Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/3001-3500

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  1. 情報じょうほうじょう (qíngbào) (qíngbào) - poop,intelligence,intelligencer,tip-off,information,info,gen,dope
  2. まえらいまえらい (qiánlái) (qiánlái) - come
  3. 飛彈ひだん飞弹 (fēidàn) (fēidàn) - doodlebug,guided missile,V-1,flying bomb,stray bullet,buzz bomb,missile,missilery,robot bomb,payload
  4. とら () - tiger
  5. 寂寞せきばく (jìmò) (jímò) - be lonely
  6. せんだい专题 (zhuāntí) (zhuāntí) - special subject/topic
  7. はいめい (páimíng) (páimíng) - put names in order
  8. 怎樣怎样 (zěnyàng) (zěnyàng) - no matter how,in any way,in a certain way,how?,what,how
  9. あんれい (ànlì) (ànlì) - moot,precedent,common law,example of case,case,case law
  10. 傳送でんそう传送 (chuánsòng) (chuánsòng) - transmit,deliver
  11. はいめい (páimíng) (páimíng) - put names in order
  12. 允許いんきょまこと (yǔnxǔ) - permit,allow
  13. 允許いんきょまこと (yǔnxǔ) - permit,allow
  14. 認定にんてい认定 (rèndìng) (rèndìng) - firmly believe,set one's mind on sth.
  15. おびえ (wēixié) (wēixié) - threat
  16. 認定にんてい认定 (rèndìng) (rèndìng) - firmly believe,set one's mind on sth.
  17. 大聲おおごえ大声おおごえ (dàshēng) (dàshēng) - loud,loud voice
  18. 傳送でんそう传送 (chuánsòng) (chuánsòng) - transmit,deliver
  19. とうとう (dàngzuò) (dāngzuò) - consider/treat as,function,consider,regard_as,regard as,serve,consider as,look upon as,treat as
  20. けい銷商经销しょう (jīngxiāoshāng) (jīngxiāoshāng) - dealership,bookdealer,manufacturer's agent,dealer,book seller,stockist,outlet,franchiser,franchisee
  21. はたちかはたちか (jiāngjìn) (jiāngjìn) - almost
  22. せん (zhàn) (zhàn) - war,warfare,battle
  23. あいこころ爱心 (àixīn) (àixīn) - liking,pity,love,benevolence,mercy,fondness,commitment
  24. 回國かいこく回国かいこく (huíguó) (huíguó) - return to one's country
  25. 跑到 (pǎodào) - run to
  26. 过来 (guòlái) (guòlái) - come over/up,up,come over,come up,come_over,come here
  27. 印度いんど (Yìndù) (yìndù) - Hindustan,Ind,India,Indic,Bharat
  28. おと (yīn) (yīn) - voice,rhyme,news,D,blast,F,sound,tone,aspirate,tidings,asterisk,pure tone
  29. 待遇たいぐう (dàiyù) (dàiyū) - treatment (salary/etc.)
