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Academic Achievement in 2008 in Ars Vivendi
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Academic Achievement in 2008 in Ars Vivendi

Achievements Made by Our Faculty Members, Postdoctoral Fellows and Graduate Students


2006 & Before 2006 (Japanese)
Database & Update History of HP (Japanese)
Books: Single Author, Co-author and Edited Ones
Books: Partial Contribution and Translation

■2008 ◆Academic Papers, Reports and so on: 395 (Including Scheduled Ones) Organizing and Related Events □Annual Meetings of Academic Societies etc.
*You can go to the top of each month by clicking the following months.
January 2008/ February/ March/ April/ May/ June/ July/ August/ September/ October/ November/ December

▽December 2008

NIIYAMA Tomoki 2008 "Globalization and Neglected Tropical Diseases" Multiculturalism and Social Justice Working Paper Series, No.6

NIIYAMA Tomoki 2008 "Trend of International Non-Government Organizations on Buruli ulcer Problems: Focusing on the Work of Project SCOBU" Multiculturalism and Social Justice Working Paper Series, No.7

MATSUDA Ryozo December 2008 "Accumulation of Knowledge and Mode of Transmission on Risk of Bad Health"
Human Safety Research (Study Group on Human Safety, College of Social Sciences, Ritsumeikan University)1:29-38

KAWAGUCHI Yumiko December 31, 2008 "Book Review: UENO Chizuko & NAKANISHI Shoji (Eds.) Toward a Needs-oriented Welfare Society"
KINOKUNIYA SHOHYO KUKAN BOOKLOG http://booklog.kinokuniya.co.jp/kawaguchi/archives/2008/12/31/ (Japanese)

December 27, 2008 "The 20th Study Group on Care of Dimentia", Suzaku Campus, Ritsumeikan University

TATEIWA Shin'ya December 25, 2008 "KAGAWA Chiaki The Right to Die No.3" (Japanese) (Book Guide No.89)
Kango Kyoiku 48-(2008-12):-(Igaku Shoin)

AMADA Josuke December 25, 2008 "Turning the Generation into a System of Thought: Questioning after Accepting Conflict among Generations", 203-232
AZUMA Hiroki & KITADA Akihiro (Eds.) Map of Thoughts Vol.2 (Special Topic: Generation), NHK Books, ISBN-10: 4140093412 ISBN-13: 978-4140093412 [Amazon] (Japanese)

KAWAGUCHI Yumiko December 21, 2008 "Book Review: TERAMOTO Akihisa, OKABE Kosuke, SUENAGA Hiroshi & IWAHASHI Seiji (Eds.) Good Assistance?"
KINOKUNIYA SHOHYO KUKAN BOOKLOG http://booklog.kinokuniya.co.jp/kawaguchi/archives/2008/12/21/ (Japanese)

◆HASHIMOTO Misao & KAWAGUCHI Yumiko December 20, 2008 "On New Business of Care Staff Dispatch Service by the Persons who Experienced ALS," JALSA Seminar

TAKADA Kazuki December 20, 2008 "Trust and Ethics: On Argument of Social Responsibility of Companies"
Study Group on Business Information Ethics, Meiji University

MAKI Masako December 20, 2008 "Examination of "Large Package of the Tax System" of the Ruling Parties in 2004: As a Clue for Reexamining Policies for the Elderly"
The 5th Study Group on Aging, Ritsumeikan University

December 20, 2008 The 5th Study Group on Aging", Ritsumeikan University

NIIYAMA Tomoki December 20, 2008 "Possibilities of Establishment of the Network against Global Infectious Diseases: Focusing on Buruli ulcer"
Public Interview to Ms. TSUYAMA Naoko: "From Apartheid to Democratization: 20 Years with People in South Africa", Ritsumeikan University

TATEIWA Shin'ya December 20, 2008 "What can We Do if We Help a Little?"
Public Interview to Ms. TSUYAMA Naoko: "From Apartheid to Democratization: 20 Years with People in South Africa", Ritsumeikan University

December 20, 2008 Public Interview to Ms. TSUYAMA Naoko: "From Apartheid to Democratization: 20 Years with People in South Africa", Ritsumeikan University

TATEIWA Shin'ya December 20, 2008 "Unstupid "Economic Measures"" (Japanese)
Asahi Shimbun Morning Edition Kyoto:31

KOBAYASHI Hayato December 19, 2008 "Competition of Two Models of Workfare and its Consequence: Based on Welfare Revoluation in California State"
The 6th Study Group on Social Subsumption Policies, Osaka City University

OKA Keinosuke December 19, 2008 Translation of SEN A.K. (2002), "Open and Closed Impartiality," Journal of Philosophy, 99: 445-469.
GOTOH Reiko & SEN Amartya K. December 19, 2008 Well-Being and Justice, University of Tokyo Press, ix+299p+viiiISBN-10: 4130101102 ISBN-13: 978-4130101103 2940yen [amazon] / [kinokuniya] (Japanese) (Chapter 5)

KOBAYASHI Hayato December 19, 2008 Translation of SEN A.K. SEN A.K. (2000), "Consequential Evaluation and Practical Reason", Journal of Philosophy 97: 477-502.
GOTOH Reiko & SEN Amartya K. December 19, 2008 Well-Being and Justice, University of Tokyo Press, ix+299p+viiiISBN-10: 4130101102 ISBN-13: 978-4130101103 2940yen [amazon] / [kinokuniya] (Japanese) (Chapter 3)

GOTOH Reiko & SEN Amartya K. December 19, 2008 Well-Being and Justice, University of Tokyo Press, ix+299p+viiiISBN-10: 4130101102 ISBN-13: 978-4130101103 2940yen [amazon] / [kinokuniya] (Japanese)

KAWAGUCHI Yumiko December 17, 2008 "Arrangement of Issues on Introduction and Cessation of NPPV: From the Viewpoint of Patients, Family and Caretakers"
Study Report, Seminar on QOL Improvement of Specified Disease Patients

WATANABE Aiko December 14, 2008 "Sympathetic Possibilities of Different Bodies: Based on Contemporary Dances"(Abstract of the Report) (Japanese)
Society of Art Meets Care, Art Area B1

◆HASHIMOTO Misao & KAWAGUCHI Yumiko December 13, 2008 "Minotiry's Right to Die Decided by National Consensus"
The 14th National Meeting of Study Group of Disabled People's Policies

KAWAGUCHI Yumiko December 13, 2008 Report "In Order to Live with the Ventilator in Regions: Sakurakai's "Evolving Care" from the Past to the Future"
The 1st National Meeting of Medical Care Groups, Kyoto University of Education

TATEIWA Shin'ya December 13, 2008 "What "the Tax Reform" Brought about" (Japanese)
Asahi Shimbun Morning Edition Kyoto:31

KONDO Hiroshi December 10, 2008 "Report about Workshop on From SARS to Bird Flue: Public Health and Animial Diseases Between Hong Kong and Guangdong" (Japanese)
Workshop on From SARS to Bird Flue: Public Health and Animial Diseases Between Hong Kong and Guangdong, Ritsumeikan University

MURAKAMI Kiyoshi December 7, 2008 "Reconsideration of Women's "Labor" and Income/Security" (Japanese)
The 11th National Convention of Association for the Socio-culture, Fuchu Campus, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies

TAJIMA Akiko December 7, 2008 Report "Ocuupational Therapy of the Sustentation Period at a Later Stage"
Lecturer of a Training Session, Tokyo Metropolitan University [Powerpoint] (Japanese)

TATEIWA Shin'ya December 7, 2008 "Reexamination of the Law Supporting Self-sufficient Living for Disabled Persons and Challenges in the Future" (Japanese)

MATSUEDA Akiko December 6, 2008 Report "Politics of Widespread Use of Antidepressant: Statements from 1950s to 1970s"(Tentative)
Project Led by Graduate Students at Ars Vivendi "Study Group on Care" (Japanese), Ritsumeikan University

MATOBA Kazuko December 6, 2008 Report "Palliative Care at NHS in Britain"(Tentative)
Project Led by Graduate Students at Ars Vivendi "Study Group on Care" (Japanese), Ritsumeikan University

December 6, 2008 Project Led by Graduate Students at Ars Vivendi "Study Group on Care" (Japanese), Ritsumeikan University

WATANABE Kozo December 6, 2008 "Research on Levi-Strauss's 1950s"
Report "Today's Levi-Strauss", Maison Franco-Japonaise

AMADA Josuke December 6, 2008 "Sociology of Identity: Economy over Biopolitics"
Study Group on Medical Sociology in December, Campus Plaza Kyoto

KAWAGUCHI Yumiko December 5, 2008 "In Oder for Patiets with Severe Nervous Disordered to Live in Community"
Seminar to Support Severe Nervous Disordered Patients in Communities, Hosted by Support Center for Incurable Disease in Ishikawa Prefecture

WATANABE Kozo December 5, 2008 Translation into Japanese "Interpretation of the Subject in Levi-Strauss and Ecological Catastrophe"
From KECK Frederic 2008 "Dissolution du sujet et catastrophe ecologique chez Levi-Strauss."
Shiso 1016 (2008-12):277-296

KONDO Hiroshi December 5, 2008 Translation into Japanese
From LEVI-STRAUSS Claude 1965 "The Future of Kinship Studies: The Huxley Memorial Lecture 1965", Proceedings of the Rayal Anthroplogical Institute of Great Britain and Ireland.
Shiso 1016 (2008-12):187-208

KOIZUMI Yoshiyuki December 5, 2008 "Logic of Meaning and Oncology of Race: Reading Tristes tropiques"
Shiso 1016 (2008-12):52-69

WATANABE Kozo December 5, 2008 Translation into Japanese
From LEVI-STRAUSS Claude 2008 "Notes sur Olympia", Bibliotheque de la Pleiade, Gallimard, 1670-1672.
Shiso 1016 (2008-12):26-29

WATANABE Kozo December 5, 2008 "Anti-linguistic Turn to Mythologiques: Research on Levi-Strauss in 1950s"
Shiso 1016 (2008-12):10-25

TATEIWA Shin'ya December 5, 2008 "On Order: Why Are Families Given Priority/Aren't Families Given Priority?" (Lecture in Japanese)
Lecture at the Training Session for Staff of Child Welfare Center, Kyoto City

ARIMA Hitoshi December 4, 2008 Interpreter
Workshop on From SARS to Bird Flue: Public Health and Animial Diseases Between Hong Kong and Guangdong, Ritsumeikan University

NIIYAMA Tomoki December 4, 2008 Designated Questions
Workshop on From SARS to Bird Flue: Public Health and Animial Diseases Between Hong Kong and Guangdong, Ritsumeikan University

YOKOTA Yoko December 4, 2008 Designated Questions
Workshop on From SARS to Bird Flue: Public Health and Animial Diseases Between Hong Kong and Guangdong, Ritsumeikan University

December 4, 2008 Workshop on From SARS to Bird Flue: Public Health and Animial Diseases Between Hong Kong and Guangdong, Ritsumeikan University

TATEIWA Shin'ya December 3, 2008 "Good Death/Sole Life" (Japanese)
Host:Japanese Association of Religious Organizations, The 3rd Symposium on Religion and Bioethics, Tokyo

UENO Seigo December 1, 2008 "Multilingual World of People with Hearing Difficulties: Crying of Babel No.12"

MURAKAMI Kiyoshi December 1, 2008 "Organization of Evaluation and Position of "Housemakers" and "Part Time Workers in Postwar Japan and Some Indication for Separating out Challenges: Including "Single" Women"
Freeter's Free02:41-43

◆KUNISAWA Shizuko, SHIRASAKI Asako, MURAKAMI Kiyoshi, IKUTA Takeshi, OSAWA Nobuaki, KURITA Ryuko & SUGITA Shunsuke December 1, 2008 "(Opening Session) Questionning Labor and Family: Housewives, Single Mothers and Female Freeters"
Freeter's Free02:11-40

TATEIWA Shin'ya December 1, 2008 "What We can Say about This Age: Our Age of Bodies No.6"
Misuzu50-12(2008-11 no.567):- Materials (Japanese)

TATEIWA Shinya "On Work No.39"
Gendai Shiso36-15(2008-12):- Materials (Japanese)

▽November 2008

SAKIYAMA Haruo, ITO Tomoki, SATO Kei & MITSUI Sayo (Eds.) November 2008 Sociology of "Social Support": Thoughts that Face the Fields,Seikyusha,236p. ISBN-10:4787232916 ISBN-13:978-4787232915 2940yen [amazon][kinokuniya]

WATANABE Kozo November 2008 "Another Rich Thought: Towards the Symposium Commemorating Levi-Strauss's 100 Year Old after Birth"

NOZAKI Yasunobu November 2008 "How should Ethics Question the Norm?: Criticism of Justification of the Norm"
Kansai Ethical Studies, Kyoto University

YAMAMOTO Yumiko November 30, 2008 "Current Conditions and Challenges in Prenatal Diagnosis and Midwife's Activities: Crossing Gender Bias"
The 20th Annual Convention of Japan Association for Bioethics cf.Prenatal Diagnosis

TATEIWA Shin'ya November 30, 2008 "Introduction" (Japanese), pp.3-7
INABA, YAMADA & TATEIWA [2008] Ways: Two Dialogues Facing Africa and the World, to Review Japan for its Future, Seikatsu Shoin

YAMADA Makoto & TATEIWA Shin'ya November 30, 2008 "Ways of Prosecution", pp.149-252
INABA, YAMADA & TATEIWA [2008] Ways: Two Dialogues Facing Africa and the World, to Review Japan for its Future, Seikatsu Shoin

