][26]

In 2018, apart from the second project, the Korean government was in discussions with the Spanish government regarding a potential swap involving the Airbus A400M Atlas for the KT-1 Woongbi basic trainer and the T-50 Golden Eagle advanced trainer.[27]

Long Range Air Defense Radar


韓國かんこく國防こくぼう計畫けいかく管理かんりきょく(DAPA)けいどうりょう一個開發本土遠程防空雷達的計畫。よりどころ機構きこうたたえ目前もくぜんよう於監ひかえ卡迪茲的外國がいこく製造せいぞうかみなりたちらくかつまれとく馬丁ばてい公司こうし TPS-77)はたしたがえ 2027 ねん開始かいし逐步淘汰とうたなみようしんてき國產こくさんしつらえ備取だい。[27]

South Korea's Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) has launched a project to develop an indigenous long-range air defense radar. Foreign-manufactured radars (Lockheed Martin TPS-77) currently in use to monitor Kadiz will be phased out and replaced with new domestic equipment starting in 2027, according to the agency.[28]




F-15K on landing
A FA-50 on first delivery
The air force operates the Kamov Ka-32A4s helicopter for CSAR
A F-16 Fighting Falcon on take off
Aircraft Origin Type Variant In service Notes
Combat Aircraft
F-4 Phantom II United States multirole F-4E 19[29] To be retired in 2024.[29]
F-5 Tiger II United States fighter F-5E 80 [30]
F-15E Strike Eagle United States multirole F-15K 59[31]
F-16 Fighting Falcon United States multirole KF-16C/U 118
KF-16D/U 49 Also provide conversion training[31]
F-35 Lightning II United States multirole F-35A 39[32] 20 on order[33]
T-50 Golden Eagle Republic of Korea light multirole FA-50 60[31]
E-7 Peace Eye United States AEW&C E-737 4[31] Equipped with a MESA radar
Dassault Falcon France EW / ELINT 2000 2[31] 4 on order[34]
Hawker 800 United Kingdom reconnaissance / SIGINT RC-800s 8[31]
Airbus A330 MRTT France refueling / transport KC-330 4[31]
Boeing 737 United States VIP 737-300 1[35]
Boeing 747 United States VIP 747-8I 1[36] Presidential transport operated as Code One leased from Korean Air
CASA CN-235 Spain / Indonesia transport / utility 18[31]
C-130 Hercules United States tactical airlifter C-130H 12[31]
C-130J Super Hercules United States tactical airlifter 4[31]
C-390 Millennium Brazil transport / utility 3 on order[37][38]
AS332 Super Puma France utility / transport 3[31]
Bell 412 United States utility 3[31]
CH-47 Chinook United States transport / CSAR HH-47D 9[31]
Kamov Ka-27 Russia CSAR Ka-32 7[31]
Sikorsky S-70 United States utility / CSAR HH-60P 17[31]
Sikorsky S-92 United States VIP 3[39]
Trainer Aircraft
KC-100 Naraon Republic of Korea trainer KT-100 23[31]
KT-1 Woongbi Republic of Korea trainer KT-1 103[31]
light attack KA-1
T-50 Golden Eagle Republic of Korea trainer T-50 72[31]
Aerobatic-specialized T-50B 10[31] Used by Black Eagles aerobatic team
LIFT TA-50 22[31] 20 Block II on order.[40]
RQ-4 Global Hawk United States surveillance 4[41]

Retired aircraft

Retired North American F-86F Sabre of the ROKAF on display

Previous aircraft operated by the Air Force consisted of the P-51 Mustang, North American F-86 Sabre, F-4 Phantom II, Curtiss C-46, Douglas C-47, Grumman S-2 Tracker, Lockheed T-33, BAe 748, Cessna T-37, Cessna A-37, North American T-28, North American T-6(국민성금 헌납기(T-6 건국기) (國民こくみんまこときん 獻納けんのう(T-6 建國けんこく))國民こくみんまこときん 獻納けんのうあさ鲜语국민성금 헌납기, Sikorsky H-19, and the Bell UH-1 Huey.[42][43][44]

Air Defence


The ROKAF Air Defence Artillery Command transferred from the Republic of Korea Army's air defense artillery and was established as a basic branch on 1 July 1991.[45]

Name Origin Type Variant In service Notes
Surface-to-air missile
MIM-104 Patriot United States ABM / SAM system PAC-3[46] 8 batteries[47]
KM-SAM Cheongung Republic of Korea medium range ABM / SAM system Block I 18 batteries[48]
Block II 1 (7 on order)[49]
Anti-aircraft artillery
M167 VADS Republic of Korea anti-aircraft gun KM167A3 200 20mm anti-aircraft gun
Man-portable air-defense system
KP-SAM Shingung Republic of Korea man-portable air-defense system 2,000

Military ranks


Officer ranks can be learned fairly easily if one sees the pattern. So equals small; Jung equals medium; Dae equals large. Jun equals the prefix sub-. Each of these is coupled with wi equals company grade, ryeong equals field grade, and jang equals general. This system is due to the hanja or Sino-Korean origin of the names.

