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VAEZ - VAN STRAALEN, SAMUEL - JewishEncyclopedia.com
VAEZ – Prominent family of Lisbon, whose foremost members, the four brothers Immanuel, Pedro, Ayres, and Salvador, resided in Portugal as Maranos during the sixteenth century.Abraham Vaez: Ḥakam of the Portuguese congregation in...
VALABRÈGUE, ALBIN – French dramatist; born at Carpentras, Vaucluse, Dec. 17, 1853. He is one of the most prolific of modern French dramatists, producing about two plays a year and in addition acting as dramatic critic of the Paris "L'Illustration."...
VALABRÈGUE, MARDOCHEE-GEORGES – French general; born at Carpentras, Vaucluse, Sept. 20, 1852. He was educated at the Ecole Polytechnique and the Ecole d'Application de l'Artillerie et du Génie; and, after reaching the rank of captain, he studied at the Ecole...
VALENCE – Chief town of the department of the Drome and former capital of the county of Valentinois in the ancient province of Dauphiné, France. Several Jewish families that had been expelled from the Comtat-Venaissin in 1323 sought...
VALENCIA – James I. Makes Presents to the Jews. Capital of the former kingdom of the same name. During the dominion of the Moors, Valencia had a Jewish community eminent for its size and wealth. When James I. of Aragon made his entry into...
VALENTIN, GABRIEL GUSTAV – German physiologist; born at Breslau July, 1810; died at Bern, Switzerland, May 24, 1883. He was educated at the University of Breslau (M.D. 1832), and established himself as a physician in that city. In 1835 he received the...
VALENTINOIS – See Valence.
VALERIO, SAMUEL BEN JUDAH – Physician and author who lived in the Grecian Archipelago in the second half of the sixteenth century. He wrote the following works: "Yad ha-Melek," a commentary on the Book of Esther, completed at Corfu on the 6th of Feb.,...
VALI (VALLE), MOSES DAVID – Italian rabbi and physician; born at Padua; died there 1777. He was a cabalistic scholar of repute, and lectured before the Paduan association known as "Mebaḳeshe Adonai," in company with the two noted scholars Israel Hezekiah...
VALLADOLID – Former residence of the kings of Castile and Spain; noteworthy for the numerous assemblies of the Cortes which were held there and which passed anti-Jewish laws. The city had a large Jewish community, which, together with the...
VALLENTINE, ISAAC – English journalist and communal worker; born in Belgium 1793; died in London 1868; son of the Rev. N. I. Vallentine. He founded the earliest Anglo-Jewish periodical, which at first was unsuccessful, but which afterward gave rise...
VALLS, RAPHAEL – Spanish Marano; burned at the stake by the Inquisition at Palma, Majorca, on May 6, 1691, as the "rabbi" of the Chuetas, as were also his pupil, Raphael Terongi, and the latter's sister, Catalina Terongi, who adhered to Judaism....
VALUATION – Estimate of the value of the sacred gifts when a money substitute was required for them. The chief Biblical passage in relation to the subject of valuation is Lev. xxvii. 2 et seq., where is probably a noun of action, as in Ex....
VÁMBÉRY, ARMINIUS – Hungarian traveler and Orientalist; born at Duna-Szerdahely, on the island of Schütt, near Presburg, March 19, 1832. He was apprenticed at the age of twelve to a ladies' dressmaker; but after becoming tutor to the son of the...
VAN DEN ENDE, FRANZ – See Spinoza.
VAN OVEN, ABRAHAM – Physician; died in England 1778; grandson of Samuel Basan, who, fleeing from Spain at the beginning of the eighteenth century, settled in Oven, Holland, whence the patronymic was derived. Abraham Van Oven received his medical...
VAN OVEN, BARNARD – English physician and communal worker; born in London 1796; died there July 9, 1860; youngest son of Joshua Van Oven. He was brought up for the medical profession, studying under Sir William Blizard and receiving the degree of...
VAN OVEN, JOSHUA – English surgeon and communal worker; born in England 1766; died in Liverpool 1838; son of Abraham Van Oven. He was trained for the medical profession, being a pupil of Sir William Blizard. On receiving the degree of L.R.C.S....
VAN PRAAGH, WILLIAM – Pioneer of lipreading for deaf-mutes in England; born in Rotterdam June 11, 1845. Having studied under Dr. Hirsch, who had introduced into Holland from Germany the purely oral system of teaching the deaf and dumb, and who became...
VAN STRAALEN, SAMUEL – English Hebraist and librarian; born at Gouda, Holland, 1845; died in London, England, 1902. In 1873 he was appointed Hebrew librarian at the British Museum. He translated many Dutch, German, and Hebrew books, and was the author...