[编辑]從 梅 窩巴士 總 站步行 約 20分 鐘 。乘 坐 3M巴 士 到 銀 灣 邨,步行 約 5-7分 鐘
附 近景 點
[编辑]資料 來 源
[编辑]- ^ 1444幢
歷史 建築 物 簡要 (PDF).康 樂 及文化 事務 署 -古物 古蹟 辦事處 . 2011-11-24 [2012-02-14]. (原始 内容 (PDF)存 档于2009-06-12). - ^
古 碉樓-守護 士 地 防止 外人 入 侵 .香港 大 專 學生 社會 服務 隊 . 2004 [2012-02-14]. (原始 内容 存 档于2009-12-14). - ^
梅 窩古蹟 袁氏大屋 塌頂業主 冀撥基金 保育 .香港 東方 日報 . 2016-03-03 [2023-01-18]. (原始 内容 存 档于2023-01-18). - ^
本地 團 隊 帶 領 梅 窩導賞 私人 古 迹大宅 玩攝影 藍 曬.香港 經濟 日報 . 2021-04-16 [2023-01-18]. (原始 内容 存 档于2023-02-05).
3. Useful information (THESIS FREE TO DOWNLOAD from HKU library websites)
University of Hong Kong Thesis on this heritage 袁氏
P.28 'The architecture of the stone watchtower is an exceptional example of atypical design when compared to most of the other watchtowers in other villages. Unlike other typical villages, none of the buildings were being aligned in a straight line or parallel or perpendicular to each other. Instead, they were articulated in such a unusual way that each building is offset at an offset angle to each other.'
P.29 'The stone watchtower and stone farmhouses clustered to form an atypical fortified vernacular settlement. Very defensive in nature, the setting and alignment of buildings are purposely designed not parallel but offset from each other, thus creating many hidden corners and distracted vista...'
P.29 '... the characteristic obstructed sightline, recessed openings, hidden corners, change of levels, reversed position of dwellings, verandah and flat roofs overlooking open space, odd layout and alignment of buildings, all designed to help defend invaders' progression into the interior of the farmhouse. This kind of defensive layout, which is uncommon among local villages, resembles that of a medieval fortified complex.'