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IBN MUHAJAR, AHUB BEN MEÏR HANASI IBN <ForeignChars>V06p538003.jpg</ForeignChars> - IBN YAḤYA, JOSEPH BEN DAVID - JewishEncyclopedia.com
IBN MUHAJAR, AHUB BEN MEÏR HANASI IBN V06p538003.jpg – Spanish-Arabian poet of the twelfth century; probably a brother of the poet Joseph ben Meïr and of Abraham b. Meïr ibn Muhajar. In the earlier sources he is called either "Ahub" or "Oheb"; and it is difficult to say which is...
IBN NUÑEZ, JACOB – Physician to King Henry IV. of Castile and his chief judge ("juez mayor"); also rabbi, as he calls himself. In 1474 hewas commissioned by the king to apportion at Segovia the taxes which the "aljamas" of the Jews in all the...
IBN PALQUERA – See Falaquera (Palaquera), Shem-ṭob b. Joseph.
IBN PULGAR, ISAAC BEN JOSEPH – Spanish philosopher, poet, and controversialist; flourished in the first half of the fourteenth century. Where he lived is not known, for though "Avilla" is given at the end of his translation of Al-Ghazali's "Maḳaṣid," the...
IBN ROSHD – See Averroes.
IBN SAHL, ABU AL-HASAN – See Ali ibn Sahl ibn Rabban al-Tabari.
IBN SAHL, ABU OMAR JOSEPH BEN JACOB – Poet and scientist; died at Cordova 1124. He was a pupil of Isaac ibn Ghayyat, was rabbi at Cordova for nine years, and was distinguished for both learning and piety. Joseph ibn Sahl, who must not be confounded with the poet...
IBN SENEH – See Ẓarẓah, Samuel ibn Seneh.
IBN SHAPRUT, ḤASDAI – See Ḥasdai Abu Yusuf ibn Shaprut.
IBN SHAPRUT (SHAFRUT) – Spanish philosopher, physician, and polemic; born at Tudela in the middle of the fourteenth century; often confused with the physician Shem-Ṭob ben Isaac of Tortosa, who lived one hundred and fifty years later. While still a...
IBN SHEM-ṬOB, ISAAC – Philosophical commentator of the fifteenth century; younger brother of Joseph ibn Shem-Ṭob, and a follower of Maimonides. Isaac sided with his brother against their father, Shem-Ṭob ibn Shem-Ṭob, who, in his "Sefer ha-Emunot,"...
IBN SHEM-ṬOB, JOSEPH BEN SHEMṬOB – One of the most prolific Judæo-Spanish writers of the fifteenth century; born in Castile; died 1480. He lived in various cities of Spain: Medina del Campo de Leon (1441); Alcala di Henares (1451); Segovia (1454). Though it is...
IBN SHEM-ṬOB, SHEM-ṬOB (BEN JOSEPH?) – Spanish cabalist; a fanatical opponent of rationalistic philosophy; president of a yeshibah in Spain; lived about 1390-1440 (Gedaliah ibn Yaḥya, "Shalshelet ha-Ḳabbalah," ed. Venice, p. 62b). He was the father of Joseph and...
IBN SHEM-ṬOB, SHEM-ṬOB BEN JOSEPH BEN SHEM-ṬOB – Spanish writer and philosopher; flourished about 1461-89; lived in Segovia and Almazan. He was a follower of Maimonides, even though his grandfather Shem-Ṭob ibn Shem-Ṭob was one of Maimonides' most uncompromising opponents, and...
IBN SHOSHAN – Spanish family of Toledo, which can be traced back to the twelfth century and which is known to have existed up to the seventeenth century. Its first known representative was Solomon, called "Paṭṭish he-Ḥazaḳ" (="the mighty...
IBN SHU'AIB, BISHR (BASHAR) BEN PHINEHAS – Oriental mathematician; lived at the end of the tenth century. According to Hottinger ("Promptuarium," p. 96), the Arabic works of Ibn Shu'aib are often quoted by Arabic writers. In 997 the Jacobite Abu 'Ali 'Isa ibn Zara'ah...
IBN SHU'AIB, JOEL – Rabbi, preacher, and commentator of the fifteenth century; born in Aragon; lived also at Tudela. He wrote: "'Olat Shabbat," sermons, in the order of the Sabbatical sections, written in 1469 (Venice, 1577); a commentary on...
IBN SHU'AIB, JOSHUA – Preacher and cabalist; flourished about 1328. He was a pupil of Solomon ben Adret and the teacher of Menahem ibn Zerah. Together with Shem-Ṭob ben Abraham ibn Gaon, he was accused by Isaac the Blind of Acco ofuntrustworthiness...
IBN TIBBON – Family of translators that lived principally in southern France in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. On the name "Tibbon" see Steinschneider in "J. Q. R." xi. 621. The more important members of the family were:Abraham ibn...
IBN VERGA, JOSEPH – Turkish rabbi and historian; lived at Adrianople at the beginning of the sixteenth century; son of Solomon ibn Verga, author of "Shebeṭ Yehudah," who emigrated from Spain to Turkey as a Marano. Joseph was a pupil of Joseph Fasi,...
IBN VERGA, JUDAH – Spanish historian, cabalist, perhaps also mathematician, and astronomer, of the fifteenth century; born at Seville; martyred at Lisbon. He is supposed to have been the grandfather (by Carmoly, "Revue Orientale," ii. 98, the...
IBN VERGA, SOLOMON – Spanish historian and physician; lived in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. His relationship to Judah ibn Verga can not be determined; it is certain, however, that he was not the son of the latter, for he never refers to...
IBN VIVES (VIVAS), ḤAYYIM – Spanish translator; translated from Arabic into Hebrew for David ibn Bilia the farewell letter of Ibn al-Ṣa'igh to 'Ali ben 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn al-Imam of Granada. 'Ali was Ibn al-Ṣa'igh's pupil and the collector of his works...
IBN VIVES, JUAN – Grandson of one of the richest Jews of Valencia, and one of the most influential and respected of the citizens of that city. In 1510, at an auto da fé held in Valencia, he was condemned for Judaizing, and his houses, which were...
IBN VIVES AL-LORQUI (OF LORCA), JOSEPH BEN JOSHUA – Spanish physician; died before 1372; father of Joshua ben Joseph ibn Vives al-Lorqui. He revised Tibbon's translation of Moses Maimonides' "Millot Higgayon" and dedicated the revision to his pupil Ezra ben Solomon ibn Gatigno....