  30. 開會かいかい开会 (kāihuì) (kāihuì) - hold/attend meeting
  31. 身分みぶん (shēnfèn) (shēnfèn) - dignity,status,position,capacity,individuality,identity
  32. そん (cún) (cún) - harbour,keep,deposit (money),gather,harbor,cherish,accumulate,existence,live,leave with,retain,reserve,save,consist,accumulation,preserve,survival,store,survive,check (luggage),collect,deposit,place,bank,check,exist,be in stock,remain on balance
  33. 留學りゅうがく留学りゅうがく (liúxué) (liúxué) - study abroad
  34. 重要じゅうようせい (zhòngyàoxìng) (zhòngyàoxìng) - moment,eminence,significance,importance,essentiality,ponderance,amount,belongingness,emphasis,magnitude,meaning,account,consequence,gravity,matter,momentousness,distinction,import,accent,essentialness,mark,weight,value,signification,consideration,fundamentality,weightiness,vitalness,stress,prominence,heft,preeminence,materiality,note
  35. 時機じき时机 (shíjī) (shíjī) - moment,day, an occasion,occasion,go,an opportune moment,opportunity,conjunction,conjuncture,juncture,a suitable (or right) time,turn,opportune moment
  36. くにかいくにかい (Guókēhuì) (guókēhuì) - The National Science Council
  37. 時刻じこく时刻 (shíkè) (shíkè) - moment,occasion,juncture,sand,hour,time
  38. ふし (jié) (jié) - m.[event]
  39. 開會かいかい开会 (kāihuì) (kāihuì) - hold/attend meeting
  40. 遭到 (zāodào) (zāodào) - endure,encounter,meet with,run into,suffer,soak_up
  41. やめ (bùyǐ) (bùyǐ) - incessantly,endlessly
  42. ちゅうあぶら (zhōngyóu) (zhōngyóu) - Chinese Petroleum Corporation
  43. 景氣けいきけい (jǐngqì) (jǐngqì) - conjuncture,activity,boom,prosperity
  44. 補充ほじゅう补充 (bǔchōng) (bǔchōng) - supply,supplement,augment,replenishment,complement,eke,fill again,accompany,add,renew,replenish,implement,stock,recruit,refill
  45. 公主こうしゅ (gōngzhǔ) (gōngzhǔ) - princess
  46. 千萬せんまん千万せんまん (qiānwàn) (qiānwàn) - by all means; absolutely
  47. 公布こうふ (gōngbù) (gōngbù) - promulgate,announce,publish
  48. 公布こうふ (gōngbù) (gōngbù) - promulgate,announce,publish
  49. いのしし (zhū) (zhū) - piggy,porcine,pig,porker,hoggery,Sus scrofa,piggish,hog,piggery,swine
  50. せんりょくせんりょく (qiánlì) (qiánlì) - bottom,possibility,ability,potency,capability,capableness,potentiality,potential,potential(ity),latent capacity
  51. 黃金おうごん黄金おうごん (huángjīn) (huángjīn) - gold
  52. 單元たんげん单元 (dānyuán) (dānyuán) - module,unit,unit of teaching materials,residential unit
  53. 街道かいどう (jiēdào) (jiēdào) - neighborhood,mews,gate,residential district,neighbourhood,street
  54. りゃく (lüè) (luè) - a little bit,cursorily,any,something,slightly,somewhat,a little,poco,a bit
  55. 財產ざいさんけん财产权 (cáichǎnquán) (cáichǎnquán) - estate,property_right,[Law] the property right, the property right,property right
  56. 地理ちり (dìlǐ) (dìlǐ) - geographical,geographic,geographics,geographical features of a place,geography
  57. しゅう (zhōu) (zhōu) - Surname
  58. 到達とうたついた (dàodá) (dàodá) - find,arrive at,go_into,get_in,go,come,show,hit,strike,arrive,fetch_up,range,show_up,gain,come_to,win,reach,come to,attain,lead,go_down,come_in,arrival,get_at,get to,get,touch,make,come_through,arrive_at,land
  59. 電信でんしんきょく电信きょく (diànxìnjú) (diànxìnjú) - The Directorate of Telecommunications
  60. 促銷促销 (cùxiāo) (cùxiāo) - merchandise,sell
  61. 工程こうてい工程こうてい (gōngchéngshī) (gōngchéngshī) - technologist,engineer,applied scientist
  62. 確實かくじつ确实 (quèshí) (quèshí) - definitely true/real/certain/reliable
  63. とお远距 (yuǎnjù) (yuǎnjù) - distant
  64. おどろきじん惊人 (jīngrén) (jīngrén) - alarming,whacking,astounding,spectacular,amazing,astonishing
  65. ため (wèi) - because of,for (someone or something)
  66. 促銷促销 (cùxiāo) (cùxiāo) - merchandise,sell
  67. ため (wèi) - because of,for (someone or something)
  68. 彩色さいしき (cǎisè) (cǎisè) - colour,chromatic,multicolour,colorful