INABA Masaki & TATEIWA Shin'ya November 30, 2008 "Facing Africa and the World", pp.13-141
INABA, YAMADA & TATEIWA [2008] Ways: Two Dialogues Facing Africa and the World, to Review Japan for its Future, Seikatsu Shoin

INABA Masaki, YAMADA Makoto & TATEIWA Shin'ya November 30, 2008 Ways: Two Dialogues Facing Africa and the World, to Review Japan for its Future, Tokyo, Seikatsu-shoin, 272p. 2310yen [amazon] / [kinokuniya] (Japanese)

HAN Sung-Min & SATO Takanori November 29 & 30, 2008 "Situational Approach of Conflict Phenomenon of Engineers in Development of Assistive Technology: With Focus on Interactive Action between Developers pf Assistive Technology and Users" (Abstract of Poster Presentation in Japanese)
The 5th Annual Convention of Japanese Association of Qualitative Psychology, Tsukuba University

NISHIDA Miki, FUKUDA Mari, SATO Tatsuya, NAKAJIMA Takashi & SONODA Yumi November 29, 2008 "Individual QOL Treated from SEIQoL-DWL(3): Telling of Patients with Muscular Dystrophy"
The 5th Annual Convention of Japanese Association of Qualitative Psychology, Tsukuba University

◆FUKUDA Mari, SATO Tatsuya, NISHIDA Miki, NAKAJIMA Takashi & SONODA Yumi November 29, 2008 "Individual QOL Treated from SEIQoL-DWL(2): Continuous Investigation of Adult Muscular Dystrophy"
The 5th Annual Convention of Japanese Association of Qualitative Psychology, Tsukuba University

SATO Tatsuya, NISHIDA Miki, FUKUDA Mari, NAKAJIMA Takashi & SONODA Yumi November 29, 2008 "Individual QOL Treated from SEIQoL-DWL(2): Examination of Survey Methods Using SEIQoL-DW"
The 5th Annual Convention of Japanese Association of Qualitative Psychology, Tsukuba University

NAGATA Atsumasa November 29, 2008 "Consideration of Anthropological Surveys on Filipino People Residing in Japan who Do not have Collected Living Regions and Position of Anthropologists"
The 57th Study Group of Modern Anthropology (Special Topic "Immigrant Workers"), The University of Tokyo

TATEIWA Shin'ya November 29, 2008 "Tax: What It Really Should Be"
Asahi Shimbun Morning Edition Kyoto:31

MATSUBARA Yoko November 28, 2008 (Invited Presenter)"The Patient-Centered Approach in the Cyborg Ethics"
2nd International Workshop on Cybernics - Roboethics and Cybernics, University of Tsukuba

KAWAGUCHI Yumiko November 25, 2008 "Book Review: Noëlle Châtelet La Dernière Leçon"
KINOKUNIYA SHOHYO KUKAN BOOKLOG http://booklog.kinokuniya.co.jp/kawaguchi/archives/2008/11/25/ (Japanese)

TATEIWA Shin'ya November 25, 2008"KAGAWA Chiaki The Right to Die No.2"(Book Guide 88)
Kango Kyoiku48-(2008-11):1078-1079 (Igaku Shoin)

SAITO Taku et al. November 25, 2008 "The USA: Development of System and Policy"
HAGIWARA Yasuo, MATSUMURA Shoko, USAMI Koichi & GOTOH Reiko (Eds.) Almanac of Social Welfare in the World in 2008, Junposha, 575p. ISBN-10: 4845110997 ISBN-13: 978-4845110995 [amazon]/[kinokuniya] (Japanese)

◆ODAGAWA Hanako, NAGATA Atsumasa & OGAYA Chiho November 25, 2008 "Phillipines"
HAGIWARA Yasuo, MATSUMURA Shoko, USAMI Koichi & GOTOH Reiko (Eds.) Almanac of Social Welfare in the World in 2008, Junposha, 575p. ISBN-10: 4845110997 ISBN-13: 978-4845110995 [amazon]/[kinokuniya] (Japanese)

◆HAGIWARA Yasuo, MATSUMURA Shoko, USAMI Koichi & GOTOH Reiko (Eds.) November 25, 2008 Almanac of Social Welfare in the World in 2008, Junposha, 575p. ISBN-10: 4845110997 ISBN-13: 978-4845110995 [amazon]/[kinokuniya] (Japanese)

MATSUEDA Akiko November 24, 2008 "Politics of Spread of Anti-depression Medicine"
Poster Session, The Japan Sociological Society, Tohoku University

YANO Ryo November 24, 2008 "Conflict over Policy Development and the Involved Person's Movements in Discrimination against Outcast People: Through Interviews with the Aged in Sumiyoshi Ward, Osaka City"
The Japan Sociological Society, Discrimination/Minorities (2), Tohoku University

GOTOH Reiko November 23, 2008 "Reconsideration of Formulation of Rights to Freedom: Comment on Reports Conducted by Suzumura, Kotaro"
Event of United Themes of Japan Association of Legal Philosophy in Fiscal 2008 "Law and Economy: Dialogue over Systems and the Way of Thoughts", Gakushuin University

SATO Ryo November 23, 2008 "Experiences of Inverted Colonies: Analysis of Chinese Alumni Reunion from Colonies"
The Japan Sociological Society, Issues over Colonies (Ethnic Group/Ethnicity (1)), Tohoku University

MATSUBARA Yoko November 22, 2008 (Responsible Person & Host) "Living with Incurable Diseases: Experiences from Immovable Body"
Version of Humanities and Social Sciences, Science Cafe, Project to Promote Humanities and Social Sciences, JSPS, Wakayama

NOZAKI Yasunobu November 22, 2008 (Providing the Topic) "Difficulties of Philosophy of QOL and Building lists of it: In Relation to Capability"
The 1st Study Group on Considering "QOL", Ritsumeikan University

November 22, 2008 Host: Study Group on Ethics over Birth (Japanese) & Study Group on Ars Vivendi of Incurable Diseases The 1st Study Group on Considering "QOL"
Soshikan 416, Ritsumeikan University, 1:30p.m.-4:00p.m.

GOTOH Reiko November 18, 2008 Report "Close and Distant Distance between Sen's Economics and Modern Economics"
Academic Open Symposium "Views of Modern Economic Analysis: Pursuing New Economics", Social System Institute, Ritsumeikan University

KAWAGUCHI Yumiko November 17, 2008 "Comparison of Social Systems on ALS Patients between Japan and South Korea"
The 8th International Symposium on Living Issues in Japan, China and South Korea, Academy of Housing for Life and Well-Being

HASEGAWA Yui, NISHIDA Miki & HOTTA Yoshitaro November 17, 2008 "Examination of Cases of a Support System for ALS Patients who Live Alone"
Pre-Symposium on the 8th International Conference for Housing Problems in Japan, Korea and China "Young Researchers' Activities toward Implementation of Society of Well-being of Housing", Ritsumeikan University

NISHIDA Miki & HOTTA Yoshitaro November 17, 2008 "Necessity and Challenges of Intervention for Enabling Patients with Progressive Incurable Diseases to Live at Home"
Pre-Symposium on the 8th International Conference for Housing Problems in Japan, Korea and China "Young Researchers' Activities toward Implementation of Society of Well-being of Housing", Ritsumeikan University

YAMAMOTO Shinsuke & HASEGAWA Yui November 17, 2008 "Current Condition and Challenges of Maintenance of Living Condition for ALS Patients who Live Alone"
Pre-Symposium on the 8th International Conference for Housing Problems in Japan, Korea and China "Young Researchers' Activities toward Implementation of Society of Well-being of Housing", Ritsumeikan University

MATSUDA Yukiko November 12, 2008 Guest Speaker "Modern History of Kyoto Hanamachi 1: Kyoto Exposition and Miyako Odori," Class of General Course of College of Letters, Ritsumeikan University

WATANABE Aiko November 12, 2008 "Possibility of Communication with Different Bodies: Using Contemporary Dances as a Clue"
The 4th Study Group on Diabilities and Art (Japanese), Osaka

KAWAGUCHI Yumiko November 11, 2008 "How the Basic Support Should Be for the ALS Patients Cared at Home"
Seminar on Incurable Diseases, Aichi Medical Association

YOSHINO Yugi November 8 & 9, 2008 "Examining the Improvement of QOL in "Regular Medical Care" of Gender Identity Disorder" (Tentative)(Abstract of Report in Japanese)
The 1st Meeting of the Japan Association for Queer Studies, Hiroshima Shudo University

MATSUBARA Yoko November 8, 2008 (Report & Organizer) "Practice of Engineering Education by the Inveloved Persons with Disabilities and Diseases"
Workshop of the 7th Annual Research Meeting of Japanese Society for Science and Technology Studies, Osaka University

◆HIDAKA Tomoo, HISAZUMI Junji, MIZUKI Shodo, HOTTA Yoshitaro, HASEGAWA Yui, YAMAMOTO Shinsuke & NAKATA Kiichi November 8, 2008 "Practice of Assistive Technology Workshop by Patients with Intractable Diseases and University Students"
Meeting of Japanese Society for Science and Technology Studies, Osaka University

HAN Sung-Min November 8, 2008 "Role of Engineers with Disability as Science Communicators: From Experiences of Lectures of Assistive Engineering Develoers with Disability at Engineering Department"
The 7th Research Meeting of Japanese Society for Science and Technology Studies, Osaka University

TATEIWA Shin'ya November 8, 2008 "Considering Economy Primitively" (Japanese)
Asahi Shimbun Morning Edition, Kyoto:31

MATSUBARA Yoko November 7, 2008 (Organizer) "Session: History of Eugenics in East Asia"
The International Society for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology (ISHPSSB) Off-Year Workshop in Kobe, Japan Biology Studies in East Asia, Kobe University

KITAMURA Kentaro November 1, 2008 "Law to Help Equal Law to Split?" (Japanese)
Gendai Shiso 36-14(2008-11):238

TATEIWA Shin'ya November 1, 2008 "Conflict and Compensation No.2: Our Age of Bodies No.5"
Misuzu 50-11(566)(2008-11):44-54 Materials(Japanese)

TATEIWA Shin'ya November 1, 2008 "On Work No.38"
Gendai Shiso 36-(2008-11):14-25 Materials (Japanese)

UENO Seigo November 1, 2008 "Branch into Multilingual Situation No.2: Crying of Babel No.11"
Gengo 37-11(2008-11):14-19

▽October 2008

SATO-ROSSBERG Nana October 2008 "A Dictionary of Place Names as an Early Case of Thick Translation," Asian Translation Tradition, Istanbul [in English]

HIZAWA Yoshihiko October 2008 "Learning Group Work through Practices"
Lecturer, Training Session of Liaison Council, Children's Center, Nagano Prefecture

GOTOH Reiko October 2008 Book Review "Between Free Men and Economic Men", HASHIMOTO Yuko Libetarianism and Minimal Welfare State: Aiming for Systematic Minimalism (Japanese), Keiso Shobo
Shakai Fukushi Kenkyu 103

GOTOH Reiko October 2008 "Concept of Social Rejection and Social Selection Procedure of Public Economy Support Policies," pp.43-62
TAKEGAWA, UZUHASHI & FUKUHARA (Eds.) Possibility of Citizenship and Basic Income (Series: New Issues and Challenges of Social Policies Vol.3), Horitsu Bunkasha, 256p. ISBN-10: 4589031124 ISBN-13: 978-4589031129 3,465yen [amazon]/[kinokuniya]

SATO Tatsuya & SONE Hiroyoshi October 2008 Commentary "Psychanalysis (Pre-war Periods)" (Total 12 volumes & 1 additional volume)

KITAMURA Kentaro October 30, 2008 "Incident of Rejecting the Entrance of Mr. Onishi Akahito into Urawa High School Illegally"
Shogaigaku Kenkyu Vol.4:162-187

TATEIWA Shin'ya October 31, 2008 Comment on Living Will
Asahi Broadcasting Corporation "NEWS YU"

KOBAYASHI Hayato October 29, 2008 ""Don't Kill Me!": "Reality" of Workfare Policies in New York"
The 2nd Open Workshop of Seminar of Yamamori, Ryo in Fiscal 2008, Doshisha University

TATEIWA Shin'ya October 27, 2008 Comment on Graduation Ceremony and Entrance Ceremony of Schools in Tokyo
Tokyo Shimbun Morning Edition:27

SAITO Ryuichiro, UEMURA Kaname, HAN Sung-Min October 25-26, 2008
"The Situation and Problems of Supporting Students with Visual Disability in Sudan: Required Technical Support and Self-Support," Abstract in Japanese
The 5th Meeting of Japan Society for Disability Studies (Japanese), Kumamoto Gakuen University

UEMURA Kaname, AOKI Shintaro, HAN Sung-Min October 25-26, 2008
"The Situation and Problems of Supporting Students with Visual Disabilities in Sudan: Considering the Support for Sudan Based on our Experience in Ritsumeikan University", Abstract (Japanese)
The 5th Meeting of Japan Society for Disability Studies (Japanese), Kumamoto Gakuen University

KATAYAMA Tomoya October 26, 2008 "Distributive Justice Theory on Cultures: Focusing on Justification of Deaf-Nationalism and its Restriction" (Japanese) [Abstract in Japanese ] The 5th Meeting of Japan Society for Disability Studies (Japanese), Kumamoto Gakuen University)