Template:Ranks and Insignia of Non NATO Air Forces/OF/BlankTemplate:Ranks and Insignia of Non NATO Air Forces/OF/South Korea
Rank Group Warrant officer
Rank group Non-commissioned officer Enlisted

Template:Ranks and Insignia of Non NATO Air Forces/OR/South Korea



See also



  1. ^ 2022 Defence White Paper (PDF). December 2022 [2023-02-16]. (原始げんし内容ないよう (PDF)そん档于2023-02-16). 
  2. ^ Slogan of Air Force. Republic of Korea Air Force. [2021-04-10]. (原始げんし内容ないようそん档于2023-02-18). 
  3. ^ 군가전 #1. 공군가. 대한민국공군. 29 August 2014 [28 March 2023]. (原始げんし内容ないようそん于18 February 2023) –どおりYouTube. 
  4. ^ KY Karaoke (금영노래방 공식 유튜브 채널). [KY 금영노래방] 군가 - 공군가 (KY Karaoke No.KY4574). 12 December 2014 [2 September 2016]. (原始げんし内容ないようそん于17 February 2019) –どおり过YouTube.  やめゆるがせりゃく未知みちさんすう|df= (帮助)
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 6・25戦争せんそう だい1かん (PDF). 国防こくぼう軍事ぐんじ編纂へんさん研究所けんきゅうじょ: 358. [2017-04-08] 韓国かんこく. 
  6. ^ Larsen, Stanley; Collins, Lawton. Allied Participation in Vietnam. Department of the Army. 1985: 131. ISBN 9781410225016. 公有领域 本文ほんぶん含有がんゆう此來げんちゅうぞく公有こうゆう领域てき内容ないよう
  7. ^ Korea Urged to Secure Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Systems. 20 October 2009 [20 October 2009]. (原始げんし内容ないようそん于23 October 2009).  やめゆるがせりゃく未知みちさんすう|df= (帮助)
  8. ^ Hoyle, Craig. Seoul finalises $657 million Global Hawk purchase. flightglobal.com. 2014-12-17 [5 October 2015]. (原始げんし内容ないようそん于16 October 2015).  やめゆるがせりゃく未知みちさんすう|df= (帮助)
  9. ^ South Korean Air Force Inaugurates Space Operations Center. aviationweek.com. Aviation Week. [2 December 2021]. 
  10. ^ US, ROK, Japan hold first joint aerial drill despite North Korean warnings. NK News. October 23, 2023. 
  11. ^ [1] South Korea establishes new air force reconnaissance unit- airforce-technology.com, 03 Nov 2020
  12. ^ [2] 오세훈, きた 미사일 도발에 "스스로 누를 수 있는 핵 버튼 가져야", Daum, 20 December 2023
  13. ^ KAI KF-21 (KF-X). aviationweek.com. [11 October 2021]. 
  14. ^ South Korea rolls out prototype of its first indigenous fighter aircraft. janes.com. [11 October 2021]. 
  15. ^ South Korea highlights unmanned systems interest in latest defence spending plan. Janes.com. 14 August 2020. 
  16. ^ South Korean MND eyes KUS-FS UAV for RoKA Ground Operations Command. Janes.com. 30 March 2020. 
  17. ^ South Korean KUS-FS MALE UAS Continues Flight Trials. Uasweekly.com. 23 March 2018. 
  18. ^ S. Korea to develop indigenous turbofan engine by 2025. Yonhap News Agency. January 30, 2020. 
  19. ^ 한국형 패트리엇 '천궁' 양산 추진, KAMD 구축 '잰걸음' - edaily.co.kr, 7 February 2018
  20. ^ Meet South Korea's Very Own Killer S-300 Air Defense System - nationalinterest.org, 24 February 2019
  21. ^ よし대형수송기 C-130J-30 구매 확정 [Confirmation of purchasing the American large transporter C-130J-30]. Segye Ilbo. 20 February 2020 (韩语). 
  22. ^ [단독] 공군 '오랜 숙원' 대형수송기 2차 사업 본격화 [[Exclusive] Korea Air Force 'long-cherished' large-scale transport aircraft 2nd project in earnest]. Bizhankook. 17 April 2020 (韩语). 
  23. ^ 해병대 상륙공격헬기 국내 개발·대형수송기 국외구매 [Marine Corps landing attack helicopter developed in Korea and purchased large transportation airplanes overseas]. YTN News. 26 April 2021 (韩语). 
  24. ^ 24.0 24.1 공군 대형 수송기 2차 사업, ·유럽·브라질 '3파전'… 연내 기종 결정 [Korea Air Force large transporter 2nd project, America·Europe·Brazil 'Three-way war'… decide the type within a year]. News1. 24 June 2023 (韩语). 
