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Luo Tong

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Luo Tong
Area Commander of Ruxu (濡須とく)
In office
223 (223)–228 (228)
MonarchSun Quan
Lieutenant-General (へん將軍しょうぐん)
In office
222 (222)–223 (223)
MonarchSun Quan
Personal details
Yiwu, Zhejiang
Died228 (aged 35)[1]
SpouseLady Sun
Courtesy nameGongxu (おおやけいとぐち)
PeerageMarquis of Xinyang Village

Luo Tong (193 CE–228 CE),[1] courtesy name Gongxu, was an official serving under the warlord Sun Quan during the late Eastern Han dynasty and early Three Kingdoms period of China.


Luo Tong was from Wushang County (がらすきずけん), Kuaiji Commandery, which is around present-day Yiwu, Zhejiang. His father Luo Jun (駱俊), who served the Prince of Chen Liu Chong as his chancellor (ひねしょう) in the Eastern Han dynasty, was killed by the warlord Yuan Shu.[2] Luo Tong's mother remarried after her husband's death, and became a concubine of the official Hua Xin. Luo Tong, who was seven years old then, returned to Kuaiji Commandery with his close friends. Before Luo Tong left his hometown, his mother tearfully bid him farewell. When the carriage driver told him that his mother was looking on from behind, Luo Tong did not turn around. When asked why, he said, "If I look back, my mother will only miss me more. I don't want to make her suffer." This story highlights Luo Tong's filial piety and respect for his family. It also shows his loyalty and determination, as he did not let his emotions cloud his duty.[3]

At the time, there was a famine, so the residents in Luo Tong's hometown and other travellers taking shelter there suffered from hunger. Luo Tong was very worried about this and his appetite decreased. His elder sister, who was widowed and had no children, was known for being very kind. She saw that her brother looked very upset, so she asked him why. Luo Tong said, "I feel bad when I can fill my own stomach while those people don't have enough to eat." His sister replied, "You're right. Why do you suffer in silence and not tell me about this?" She then took grain from her personal stores and gave it to Luo Tong, and also informed their mother about it. Luo Tong's mother agreed with what they were doing, and she distributed grain to the people. Luo Tong became famous after this incident.[4]

When the warlord Sun Quan was nominally serving as the Administrator (太守たいしゅ) of Kuaiji Commandery, Luo Tong, then 19 years old, was appointed as the Chancellor of Wucheng County (がらすほどけん; south of present-day Huzhou, Zhejiang), which had over 10,000 residents. He performed well in office and received praise from Sun Quan, who promoted him to an Officer of Merit (こう曹) and acting Cavalry Commandant (じょう). He married the daughter of Sun Quan's cousin, Sun Fu.[5] Luo Tong was known for being very diligent in examining the state of affairs in his jurisdiction. Whenever he encountered important issues that required action, he would attempt to resolve them within the day itself. He also advised Sun Quan to give greater attention to talented and virtuous people, so as to attract them to serve him. He suggested that Sun Quan meet the guests individually (instead of in groups) and hold private conversations with them to understand them better and make them feel appreciated and grateful to him. Sun Quan accepted Luo Tong's advice.[6] Luo Tong was appointed as "General of the Household Who Builds Loyalty" (たてただしちゅうろうしょう) and was placed in charge of 3,000 troops. He was placed in command of Ling Tong's unit after Ling died.[7]

At some point during his career, Luo Tong became aware of the hardships suffered by the common people. He noted that the population was plagued by contagious diseases, onerous taxes, and forced labor. He wrote a lengthy memorial to Sun Quan, the ruler of Eastern Wu, warning him that these problems could lead to instability and unrest if they were not addressed. Luo Tong's memorial demonstrated his concern for the welfare of the people and his understanding of the social and political issues of the time. He urged Sun Quan to implement policies to help the people and relieve their burdens. Sun Quan felt touched after reading Luo Tong's memorial and he paid greater attention to Luo's ideas.[8] Throughout his career, Luo Tong had written many memorials to Sun Quan, giving appropriate advice on policies. Among all the pieces of advice he gave to Sun Quan, the most notable one is his suggestion to stop increasing conscription, because he felt that forcing the people into conscription would lead to social problems and make them feel resentful. Sun Quan argued with him again and again over this issue, but eventually accepted his ideas.[9]