TATEIWA Shin'ya October 25, 2008 "KAGAWA Chiaki The Right to Die No.1" (Japanese) (Book Guide No.87)
Kango Kyoiku 48-(2008-10):-(Igaku Shoin)

CHONG Hee Kyong October 23, 2008 "For Solidarity (Provisional Title)"
"Discussion Group on the History of Social/Political Movements of Disabled People in South Korea and Japan", Ritsumeikan University

KAWAGUCHI Yumiko October 22, 2008 "Book Review: UENO Chizuko (Ed.) Care: Ideology and Practice 3 Being Cared"
KINOKUNIYA SHOHYO KUKAN BOOKLOG http://booklog.kinokuniya.co.jp/kawaguchi/archives/2008/10/22/ (Japanese)

TAKENAKA Kiyohito October 20, 2008 "The Force Creating Maiko and Geigi in Kyoto: The Change in Koto's Hanamachi," AJISAKA Manabu & KOMATSU Hideo (Eds.) Sociology of Kyoto Community pp.121-139, Sekai Shisousha ISBN-10: 4790713660 ISBN-13: 978-4790713661 [amazon]

Global COE Program Ars Vivendi of Ritsumeikan University October 15, 2008 Identity and Alterity in Multiculturalism and Social Justice: "Conflicts", "Identity", "Alterity", "Solutions?", Report Issued by Research Center Ars Vivendi of Ritsumeikan University, Vol.4, 2008. 350p. ISSN 1882-6539

HAN Sung-Min October 11, 2008 "How the Reading Expander Should Be from the Experience of 25-year's Heavy Usage: Focus on Information Processing Process by Multimodal" The 111th Monthly Low Vision Meeting (http://www.cis.twcu.ac.jp/~k-oda/lvmeet/lowvism111/lowvism111.html) National Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities

TAKAGI Satoshi October 11, 2008 "Anxiety of Young Adults in Light Novels and the Society: Individuality and Frameworks in Novels by Aso Shunpei"
The Meeting of Japan Society for Children's Literature, Aichi Shukutoku University

YAMAMOTO Takanori & KITAMURA Kentaro (Eds.) October 10, 2008 On Friction: Trials on Medical Care versus Gender Identity Disorder/Body versus Society, Report Issued by Research Center Ars Vivendi of Ritsumeikan University, Vol.3, 2008. 199p. ISSN 1882-6539

ITO Michiko October 10, 2008 "On Discord: Medical Trials x Gender Identity Disorder x Society Chapter 4: Development of Discussion over Disclosure of Medical Records," pp.114-132, YAMAMOTO Takanori & KITAMURA Kentaro (Eds.) October 10, 2008 On Friction: Trials on Medical Care versus Gender Identity Disorder/Body versus Society, Report Issued by Research Center Ars Vivendi of Ritsumeikan University, Vol.3, 2008. 199p. ISSN 1882-6539

MATSUDA Yukiko October 9, 2008 Guest Speaker Presentation of Theses "Multi Ethnicity City of Kyoto: Shijogawara as a Space of Awai" (Japanese), Class of Special Course of College of Letters, Ritsumeikan University

FUJIWARA Nobuyuki October 5, 2008 "Who Can Choose Killing Himself? The Narrative of Bereaved Family of the Accident Fatality Whose Death Was Rumored To Be a Suicide," The 24th Meeting of Japanese Association of Social Problems, Osaka Prefecture University

TAKADA Kazuki October 3-5, 2008 "Ethics of Public and Individual: An Essay on Publicness of Private Companies" (Full Text in Japanese), (Abstract in Japanese), The 59 Meeting of Japanese Society for Ethics (Japanese), Tsukuba University

UENO Seigo October 1, 2008 "Branch into Multilingual Situation No.1: Crying of Babel No.10"
Gengo 37-10(2008-10):14-19

TATEIWA Shin'ya October 1, 2008 "Natural and My Own Death that Considers Others?" (Japanese)
Chikuma2008-10 http://www.chikumashobo.co.jp/pr_chikuma/0808/ (Japanese)

▽September 2008

YAMAMOTO Yumiko September 2008 ""Medical Treatment to Fetus" and "Self-determination of Women" in Prenatal Diagnosis: Referring to Questionnaire to Midwife"
Seimei Rinri 18(1), Japan Association for Bioethics cf.Prenatal Diagnosis

SATO Ryo September 28, 2008 "Alumni Association Across the Borders: Communication of Colonial Dalian Alumni After 1980s"
Manchuria Literature Study Group

TATEIWA Shinya September 25, 2008 The Nature of "Science" of the Study of Social Welfare (Japanese) (Book Guide No.86)
Kango Kyoiku 48-(2008-9):-(Igaku Shoin)

September 20, 2008 "The 19th Study Group on Care of Dimentia", Suzaku Campus, Ritsumeikan University

ICHINOMIYA Shigeko September 19-21, 2008 "Donors' View on Living Liver Transplantation (4th Report): Donors' Suffering" (Japanese)
The 44th Meeting of the Japan Society for Transplantation, Osaka (Abstracts)

KAWAGUCHI Yumiko September 15, 2008 "From the Experience of Care Taking: Considering the Antidiscrimination Law for Disabled"
Commentator, The 14th National Meeting in Kyoto 2008 To Think Our Life After 100 Years in Traditional Kyoto, Organized by The National Network of Clinics and Citizens for Home Care

ABE Akira September 14, 2008 Report "Critical Examination of Normative Social Theories: Over Summum Malum Appraoch"
The 3rd Annual Convention of the Society for Sociological Theory in Japan, Kobe University

TATEIWA Shin'ya September 14, 2008 Lecture
Health Clinics that Support Non-profit Organization of Care at Home & Civil National Network Called "National Gathering" in Kyoto
Doshisha Universityhttp://www.home-care.ne.jp/net/index.php (Japanese)

KAWAGUCHI Yumiko September 13, 2008 "To Live with a Ventilator in Communities"
The 3rd Kanagawa Medical Care Practitioners Seminar

MATSUDA Yukiko September 10, 2008 Undergraduate Thesis "Multi Ethnicity City of Kyoto: Shijogawara as a Space of Awai," Undergraduate Theses of College of Letters of Ritsumeikan University 14:171-190

KAWAGUCHI Yumiko September 8, 2008 "Book Review: MORIOKA Masahiro Love Lesson of Vegetarian Boys"
KINOKUNIYA SHOHYO KUKAN BOOKLOG http://booklog.kinokuniya.co.jp/kawaguchi/archives/2008/09/08/ (Japanese)

TATEIWA Shin'ya September 7, 2008 "Good Death/Only Life" (Japanese) (Lecture)
Convention for Japanese Society for Clinical Thanatology, Sapporo http://jsct.umin.ac.jp/ (Japanese)

TATEIWA Shin'ya September 5, 2008 "Book Review Life that Is Divided, Risk of Life" (Japanese)
Shukan Dokushonin 2753:4

TATEIWA Shin'ya September 5, 2008 Good Death (Japanese)
Chikuma Shobo 374p. ISBN-10: 4480867198 ISBN-13: 978-4480867193 [amazon] /[kinokuniya] (Japanese)

UENO Seigo September 1, 2008 "What School Education Brings to Hearing-impaired Children No.4: Crying of Babel No.9"
Gengo 37-9(2008-9):14-19

MAEKAWA Chieko September 4-7, 2008 "Psychological Clinic for Patients of Intractable Disease - Alignments and Communal Clinical Activities Regarding Medicine, Health and Welfare," PPT(485kb), The 27th Meeting of the Association of Japanese Clinical Psychology, Tsukuba International Congress Center

TATEIWA Shin'ya September 1, 2008 "On Accumulation: Our Age of Bodies No.3" (Japanese)
Misuzu 50-9(2008-9 No.564):- Material (Japanese)

TATEIWA Shin'ya September 1, 2008 "On Work No.36"
Gendai Shiso36-11(2008-9)- Material (Japanese)

▽August 2008

KAWAGUCHI Yumiko August 2008 "Brain Machine to Communicate Mind" (Special Feature on Brain Science)
Kagaku August (Vol.78 No.8):877-880, Iwanami Shoten

SATO-ROSSBERG Nana August 2008 "Chiri Mashiho’s Performative Translations of Ainu Oral Narratives", Japanese Studies, Journal of the Japanese Association of Australia, 136-148 [in English]

SAKURAI Hiroko & NISHIWAKI Yoshie August 2008 "Survey of Mothers with Children Receiving 24-hour Medical Care at Home"
Ritsumeikan Journal of Human Sciences17:35-46 [PDF]

HASEGAWA Yui, TAKEBAYASHI Yayoi & NISHIDA Miki August 30, 2008 "Examination of Cases of ALS Patients who Have Difficulties Living Alone at Home: From Position of Social Welfare" (Japanese), Report at the 13th Annual Convention for Japan Intractable Illness Nursing Society
Abstact of Report in Japanese: July 2008 Nihon Nanbyo Kango Gakkaishi13-1:80

MAEKAWA Chieko August 30, 2008 "The Future of Mental Care of Patients with Neurological Intractable Disease Who Stay Home - from the Perspective of Clinical Psychotherapists and Health Nurses," PPT(95kb), The 13th Meeting for the Japan Intractable Illness Nursing Society, Tower Hall Funabori

NISHIDA Miki August 30, 2008 "A Case Study of ALS Patients Who Have Difficulty with Living Home Alone - Support Based on Narrative Approach," The 13th Meeting for the Japan Intractable Illness Nursing Society, Tower Hall Funabori

MATSUDA Yukiko August 29, 2008 Book Review on IMANISHI Hajime Social History of Yujo: From the History of Shimabara and Yoshiwara to the Colonial 'Public Prostitutes' System, The Center for Urban History, The 8th Study Seminar on Yukaku and Surrounding Area, Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, The University of Tokyo

KAWAGUCHI Yumiko August 29, 2008 "The Current Condition and Problems of Support for ALS Patients in Japan," (Report Abstract in Japanese)
The 13th Symposium of Japan Intractable Illness Nursing Society "Considering the Future of Intractable Illness Care"

SATO Tatsuya & VALSINER Jaan August 26-29, 2008 "Foundations of Dialogical Self: Tension between Potentials of the Future and Unity of the Past," The Fifth International Conference on the Dialogical Self. Cambridge, UK [Abstract]

TATEIWA Shin'ya August 25, 2008 The Nature of "Science" of the Study of Social Welfare (Japanese) (Book Guide No.85)
Kango Kyoiku 48-(2008-8):-(Igaku Shoin)

TATEIWA Shin'ya August 23, 2008 "On Curing/Not be Cure" (Lecture)
Regional Meeting for the Japanese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine (Chubu & Tokai Area), Nagoya

TATEIWA Shin'ya August 5, 2008 "What I have been Given No.2" (Japanese)
Soyokaze noyouni Machi ni Deyou 76:34-39

KAWAGUCHI Yumiko et al. Survey on South Korea's ALS Patients Cared at Home with Ventilators
Ritsumeikan University Global COE Program Ars Vivendi "Research on Network Establishment for Incurable Disease Patients in East Asia"

UENO Seigo August 1, 2008 "What School Education Brings to Hearing-impaired Children No.3: Crying of Babel No.8"
Gengo 37-8(2008-8):14-19

TATEIWA Shin'ya August 1, 2008 "SAISHU Satoru and Receive What can be Receive from the Age"
Jokyo The 3rd Term 9-9(2008-8):59-76

TATEIWA Shin'ya August 1, 2008 "Our Age of Bodies No.2"
Gekkan Misuzu 2008-7 Material (Japanese)

TATEIWA Shin'ya August 1, 2008 "On Work No.35"
Gendai Shiso 36-(2008-8):- Material (Japanese)

AMADA Josuke August 1, 2008 "Rehabilitation No.1" (In the Middle of Sensitivity of the World No.13)
Kangogaku Zasshi 72-05(2008-05):-(Igaku Shoin)
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bs07-13.htm (Japanese)

▽July 2008

SATO Tatsuya & MINAMI Hirofumi (Eds.) July 2008 Experiences of Society and Places (Lectures of Qualitative Psychology), University of Tokyo Press, 268p. ISBN-10: 4130151231 ISBN-13: 978-4130151238 [amazon]/[kinokuniya] (Japanese)

AMADA Josuke July 31, 2008 Comment, "Logic and Ethics of Care: Nursing Care, Emotion and Labor", Ritsumeikan University

MATOBA Kazuko July 31, 2008 Comment, "Logic and Ethics of Care: Nursing Care, Emotion and Labor", Ritsumeikan University

ARIMA Hitoshi July 31, 2008 Comment, "Logic and Ethics of Care: Nursing Care, Emotion and Labor", Ritsumeikan University

ABE Akira July 31, 2008 Comment, "Logic and Ethics of Care: Nursing Care, Emotion and Labor", Ritsumeikan University

July 31, 2008 "Logic and Ethics of Care: Nursing Care, Emotion and Labor", Ritsumeikan University

NAKAKURA Tomonori July 27, 2008 Report "On Multitude and Guaranteed Income: With Emphasis on Discussion of Mr. Maurizio Lazzarato"
The 3rd Meeting on Preparation Committee for Japanese Network on Basic Income
Doshisha University

TATEIWA Shin'ya July 25, 2008 "Special Topic of Gendai Shiso: Neuroethics: New Age of Reorganization of the Brain" (Japanese) (Book Guide No.84)
Kango Kyoiku 48-(2008-7):-(Igaku Shoin)

KAWAGUCHI Yumiko July 21, 2008 "On Safe Home Care as a Result of Cooperation with the Medical Care"
"Evolving Care" in Kyoto http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sakura_kai/20080701 (Japanese)

