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イギリス領ギアナ - Wikipedia コンテンツにスキップ


出典しゅってん: フリー百科ひゃっか事典じてん『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』
British Guiana
1831ねん - 1966ねん ガイアナ
イギリス領ギアナの国旗 イギリス領ギアナの国章
国歌こっか: God Save the Queen英語えいご
公用こうよう 英語えいご
首都しゅと ジョージタウン
1831ねん - 1837ねん ウィリアム4せい
1837ねん - 1901ねんヴィクトリア
1901ねん - 1910ねんエドワード7せい
1910ねん - 1936ねんジョージ5せい
1936ねん - 1936ねんエドワード8せい
1936ねん - 1952ねんジョージ6せい
1952ねん - 1966ねんエリザベス2せい
植民しょくみん 1831ねん7がつ21にち
通貨つうかスペイン・ドル英語えいごばん(‐ 1876)
ガイアナ・ドル(‐ 1940)
イギリスりょう西にしインド諸島しょとうドル英語えいごばん(1945 ‐ 1965)
ひがしカリブ・ドル(1965 ‐ 1966)
現在げんざいガイアナの旗 ガイアナ

イギリスりょうギアナ(イギリスりょうギアナ、英語えいご: British Guiana)は、かつてえいりょう西にしインド諸島しょとう一部いちぶ構成こうせいしていたイギリス植民しょくみんである。



  • De Barros, Juanita. "'Spreading Sanitary Enlightenment': Race, Identity, and the Emergence of a Creole Medical Profession in British Guiana." Journal of British Studies 42.4 (2003): 483-501. online
  • De Barros, Juanita. "Sanitation and Civilization in Georgetown, British Guiana." Caribbean quarterly 49.4 (2003): 65-86.
  • Draper, Nicholas. "The rise of a new planter class? Some countercurrents from British Guiana and Trinidad, 1807–33." Atlantic Studies 9.1 (2012): 65-83.
  • Fraser, Cary. Ambivalent Anti-Colonialism: The United States and the Genesis of West Indian Independence, 1940-64 (Westport, 1994)
  • Fraser, Cary. "The 'New Frontier' of Empire in the Caribbean: The Transfer of Power in British Guiana, 1961–1964." International History Review 22.3 (2000): 583-610. online
  • Green, William A. “Caribbean Historiography, 1600-1900: The Recent Tide.” Journal of Interdisciplinary History 7#3 1977, pp. 509–530. online.
  • Khanam, Bibi H., and Raymond S. Chickrie. "170th anniversary of the arrival of the first hindustani muslims from India to British Guiana." Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs 29.2 (2009): 195-222.
  • Kumar, Mukesh. “Malaria and Mortality Among Indentured Indians: A Study of Housing, Sanitation, and Health in British Guiana (1900-1939).” Proceedings of the Indian History Congress, vol. 74, 2013, pp. 746–757. online
  • Laurence, Keith Ormiston. A question of labour: indentured immigration into Trinidad and British Guiana, 1875-1917 (St. Martin's Press, 1994).
  • Lutz, Jessie G. “Chinese Emigrants, Indentured Workers, and Christianity In The West Indies, British Guiana And Hawaii.” Caribbean Studies 37#2, 2009, pp. 133–154. online
  • Munro, Arlene. "British Guiana's Contribution to the British War Effort, 1939-1945." Journal of Caribbean History 39.2 (2005): 249-262.
  • Palmer, Colin A. Cheddi Jagan and the Politics of Power: British Guiana's Struggle for Independence (U of North Carolina Press, 2010); online at JSTOR
  • Rabe, Stephen G. U.S. intervention in British Guiana: A cold war story (Univ of North Carolina Press, 2006).
  • Roopnarine, Lomarsh. "A critique of East Indian indentured historiography in the Caribbean." Labor History 55.3 (2014): 389-401.
  • Roopnarine, Lomarsh. "Indian migration during indentured servitude in British Guiana and Trinidad, 1850–1920." Labor History 52.2 (2011): 173-191.
  • Schoenrich, Otto. "The Venezuela-British Guiana Boundary Dispute." American Journal of International Law 43.3 (1949): 523-530. online
  • Spinner, Thomas J. A political and social history of Guyana, 1945-1983 (Westview Press, 1984).
  • Will, Henry Austin. Constitutional change in the British West Indies, 1880-1903: with special reference to Jamaica, British Guiana, and Trinidad (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1970).
  • Perkins, Harry Innes. Notes on British Guiana and its gold industry (Waterlow & Sons, 1895) online.


  1. ^ The British Empire in 1924”. The British Empire. 2018ねん12月25にち時点じてんオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2017ねん11月7にち閲覧えつらん