(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
BERNSTEIN, AARON (DAVID) – German publicist, scientist, and reformer; born April 6, 1812, in Danzig; died Feb. 12, 1884, in Berlin. His was one of the most versatile and productive Jewish minds of the nineteenth century. Intended by his parents for a...
BERNSTEIN, BÉLA – Hungarian rabbi and author; born in Várpalota, Hungary, 1868; was graduated as Ph.D. at Leipsic, 1890, and as rabbi at the Budapest Seminary in 1893; since 1894 has officiated as rabbi at Szombathely (Stein-am-Anger). He...
BERNSTEIN, BERNARD – Actor; born at Warsaw in 1861. He sang in the chorus of the Polish opera of that city, and appeared there as a comedian (1882) in the rôle of Grandmother Jachne in A. Goldfaden's comedy, "Die Zauberin." He played in several...
BERNSTEIN, EDUARD – Socialist leader, editor, and author; born in Berlin 1850. Beginning life as a clerk in a bank, Bernstein's mind became early imbued with socialistic ideas. In 1872 he joined the Social-Democratic party, and in 1878 gave up...
BERNSTEIN, ELSA – German dramatist; daughter of Heinrich Porges, the friend of Richard Wagner; born at Vienna; educated at Munich; and, for a short time, on the stage. An afiliction of the eyes forcing her to retire, she thenceforth devoted...
BERNSTEIN, HERMANN – Russian-American writer; born Sept. 20, 1876, at Shirwindt, Russia. When he was seven years of age his parents moved to Mohilev on the Dnieper, and Hermann was educated at the Jewish free school of that city. In 1893 the family...
BERNSTEIN, HIRSCH – Russian-American editor and publisher; born in Vladislavov (Neustadt-Schirvint), government of Suvalki, near the Prussian frontier, March 25, 1846. He received the usual Jewish education and learned to write Hebrew fluently. He...
BERNSTEIN, HUGO KARL – Hungarian dramatist; born in Budapest 1808; died at Milan 1877. He began the study of medicine, but lacking means sufficient to continue it, he entered the army, where within twenty months he succeeded in laying by a sum that...
BERNSTEIN, IGNACY – Polish bibliophile and writer on proverbs; born at Vinnitza, government of Podolia, Jan. 30, 1836, where his father Samson had an important banking business. He was educated by the learned Moses Landau, son of Rabbi Samuel and...
BERNSTEIN, IGNATI ABRAMOVICH – Russian railroad engineer; born in Kremenetz, government of Volhynia, 1846; killed July 5, 1900, on the steamship "Odessa," between Harbin and Chabarovsk. He was educated at the high school of his native town, and at the St....
BERNSTEIN, ISRAEL – Russian Hebrew publicist; born about the middle of the nineteenth century at Velizh, government of Vitebsk; studied pharmacy at Moscow, and worked as a druggist in the colony Shchedrin, near Bobruisk. Bernstein's "Ha-'Atudim...
BERNSTEIN, JOSEPH ("JOE") – American pugilist; born in November, 1877, in New York city. He first appeared in the ring in 1894, during which year he gained no less than five victories. In 1895 he won four fights and drew two, thus establishing himself as a...
BERNSTEIN, JOSEPH – Polish physician; born at Warsaw in 1797; died there in 1853. After graduating from the Warsaw Lyceum in 1815, hestudied medicine at the Berlin University, from which he was graduated in 1822. After his return to Poland he was...
BERNSTEIN, JULIUS – German physiologist and medical writer; born at Berlin Dec. 8, 1839; son of Aaron Bernstein (1822-84). He studied at the University of Berlin, whence he was graduated as doctor of medicine in 1862. In 1865 he was admitted as...
BERNSTEIN, KARL ILYICH – Russian jurist, professor of Roman law; born at Odessa Jan. 13, 1842; died at Berlin in 1894. He belongs, on the maternal side, to a Jewish family that has produced several noted scholars. He graduated from the Odessa Gymnasium...
BERNSTEIN, MAX – German author; born May 13, 1854, at Fürth, Bavaria; now (1902) practising law at Munich. His literary activity is directed mainly to the stage. The most noteworthy of Bernstein's comedies are: "Cœur-Dame," "Mein Neuer Hut,"...
BERNSTEIN, NAPHTALI HERZ – Author; lived in Russia about the first half of the nineteenth century. Being engaged in business, he devoted his leisure hours to study; applying himself especially to Biblical subjects, and writing much thereon, without,...
BERNSTEIN, NATHAN OSIPOVICH – Russian physiologist; born at Brody, Galicia, in 1836; died in Odessa Feb. 9, 1891. He received his first education from his grandfather, the eminent Solomon Eger, chief rabbi of the province of Posen; and, on the removal of his...
BERNSTEIN-SINAIEFF, LEOPOLD – Russo-French sculptor; born at Wilna Nov. 22, 1868. He studied drawing in his native town, and at the age of fourteen settled in Paris. As a student under Dalou, his first exhibited work was a bust at the salon of the Champs...
BERNSTORFF, CHRISTIAN GÜNTHER, COUNT OF – Danish and Prussian statesman; born April 3, 1769, in Copenhagen; died March 28, 1835. As early as 1787 he entered the diplomatic service through the influence of his father, Count Andreas Bernstorff. From 1789 to 1794 he served...
BERODACH BALADAN – See Merodach Baladan.
BERŒA – Identified with the modern Haleb or Aleppo, the scene of the death of Menelaus, who was killed by being smothered in ashes in one of its towers said to be 55 cubits in height (II Macc. xiii. 4).J. Jr. G. B. L.
BEROTHAH (BEROTHAI) – A city of Hadadezer, from which David obtained much brass subsequently used by Solomon in making the brazen sea, pillars, and vessels of brass (II Sam. viii. 8). In the parallel account of I Chron. xviii. 8 it is calledChun,...
BERR, EMILE – French journalist; born at Lunéville, France, June 6, 1855. Having finished his classical studies at the Lyceum of Vanves and afterward at the Louis-le-Grand Lyceum in Paris, he engaged in a commercial career from 1875 to 1880...
BERR, GEORGE – French actor and dramatist; born at Paris July 31, 1867; brother of Emile Berr. He was educated at the lyceums of Vanves and Charlemagne, but, yielding to an irresistible love for the stage, he, at the age of sixteen, left his...