TATEIWA Shin'ya July 21, 2008 "Ars Vivendi of Immovable Persons"
"Evolving Care" in Kyoto http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sakura_kai/20080701 (Japanese)

HOTTA Yoshitaro July 20, 2008 "Necessary IT Knowledge for Japanese Communication Aid, Switches and Care of ALS and Environment for Cure"
"Evolving Care" in Kyoto http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sakura_kai/20080701 (Japanese)

July 20 & 21, 2008 "Evolving Care" in Kyoto http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sakura_kai/20080701 (Japanese)

TATEIWA Shin'ya July 20, 2008 "The Times of YOKOTSUKA Koichi"
Fuchu City, Tokyo

July 19, 2008 Study Group on "Life as an Issue", Ritsumeikan University

TATEIWA Shin'ya July 19, 2008 Report
Study Group of Reproduction, Rikkyo University http://homepage2.nifty.com/~shirai/html/repro.htm (Japanese)

July 19, 2008 Study Group of Reproduction, Rikkyo University http://homepage2.nifty.com/~shirai/html/repro.htm

NOZAKI Yasunobu July 16, 2008 Report "Toward the Soceity in which Young People with Disabilities Do not Have to Get Angry"
"Considering Movements by People with Disabilities, Independent Life and Media together with Staffs of the Movie "Konchikusho"", Ritsumeikan University

TATEIWA Shin'ya July 16, 2008 Report, "Considering Movements by People with Disabilities, Independent Life and Media together with Staffs of the Movie "Konkchikusho"", Ritsumeikan University

July 16, 2008 "Considering Movements by People with Disabilities, Independent Life and Media together with Staffs of the Movie "Konkchikusho"", Ritsumeikan University

TAJIMA Akiko July 15, 2008 The New Generation Forum Reconsideration of Acceptance of Diability: Questions over Acceptance of Disability No.13 "From "Acceptance of Disability" to "Freedom with Diability" No.3: What are "Other Things"?
Chiiki Rihabiriteshon 3-7: 667-670 (Miwa Shoten)

TOSHIMITSU Keiko July 12, 2008 Report "Over Prenatal Diagnosis", Ritsumeikan University

July 12, 2008 "Over Prenatal Diagnosis", Ritsumeikan University

TATEIWA Shin'ya July 11, 2008 "Without Telling/Telling us about Specialty of People's Lives"
TAKEGAWA Shogo & NISHIHIRA Tadashi (Eds.) Death and Life Studies 3: Life cycle and Death, University of Tokyo Press

TATEIWA Shin'ya July 5, 2008 Lecture (with Mr. SAISHU Satoru)
"Modern Social History", 10:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m. 1:00 p.m.-2:30 p.m., Keio University

UENO Seigo July 1, 2008 "What School Education Brings to Hearing-impaired Children No.2: Crying of Babel No.7"
Gengo 37-7(2008-7):12-17

TATEIWA Shin'ya July 1, 2008 "Our Age of Bodies No.1"
Gekkan Misuzu 2008-7

TATEIWA Shin'ya July 1, 2008 "On Work No.34"
Gendai Shiso 36-(2008-7):- Material (Japanese)

▽June 2008

HIZAWA Yoshihiro June 2008 "The Base of Social Welfare Support" Nagano University Bulletin 30 (1): 35-45

SATO Tatsuya & SONE Hiroyoshi June 2008 Commentary "Psychanalysis (Pre-war Periods)" (Total 12 volumes & 1 additional volume)

SATO Tatsuya June 30, 2008 "Reconsideration of Theory of Sampling in Order to Face "Experiences of the Society and Places""
SATO Tatsuya & MINAMI Hirofumi (Eds.) Courses on Qualitative Psychology 3 Experiences of the Society and Places, University of Tokyo Press, 233-260

KOYAKE Risa June 29, 2008 Comment on Morioka, Masahiro's "Range of Intravaginal Ijaculation Sexual Abuse Theory: Sexuality and Ethics of Andrology"
Kyoto Bioethics Association

NAGATA Atsumasa June 29, 2008 "Involvement with Foreigners who do not Have Regions of Settlement: Including the Examination of the Relationship between Anthropologists and Informants"
The 18th Annual Convention of the Japanese Association for Migration Studies, Tokyo Gakugei University

TAJIMA Akiko June 28, 2008 Report, "Current Disability Studies in UK", Ritsumeikan University

NOZAKI Yasunobu June 28, 2008 Report, "Current Disability Studies in UK", Ritsumeikan University

June 28, 2008 "Current Disability Studies in UK", Ritsumeikan University

SATO Ryo June 26, 2008 "Alumni Association Across the Border: Tracing People from Colonial Dalian after 1980s"
The 214th Meeting of Kyoto Folklore Association, Wings Kyoto

NOZAKI Yasunobu June 25, 2008 Voices of Graduate Students
Homepage of Graduate School of Humanities & Social Sciences, Osaka Prefecture University

TATEIWA Shin'ya June 25, 2008 "Life Theory Starting from Individuals No.3" (Book Guide No.83)
Kango Kyoiku 48-6(2008-6):-(Igaku Shoin)

KAWAGUCHI Yumiko June 25, 2008 "A Health Care System for Old Old Starting from 65 Years Old?"
Kikan Fukushi Rodo 119

NAKAKURA Tomonori June 23, 2008 Report, "Alternatives of Labor, Employment and Social Security", Ritsumeikan University

HASHIGUCHI Shoji June 23, 2008 Report "On Movements of Irregular Workers in Japan: Quiclk Review of its History and the Current Condition"
"Alternatives of Labor, Employment and Social Security", Ritsumeikan University

June 23, 2008 "Alternatives of Labor, Employment and Social Security", Ritsumeikan University

KAWAGUCHI Yumiko June 22, 2008 Report
Convention for Association of Center for Independent Living, Senri Life Center Building

TATEIWA Shin'ya June 22, 2008 Report & Comment
Convention for Association of Center for Independent Living, Senri Life Center Building

NAGATA Atsumasa June 21, 2008 "Enlargement of Japanese Communities in the Metro Area (Manila) in Philippine and New Movement to Japan"
The 5th International Academic Forum for the New Generation of Japan & Korea, Soul, Korea

HAN Sung-Min June 21, 2008 Report, Round-table Discussion "Current Conditions and Challenges of Assistance of the Visually Disabled in Universities: What is Asked for in Sudan Now" (Japanese), Ritsumeikan University

UEMURA Kaname June 21, 2008 Report, Round-table Discussion "Current Conditions and Challenges of Assistance of the Visually Disabled in Universities: What is Asked for in Sudan Now" (Japanese), Ritsumeikan University

AOKI Shintaro June 21, 2008 Report, Round-table Discussion "Current Conditions and Challenges of Assistance of the Visually Disabled in Universities: What is Asked for in Sudan Now" (Japanese), Ritsumeikan University

June 21, 2008 Round-table Discussion "Current Conditions and Challenges of Assistance of the Visually Disabled in Universities: What is Asked for in Sudan Now" (Japanese), Ritsumeikan University

TAJIMA Akiko, NAKAGUCHI Michiko & AMADA Josuke June 20 2008 Poster Presentation "Point for Occupational Therapists' Supporting Life of the Elderly with Dementia: Referring to Academic Journals Issued by Japanese Association of Occupational Therapists from 2000 through 2007" (Japanese)
The 42nd Japanese Ocuupational Therapy and Expo, Nagasaki

KAWAGUCHI Yumiko June 20, 2008 Interview "What do You Think about End-of-life Care?: Over Consultant Fee on End-of-life of Old Old"
Silver Shinpo (Kankyo Shimbunsha)

KAWAGUCHI Yumiko June 16, 2008 "Book Review: RikunabiNEXT Tech Group We, the Crazy Engineerism"
KINOKUNIYA SHOHYO KUKAN BOOKLOG http://booklog.kinokuniya.co.jp/kawaguchi/archives/2008/06/16/ (Japanese)

HASHIGUCHI Shoji June 16, 2008 "Current Condition of Labor Movement in France: Referring to Regeneration of Social Movements in France"
The 1st Study Group on Labor, Ritsumeikan University

TAJIMA Akiko June 15, 2008 The New Generation Forum Reconsideration of Acceptance of Diability: Questions over Acceptance of Disability No.12 "From "Acceptance of Disability" to "Freedom with Diability" No.2: Sense of Stagnation of "Being Tied Only to Individual Changes"
Chiiki Rihabiriteshon 3-6: 549-551 (Miwa Shoten)

AMADA Josuke June 15, 2008 "Making this World be Sociology No.6" (Culture Courses for OT, Lesson 2: Sociology)
Sagyo Ryoho Janaru (42-6) (Miwa Shoten) http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bs08-6s.htm (Japanese)

WATANABE Aiko June 15, 2008 "Generation of "Places" through Performing Arts: Trial of Mekurumeku Picture-card Show" (Japanese)
The 22nd Anuual Convention for Japanese Research Association for Community Development, Doshisha University

KATSURAGI Teizo & KITAMURA Kentaro June 15, 2008 "Finance and Challenges of a Non-profit Organization Called Liaison Council on Incurable Diseases in Shiga Prefecture: With Emphasis on Involvement with Government in Shiga Prefecture" (Japanese)
The 22nd Anuual Convention for Japanese Research Association for Community Development, Doshisha University

HASEGAWA Yui, NAKAGUCHI Michiko, YAMAMOTO Shinsuke, KITAMURA Kentaro & HOTTA Yoshitaro June 15, 2008 "Research Study on Assistance of Transition of ALS Patients' Living Alone at Home (4): Various Systematic Issues" (Japanese)
The 22nd Anuual Convention for Japanese Research Association for Community Development, Doshisha University

NAKAGUCHI Michiko, HASEGAWA Yui, YAMAMOTO Shinsuke, KITAMURA Kentaro & HOTTA Yoshitaro June 15, 2008 "Research Study on Assistance of Transition of ALS Patients' Living Alone at Home (3): Difficulties of Transition to Staying at Home" (Japanese)
The 22nd Anuual Convention for Japanese Research Association for Community Development, Doshisha University

HOTTA Yoshitaro, WATANABE Aiko, NAKAGUCHI Michiko, HASEGAWA Yui, YAMAMOTO Shinsuke & KITAMURA Kentaro June 15, 2008 "Research Study on Assistance of Transition of ALS Patients' Living Alone at Home (2): Understanding Needs of Care Based on Time Study of One Minute Times 24 Hours" (Japanese)
The 22nd Anuual Convention for Japanese Research Association for Community Development, Doshisha University

YAMAMOTO Shinsuke, NAKAGUCHI Michiko, HASEGAWA Yui, KITAMURA Kentaro & HOTTA Yoshitaro June 15, 2008 "Research Study on Assistance of Transition of ALS Patients' Living Alone at Home (1): Research on Maintenance of Space of Living Alone at Home for Severe ALS Patients" (Japanese)
The 22nd Anuual Convention for Japanese Research Association for Community Development, Doshisha University

TATEIWA Shin'ya June 14, 2008 Comment
The 22nd Anuual Convention for Japanese Research Association for Community Development, Doshisha University

□June 14 & 15, 2008 The 22nd Anuual Convention for Japanese Research Association for Community Development, Doshisha University

◆TAKAHASHI Shinichi, KURAHASHI Kohei & HOTTA Yoshitaro June 10, 2008 Research Note "Trend of Discussion over Freedom, Supervison and Controlling Society"
Josei, Senso and Jinken 9:131-148

TATEIWA Shin'ya June 9, 2008 "Passion for Saving" (Japanese)
Kyoto Shimbun June 9, 2008 Evening Edition:2 Gendai no Kotoba

YANO Ryo June 8, 2008 "Life Change of the Elderly after the End of Antidiscrimination Measures and its Difficulties: The Case of Sumiyoshi Ward in Osaka City" (Japanese)
The 6th Annual Convention for Japan Welfare Sociology Association, Sophia University

ARIYOSHI Reiko, KITAMURA Kentaro & HOTTA Yoshitaro June 8, 2008 "Joint of Statements of "Bedfast Old People" with Policies that Curb Growth in Medical Spending from 1990s through 2000s" (Japanese)
The 6th Annual Convention for Japan Welfare Sociology Association, Sophia University

NAKAGUCHI Michiko, KITAMURA Kentaro & HOTTA Yoshitaro June 8, 2008 "Statements of "Bedfast Old People" and Systems from 1990s through 2000s: Issues over Death" (Japanese)
The 6th Annual Convention for Japan Welfare Sociology Association, Sophia University

TAJIMA Akiko, SAKASHITA Masayuki, ITO Michiko & NOZAKI Yasunobu June 8, 2008 "Statements of "Bedfast Old People" in Magazines on Rehabilitation in 1980s" (Japanese)
The 6th Annual Convention for Japan Welfare Sociology Association, Sophia University

HASHIGUCHI Shoji June 7, 2008 "Activities of Labor Unions with Young Part-time Workers at its Center and its Position"
The 6th Annual Convention for Japan Welfare Sociology Association, Sophia University

NOZAKI Yasunobu June 7, 2008 "On Ethics/Politics and Economics over Different Bodies" (Japanese)
The 6th Annual Convention for Japan Welfare Sociology Association, Sophia University

□June 7 & 8, 2008 The 6th Annual Convention for Japan Welfare Sociology Association, Sophia University

