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PORGES VON PORTHEIM - PREGNANCY - JewishEncyclopedia.com
PORGES VON PORTHEIM – Prominent Bohemian family of which the following members won particular distinction:Joseph Porges, Edler von Portheim: Austrian manufacturer and art patron; born at Prague 1817; died there Sept. 3, 1904; son of Moses Porges von...
PORGING – The cutting away of forbidden fat and veins from kasher meat. The Mosaic law emphatically forbids the eating of the fat and blood of cattle or poultry, the fat and blood of peace-offerings being appropriated as sacrifices to...
PORK – See Swine.
PORTALEONE – Jewish family of northern Italy, which probably derived its name from the quarter of Portaleone, situated in the vicinity of the ghetto of Rome. In 1399 Elhanan Portaleone was dayyan in Lombardy. The family included many...
PORTLAND – See Oregon.
PORTO (OPORTO) – Capital of the Portuguese province of Entre-Douro-e-Minho. After Lisbon it possessed in former times the largest Jewish congregation of the country, and it was the seat of the provincial rabbi or chief judge. As every where...
PORTO – See Rome.
PORTO – Italian family of which the following members are noteworthy:Abraham b. Jehiel ha-Kohen Porto: Italian scholar; flourished about 1600. After living in Cremona and Mantua, he resided in Verona, where in 1594 he edited and printed...
PORTO-RICHE, GEORGE DE – French poet and dramatist; born of Italian parents at Bordeaux in 1849. He entered a banking-house at an early age, but was discharged on account of his poetic tendencies. He then studied law, but soon turned to his true...
PORTSEA – See Portsmouth.
PORTSMOUTH – English fortified seaport on the coast of Hampshire. The Portsmouth (Portsea) congregation is one of the oldest in the English provinces, having been founded in 1747 with a rabbinate of its own. During the Napoleonic wars the...
PORTUGAL – In the Thirteenth Century. Kingdom in the southwest of Europe. The condition of its Jews, whose residence in the country is contemporaneous with that of the Jews in Spain, while in general like that of their coreligionists in...
PORTUGALOV, BENJAMIN OSIPOVICH – Russian physician and author; born at Poltava 1835; died at Samara 1896. After studying medicine at the universities of Kharkov and Kiev, he served for a time as army surgeon. He then settled in the government of Perm, where,...
POSEḲIM – See Pesaḳ.
POSEN – Province of Prussia; formerly a part of the kingdom of Poland, it was annexed by the former country after the partition of the latter in 1772 and 1793. In the first half of the thirteenth century, when the Germans crossed the...
PÖSING – Small town in the county of Presburg, where on May 27, 1529 (Friday, Siwan 13), thirty Jews were burned to death on the accusation of having murdered a Christian child for ritual purposes. The charge was invented by the lord of...
POSNANSKI, ADOLF – Austrian rabbi; born at Lubraniec, near Warsaw, June 3, 1854; educated at the gymnasium, the university, and the rabbinical seminary at Breslau, where he worked under Heinrich Graetz and Manuel Joël, and at the Sorbonne in...
POSNER, CARL – German physician and medical writer; born at Berlin Dec. 16, 1854; son of Louis Posner; educated at the universities of Berlin, Bonn, Strasburg, Leipsic (Ph.D. 1875), and Giessen (M.D. 1880). From 1878 to 1880 he was assistant...
POSNER, DAVID BEN NAPHTALI HERZ – Polish Talmudic compiler; lived about the middle of the seventeenth century in Posen, and later in Krotoschin. He was the author of "Yalḳuṭ Dawid" (Dyhernfurth, 1691), homiletic collectanea on the Pentateuch from the Talmud, the...
POSNER, KARL LUDWIG VON – Hungarian manufacturer; born 1822; died 1887 at Budapest. In 1852 he founded the largest printing, lithographing, and bookbinding establishment in Hungary; and he was sent by his government as a commissioner to the expositions...
POSNER, MEÏR – Prussian rabbi; born 1735; died at Danzig Feb. 3, 1807. He was rabbi of the Schottland congregation in Danzig from 1782 till his death.Posner was the author of "Bet Meïr" (Frankfort-on-the-Oder, 1787; Lemberg, 1836), a...
POSNER, SOLOMON ZALMAN – Polish rabbi: born at Landsberg about 1778 (?); died in Loslau in 1863; son of Joseph Landsberg, rabbi of Posen. At Solomon's wish his sons erected a wooden monument over his grave at Loslau.Posner was the author of several as...
POSQUIÈRES – Town in the department of the Gard, France, where Jews are known to have lived since the twelfth century. When Benjamin of Tudela visited the city, about 1165, the community was composed of forty members, among whom he mentions...
POSREDNIK – See Periodicals.