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ISRAEL - ISRAELI, ISRAEL - JewishEncyclopedia.com
ISRAEL – See Jacob.
ISRAEL, KINGDOM OF – In the article People of Israel the history of the Northern Kingdom in its wider relations is briefly set forth; here the details will be more fully sketched. The history may be divided into four periods. The first was a period...
ISRAEL, PEOPLE OF – In the Bible "Israel" is the national name of the people who are known racially as "Hebrews." In the tribal condition no comprehensive name was historically applied to the whole people. The story (Gen. xxxii. 24 et seq.) of the...
ISRAEL – First "Hochmeister" (chief rabbi) of Germany; lived at the beginning of the fifteenth century. He was called to this office by a special edict of Rupert III., issued May 3, 1407. In this edict the emperor says that, in...
ISRAEL – An Eastern family of rabbis and authors whose members dwelt in Alexandria, Jerusalem, and Rhodes, where they held important positions. It included:Abraham Israel: Rabbinical author; lived at Alexandria in the eighteenth century...
ISRAEL OF BAMBERG – Tosafist; flourished about the middle of the thirteenth century. He was a pupil of Samuel of Bamberg, to whose rabbinate he succeeded. Zunz ("Z. G." p. 40) supposes that Israel of Bamberg was the father of Jedidiah of Nuremberg,...
ISRAEL BRUNA BEN ḤAYYIM – German rabbi of the fifteenth century. He was at first rabbi of Brünn, and after the expulsion of the Jews from that city (1454) he settled at Ratisbon, where he opened a yeshibah against the wishes of Rabbi Anshel, who...
ISRAEL, EDWARD – American arctic explorer; born July 1, 1859, at Kalamazoo, Mich.; died May 27, 1884; educated at the University of Ann Arbor, Mich. He joined the Signal Corps of the United States Army and became a sergeant. In 1881 Israel...
ISRAEL, ḤAYYIM ABRAHAM – Italian rabbi of the eighteenth century; lived at Candia and Ancona. He wrote: (1) "Bet Abraham" (Leghorn, 1786), a casuistical commentary on the Ṭur Ḥoshen Mishpaṭ and on the "Bet Yosef" thereto (at the end of the volume is a...
ISRAEL ISSER BEN ZE'EB WOLF – Russian rabbi; lived at Vinnitsa, Podolia, in the nineteenth century. He wrote: "Sha'ar Mishpaṭ," novellæ on Shulḥan 'Aruk, Ḥoshen Mishpaṭ, in two volumes, Königsberg, 1860; "Sha'ar De'ah," novellæ on the laws of interest in...
ISRAEL ISSERLEIN – See Isserlein Israel ben Pethahiah Ashkenazi.
ISRAEL, JACOB – Russian rabbi and author; flourished 1623-78. He is said to have been born in Temesvar, and to have been rabbi in Belzyce and Lublin; Fürst says in Slutsk also. He was a contemporary of Samuel (Aaron) Keidanover, and perished...
ISRAEL, JAMES – German physician; born at Berlin Feb., 1848; M.D. Berlin, 1870. Settling in the German capital, he became in 1875 assistant surgeon at the Israelitish Hospital, and in 1880 chief surgeon. In 1894 he received the honorary title...
ISRAEL, JEDIDIAH – Rabbi at Alexandria, Egypt, from 1802 to 1827; died 1827; son of Israel Israel, who had held the rabbinate from 1773 to 1784. He was a disciple of Jonathan Galante, and presided over an academy at Alexandria which bore the name...
ISRAEL BEN JEHIEL ASHKENAZI – Italian rabbi; lived at the end of the fifteenth and in the early part of the sixteenth century. He was corrector of the edition of the Talmud published in Pesaro 1511-13; and in 1518 he approved the first edition of Elijah...
ISRAEL JOSHUA OF KUTNO – Russian-Polish rabbi; died at Kutno, in the government of Warsaw, July 11, 1893, at an advanced age. He studied in the yeshibah which was founded in the village of Kukhari by R. Solomon Posner about 1835. Israel Joshua and R....
ISRAEL KOHEN BEN JOSEPH – Polish scholar; lived in the second half of the sixteenth century. He edited the anonymous philosophical work "She'elot 'Inyan ha-Neshamah," containing a dialogue between pupil and master on eighteen questions concerning the...
ISRAEL OF KREMS – Austrian rabbi; flourished in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. He was the great-grandfather of Israel ben Pethahiah Isserlein, who quotes him in his commentary on Rashi to the Pentateuch, section "Wayeḥi." Israel was the...
ISRAEL BEN MEÏR – Printer and author; lived at Prague in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. He was the author of a work entitled "Hanhagot Yisrael," a treatise on the education of children, the first edition of which is anonymous...
ISRAEL B. MOSES – Polish cabalist; lived at the end of the sixteenth century. He is known only through his book "Tamim Yaḥdaw," in which all verses of the Psalms and the Proverbs found in the Zohar are collected, with the explanations there...
ISRAEL BEN MOSES HA-LEVI OF ZAMOSC – Galician scholar; born at Boberka at the beginning of the eighteenth century; died at Brody April, 1772. His father instructed him in Talmud and Hebrew literature; but Israel was more interested in philosophy and mathematics,...
ISRAEL, OSKAR – German physician; born at Stralsund Sept. 6, 1854; educated at the universities of Leipsic, Kiel, and Berlin (M.D. 1877). In 1878 he entered the pathological institute of his alma mater as assistant; in 1885 became first...
ISRAEL B. PETHAHIAH – See Isserlein, Israel ben Pethahiah Ashkenazi.
ISRAEL SALANTE – See Lipkin, Israel.
ISRAEL BEN SAMUEL ASHKENAZI OF SHKLOV – Talmudic casuist; born at Shklov about 1770; died at Tiberias May 13, 1839. One of a group of Talmudical scholars of Shklov who were attracted to Wilna by Elijah Gaon (see Elijah ben Solomon) (1720-97), Ashkenazi was one of "the...