FUJIWARA Nobuyuki June 7, 2008 "Suicide Survivors' Difficulties in Telling Their Own Experiences: Regarding Our Society Twisted Relationship between Wounds and Truth", Special Public Opening Symposium "Narratives, Trauma and Ethics: Welcoming Dr. Arthur W. Frank", Ritsumeikan University

NAKATA Kiichi June 7, 2008 "Why Do Addicted Patients Attend Self-help Groups for Extended Periods?", Special Public Opening Symposium "Narratives, Trauma and Ethics: Welcoming Dr. Arthur W. Frank", Ritsumeikan University

OTANI Michitaka June 7, 2008 "Questions to Professor Frank at the Symposium", Special Public Opening Symposium "Narratives, Trauma and Ethics: Welcoming Dr. Arthur W. Frank", Ritsumeikan University

YAMAGUCHI Maki June 7, 2008 "About Testimony as Ethics of Storyteller", Special Public Opening Symposium "Narratives, Trauma and Ethics: Welcoming Dr. Arthur W. Frank", Ritsumeikan University

TATEIWA Shin'ya June 7, 2008 For Comment after the Whole Discussion,
Special Public Opening Symposium "Narratives, Trauma and Ethics: Welcoming Dr. Arthur W. Frank", Ritsumeikan University

AMADA Josuke June 7, 2008 Comment, Special Public Opening Symposium "Narratives, Trauma and Ethics: Welcoming Dr. Arthur W. Frank", Ritsumeikan University

June 7, 2008 Special Public Opening Symposium Held by Global COE Program for Ars Vivendi at Ritsumeikan University "Narratives, Trauma and Ethics: Welcoming Dr. Arthur W. Frank"

◆LAZZARATO Maurizio (=Translated by NAKAKURA Tomonori) "Modern Capitalism and "aesthetic" War"
Gendai Shiso 37-07(2008-6):200-207

UENO Seigo June 1, 2008 "What School Education Brings to Hearing-impaired Children No.1: Crying of Babel No.6"
Gengo 37-6(2008-6):12-17

KAWAGUCHI Yumiko June 1, 2008 "Human Use of the Brain Machine: Politics and Economics concerning Connection and Continuation"
Gendai Shiso 36-07(2008-6):98-111

KOIZUMI Yoshiyuki June 1, 2008 "Seeking the Soul: Vital Signs and Mechanical Signals"
Gendai Shiso 36-07(2008-6):80-96

MATSUBARA Yoko & MIMA Tatsuya June 1, 2008 "Construction of Neuroethics"
Gendai Shiso 36-07(2008-6):50-68

AMADA Josuke June 1, 2008 "Population No.1" (In the Middle of Sensitivity of the World No.14)
Kangogaku Zasshi 72-06(2008-06):-(Igaku Shoin) http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bs07-14.htm (Japanese)

TATEIWA Shin'ya June 1, 2008 "On Work No.33"
Gendai Shiso 36-(2008-6):- Materials (Japanese)

▽May 2008

SATO-ROSSBERG Nana May 2008 "A Dictionary of Place Names?A Challenge of Native Anthropologist" Canadian Association for Translation Studies, Vancouver [in English]

KOBAYASHI Hayato May 31, 2008 "Book Review: NEGISHI Takehiro Welfare Revolution in the U.S.
http://www.ritsumei.ac.jp/~ps010988/200801.htm (Japanese)
Study of Social Welfare 49(1), 199-201, Japanese Society for the Study of Social Welfare
http://wwwsoc.nii.ac.jp/jssw/ (Japanese)

AMADA Josuke May 28, 2008 "Not Decided yet" (Culture Courses for OT, Lesson 6: Sociology)
Sagyo Ryoho Janaru (42-6) (Miwa Shoten)
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bs08-6s.htm (Japanese)

TATEIWA Shin'ya May 25, 2008 "Life Thory Starting from Individuals No.2" (Japanese) (Book Guide No.82)
Kango Kyoiku 48-5(2008-5):-(Igaku Shoin)

OTANI Izumi May 21, 2008 "Biopolitics and Dicourse on Death and Dying"
SHIMAZONO Susumu & TAKEUCHI Seiichi (Eds.) May 21, 2008 Death and Life Studies No.1: What Is Death and Life Studies? (Japanese), University of Tokyo Press, 257p. ISBN: 413014121X ISBN-13: 978-4130141215 2940yen [amazon]

MATSUEDA Akiko May 18, 2008 "The Evaluation of Psychoactive Drugs: Positive Evaluation and Criticism in Japan during 1960s to 80s," The 34th Meeting of Japanese Society of Health and Medical Sociology, Tokyo Metropolitan University. Abstract in Japanese(MS Word)

TAJIMA Akiko May 15, 2008 "Visiting Japanese Women who Have Conducted OT: Home Rehabilitation in UK"
Chiiki Rihabiriteshon 3-5: 466-468 (Miwa Shoten)

TAJIMA Akiko May 15, 2008 The New Generation Forum Reconsideration of Acceptance of Diability: Questions over Acceptance of Disability No.11 "From "Acceptance of Disability" to "Freedom with Diability" No.1: Representation of "What cannot be Done""
Chiiki Rihabiriteshon 3-5: 457-459 (Miwa Shoten)

AMADA Josuke May 15, 2008 "Unsolved Questions: Over Values of Existence/Life"
Kanwa Kea 18-3 (Special Topic "Palliative Care in the Age of Old: How we Perceiveit and Practice") http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bpp52.html (Japanese)

AMADA Josuke May 9, 2008 "People's Practice and its History over Being Old and Weakening: on Ironic and Dangerous Situation Appearing as a Result of Saving Ourselves"
UENO Chizuko, OKUMA Yukiko, OSAWA Mari, JINNO Naohiko & SOEDA Yoshiya (Eds.) Care (Care: Its Thoughts and Practice (Total 6 Volumes) Volume 2, Iwanami Shoten
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bp17.html (Japanese)

UENO Seigo May 1, 2008 "Parents' Effects for Language Acquisition of Hearing-impaired Children: Crying of Babel No.5"
Gengo 37-5(2008-5):12-17

YOSHINO Yugi May 1, 2008 "Research Notebook "Gender Identity Disorder Identity Disorder""
Gendai Shiso 36-5(2008-5):222

TATEIWA Shin'ya May 1, 2008 "On Work No.32"
Gendai Shiso 36-5(2008-5):- Materilas (Japanese)

TATEIWA Shinya May 1, 2008 "Persons with Disabilities Nurture Welfare Workers: Ranking of Qualification and Employment Tests (Welfare, Medical Care and Healthcare)" (Japanese) (The title has been decided by the editorial desk)
Asahi Shimbun Kyoiku & Junia Henshubu (Eds.) May 10, 2008 Ranking of Universities in 2009, Asahi Shimbun Shuppan, 959p ISBN-10: 4022745207 ISBN-13: 978-4022745200 2100 p.198,200

▽April 2008

HASHIGUCHI Shoji April 2008 "Formation of Labor Union for Young Part-time Workers"
Gekkan Rodo Kumiai No.518 (Issue of April 2008), Rodo Osaka Shuppan Center

SAITO Taku April 30, 2008 "Japanese Statement of "Gap-Widening Society" Seen from Basic Income Theorists"
Social Policy Studies 8:130-152, Toshindo

◆VAN PARIJS Philippe 2004 "Basic Income: A Simple and Powerful Idea for the Twenty-First Century", Politics & Society 32-(1):7-39= April 30, 2008 (Translated by) SAITO Taku & GOTOH Reiko
Social Policy Studies 8:87-129, Toshindo

AMADA Josuke April 28, 2008 "Not Decided yet" (Culture Courses for OT, Lesson 5: Sociology)
Sagyo Ryoho Janaru (42-5) (Miwa Shoten)
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bs08-5s.htm (Japanese)

SATO Ryo April 26, 2008 "The Social Network of 'Colonial Alumni Association'"
The 1st Meeting of Japanese Migration Study in 2008, International Institute of Language and Culture Studies, Ritsumeikan University

TATEIWA Shin'ya April 26, 2008 "How do We Accept the Pet Expression of Finiteness?" (Report in Japanese)
Monthly Study Group of "Research on Disabilities in the Society and Economy as General Social Science" (Research Fund of Creation of Learning), The University of Tokyo

TAKADA Kazuki April 25, 2008 "The Dynamics of Honorific titles: On the Concept of "Stakes" Discussing Corporate Scocial Responsibelity"
Business Ethics 52, 22-31

TATEIWA Shin'ya April 25, 2008 "Gendai Shiso Special Topic: Study of Patients: Ars Vivendi" (Book Guide No.81)
Kango Kyoiku 48-4(2008-4):-(Igaku Shoin)

TATEIWA Shin'ya April 20, 2008 "On Preparation of Lecture"
Doshisha University

NOZAKI Yasunobu April 19, 2008 "Ethics/Politics and Economics over Derrida's Thoughts and Different Bodies" (Japanese)
Study Group, Tokyo

◆AMAMIYA Karin, HASHIGUCHI Shoji et al. April 17, 2008 "National Caravan Eve for AMAMIYA Karin's Indie May Day"
The 15th Anniversary of Shukan Kinyobi Presents Vol.4 in Asagaya/Loft A

TAJIMA Akiko April 15, 2008 The New Generation Forum Reconsideration of Acceptance of Diability: Questions over Acceptance of Disability No.10 "What should be Taught at School"
Chiiki Rihabiriteshon 3-4: 373-376 (Miwa Shoten)

HOTTA Yoshitaro April 15, 2008 "Allocation of Burden: An Attempt over Life, Responsibility and Publicness"
Kora No.04 (2008-0), Madoduki Shobo
http://sakura.canvas.ne.jp/spr/lunakb/rinri-4.html (Japanese)

◆AMAMIYA Karin, YAMAGUCHI Motoaki & HASHIGUCHI Shoji April 11, 2008 "Round-table Discussion: Allow Problems of Life to Appear on the Street. Live a Life and Dance by Yourself"
Shukan Kinyobi No.698, 12-17

HASHIGUCHI Shoji April 11, 2008 "10 Ways to Work at Ease"
The 7th Term Gifu Rodo Gakko

KITAMURA Kentaro April 10, 2008 "3-3 Understanding Security of Rights of Children and Families"
TSUTSUMI Sosuke (Ed.) Learning from Practice: Welfare of Children and Families: 53-57 Hoiku Shuppansha

OTANI Izumi April 10, 2008 "Not Only Rights to Live and Rights to Die (Tentative)"
UENO Chizuko, OKUMA Yukiko, OSAWA Mari, JINNO Naohiko & SOEDA Yoshiya (Eds.) Thoughts of Care (Japanese), Iwanami Shoten, Care: its Thoughts and Practice No.1

TATEIWA Shin'ya April 10, 2008 "How do We Accept the Pet Expression of Finiteness?" (Japanese)
UENO Chizuko, OKUMA Yukiko, OSAWA Mari, JINNO Naohiko & SOEDA Yoshiya (Eds.) Thoughts of Care (Japanese), Iwanami Shoten, Care: its Thoughts and Practice No.1

TATEIWA Shin'ya April 3, 2008 "Adult Graduate Students" (Japanese)
Kyoto Shimbun April 1, 2008 Evening Edition:2 Gendai no Kotoba

UENO Seigo April 1, 2008 "Meaning of Medical Interventions in the Introductory Stage No.3: Crying of Babel No.4"
Gengo 37-4(2008-4):12-17

KAWAGUCHI Yumiko April 1, 2008 "Book Review: Gendai Shiso March Issue: Special Topic: Study of Patients: Ars Vivendi"
KINOKUNIYA SHOHYO KUKAN BOOKLOG http://booklog.kinokuniya.co.jp/kawaguchi/archives/2008/04/01/ (Japanese)

AMADA Josuke April 1, 2008 "Euthanasia No.1" (In the Middle of Sensitivity of the World No.12)
Kangogaku Zasshi 72-04(2008-04):- (Igaku Shoin) http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bs07-12.htm (Japanese)

KAWAGUCHI Yumiko April 1, 2008 "Book Review: Gendai Shiso March Issue: Special Topic: Study of Patients: Ars Vivendi"
Kinokuniya Shohyo Kukan BOOKLOG http://booklog.kinokuniya.co.jp/kawaguchi/archives/2008/04/post_19.html (Japanese)

TATEIWA Shin'ya April 1, 2008 "On Work No.31"
Gendai Shiso 36-4(2008-4):- Materials (Japanese)

▽March 2008

HIZAWA Yoshihiro March 2008 "Forced Treatment by Insane Persons' Medical Observation and Social Works," The 2007 Meeting of Paternalism Studies, Kokugakuin University Shibuya Campus

◆SHIMOMURA Yuki, FUJIWARA Tetsuya, FUKUNISHI Kazuyuki & NIIYAMA Tomoki March 31 to April 2, 2008 "Evaluating KIU Programs For BU Children", WHO Annual Meeting on Buruli ulcer 31 March to 2 April 2008, International Conference Center Geneva (CICG), Switzerland

TOSHIMITSU Keiko March 2008 "The Arguments in Japan over Preimplantaion Genetic Daignosis in the 1990s," Treatment & Life and Ethics & Society 7: 67-85 Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine

SUGIHARA Tsutomu March 2008 "A Study on ACT-K Training"
Report for MEXT Research Projects 2007, Project Name "Research on Community Living Support Skill for Severely Mental Disabled People Based on the Viewpoint of Social Work (Project Number 19330136)

KOSUGI Maria March 2008 "Comprehensive Understanding of Salah (Worship Services) in Islam: Examples in Middle East and Southeast Asia," Islamic World Studies Vol.1-2: 165-209

KOSUGI Maria March 2008 "Book Review and Introduction: TANI Masato Iranian Music: Culture of Voice and Impromptu Seidosha 2007" Islamic World 70: 141-148

ICHINOMIYA Shigeko March 2008 "The Shock to the Family Given by the Death of a Living Liver Transplantation Recipient" (Japanese), Husserl Studies 6: 110-133 [PDF]

KURATA Mayumi March 2008 "A Study of the Attitude toward Death concerning Terminal Care in Present-day Japan," Journal of Medicine, Life and Ethics, Society Medical Ethics, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine 7:132-142

KAWAMURA Sawako March 2008 "Research on the Effective Support for Severely Disabled Persons at Home", Grants of Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (Research Report of General Research Business of Health and Welfare of People with Disabilities in Fiscal 2007), 155p.