  69. 真理しんり (zhēnlǐ) (zhēnlǐ) - god,true,gospel truth,verity,true statement,truism,gospel,truth,veritas
  70. せん宣布せんぷ (xuānbù) (xuānbù) - expose,disclose,herald,outlaw,bid,preconize,announce,hail,acclaim,condemn,certify,give,decree,blazon,kithe,break,say,hammer,bring out,divulge,delate,enunciate,impart,publish,reveal,intimate,let on,pronounce,proclaim,discover,let out,hand_down,declare,black,promulgate,give away
  71. 變動へんどう变动 (biàndòng) (biàndòng) - change,fluctuate
  72. てんてん (diǎn) (diǎn) - dot,decimal point,point,spot,drop (of liquid),dot stroke (in Ch. characters),place,aspect,feature,appointed time
  73. 變動へんどう变动 (biàndòng) (biàndòng) - change,fluctuate
  74. 政府せいふ (shìzhèngfǔ) (shìzhèngfǔ) - municipality,city government,municipal government,city_hall,corporation,city hall
  75. (tǎng) (tǎng) - couch,lie,lean back,recline
  76. やや (jiàn) - gradually,by degrees
  77. 普通ふつう (pǔtōng) (pǔtōng) - ordinary,common,average
  78. すすむらい进来 (jìnlái) (jìnlái) - come in,enter
  79. わたる (shèjí) (shèjí) - come to,pertain,involvement,implicate,entail,relate,cover,deal,concern,bear on,run_on,involve,touch on,refer,touch upon,deal with,touch,come_to,relate to
  80. 保護ほご护区 (bǎohùqū) (bǎohùqū) - reserve,reservation,nature preserve,wilderness area
  81. 版本はんぽん (bǎnběn) (bǎnběn) - variant,text,variation,version,edition
  82. 制定せいてい (zhìdìng) (zhìdìng) - formulate,draft
  83. 制定せいてい (zhìdìng) (zhìdìng) - formulate,draft
  84. 定義ていぎてい (dìngyì) (dìngyì) - definition
  85. 事項じこうこと (shìxiàng) (shìxiàng) - issue,item,topic,subject,particular,transaction,matter
  86. 法則ほうそくほう (fǎzé) (fǎzé) - principle,rule,formula,standard method,binding agreement,theorem,statute,law,precept
  87. 否認ひにんいや (fǒurèn) (fǒurèn) - deny,disavow,repudiation,naysay,denial,gainsay,reject,veto,negate,disclaim,disown,challenge,dispute,renounce,disaffirm,negative,contradict,contravene,repudiate
  88. だき (bàoyuàn) (bàoyuàn) - croak,kvetch,scold,quarrel,bitch,squeal,complain,bellyache,plain,grumble,whimper,natter,grizzle,repine,nark,complaint,sound off,nag,whine,quetch,grouch,kick,yammer,backbite,squawk,crab,beef,yawp,rail,rabbit,gripe,inveigh,grouse,moan,holler
  89. むべらんむべ (Yílán) (yílán) - Yilan (city in Taiwan)
  90. ひとぐん (rénqún) (rénqún) - multitude,scrooge,herd,ruck,scrouge,meiny,crowd,troop,confluence,drove,throng,flock,gang
  91. 廣大こうだい广大 (guǎngdà) (guǎngdà) - large,wide,vast,ample,large-scale,numerous,wide-spread
  92. 鄰居邻居 (línjū) (línjū) - neighbor
  93. 模型もけい (móxíng) (móxíng) - formula,pattern,mould,mold,modeling,construct,die,convention,exponent,plaything,former,modelling,model,simulation,normal,rule,moulding,molding,shape,matrix,clay sculpture,restoration,toy
  94. しのぶじゅう (rěnbùzhù) (rěnbúzhù) - unable to endure,can't help but do something,can't help but do sth.,cannot help,unable to bear,can't bear
  95. 現行げんこう现行 (xiànxíng) (xiànxíng) - operation,in force/operation,currently in operation,in effect,force,currently in effect,in effect/force/operation,active,current
  96. 瓷器 (cíqì) (cíqì) - porcelain,chinaware
  97. らん (Hélán) (hélán) - Dutch,Benelux,Netherland,The Netherlands,Netherlands,Holland
  98. 家鄉かきょういえ (jiāxiāng) (jiāxiāng) - fatherland,country,home,country of origin,native place,mother country,hometown,native land,motherland,homeland
  99. 前途ぜんと (qiántú) (qiántú) - lookout,future,prospects,prospect,futurity,career
  100. はなはちすはな (Huālián) (huālián) - city in Taiwan,Hualien(city in Taiwan)
  101. (hán) - keep in mouth,cherish
  102. ごうやくごう (héyuē) (héyuē) - contract,booking,obligation,treaty
  103. かんかた (guānfāng) (guānfāng) - authorities,official,authority,regime,authorization,government
  104. なりこう (chéngxiào) (chéngxiào) - effect,result
  105. 克服こくふく (kèfú) (kèfú) - surmount,conquer,put up with (hardship/etc.)
