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NESVIZH - NEUZEIT, DIE - JewishEncyclopedia.com
NESVIZH – Small town in the government of Minsk, Russia; it was in existence in the thirteenth century. The census of 1897 gives it a population of 8,446, including 4,764 Jews. Market-gardening is a common occupation among the latter....
NETHANEEL BEN ISAIAH – Yemenite commentator and poet of the fourteenth century; author of a homiletic commentary on the Pentateuch entitled "Nur al-Ẓulm wa-Maṣbaḥ al-Ḥikm." The first notice of this work was given by Jacob Saphir ("Eben Sappir," i....
NETHERLANDS – Country of western Europe, bounded by the North Sea, by Belgium, and by the Prussian provinces of Hanover and Westphalia, and the province of the Rhine. Since 1815 it has been a kingdom under the house of Orange. The members of...
NETHINIM – Temple officials. They are first heard of as returning from Babylon to Palestine, after the Exile, in two batches, one numbering 392, the second 220 (Ezra ii. 58, viii. 20). A list of the families composing the first batch is...
NETTER, CHARLES – French philanthropist; born at Strasburg in 1828; died at Jaffa, Palestine, Oct. 2, 1882. He studied at Strasburg and Belfort, and then engaged in business in Paris. He was one of the founders of the Alliance Israélite...
NETTER, EUGENE – Roman Catholic archbishop at Manila; born 1840 at Bergheim, near Colmar, in Alsace. At the age of fourteen he and his brother Gabriel emigrated to New York. Upon the outbreak of the Civil war Gabriel joined the Union army; he...
NETTER, JUSTIN ARNOLD – French physician; born at Strasburg Sept. 20, 1855. He studied in the hospitals of Paris between 1876 and 1884 ("externe," 1876-77; "interne," 1879-82; "interne laureate," 1883-84), and received his degree in medicine in 1883....
NEUBAUER, ADOLF – Sublibrarian at the Bodleian Library and reader in Rabbinic Hebrew at Oxford University; born at Bittse, Hungary, March 11, 1831. He received a thorough education in rabbinical literature, and his earliest contributions were...
NEUBERG, JOSEPH – English litterateur; secretary to Thomas Carlyle; born at Würzburg, Bavaria, May 21, 1806; died in London March 23, 1867. At first he entered into business at Hamburg, and was afterward placed in a position of much...
NEUBURGER, FERDINAND – German dramatist; born at Düsseldorf Aug. 28, 1839; died at Frankfort-on-the-Main Oct. 27, 1895. He began life as a tutor at the Philanthropin, Frankfort, but soon abandoned that occupation in order to devote himself entirely to...
NEUBURGER, MAX – Austrian physician; born Dec. 8, 1868, at Vienna, at whose university he studied medicine (M.D. 1893). After three years of hospital service he became assistant to Professor Benedikt, and has since practised as a specialist in...
NEUDA, ABRAHAM – Austrian rabbi; born at Loschitz, Moravia, in 1812; died there Feb. 22, 1854. He was the son of R. Aaron Neuda of Loschitz, and the nephew of R. Jacob Neuda of Lomnitz, Moravia. In 1830 he entered the Talmudic school at...
NEUE ZION, DAS – See Periodicals.
NEUFELD, DANIEL – Polish writer; born at Praszka, government of Kalisz, 1814; died at Warsaw in 1874. His activity was confined to his birth-place and later to Chenstokhow until 1861, when he settled in Warsaw. In that same year he published his...
NEUGEBAUER, LADISLAUS – Hungarian writer; born at Budapest Feb. 22, 1845. After studying at Budapest and Vienna he entered the service of the Austro-Hungarian Bank at Vienna in 1870. His first work was a German translation of one of Jókai's novels; it...
NEUILLY-SUR-SEINE – Town of France, and suburb of Paris. It has a population of 32,730. Its Jewish community, which now (1904) comprises about 250 families, is comparatively new. About 1860 a small oratory was established in a hired hall, but after...
NEUMANN, ABRAHAM – Russian rabbi; born at Gerolzhofen, near Würzburg, 1809; died at St. Petersburg Aug. 22, 1875. In 1822 he studied Talmud at the yeshibah of Fürth and in 1828 began the study of theology at the University of Würzburg, later...
NEUMANN, ANGELO – Austrian theatrical director; born at Vienna Aug. 18, 1838. Neumann went upon the stage in 1859, as a barytone, appearing at Cologne, Cracow, Oedenburg, Presburg, and Danzig. From 1862 to 1876 he was a member of the Vienna court...
NEUMANN, ARMIN – Hungarian deputy; born at Grosswardein Feb. 14, 1845. After having prepared for the rabbinical career at the Jewish theological seminary of Breslau he devoted himself to the study of law at the universities of Berlin and Vienna,...
NEUMANN, CARL FRIEDRICH – German Orientalist and historian; born at Reichmansdorf, near Bamberg, Dec. 22, 1798; died in Berlin March 17, 1870. His parents were named Bamberger. Entering first upon a business life, Neumann later studied at Heidelberg...
NEUMANN, ELEONORA – German violinist; born at Lissa in 1819; died at Triest in Jan., 1841. She received her musical education at Warsaw, where her father lived for several years until his expulsion for political reasons. In March, 1838, she went to...
NEUMANN, ISIDOR – Austrian dermatologist; born at Misslitz, Moravia, March 2, 1832; educated at Vienna University (M.D. 1858). He became privat-docent in 1861; assistant professor in 1873; and was appointed professor of dermatology and director...
NEUMANN, MOSES SAMUEL – Hungarian poet; born at Ban, Hungary, in 1769; died at Budapest Nov. 29, 1831; son of a poor cantor who died prematurely. When hardly more than a child Moses Neumann went to Boskowitz, Moravia, where he became a pupil of the...