TAKADA Kazuki March 2008 "Shifting the Responsibility through the Agency Relationship: Essay on the Limited Liability for Stockholders"
Journal of Japan Society for Business Ethics Study, 15:191-202

TAKADA Kazuki March 2008 "Another Way of Working: Asking the Manner of "Work""
Volo, 433 (Issue of March 2008), Osaka Voluntter Association, 42

SAKASHITA Masayuki March 31, 2008 "The Working Conditions of Music Therapists: The Current State of Clinical Music Therapy" (Research Note), Core Ethics 4:437-456 [abstract]

OTANI Michitaka March 31, 2008 "The Claims of Survivors of Juvenile Crime over the Amendment of the Juvenile Act" (Research Note), Core Ethics 4:395-406 [Abstract]

NAGATA Atsumasa March 31, 2008 "An Anthoropological Consideration of Filipino Networks in Japan: The Case of Filipinos with Japanese Nationality" (Research Note), Core Ethics 4:457-464 [Abstract]

MORISHITA Naoki March 31, 2008 "The Origin of "Consevation" and the Establishment of the Resource Management Agency: A Criticism of Environmental Thinking in the United States of America in the Early 20th Century", Core Ethics 4:475-484 [Abstract]

MATSUEDA Akiko March 31, 2008 "Evaluations of Psychiatric Medication: Affirmations and Criticisms from 1960s to 1980s in Japan and Abroad" (Research Note), Core Ethics 4:465-473 [Abstract]

LEE Peijung March 31, 2008 "Taiwan as an Internal Colony and the 228 Incident in Taiwan", Core Ethics 4:497-507 [Abstract]

LEE Peijung March 31, 2008 "A Study of Privatization under Globalization: The Case of Postal Services", Core Ethics 4:485-496 [Abstract]

KONDO Hiroshi March 31, 2008 "Reading Amerindian Myths: A Consideration of Levi-Strauss' Mythological Studies in the 1950s" (Research Note), Core Ethics 4:427-435 [Abstract]

KINJO Miyuki March 31, 2008 "The Debate on "1948" in Palestine/Israel", Core Ethics 4:417-426 [Abstract]

KAWABATA Miki March 31, 2008 "Changes in the Disqualification Clause of Legal Regulations for Public Baths" (Research Note), Core Ethics 4:407-415 [Abstract]

YOSHINO Yugi March 31, 2008 "The Law on Changing One's Sex on the Family Register for GID People: "Multiple Bodies" Raise a Protest", Core Ethics 4:383-393 [Abstract]

YAMAMOTO Takanori March 31, 2008 "A Contemporary History of the Theory of Social Discrimination: Considered in Relation to Social Movements", Core Ethics 4:359-370 [Abstract]

UEMURA Kaname March 31, 2008 "Analyzing the Reason Why Publishers Cannot Provide Readers with the Text Data of Books" (Japanese), Core Ethics 4:13-24 [Abstract]

TOSHIMITSU Keiko March 31, 2008 "The Arguments in Japan over Preimplantaion Genetic Daignosis in the 1990s", Core Ethics 4:193-211 [Abstract]

TOMITA Takahiro March 31, 2008 "Nomadic Pastoralists and Land Privatization Policy in Post-Socialist Mongolia: A Methodological Examination of Land Use in Local Society", Core Ethics 4:213-225 [Abstract]

TAKAGI Satoshi March 31, 2008 "Local Illusions and Mass Consumption in Stories for Young Girls in Japan: A Critique by Yoko Enoki in "Kage no Okoku"", Core Ethics 4:161-174 [Abstract]

TAJIMA Akiko March 31, 2008 "Contemporary History of Occupational Therapy in Japan (1965-1975): Conflicts between Professionalization and Identity", Core Ethics 4:175-191 [Abstract]

SHINOGI Ryo March 31, 2008 "Intersection of Aesthetics and Ethics in Hugo Munsterberg's The Photoplay: A Psychological Study", Core Ethics 4:149-160 [Abstract]

SATO Ryo March 31, 2008 "Collective Memory of a Colonial City: The Formation of Town Map Dalian", Core Ethics 4:131-148 [Abstract]

SAKURAI Satoshi March 31, 2008 "An Inquiry about the Position of "Executioner" in the Debate on the Continuation or Abolition of the Death Penalty: The Appearance and Disappearance of the Description of Execution in Japanese Official Documents", Core Ethics 4:93-104 [Abstract]

SAKURAI Hiroko March 31, 2008 "Classification Guidelines Concerning Infants Born with Congenital Diseases: Ambiguous, Inflexible & Severe", Core Ethics 4:105-117 [Abstract]

SADATO Kuniko March 31, 2008 "The Role of Care-Givers in the Disabled People's Movement: A Study of Group Gorilla in the Osaka Green Grass Association", Core Ethics 4:119-130 [Abstract]

OTANI Michitaka March 31, 2008 "Crime Victim as Object of Social Relief: Victimology and Crime Victim Compensation Theory in Japan in the 1960s and 1970s", Core Ethics 4:25-35 [Abstract]

ONO Mitsuaki March 31, 2008 "Transversal Social Movements and Deserting Subjects: JATEC's Assistance to Deserters and the U.S. Army Destruction Movement", Core Ethics 4:37-49 [Abstract]

OGAWA Hiroshi March 31, 2008 "Rethinking Arab Nationalism in Nasserism: The Transformation of Nasser's Ideology and the Evolution of Egyptian Foreign Policy in the Early Revolutionary Years", Core Ethics 4:51-65 [Abstract]

NOSE Keisuke March 31, 2008 "The Lack of Progress in Japanese Education Policy for Foreign Children: A Study of Causes in Area X", Core Ethics 4:251-263 [Abstract]

NIU Geping March 31, 2008 "An Exploration of the Concept of the Modern Nation State: The Case of China", Core Ethics 4:237-250

NAKAKURA Tomonori March 31, 2008 "The Conception of Labor in Gabriel Tarde's Psychologie Economique", Core Ethics 4:227-236 [Abstract]

MURAKAMI Kiyoshi March 31, 2008 "Housewives as Wage-earners and the Part-time Job Problem: An Analysis of the Activities of the Association for Thinking about Women's Liberation from the Standpoint of Housewives and the Liaison Meeting of Part-time Workers and Unorganized Labor", Core Ethics 4:345-358 [Abstract]

KURAMOTO Tomoaki March 31, 2008 "From Japanese Military Installations To Multicultural Public Space: Kong-Jung Yicun in San-chong City", Core Ethics 4:79-91 [Abstract]

HIZAWA Yoshihiko March 31, 2008 "Problems of Legal Compulsion and Social Work: Certified Psychiatric Social Workers and the Act for the Medical Treatment and Supervision of Insane and Quasi-insane Persons who Cause Serious Harm", Core Ethics 4:305-317 [Abstract]

HASHIGUCHI Shoji March 31, 2008 "Disguised Employment Relationships and Resistance against Them", Core Ethics 4:277-290 [Abstract]

HARA Yusuke March 31, 2008 "Kinoshita Naoe's Critique of "Japanese Spirit"", Core Ethics 4:291-304 [Abstract]

FUJIWARA Nobuyuki March 31, 2008 "The Debate over Mill's Vocabularies of Motive: The Politics of the Ascription of Motives", Core Ethics 4:333-344 [Abstract]

FUJITANI Yuta March 31, 2008 "The Fuchu Youth Center Trial: A Homosexual Group Defeats the Tokyo Metropolitan Government in Court", Core Ethics 4:319-332 [Abstract]

ABE Akira March 31, 2008 "The Logical Structure of Richard Rorty's Liberalism", Core Ethics 4:1-12 [Abstract]

March 31, 2008 Core Ethics Vol.4

Japan ALS Association & Mind Support Center Sakurakai March 31, 2008 "Report on Completion of Business of the Support Program of Cure Using Comprehensive Support Service for Severely Disabled People for Patiences with ALS who Have Home Care and Their Supporters", Investigative Research Project on Support of Indendence of People with Disabilities (Promotional Business of Health and Welfare of People with Disabilities in fiscal 2007). 182p.

KAWAGUCHI Yumiko March 30, 2008 "What I Achieved by Loosing - Achievement in Daily Life of Home-Cared ALS Patients"
HASHIMOTO Misao Symposium, Shimonoseki

AMADA Josuke March 30, 2008 "Ethics of Old Age: From/To Capability that Portrays Old Age"
Issued by Japanese Society for Ethics, Rinrigaku Nenpo 57, 63-78 http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bpp48.html (Japanese)

TOMITA Takahiro March 29, 2008 "Anthropological Studies on Mongolian Nomadic Society After the Market-Oriented Economic Reform: Focusing on Land Use in Local Society," Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology Kinki Block Meeting (Doctoral Thesis Presentation)

AMADA Josuke March 28, 2008 "Not Decided yet" (Culture Courses for OT, Lesson 4: Sociology)
Sagyo Ryoho Janaru (42-4) (Miwa Shoten)
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bs08-4s.htm (Japanese)

MATSUO Norifumi March 27, 2008 "Culture of Colonial Society During the All-Out War: Works of Colonial Taiwan and Mainland Writers" Transcend Japan Study Seminars "Peace in East Asia"

YOKOTA Yoko March 25, 2008 "Specializing Public Health in Japan," Kagakushi Kenkyu 47(No.245): 1-12

IWAMA Yuki March 25, 2008 Bibliography: Vietnam War and Japan 1948-2007, Ningensha, 342p. ISBN-10:493138854X ISBN-13:978-4931388543 [amazon]/[kinokuniya] (Japanese)

TATEIWA Shin'ya March 25, 2008 "Special Topic of Gendai Shiso : Collapsing Medical Care" (Japanese) (Book Guide No.80)
Kango Kyoiku 48-3(2008-3):-(Igaku Shoin)

MATSUO Norifumi March 23, 2008 "Study on Formation of the Colonial Elite in Works During the All-Out War" The 11th Meeting of Japanese Colonial Education History Association, Daito Bunka Kaikan

SAKASHITA Masayuki March 22, 2008 "A Study on Specialty in Music Therapy: In the Viewpoint of Music Therapy for Older People"
Scientific Study Group on Music, Kansai Rehabilitation Hospital

HASHIGUCHI Shoji March 21, 2008 "The Number of Peers who Fight has been Increasing"
Konpasu 21 No.10, Konpasu 21 Kanko Iinkai

YOSHINO Yugi March 16, 2008 "Questioning 'GID Law': Through Gradation of Body" The 10th Meeting of Japanese Society of Gender Identity Disorder, Takatsuki Gendai Theater

SAKASHITA Masayuki March 16, 2008 "A Study on Decision Making of Music Therapy Participants: From the Survey to Elderly Welfare Facility Staff"
The 7th Kinki Meeting of Japanese Music Therapy Association, Mukogawa Women's University

KAWAGUCHI Yumiko March 15 & 16, 2008 Symposist, The 12th Academic Symposium of Japan Home Care "Assistance of Living for the Elderly who Highly Depend on Medical Care", Tokyo

TAJIMA Akiko March 15, 2008 The New Generation Forum Reconsideration of Acceptance of Diability: Questions over Acceptance of Disability No.9 "Therapists who Avoid the Use of "Acceptance of Disability""
Chiiki Rihabiriteshon 3-3: 282-285 (Miwa Shoten)

TOMITA Takahiro March 15, 2008 "Nomadic Pastoralists and Land Privatization Policy in Post-Socialist Mongolia," Comparative Studies on Nomadic Pastoralists in Eurasia (Prof. EGAWA Hikari), The Last Meeting in FY 2007, Ritsumeikan University

KAWAGUCHI Yumiko March 14, 2008 "Book Review: BROWN Rebecca The Gifts of the Body"
KINOKUNIYA SHOHYO KUKAN BOOKLOG http://booklog.kinokuniya.co.jp/kawaguchi/archives/2008/03/14/ (Japanese)

HAN Sung-Min March 14, 2008 "Assistive Technology for Blind Persons: Present State of Assistive Technology Development and Issues to Be Addressed", Peking University/Ritsumeikan University Research Exchange Joint Symposium PPT 3763k (English) PPT3745 (Chinese) PPT 3788k (Japanese)

AOKI Shintaro March 14, 2008 "Supporting Students of Disabilities in Participating in Research Activities: How to Access Necessary Information",Peking University/Ritsumeikan University Research Exchange Joint Symposium 5573k (Japanese)

□March 9, 2008 "What We have been Doing at Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences and Global COE Program for Ars Vivendi at Best"
"Discussion on how People with a Doctorate should Live" Ritsumeikan University

TATEIWA Shinya March 8, 2008 "Movements and Policies over Assistance both until Now and from Now"
The 22nd Serial Symposium for International People with Disabilities "Examining the Right to Live of People with Disabilities and Assistance Systems" (Japanese), Kyoto Asny

