(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
ENGELBERT, HERMANN – German rabbi; born in Gudensberg, Hessen, July 29, 1830; died at St. Gall, Switzerland, Feb. 5, 1900. He attended the Talmudic school in Würzburg and the University of Berlin, and obtained his Ph.D. degree in Marburg. He was...
ENGLAND – The southern portion of the island of Great Britain. Owing to the dominance of the capital city in England, most of the episodes of Jewish history connected with that country occurred at London, and are narrated under that...
ENGLÄNDER, GABRIEL HIRSCH – Austrian scholar; lived at Vienna in the first half of the nineteenth century. He wrote: "Emunah Lishene 'Afar," prayers to be recited in the cemetery, with a German translation (Vienna, 1828); "Ḳorot Yisrael," extracts from the...
ENGLÄNDER, SIGMUND – Austrian writer; born at Vienna; died at Turin Nov. 30, 1902. After graduating from the University of Vienna he devoted himself to literary work. He was an intimate friend of the poet Friedrich Hebbel. In 1847 he edited at...
ENGLISCH, BERTHOLD – Austrian chess-player; born 1851 at Hotzenplotz, Austrian Silesia; died Oct. 19, 1897, in Vienna. In 1879 he gained the first prize at the Leipsic tournament; in 1883 he was fourth in the London tourney; in 1887 in the...
ENGRAVING AND ENGRAVERS – Biblical Data: Engraving is the act and art of cutting letters, figures, and the like, on stone, wood, or metal. The account of the equipment of the high priest (Ex. xxviii., xxxix.) evidences that this art had been developed to...
ENNERY, ADOLPHE PHILIPPE D' – French dramatic author; born in Paris June 17, 1811; died there Jan. 26, 1899. By turn a lawyer's clerk, painter, and journalist, in 1831 he made his début as a dramatist as part author of "Emile, ou le Fils d'un Pair de...
ENNERY, JONAS – French deputy; born at Nancy Jan. 2, 1801; died at Brussels May 19, 1863. He was for twenty-six years attached to the Jewish school of Strasburg, of which he became the head. In collaboration with Hirth, he compiled a...
ENNERY, MARCHAND – French rabbi; brother of Jonas Ennery; born at Nancy 1792; died at Paris Aug. 21, 1852; studied Talmud under Baruch Guggenheim and at the rabbinical school of Herz Scheuer, in Mayence. He went to Paris, became teacher in the...
ENOCH – 1. Son of Cain (Gen. iv. 17). A city was named after him.2. Biblical Data: Name of the seventh progenitor of the race in the "book of the generations of Adam"; he was the son of Jared and the father of Methuselah (Gen. v.). He...
ENOCH, BOOKS OF (Ethiopic and Slavonic) – Apocryphal works attributed to Enoch. From Gen. v. 24 ("Enoch walked with God" and "God took him") a cycle of Jewish legends about Enoch was derived, which, together with apocalyptic speculations naturally ascribed to such a...
ENOCH, BOOKS OF (Hebrew) – See Apocalyptic Literature.
ENOCH BEN ABRAHAM – Talmudist and popular preacher; died .after 1662. Enoch belonged to a famous family of scholars of the community of Posen. In 1649 he left Cracow, where he was preacher, to become rabbi at Gnesen. It is not known why he left the...
ENOCH BEN JUDAH LÖB – German Talmudist and rabbi of Schnaittach; flourished at the beginning of the eighteenth century. He studied with his father and with Rabbi Abraham Broda. His writings are included with those of his father and grandfather in...
ENOCH BEN MOSES – Prominent rabbi of Cordova, 950-1024. His father was one of the four scholars who, according to tradition, were taken prisoners while on a voyage and sold as slaves, and who subsequently became the founders of Talmudic schools...
ENOCH, S. – German rabbi; born in Hamburg Oct. 8, 1814; died in Fulda Dec. 31, 1876; attended the Johannæum in Hamburg and the Talmudic lectures of Ḥakam Isaac Bernays, entered the University of Würzburg, and also became a pupil of R....
ENOCH BEN SOLOMON AL-ḲUSṬAN-ṬINI – Turkish philosopher and cabalist (according to Wolf, "Bibl. Hebr." i., No. 635, also a physician); lived at Constantinople in the fifteenth century. He wrote " Mar'ot Elohim," a philosophical explanation of the visions of Isaiah...
ENOCH ZUNDEL BEN JOSEPH – Russian Talmudist; died at Byelostok 1867. He wrote: a commentary on Midr. Rabbah of the five Megillot, in two parts (Wilna and Grodno, 1829-34; 2d ed., Wilna, 1845); a twofold commentary on Midr. Tan. (ib. 1833); a threefold...
ENOS – Son of Seth, Adam's third son. In his time men began to call upon Yhwh (Gen. iv. 26). At the age of ninety he begat Cainan, and he died at the age of 900 years (Gen. v. 9-11; I Chron. i. 1). The name doubtless means "man," as it...
ENRIQUEZ (HENRIQUEZ) – Frequently recurring Spanish surname, often found combined with other surnames, as "Bueno Enriquez," "Gomez Enriquez," "Gabay Enriquez," etc. Many Maranos in Spain, Portugal, Amsterdam, London, Jamaica, Surinam, Barbados, New...
ENSHEIM, MOSES – French mathematician and liturgical poet; born at Metz 1750; died at Bayonne April 9, 1839. He was destined for the rabbinate by his parents, but left Metz against his father's will, and traveled in Germany. In 1782-85 he was...
ENTICING – See Abduction and Seduction.
ENTRE-RIOS – See Agricultural Colonies in the Argentine Republic.
EÖTVÖS, BARON JOSEPH – Hungarian statesman; emancipator of the Hungarian Jews; born at Ofen Sept. 13, 1813; died at Budapest Feb. 2, 1871. On the completion of his legal studies he traveled for several years in France. Influenced by the liberalism of...
EÖTVÖS, KARL – See Tisza-Eszlár.