In 221–222 CE, Luo Tong participated in the Battle of Xiaoting between Eastern Wu and its former ally state, Shu Han. He was a subordinate of the Wu general Lu Xun, and the Wu forces emerged victorious in the battle. Luo Tong was promoted to Lieutenant-General (へん將軍しょうぐん) for his contributions. Later, in 222–223 CE, he participated in the Battle of Ruxu against Wu's rival state Cao Wei. The Wei general, Cao Ren had sent his subordinate Chang Diao (つね雕) to attack Zhongzhou (中洲なかす). Luo Tong and Yan Gui (いむけい) led the Wu forces to Zhongzhou to resist the enemy and defeated them. For his success, Luo Tong was promoted to Area Commander of Ruxu (濡須とく) and enfeoffed as the Marquis of Xinyang Village (新陽しんようちんこう).[10] He also spoke up for Zhang Wen when Zhang Wen was implicated in a scandal involving Ji Yan, but Sun Quan did not accept his advice.[11]

Luo Tong died in 228 at the age of 36 (by East Asian age reckoning).[1]

Luo Jun[edit]

Luo Tong's father was Luo Jun (駱俊), whose courtesy name was Xiaoyuan (こうとお). Luo Jun was known for being skilful in handling both civil and military affairs. He served as a minor officer in his home commandery when he was young and was nominated as a xiaolian (civil service candidate). He was subsequently promoted to a Gentleman of Writing (尚書しょうしょろう), and was later appointed as the Chancellor of Chen State. When chaos broke out towards the end of the Eastern Han dynasty, Luo Jun successfully maintained law and order within Chen State and ensured that the people lived well and were safe. Sometime in the 190s, when the warlord Yuan Shu was running short of supplies, he sent a messenger to Chen State to request for grain. Luo Jun saw Yuan Shu as a traitor and despised him, so he refused to send supplies. The angry Yuan Shu then sent assassins to kill Luo Jun.[12]


Chen Shou, who wrote Luo Tong's biography in the Records of the Three Kingdoms, appraised Luo Tong as follows: "Luo Tong understood righteousness and provided rational advice. He was able to convince those in power."[13]

See also[edit]


  1. ^ Luo Tong's biography in the Sanguozhi recorded that he died in the 7th year of the Huangwu era (228) of Sun Quan's reign at the age of 36 (by East Asian age reckoning).[1] By calculation, his birth year should be around 193.