AMADA Josuke March 7, 2008 "Questions to Professor Kurihara" & "Postscript"
Issued by Reseach Center for Ars Vivendi of Ritsumeikan University From/To Time Space: KURIHARA Akira and INABA Masaki who Talk about Minamata/Africa, Report by Research Center for Ars Vivendi No.2 155-157
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bpp50.html (Japanese)
INABA Masaki March 7, 2008 "Africa/Going to the World: From Inaba, Masaki":75-154
From/to Time Space: KURIHARA Akira & INABA Masaki Talk about Minamata/Africa, Report Issued by Research Center for Ars Vivendi of Ritsumeikan University, Vol.2, 2008. 157p. ISSN 1882-6539

TATEIWA Shin'ya March 7, 2008 "Preface" (Japanese):3-4
From/to Time Space: KURIHARA Akira & INABA Masaki Talk about Minamata/Africa, Report Issued by Research Center for Ars Vivendi of Ritsumeikan University, Vol.2, 2008. 157p. ISSN 1882-6539

KURIHARA Akira March 7, 2008 "Questions in the History: Asking Professor Kurihara, Akira":11-74
From/to Time Space: KURIHARA Akira & INABA Masaki Talk about Minamata/Africa, Report Issued by Research Center for Ars Vivendi of Ritsumeikan University, Vol.2, 2008. 157p. ISSN 1882-6539

Global COE Program Ars Vivendi at Ritsumeikan University March 7, 2008 From/to Time Space: KURIHARA Akira & INABA Masaki Talk about Minamata/Africa, Report Issued by Research Center for Ars Vivendi of Ritsumeikan University, Vol.2, 2008. 157p. ISSN 1882-6539

MATSUDA Ryozo March 6, 2008 "Framing against Health Gap: From Analysis of Industrialized Countries"
International Symposium "Health, Justice and Human Rights: Seeking the Grounds against Health Gap", Ritsumeikan University

GOTOH Reiko March 6, 2008 Comment
International Symposium "Health, Justice and Human Rights: Seeking the Grounds against Health Gap", Ritsumeikan University

March 6, 2008 International Symposium "Health, Justice and Human Rights: Seeking the Grounds against Health Gap", Ritsumeikan University

KAWAGUCHI Yumiko March 2, 2008 "Book Review: Closed Hospital Ward by HAHAKIGI Hosei (Shincho Bunko)"
http://booklog.kinokuniya.co.jp/kawaguchi/archives/2008/03/post_16.html (Japanese)

SUGIHARA Tsutomu March 1, 2008 "A Study on Case Making of Mental Health and Welfare Support Practice: A Method of Understanding Social Work Development"
Bukkyo University Welfare Educational Development Center Bulletin 5: 79-90

SUGIHARA Tsutomu March 1, 2008 "The Development and Its Characteristic of Employment Policy for Disabled People in Japan After the WW2, Part 1: A Study on Employment Policy for Disabled People and Employment Principle"
Bukkyo University Department of Welfare Paper Collection 4: 91-108

UENO Seigo March 1, 2008 "Meaning of Medical Interventions in the Introductory Stage No.2: Crying of Babel No.3"
Gengo 37-3(2008-3):12-17

AMADA Josuke March 1, 2008 "Care No.3" (In the Middle of Sensitivity of the World No.11)
Kangogaku Zasshi 72-03(2008-03):-(Igaku Shoin) http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bs07-11.htm (Japanese)

March 1, 2008 Gendai Shiso, March Issue, Special Topic: Study on Patients: Ars Vivendi

TATEIWA Shinya March 1, 2008 "On Work No.30"
Gendai Shiso 36-3(2008-3):20-31 Materials (Japanese)

◆SANKAI Yoshiyuki & MATSUBARA Yoko March 1, 2008 "Declaration of Cyborg Patients" (Conversation)
Gendai Shiso 36-3(2008-3):48-67

KOIZUMI Yoshiyuki March 1, 2008 "Toward Economy in Pain of Sickness"
Gendai Shiso 36-3(2008-3):68-81

AMADA Josuke March 1, 2008 "Structure of Economy of Donation of Death and Price: Older People's Strategies of Living"
Gendai Shiso 36-3(2008-3):82-101

YOSHINO Yugi March 1, 2008 "Escape Line of GID Law"
Gendai Shiso 36-3(2008-3):126-137

YOSHIMURA Yuri March 1, 2008 "Dynamics of Organizations over Mental Disorder: Case Study of National Federation of Families with Mentally Ill in Japan"
Gendai Shiso 36-3(2008-3):138-155

KAWAMURA Sawako & KAWAGUCHI Yumiko (Listener) March 1, 2008 "Genealogy of Care of Incurable Disease: From Subacute Myelo-optico-neuropathy to Home Mechanical Ventilation" (Interview)
Gendai Shiso 36-3(2008-3):171-191

HOTTA Yoshitaro March 1, 2008 "Care and Market"
Gendai Shiso 36-3(2008-3):192-210

TATEIWA Shinya March 2008 "Where can We Go?: Terms of Human Being No.19"
Rironsha Web Magazine http://www.rironsha.co.jp/special/ningen/index.html (Japanese) Table of Contents etc. (Japanese)

▽February 2008

KURATA Mayumi February 2008 "A Study of Attitudes toward Death and Related Factors in the Female University Students"
Ritsumeikan Journal of Human Sciences 16:95-104 [Abstract]

HASHIGUCHI Shoji February 2008 "Young People and Union Movements"
Kagakuteki Shakaishugi, Shakaishugi Kyokai, No.118, pp.36-41

KOYAKE Risa February 29, 2008 Reference Materials
Special Public Seminar "History of PTSD and 'Memories': Welcoming Dr. Allan Young", Report Issued by Research Center for Ars Vivendi of Ritsumeikan University, Vol.1:115-118

KOYAKE Risa February 29, 2008 Report on Designated Questions
Special Public Seminar "History of PTSD and 'Memories': Welcoming Dr. Allan Young", Report Issued by Research Center for Ars Vivendi of Ritsumeikan University, Vol.1:45-48

TATEIWA Shin'ya February 29, 2008 "Postscript" (Japanese)
Special Public Seminar "History of PTSD and 'Memories': Welcoming Dr. Allan Young", Report Issued by Research Center for Ars Vivendi of Ritsumeikan University, Vol.1:191-195

UEMURA Kaname February 29, 2008 "Informed Consent in State-of-the-Art Medical Care: A Narrative of a Person's Experience of Experimental Surgery" (Report)
Special Public Seminar "History of PTSD and 'Memories': Welcoming Dr. Allan Young", Report Issued by Research Center for Ars Vivendi of Ritsumeikan University, Vol.1:63-70

UEMURA Kaname February 29, 2008 "Informed Consent in State-of-the-Art Medical Care: A Narrative of a Person's Experience of Experimental Surgery" (References)
Special Public Seminar "History of PTSD and 'Memories': Welcoming Dr. Allan Young", Report Issued by Research Center for Ars Vivendi of Ritsumeikan University, Vol.1:125-137

UEMURA Kaname February 29, 2008 "Informed Consent in State-of-the-Art Medical Care: A Narrative of a Person's Experience of Experimental Surgery" (References)
Special Public Seminar "History of PTSD and 'Memories': Welcoming Dr. Allan Young", Report Issued by Research Center for Ars Vivendi of Ritsumeikan University, Vol.1:155-169

AMADA Josuke February 29, 2008 "Comment"
Special Public Seminar "History of PTSD and 'Memories': Welcoming Dr. Allan Young", Report Issued by Research Center for Ars Vivendi of Ritsumeikan University, Vol.1:84-87.
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bpp49.html (Japanese)

MATSUBARA Yoko February 29, 2008 "Preface"
Special Public Seminar "History of PTSD and 'Memories': Welcoming Dr. Allan Young", Report Issued by Research Center for Ars Vivendi of Ritsumeikan University, Vol.1:3

Global COE Program Ars Vivendi at Ritsumeikan University February 29, 2008 Special Public Seminar "History of PTSD and 'Memories': Welcoming Dr. Allan Young", Report Issued by Research Center for Ars Vivendi at Ritsumeikan University, Vol.1, 195p. ISSN 1882-6539

AMADA Josuke February 28, 2008 "Not Decided yet" (Culture Courses for OT, Lesson 3: Sociology)
Sagyo Ryoho Janaru (42-3) (Miwa Shoten)
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bs08-3s.htm (Japanese)

TATEIWA Shinya February 25, 2008 "Life Theory Starting from Individuals" (Japanese) (Book Guide No.79)
Kango Kyoiku 48-(2007-12):-(Igaku Shoin)

YAMAMOTO Yumiko February 20, 2008 "Realities of Prenatal Diagnosis and Crisis of IVG from "Abnormal" Fetuses in France : Since the Perruche Judgement" Nanzan University Institute for Social Ethics, The 1st Incentive Award for Social Ethic Studies, Shortlisted Thesis

NISHI Masahiko February 20, 2008 Extraterritorial: On Literature in Migration Vol.2, Sakuhinsha, 346p. ISBN:9784861821745 (4861821746) 3360yen

KAWAGUCHI Yumiko February 18, 2008 "How do We Assist Home Care of Persons who Need Medical Care?," The Second Training Session Working-level on Medical Care in Kanagawa
from 10:15 p.m. to 10:45a.m., Memorial Hall at Tsurumi University, Organizer:Training Session Working-level on Medical Care in Kanagawa

KINJO Miyuki February 18, 2008 "The Zionist Movement and "Arab Issues": Transfer of Arab People as "Solutions""
Identity and Alterity in Multiculturalism and Social Justice: "Conflicts", "Identity", "Alterity", "Solutions?"

NISHIKAWA Nagao February 18, 2008 "What can be Seen after Fight for Differences and Identity: Using Tagore's Anti-nationalism Theories and Ilyich's Vernacular Values"
Identity and Alterity in Multiculturalism and Social Justice: "Conflicts", "Identity", "Alterity", "Solutions?"

AOKI Shintaro February 17, 2008 ""Differences" in Higher Education: Prologue for Participation of Persons with "Differences""
Identity and Alterity in Multiculturalism and Social Justice: "Conflicts", "Identity", "Alterity", "Solutions?"

◆ANDO Michihito, HOTTA Yoshitaro & KAWAGUCHI Yumiko February 17, 2008 "A Consideration on Disabilities and QOL: On Welfare Evaluation of ALS Patients with Artificial Respirators"
Identity and Alterity in Multiculturalism and Social Justice: "Conflicts", "Identity", "Alterity", "Solutions?"

NAGATA Atsumasa February 17, 2008 "Expanding Japanese Communities in Manila Metropolitan District: Compartmentalization and Move to the New Japan"
Identity and Alterity in Multiculturalism and Social Justice: "Conflicts", "Identity", "Alterity", "Solutions?"

ISOBE Atsuko February 17, 2008 "Requests from Flying Identity to Identity across Ethinic Group: Differences and Freedom of Indian Immigrants in the Farm Part of Sri Lanka"
Identity and Alterity in Multiculturalism and Social Justice: "Conflicts", "Identity", "Alterity", "Solutions?"

February 17 & 18, 2008 International Symposium
Identity and Alterity in Multiculturalism and Social Justice: "Conflicts", "Identity", "Alterity", "Solutions?", Ritsumeikan University

HAN Sung-Min & AOKI Shintaro February 16, 2008 "Assistive Technology for Blind Persons: Present State of Assistive Technology Development and Issues to Be Addressed"
Research Meeting of Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Base (B) Task Number 18300035 (Representative: SUZUKI Masakazu) and Task Number 17300189 (Representative: YAMAGUCHI Katsuhito) Called "Electronic Treating of Scientific Documents and Accessibility"

KOSUGI Maria February 15, 2008 "Contemporary Value of Mauss' Prayer Theory"
Joint Project with Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies "Study on Marcel Mauss: Society, Exchange, Unions" FY2007 The 4th Seminar

TAJIMA Akiko February 15, 2008 The New Generation Forum Reconsideration of Acceptance of Diability: Questions over Acceptance of Disability No.8 "The Way of Use of "Acceptance of Disability" in the Clinical Field"
Chiiki Rihabiriteshon 3-2: 178-182 (Miwa Shoten)

OTANI Izumi February 15, 2008 "Fall of Medical Care and Medical Ethics: For Life of Gap"
Training Session for Administrative Staff of Ishinomaki Red Cross Hospital, Ishinomaki Red Cross Hospital

MATSUBARA Yoko February 14, 2008 Report
The First Meeting of ITP-SL Study Group, Ritsumeikan University

February 14, 2008 The First Meeting of ITP-SL Study Group
Ritsumeikan University

TOMITA Takahiro February 12, 2008 "Use and Management of Normadic Land in Local Society at the Time of Structure Shift: A Case in Bulgan District of Post-Socialist Mongolia," Change of Land and Environment Use in Post Colonialism: Building Assessment Method to Their Influence Today (Prof. Watanabe, Kozo), The 3rd Meeting in FY 2007, Ritsumeikan University

HAYASHI Tatsuo February 12, 2008 "Seeing Tomorrow's Africa in View of Fight with Poverty and AIDs"
Course on Africa Held by Okayama International Foundation
cf.http://www.opief.or.jp/cgi-bin/event/browse.cgi?&mode=brs&check=1 (Japanese)
cf.http://www.sanyo.oni.co.jp/sanyonews/2008/01/21/2008012109204364007.html (Japanese)

