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to cross; to go over; (experienced action marker)
to cross; to go over; (experienced action marker); to pass; to celebrate; to live; to get along; excessively; too-
gas; air; smell
gas; air; smell; weather; vital breath; to make sb. angry; to get angry; to be enraged
trad. ()
simp. (过气)
alternative forms 过喟 “to die”





  1. past one's prime: no longer popular
    2018としりょう東方とうほう系列けいれつりょう [MSC, trad.]
    2018としりょう东方系列けいれつ过气りょう [MSC, simp.]
    Zhè dōu 2018 nián le, Dōngfāng Xìliè zǎojiù guòqì le. [Pinyin]
    It's 2018 already, Touhou Project has long passed its prime.
    あみべに过气网红  ―  guòqì wǎnghóng  ―  an Internet celebrity who is no longer popular



  1. (Hokkien) to breathe one's last; to die

