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See also: 还是


pay back; return; also
pay back; return; also; in addition; more; still; else; yet; (not) yet
be; yes; this
trad. (かえこれ) かえ これ
simp. (还是) これ






  1. still
    わがかえこれ [MSC, trad.]
    わが还是 [MSC, simp.]
    háishì hěn xǐhuan nǐ. [Pinyin]
    I still like you a lot.
    其實わがさとしとくかえこれふとしとしかるりょう [MSC, trad.]
    其实わが觉得还是ふとしとしりょう [MSC, simp.]
    Qíshí wǒ juéde ba, tā háishì tài niánqīng le. [Pinyin]
    Actually, I think he is still too young.
    現在げんざい形勢けいせいかえこれいむたかし [MSC, trad.]
    现在かたち还是严峻 [MSC, simp.]
    Xiànzài xíngshì háishì hěn yánjùn na. [Pinyin]
    The current situation is still very grim.
  2. nevertheless; yet
    はなれこと家庭かてい到底とうていかえこれかい影響えいきょういた孩子 [MSC, trad.]
    离异家庭かてい到底とうてい还是かいかげいた孩子 [MSC, simp.]
    Líyì jiātíng dàodǐ háishì huì yǐngxiǎng dào háizi. [Pinyin]
    Children from divorced families will be affected in the end.
  3. (chiefly Wu) used to form comparative structures; -er than
    わしかえこれなが [Shanghainese, trad.]
    还是 [Shanghainese, simp.]
    6non 6ghe-zy 6yi 6zan [Wugniu]
    He is taller than you.
  4. had better; it would be best (to do something); one would be well-advised to
    這個討論とうろんかえこれゆかり主持しゅうもち [MSC, trad.]
    这个讨论还是ゆかり主持しゅうもち [MSC, simp.]
    Zhège tǎolùn háishì yóu nǐ lái zhǔchí. [Pinyin]
    You had better host this discussion.
    わがかえこれさきだんせいこと [MSC, trad.]
    わが还是さきせいこと [MSC, simp.]
    Wǒmen háishì xiān tán zhèngshì ba. [Pinyin]
    We'd better discuss proper business first.
    ようわがわがかえこれさきかい [MSC, trad.]
    ようわがわが还是さきかい [MSC, simp.]
    Yàobù wǒ, wǒ háishì xiān huíqù ba. [Pinyin]
    I think it's best I leave.


  • (still):




  1. or
    ようども中國ちゅうごくさいかえこれ日本にっぽん料理りょうり [MSC, trad.]
    ようども中国ちゅうごくさい还是日本にっぽん料理りょうり [MSC, simp.]
    Nǐ yào chī Zhōngguócài háishì Rìběn liàolǐ? [Pinyin]
    Do you want to eat Chinese food or Japanese food?
    無論むろんそうども中國ちゅうごくさいかえこれ日本にっぽん料理りょうり自助じじょかいゆうてき [MSC, trad.]
    无论そうども中国ちゅうごくさい还是日本にっぽん料理りょうり自助じじょかいゆうてき [MSC, simp.]
    Wúlùn nǐ xiǎng chī Zhōngguócài háishì Rìběn liàolǐ, zìzhùcān dōu huì yǒu nǐ xǐhuān de. [Pinyin]
    Whether you want Chinese or Japanese food, the buffet will have what you like.
    你們這次たびゆうこれ自助じじょかえこれ跟團 [MSC, trad.]
    你们这次たびゆうこれ自助じじょ还是跟团儿 [MSC, simp.]
    Nǐmen zhèicì lǚyóu shì zìzhù háishi gēntuánr a? [Pinyin]
    For this trip, are you travelling by yourselves or with a tour group?

Usage notes

  • In Mandarin, かえ/还是 (when meaning "or") is exclusively used in questions, in which context it replaces the need for (ma) as a question word; as well as in some fixed phrases with words like かん (bùguǎn) or 無論むろん无论 (wúlùn). Other senses of the word "or" in English are given by あるもの (huòzhě) (or ある (huò)), which is only used in statements. For example, "A あるもの B" means "A or B".



See also