KAWAGUCHI Yumiko February 7, 2008 "Book Review: Gendai Shiso February Issue Special Topic: Fall of Medical Care: Economy over Life (Seidosha)"
http://booklog.kinokuniya.co.jp/kawaguchi/archives/2008/02/post_15.html (Japanese)

TATEIWA Shin'ya February 4, 2008 "Where can We Go?: Terms of Human Being No.18"
Rironsha Web Magazine http://www.rironsha.co.jp/special/ningen/index.html (Japanese) Table of Contents etc. (Japanese)

SATO Tatsuya February 2, 2008 Designated Discussion
Another Future of Qualitative Study Viwed from Text Mining

February 2, 2008 Another Future of Qualitative Study Viwed from Text Mining
Ritsumeikan University

UEMURA Kaname February 2, 2008 Report
One World Festival: Talk "Challenges the Visually Disabled in Sudan Face and International Cooperation", Osaka

February 2, 2008 One World Festival: Talk "Challenges the Visually Disabled in Sudan Face and International Cooperation", Osaka

KAWAGUCHI Yumiko February 2, 2008 "Research on QOL of Specified Disease Patients"
The Second Kyoto Seminar Held by Study Group on Incurable Disease and Ethics, Campus Plaza Kyoto

TATEIWA Shin'ya February 2, 2008 "Things that can Be Done within a Few Years"
The Second Kyoto Seminar Held by Study Group on Incurable Disease and Ethics, Campus Plaza Kyoto

OTANI Izumi February 2, 2008 Report "From Euthanasia to Death with Dignity?: Rereading Theories of Euthanasia and Death with Dignity"
The Second Kyoto Seminar Held by Study Group on Incurable Disease and Ethics, Campus Plaza Kyoto

February 2, 2008 The Second Kyoto Seminar Held by Study Group on Incurable Disease and Ethics
Campus Plaza Kyoto

AMADA Josuke February 1, 2008 "Care No.3" (In the Middle of Sensitivity of the World No.10)
Kangogaku Zasshi 72-02(2008-02):-(Igaku Shoin)
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bs07-10.htm (Japanese)

UENO Seigo February 1, 2008 "Meaning of Medical Interventions in the Introductory Stage No.1: Crying of Babel No.2"
Gengo 37-2(2008-2):12-17

TATEIWA Shin'ya February 1, 2008 "On Work No.29"
Gendai Shiso 36-2(2008-2):Materials (Japanese)

◆YAMADA Makoto & TATEIWA Shin'ya (Listener) February 1, 2008 "Style of Accusation: Between Medical Care and the Patients" (Interview)
Gendai Shiso 36-2(2008-2):

KITAMURA Kentaro February 1, 2008 "Merits and Demerits of Special Measures Law on HCV"
Gendai Shiso 36-2(2008-2):143-147

NAKAJIMA Takashi & KAWAGUCHI Yumiko (Listener) February 1, 2008 "Regaining QOL and Palliative Care: Intellectual Strategies under Medical Catastrophe" (Interview)
Gendai Shiso 36-2(2008-2):148-173

OTANI Izumi February 1, 2008 "Long Way before Euthanasia and Death with Dignity"
Gendai Shiso 36-2(2008-2):174-183

February 1, 2008 Gendai Shiso 36-2(2008-2) Fall of Medical Care: Economy over Life

TATEIWA Shin'ya February 1, 2008 "Books in 2007" (Japanese)
Misuzu 50-1(2008-1 & 2):

▽January 2008

UENO Seigo January 2008 "Issues in Language Acquisition by Hearing-impaired Children and Assessment of Japanese Language Proficiency," Nihongo Kyoiku 136:17-26

UEMURA Kaname January 2008 "Revised Type of Osteo-Odonto-Keratoprosthesis: As the Meeting Point of Three Historical Aspects of Patients, Doctors, and Technical Development"
Preparatory Doctoral Thesis of the Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences, Ritsumeikan University, 2008

HASHIGUCHI Shoji January 2008 "Characteristics of "Young People's Labor Union" after Year 2000: Focusing on the Process of Formation and the Main Body"
The 21st Study Group on Social Movement, Ritsumeikan University

TATEIWA Shin'ya January 31, 2008 "Scholars Stand in Rearguard Position" (Japanese)
Kyoto Shimbun Evening Eidtion:2 Gendai no Kotoba

TATEIWA Shin'ya January 30, 2008 "In Lieu of Comments to the Paper Written by SUZUKI Ryo
Rikkyo University

NAKAKURA Tomonori January 29, 2008 "Bio-pouvoir and Noo-politque: Using Lazzarato's Tarde Theory"
The Third Meeting of Study Group on Bio-pouvoir, Osaka University

AMADA Josuke January 28, 2008 "Making this World be Sociology No.2" (Culture Courses for OT, Lesson 2: Sociology)
Sagyo Ryoho Janaru(42-2), (Miwa Shoten)
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bs08-2s.htm (Japanese)

KAWAGUCHI Yumiko January 26 - 27, 2008 "Evolving Care" National Expansion Project Organized by NPO Sakura Kai (Information in Japanese (http://homepage2.nifty.com/ajikun/sinkasuru_kaigo/2007kakudai.htm))

HASHIGUCHI Shoji January 25, 2008 "Round-table Discussion on Movements of Part-time Workers: 3. Another Way of Work:Trial of Freeter-free, Cooperative Society and Work Sharing"
Jinmin Shimbun No.1301

AOKI Shintaro January 22, 2008
"Please Undestand Video Barrier-free: Lecture with the Professional, Ms. Fukada at Hagoromo International University"
Yomiuri Shimbun January 22, 2008 Morning Edition:Osaka 2

NOZAKI Yasunobu January 18, 2008 "Basic Income/Welfare/I will Work/I will not Work" (Japanese)
Study Group, Doshisha University

TAJIMA Akiko January 15, 2008 The New Generation Forum Reconsideration of Acceptance of Diability: Questions over Acceptance of Disability No.7 "Considering through Cases No.2: Discussion of Social Acceptance (Sequel)"
Chiiki Rihabiriteshon 3-1: 83-86 (Miwa Shoten)

TATEIWA Shin'ya January 15, 2008 "Independence Support" (Japanese)
KATO Hisatake et al. (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics (Japanese), pp.662-663, Maruzen

TATEIWA Shin'ya January 15, 2008 "Paternalism" (Japanese)
KATO Hisatake et al. (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics (Japanese), pp.658-659, Maruzen

TATEIWA Shin'ya January 15, 2008 "Self-Determination" (Japanese)
KATO Hisatake et al. (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics (Japanese), pp.660-662, Maruzen

TATEIWA Shin'ya & TAKADA Kazuki January 15, 2008 "Code of Ethics" (Japanese) (Co-author with TAKADA Kazuki)
KATO Hisatake et al. (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics (Japanese), pp.652-653, Maruzen

TATEIWA Shin'ya & HOTTA Yoshitaro January 15, 2008 "Rights and Contracts" (Japanese)
KATO Hisatake et al. (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics (Japanese), pp.656-657, Maruzen

TATEIWA Shin'ya & HOTTA Yoshitaro January 15, 2008 "Privacy" (Japanese)
KATO Hisatake et al. (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics (Japanese), pp.666-667, Maruzen

HASHIGUCHI Shoji January 15, 2008 "Round-table Discussion on Movements of Part-time Workers: 2. Back-breaking Work: Co-existence of "Let us Work" and "We will not Work"
Jinmin Shimbun No.1300

KAWAGUCHI Yumiko January 14, 2008 "Reviewing Metaphor of ALS and TLS (Totally Locked-in State): From Experiences of Home Care to Persons who Have Serious Communicative Disorder" (Japanese)
Abstract (Japanese)
Kyoto University Clock Tower Centennial Hall

January 14, 2008 International Symposium on Ethics of Human Techno-enhancement: Future of Brain-Machine Interface Kyoto University

OTANI Izumi January 12, 2008 Report "Rebuilding "Questions": Over "Self-determination of Lif and Death""
The 9th Training Course for Welfare Education, Ichigaya Campus at Hosei University
http://devita-etmorte.com/archives/oi080112.htm (Japanese)

TATEIWA Shin'ya January 11, 2008 "What We are going to Do"
Ars Vivendi: Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences & Ars Vivendi 2008 in Tokyo, Ritsumeikan Tokyo Campus

January 11, 2008 Ars Vivendi: Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences and Ars Vivendi 2008 in Tokyo, Ritsumeikan Tokyo Campus

KAWAGUCHI Yumiko January 11, 2008 "Decision-making on Medical Care: From a Standpoint of Families", Lecture on Introduction to Medical Care I: Clinical Ethics (Medical Care and Society) at Fukushima Medical University, from 10:20 a.m. to 11:50 a.m., The 4th Lecture Room at School of Medicine

ENDO Akira January 10, 2008 "Deleuzian/Guattarian Animals: Plateau Expediation of Ritornello"
KOIZUMI, SUZUKI & HIGAKI (Eds.) The Present of Deleuze/Guattari, 328-361pp. Heibonsha

KOIZUMI Yoshiyuki January 10, 2008 "Coming People: Potential of Science and Art"
KOIZUMI, SUZUKI & HIGAKI (Eds.) The Present of Deleuze/Guattari

KOIZUMI Yoshiyuki, SUZUKI Izumi & HIGAKI Tatsuya (Eds.) January 10, 2008 The Present of Deleuze/Guattari, Heibonsha, 722p. ISBN: 4582702732 6090yen

KAWABATA Miki January 9, 2008 "How to Let Historical Materials Speak Out: In Case of Public Bathes" Lecture in "The World Spoken by Historical Materials", Held by Professor EGAWA Hikari, Ritsumeikan University

TATEIWA Shin'ya January 7, 2008 "Aiming for the Society Living with "Ars Vivendi""(Interview) (Japanese)
Kyoto Shimbun January 7, 2008 "Asking for Certainty: Future of Japan No.4"

HASHIGUCHI Shoji January 5, 2008 "Round-table Discussion on Movements of Part-time Workers: 1. Part-time Worker Union as New Social Movements"
Jinmin Shimbun No.1299

UENO Seigo January 1, 2008 "Multilingual World of People with Hearing Difficulties: Crying of Babel No.1"
Gengo 37-1(2008-1):12-17

TATEIWA Shin'ya January 1, 2008 "On Work No.28"
Gendai Shiso 36-1(2008-1): Materials (Japanese)

AMADA Josuke January 1, 2008 "Care No.2" (In the Middle of Sensitivity of the World No.9)
Kangogaku Zasshi 72-01(2008-01):-(Igaku Shoin)
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bs07-9.htm (Japanese)

TATEIWA Shin'ya January 1, 2008 "Three Books I Chose in 2007" (Japanese)
Ronza 2008-1

TATEIWA Shin'ya January 1, 2008 "Language, This Annoying Thing" (Japanese)
Gengo 37-1(2008-1):4-5

▽2008 (Plans)
YANO Ryo 2008 "Life Change of the Elderly after the End of Antidiscrimination Measures and its Difficulties: The Case of Sumiyoshi Ward in Osaka City" Kaiho Shakaigaku Kenkyu 21 (Paper with Referee)

OTANI Izumi 2008 "Statements over Bio-pouvoir and Death" (Requested Title)
SHIMAZONO Susumu & TAKEUCHI Seiichi (Eds.) What Is Thanatology? (Series of Thanatology No.1), University of Tokyo Press

OTANI Izumi 2008 "Considering "the Nature of Human Being in Democratic Society after Taking Ambiguity of Human Being into Consideration: Using Lord of the Flies as a Subject"
Office of Education of Social Studies at Tokyo Gakugei University (Ed.) Naturing of Expertness for Teachers of Social Studies at Junior High Schools and High Schools (Temporary), Tokyo Gakugei University Press

GOTOH Reiko 2008 "Methodical Reflection of Discussion on Difference: Perspective of Justice and Ways of Economic Thoughts"
Shakai Seisaku Kenkyu, No. 8, Special Topic "Reconsideration of Theory of Difference"

GOTOH Reiko 2008 "Discrimination: Reformulation of Rawls' Difference Principle"
Political Economy of Constitutionalism, Written and Edited by KAWAGISHI Norikazu, Waseda University Press

AMADA Josuke 2008 "Book Review: IGUCHI Takashi Living in Family Care for Dementia: Clinical Sociology in the Age of New Care for Dementia"
Issued by Japanese Society for the Study of Social Welfare, Shakai Fukushigaku
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bpp46.htm (Japanese)

AMADA Josuke 2008 "Book Review: AKAGAWA Manabu Reestablishment of Constructionism" (Keiso Shobo, November 2006, 358+18pp, 2,800yen)
Issued by the Japan Sociological Society, Shakaigaku Hyoron
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bpp44.htm (Japanese)

AMADA Josuke 2008 "Making a Journey: Seeking for Life"
Not Decided yet, Seori Shobo
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bp15.htm (Japanese)

TATEIWA Shin'ya 2008 "Succession of Unworthy Self" (Japanese)
Not Decided yet, Seori Shobo

TATEIWA Shin'ya 2008 "We should Take Things Easily" (Japanese)
UENO Chizuko & NAKANISHI Shoji (Eds.) Not Decided yet, Igaku Shoin

***Research Fund (Related to Graduate Students) Academic Year 2008 only
Research Fund during Academic Year 2009Click Here
Research Fund until Academic Year 2007Click Here
Research Fund until Academic Year 2006, or concerning Faculty MembersClick Here

UP:...January 13, 2015