(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
INDICTMENT – See Accusatory and Inquisitorial Procedure.
INFAMY – See Evidence.
INFANCY, LEGAL ASPECT OF – Infants, the deaf, and those of unsound mind are always named together, as not liable for torts, nor punishable for offenses, nor competent as witnesses (see Accident; Assault and Battery; Evidence). For the difficulties...
INFIDELITY – See Unbelief.
INFORMERS – See Moserim.
INFRATIREA – See Periodicals.
INGATHERING, FEAST OF – See Tabernacles, Feast of.
INHERITANCE – Biblical Data: Among the early Hebrews, as well as among many other nations of antiquity, custom decided that the next of kin should enter upon the possession of the estate of a deceased person. The first-born son usually...
INITIALS – See Abbreviations.
INJURIES – See Damage; Tort.
INK – The only passage in the Old Testament in which ink is mentioned is Jer. xxxvi. 18. It would evidently, however, be a mistake to conclude that it was unknown in earlier times, for in this passage "deyo" is spoken of as something...
INN – House of entertainment for travelers. In the Bible references are made to lodging-places ("malon") where caravans or parties of travelers stopped for the night (comp. Gen. xlii. 27, xliii. 21; Ex. iv. 24). This does not...
INNOCENT III. (LOTHARIO CONTI) – Pope from 1198 to 1216; born at Anagni in 1161; elected June 8, 1198; died July 17, 1216. A Roman writer said of him, "Thy words are the words of God; thy deeds are the deeds of the devil" (Gregorovius, "Gesch. der Stadt Rom,"...
INNOCENT XI. (BENEDETTO ODESCALCHI) – Pope from 1676 to 1689; born at Como in 1611; elected Sept. 21, 1676; died Aug. 12, 1689. That the Jews were not excluded from the results of his keen sense of justice is evidenced in his compelling the city of Venice to release...
INNSBRUCK – Capital of Tyrol, Austria. While Jews settled throughout Tyrol, especially in the southern part, as early as the beginning of the fourteenth century, no mention of them at Innsbruck is met with until the end of the sixteenth...
INQUISITION – Origin. Court for the punishment of heretics and infidels, established as early as the reigns of the emperors Theodosius and Justinian, though not under that name. Little was heard of this institution until the beginning of the...
INSANITY – Mental disease. Among the Jews the proportion of insane has been observed to be very large. From statistics collected by Buschan he concludes that they are four to six times more liable to mental disease than are non-Jews....
INSECTS – Under this head are treated the species not described in separate articles under their individual names, as Ant; Bee; Beetle; Fly; Locust; etc.Centiped: The words "marbeh raglayim" (Lev. xi. 42), rendered by the Revised Version...
INSPIRATION – Of Persons. The state of being prompted by or filled with the spirit of God. Bezaleel was "filled with the spirit of God" (Ex. xxxi. 3, xxxv. 31); that is, he planned the work of the Tabernacle by inspiration. Inspiration is...
INSTALLATION – See Ordination.
INSTITUT ZUR FÖRDERUNG DER ISRAELITISCHEN LITERATUR – Society, founded by Ludwig Philippson, for the promotion of Jewish literature. The books published by the society were issued from Leipsic. On Feb. 12, 1855, an article by Philippson appeared in the "Allg. Zeit. des Jud.,"...
INSTITUTIONS – See Taḳḳanot.
INSTITUTUM JUDAICUM – A special academic course for Protestant theologians who desire to prepare themselves for missionary work among Jews. The first of its kind was founded at the University of Halle, by Professor Callenberg in 1724. The great...