  1. ^ a b c d (としさんじゅうろくななねんそつ。) Sanguozhi vol. 57.
  2. ^ (駱統こういとぐちかい稽烏きずじん也。ちちしゅんかんいたりひねしょうため袁術しょがい。) Sanguozhi vol. 57.
  3. ^ (みつるははあらためてきためはな歆小つまみつるはちさいとげあずかしんきゃくかい稽。其母おくこれ拜辭はいじじょうしゃめん而不顧,其母泣涕於後。御者ぎょしゃ曰:「夫人ふじんなおざい也。」みつる曰:「よくぞうははおもえ顧耳。」ことてきはは甚謹。) Sanguozhi vol. 57.
  4. ^ (ときひだるあら鄉里きょうり及遠かたきゃくゆうこまとぼしみつる為之ためゆき飲食いんしょくおとろえしょう。其姊仁愛じんあいゆうぎょう,寡歸すべ甚哀すうもん其故。みつる曰:「大夫たいふ糟糠そうこう不足ふそくわがなにこころどく飽!」姊曰:「まこと如是にょぜなにつげわが,而自わか此?」乃自以私あわあずかすべまた以告ははははまたけんとげ使ぶんほどこせゆかりあらわめい。) Sanguozhi vol. 57.
  5. ^ (まごけん以將ぐん領會りょうかい太守たいしゅみつるねんじゅうためしためがらすほどしょうみんまん,咸歎其惠けん嘉之よしゆき,召為こう曹,ぎょうじょうつま以從けい輔女。) Sanguozhi vol. 57.
  6. ^ (みつるこころざしざい察,苟所聞見,ゆうまちだんつねすすむけん以尊けんせっつとむもとめ損益そんえききょうたまものにち人人ひとびとべつしんもん其燥濕,以密さそえさとし使げん,察其こころざしおもむきれいみな感恩かんおん戴義,ふところほっほうしんけんおさめよう焉。) Sanguozhi vol. 57.
  7. ^ (ためたてただしちゅうろうはたりょうしゃさんせんにん。及凌みつるふくりょう其兵。) Sanguozhi vol. 57.
  8. ^ (ちょうやくしげるすうじゅう疫癘えきれいみん損耗そんこうみつるじょう疏曰:「しん聞君こくしゃ,以據疆土ためつよしとみせいぶくためみこととうと,曜德義とくぎためさかえあらわ永世えいせいたねためゆたか祚。しかざい須民せいつよしよりゆき民力みんりょく恃民ぜいぶくよしみんふえとく俟民しげるよし以民ぎょうろくしゃすんで備,しかこうおうてん受祚,ぞくむべくにしょ曰:『しゅうきさき無能むのう胥以やすしきさきしゅう以辟四方しほう。』推是ごとのりみん以君やすきみ以民ずみ不易ふえき道也みちやいまつよしてき殄,うみ內未乂,三軍さんぐん有無うむやめこれやくこうさかいゆうしゃく備,しるし調ちょうすう由來ゆらいせき以殃疫死わざわいこおりけんあらきょ疇蕪曠,聽聞ちょうもんぞくじょうみんひた寡,またざんおいしょうゆうひのとおっと,聞此これにちこころわか焚燎。おもえひろ所由しょゆうしょうみん無知むちすんで有安ありやすじゅう遷之せい,且又前後ぜんごためへいしゃなまのり困苦こんくゆうぬる飽,そく委棄いき骸骨がいこつはん以尤ようこいほんかしことおどうこれ於死。まいゆう徵發ちょうはつ,羸謹きょ家重いえしげるいしゃ先見せんけん輸送ゆそうしょうゆう財貨ざいかかたぶけきょぎょうまいない顧窮つきけいひょうげしゃそくほとばしにゅう險阻けんそとう就羣あく百姓ひゃくしょうきょ竭,嗷然愁擾,愁擾そく營業えいぎょう營業えいぎょうそく致窮こま,致窮こまのりらくせい口腹こうふくきゅうのり姧心どう而攜叛多也。また聞民あいだきょしょしょうのう自供じきょう生產せいさんおこりやしなえ屯田とんでんひんへいまた棄子すてごてんそくせい,而父母ちちははころせこれすんで懼干ぎゃく和氣わき感動かんどう陰陽いんよう。且惟殿下でんか開基かいき建國けんこく,乃無きゅうこれぎょう也,つよし鄰大てき造次ぞうじしょほろび,疆埸つねもりがつ戍,而兵みん減耗げんもう後生ごしょうそだて所以ゆえんれきとおねん,致成功せいこう也。おっとこくゆうみんなおみずゆうぶねとまのり以安,擾則以危,不可ふか欺,じゃく不可ふかしょう以聖おうじゅう焉,禍福かふく由之よしゆきあずかみん消息しょうそくかん時制じせいせい方今ほうこんちょう吏親みんしょくおもんみ以辨ためのう目前もくぜんきゅうしょうふく恩惠おんけいためふくしょう殿下でんかてんくつがえこれじんつとむ恤之とくしゃ官民かんみんせいぞくにち以彫へいやや以陵おそいきおい不可ふか乆。おっとやまし及其あつしじょ患貴其未ふかねがい殿下でんかしょうまんあまり閑,とめしんおもえしょうふくあらむなしふかとおけいいく殘餘ざんよみん,阜人ざいもちいまいり曜三こうとうたかし天地てんちしんみつる大願たいがんそく以死而不朽ふきゅう矣。」けんかんみつるげんふか焉。) Sanguozhi vol. 57.
  9. ^ (すうひね便宜べんぎぜん後書あとがきすうじゅうじょうしょげんみなぜんぶん悉載。ゆう以占つの在民ざいみんあいだちょうあくはいぞくなま離叛りはんしんきゅうよろしぜっおけけんあずかあい反覆はんぷくおわり遂行すいこう。) Sanguozhi vol. 57.
  10. ^ (以隨りくへりくだやぶしょくぐん於宜,遷偏將軍しょうぐんたけはつ,曹仁おさむ濡須,使つかいべつはたつね雕等かさね中洲なかすすべあずかいむけいきょうこばめやぶこれふう新陽しんようちんこうため濡須とく。) Sanguozhi vol. 57.
  11. ^ (將軍しょうぐん駱統ひょうゆたか曰:「 ... 」けんおわり不納ふのう。) Sanguozhi vol. 57.
  12. ^ (しゃうけたまわのち漢書かんしょ曰:しゅんこうとおゆう文武ぶんぶ才幹さいかんしょうためぐん吏,察孝れん尚書しょうしょろう,擢拜ひねしょう。值袁じゅつ僭號,兄弟きょうだい忿爭,天下てんかかなえにえ,羣賊なみおこりひねあずかかい,姧慝よんぬのしゅん威武いぶ疆境,ぞく敢犯。やしなえずみ百姓ひゃくしょう災害さいがいせいさいゆたかみのりこうじゅつぐんしゅひだるこま,就俊もとめかてしゅんやましあくじゅつはつおう荅。じゅついか密使みっしじんころせしゅん。) Annotation from Xie Cheng's Houhanshu in Sanguozhi vol. 57.
  13. ^ (ひょう曰: ... 駱統こう明大めいだいよしきりいたり,值權かた閉不ひらき。) Sanguozhi vol. 57.