  25. ^ ぐん 대형수송기 2차 기종, よし 아닌 브라질 C-390 선정 [Seconda large transport for the Air Force, selected Brazilian C-390 instead of American built]. Donga News. 5 December 2023 (韩语). 
  26. ^ South Korea selects the Embraer C-390 Millennium (しん闻稿). Embraer. 4 December 2023. 
  27. ^ Korea, Spain discuss swap deal between trainer, cargo jets: report. The Korea Times. 4 November 2018. 
  28. ^ Korea Orders Indigenous Long-range Air Defense Radars. www.ainonline.com. 9 February 2021. 
  29. ^ 29.0 29.1 Jeong, Chung-shin. 60∼90년대 하늘의 왕좌 ‘불멸의 도깨비’ F-4 팬텀 올해 완전 퇴역 [F-4 Phantom, the 'immortal goblin' of the sky's throne in the 60s and 90s, will be completely retired this year]. Munhwa Ilbo. 2024-01-25 [5 January 2024] (韩语). 
  30. ^ Bae, Yong-jin. 조종사 잡는 F-5 퇴역 못 시키는 이유 [Why cannot the Air Force retire F-5, killing pilots]. weekly.chosun.com. 2022-01-25 [25 January 2024] (韩语). 
  31. ^ 31.00 31.01 31.02 31.03 31.04 31.05 31.06 31.07 31.08 31.09 31.10 31.11 31.12 31.13 31.14 31.15 31.16 31.17 31.18 31.19 Hoyle, Craig. World Air Forces 2024. FlightGlobal. 2023 [15 January 2024]. 
  32. ^ Kim, Eun-jung. Air Force to retire F-35A damaged by bird strike. Yonhap News Agency. 2023-12-01 [2024-01-25]. 
  33. ^ South Korea Signs Major Contracts For F-35As, Attack Helicopters. aviationweek.com. 2023-12-28 [2024-01-25]. 
  34. ^ Giovanzanti, Alessandra. KAI to develop new ISR aircraft system for RoKAF under Baekdu-II project. janes.com. 2021-11-01 [2022-03-23]. 
  35. ^ WAF 2004 pg. 86. Flightglobal Insight. 2004 [4 October 2015]. 
  36. ^ Republic of Korea Air Force new Code One. Scramble.nl. 2022-01-18 [2024-01-23]. 
  37. ^ ぐん 대형수송기 2차 기종, よし 아닌 브라질 C-390 선정 [Seconda large transport for the Air Force, selected Brazilian C-390 instead of American built]. Donga News. 5 December 2023 (韩语). 
  38. ^ South Korea selects the Embraer C-390 Millennium (しん闻稿). Embraer. 4 December 2023. 
  39. ^ Nedwick, Thomas; Rogoway, Tyler. Check Out South Korea’s Own VH-92 Presidential Helicopter. thedrive.com. 2022-04-13 [2024-01-23]. 
  40. ^ South Korea orders 20 TA-50 Block 2 training/light attack aircraft. www.janes.com. Janes. [29 June 2020]. 
  41. ^ US delivers fourth and final RQ-4 Global Hawk UAV to RoKAF. www.janes.com. Janes. [24 September 2021]. 
  42. ^ World Air Forces 1955 pg. 648. flightglobal.com. [5 October 2015]. (原始げんし内容ないようそん于20 August 2017).  やめゆるがせりゃく未知みちさんすう|df= (帮助)
  43. ^ World Air Forces 1973 pg. 152. flightglobal.com. [5 October 2015]. (原始げんし内容ないようそん于4 March 2016).  やめゆるがせりゃく未知みちさんすう|df= (帮助)
  44. ^ World Air Forces 1969 pg. 249. flightglobal.com. [5 October 2015]. (原始げんし内容ないようそん于20 August 2017).  やめゆるがせりゃく未知みちさんすう|df= (帮助)
  45. ^ 국가법령정보센터 - 법령 > 본문 - 공군방공포병사령부령. www.law.go.kr. [2013-05-25]. (原始げんし内容ないようそん于2014-12-17). 
  46. ^ Deliveries of PAC-3 air-defence systems to RoKAF completed. www.janes.com. 14 December 2020. 
  47. ^ Trade Registers. Armstrade.sipri.org. Retrieved on 6 October 2015
  48. ^ 북 미사일 막을 방공망 촘촘해진다 [양낙규 군사전문기자]. www.asiae.co.kr/article 아시아경제. 19 August 2020 (韩语). 
  49. ^ RoKAF receives first Cheongung-II M-SAM battery. www.janes.com. 26 November 2020. 
  50. ^ 引用いんよう错误:ぼつゆう为名为law.go.krてき参考さんこう文献ぶんけん提供ていきょう内容ないよう

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