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LEVITES (Temple Servants) - LEWINSTEIN, JOSEPH - JewishEncyclopedia.com
LEVY, JOSEPH HIAM – English economist; born 1838; educated at the City of London School and City of London College. He entered the British Civil Service, was assigned to the Board of Education in 1862, and rose to the position of examiner of school...
LEVY, JOSEPH LEONARD – American rabbi; born Nov. 24, 1865, in London; educated at Jews' College and University College (B.A.), London, at Bristol University, England, and at Western University of Pennsylvania (D.D.). Levy was rabbi of the Bristol...
LEVY, JOSEPH MOSES – Founder and proprietor of the London "Daily Telegraph"; born Dec. 15, 1812; died at Ramsgate Oct. 12, 1888. He was educated in London and Germany. After spending the earlier part of his life in commercial pursuits he became the...
LEVY, JUDAH – Tunisian rabbinical author; lived at Tunis and died there in the middle of the nineteenth century; son of Nathan Levy. He was originally from Gibraltar. He published under his own name only one Hebrew work, "Maḥane Lewiyyah."...
LEVY, JUDITH – English philanthropist; born in London 1706; died there Jan. 20, 1803; a daughter of Moses Hart, founder of the Great Synagogue, London; married Elias Levy, a wealthy financier and government contractor. This lady, who lived to...
LEVY, LOUIS (ASHER BEN MOSES) – Poet and cantor of the Berlin synagogue; died Jan. 25, 1853. He wrote "Teḳufat ha-Shanah" (Berlin, 1842), poems on the four seasons, in imitation of Thomson's "Seasons." The preface includes "Na'al Yad," a translation of...
LEVY, LOUIS EDWARD – American photochemist; born at Stenowitz, Bohemia, Oct. 12, 1846. He went to America in early life, and was educated at Detroit; he studied especially mathematics and astronomy at Michigan University in 1866, and optics at...
LEVY, LUDWIG – German architect; born March 14, 1852, at Landau. After his return from Italy, where he completed his studies, he was entrusted with the building of the new synagogue in Kaiserslautern. He was the architect also of the church at...
LĖVY, MAURICE – French engineer and member of the Institut; born at Ribeauville, Alsace, Feb. 28, 1838. Educated at the Ecole Polytechnique and the Ecole des Ponts et Chaussées, he became an engineer in 1863. During the Franco-German war...
LEVY, MAX – American inventor; born at Detroit 1857. He invented the etched screen and the machinery for producing it now generally used in the half-tone process of photoengraving. After serving an apprenticeship of three years with an...
LEVY, MEYER – German jurist; born in Wollstein, province of Posen, Jan. 17, 1833; died in Berlin Oct. 18, 1896. After practising as an assessor in Berlin, he received the appointment of "Rechts-Anwalt" in Fraustadt, where he at once began his...
LĖVY, MICHEL – French publisher; born at Pfalzburg Dec. 20, 1821; died in Paris May 6, 1875. In 1836 he settled in the latter city, where, together with his brothers Calman and Nathan, he engaged in the publishing business. His firm soon...
LÉVY, MICHEL – French physician; born at Strasburg Sept. 28, 1809; died at Paris March 13, 1872; educated at the University of Montpellier (M.D. 1834). In 1836 he became professor of hygiene at the Val-de-Grâce in Paris; in 1845 he was...
LEVY, MORITZ ABRAHAM – German Orientalist; born at Altona March 11, 1817; died at Breslau Feb. 22, 1872. Having received a rabbinical education, he became teacher in the Synagogen-Gemeinde of Breslau, where he was active for nearly thirty years. For...
LEVY, MORITZ MARCUS (CARL EDVARD MARIUS) – Danish physician; born in Copenhagen Sept. 8, 1808; died there Dec. 30, 1865. He graduated as M. D. from the University of Copenhagen in 1833, having in 1830 won the university gold medal for a medical essay.From 1833 till 1836...
LEVY, NATHAN – Founder of the first Jewish cemetery in Philadelphia; born in Feb., 1704; died in Philadelphia Dec. 23, 1753. He probably went there from New York, for in 1730 a merchant of his name was a member of the Shearith Israel...
LEVY, SAMSON – Colonial merchant of Philadelphia. He was one of the originators, in 1748, of the City Dancing Assembly, a famous social organization of Philadelphia. In Nov., 1765, he signed, with other merchants of the city, including six...
LEVY, SARA – German philanthropist; born in Berlin June, 1761; died there March 11, 1854. She was a daughter of Daniel Itzig, and was well educated according to the fashionable French standards of her time. Her husband was Samuel Levy, one...
LÉVY, SIMON – French rabbi; born in 1829 at Lauterbourg, Alsace; died at Bordeaux Nov. 29, 1886. He studied first under Solomon Ulmann, and then at the Rabbinical School at Metz, which he left in 1853 to accept the rabbinate of Lunéville. In...
LEVY, URIAH PHILLIPS – Uriah Phillips LevyAmerican naval officer; born in Philadelphia April 22, 1792; died in New York March 22, 1862. Levy was a cabin-boy before the age of eleven; he was apprenticed as a sailor in 1806; in 1810 he became second...
LÉVY-BACRAT, ABRAHAM – Rabbinical author of the beginning of the sixteenth century. Expelled from Spain in 1492, he settled at Tunis, where in 1507 he wrote "Sefer ha-Zikkaron," a supercommentary on Rashi. The manuscript remained unprinted till 1845,...
LÉVY-BRUHL, LUCIEN – French philosopher; born at Paris April 10, 1857; educated at the Lycée Charlemagne and the Ecole Normale Supérieure. In 1879 he received the degree of "agrégé en philosophic," and was at once called to a professorship in...
LEVYSOHN, SALOMON FREDERIK – Danish musician and critic; born in Copenhagen Oct. 14, 1858. He studied at the University of Copenhagen and at the Polytechniske Institut until 1878, when he decided to devote himself to the study of music. From 1884 to 1896 he...
LEWALD, FANNY – German authoress; born May 24, 1811, in Königsberg, Prussia; died Aug. 5, 1889, in Dresden. In her seventeenth year she entered the Evangelical Church. In 1831, in company with her father, she made a tour through Germany and...
LEWANDOWSKI, LOUIS – German composer of synagogal music; born at Wreschen, province of Posen, April 23, 1823; died Feb. 4, 1894, at Berlin. At the age of twelve he went to Berlin to study pianoforte and singing, and became solo soprano in the...