  106. 循環じゅんかん循环 (xúnhuán) (xúnhuán) - circulate,cycle.circulatory system
  107. 新鮮しんせんしん (xīnxiān) (xīnxiān) - freshen,novel,fresh,new,strange
  108. 和解わかい (héjiě) (héjiě) - become reconciled
  109. 和解わかい (héjiě) (héjiě) - become reconciled
  110. はらさき (yuánxiān) (yuánxiān) - ab initio,at_first,initially,at the start,in_the_beginning,at first,originally
  111. きむ (jīn) (jīn) - metals,gold,money,ancient metal percussion instruments
  112. あぶら (yóu) - oil,fat,grease
  113. だいだい (tái) (tái) - the short for Taiwan
  114. 巨大きょだい (jùdà) (jùdà) - gigantic,gargantuan,huge
  115. おおやけしゃおおやけ (gōngchē) (gōngchē) - bus,cars provided by an organization
  116. 傳說でんせつ传说 (chuánshuō) (chuánshuō) - legend
  117. 動力どうりょく动力 (dònglì) (dònglì) - driving force,impetus,motivity,(motive) power,wheel,(motive) power/force,agency,vector,dynamics,force,motive_power,momentum,power
  118. 推行 (tuīxíng) (tuīxíng) - carry out,practice
  119. () () - capercailzie,Gallus gallus,giblets,chook,horse of the wood,capercaillie,gallinaceous,Tetrao urogallus,sultan,chicken
  120. かいおうかい (huíyìng) (huíyìng) - echo,react,answer,respond
  121. 介入かいにゅう (jièrù) (jièrù) - intervene,interpose,get involved
  122. 內在内在ないざい (nèizài) (nèizài) - inhesion,intrinsic,internality,inherent,internal,immanence,inherence
  123. 人體じんたい人体じんたい (réntǐ) (réntǐ) - soma,form,body,build,human body,anatomy,figure,chassis,physique,bod,carcass,shape,frame,physical body,material body,flesh,anthropometry
  124. 介入かいにゅう (jièrù) (jièrù) - intervene,interpose,get involved
  125. いい (wèi) (wèi) - mean,be called,say
  126. たいだいたいだい (Táidà) (táidà) - National Taiwan University
  127. かく (què) (què) - firmly,indeed,truly
  128. のう (néng) - can,be able to,be capable of
  129. 美術びじゅつ (měishù) (měishù) - constructivism,beaux arts,beaux-arts,artistic production,artistic creation,painting,fineart,fine_art,cubism,art,fine arts
  130. 活力かつりょく (huólì) (huólì) - juvenility,sprightliness,pulse,youthfulness,stamina,bounciness,birr,sparkle,will,vigor,life,energy,vinegar,zap,vim,viridity,pride,livingness,vis,starch,get-up-and-go,mercury,vitality,zing,ginger,sap,pepper,zip,bang,verve,verdure,lifeblood,devilry,dynamism,nature,oomph,vigour,flush,punch,ambition,virility,life-blood,liveliness,pazazz,peppiness,pep,p
  131. (zhì) (zhì) - incur,cause
  132. 活動かつどうかつ (huódòng) (huódòng) - exercise,move about,use personal influence or irregular means
  133. かん (wán) (wán) - exhaust,run_out,wipe_out,run out,pay,complete,completion,finish,be through,be over,use_up,wind up,payment,use up,pay (taxes),end up
  134. 麼多么多 (nàmeduō) - det.: so much
  135. 物理ぶつり (wùlǐ) (wùlǐ) - physical,physics,natural philosophy,physical science
  136. 推行 (tuīxíng) (tuīxíng) - carry out,practice
  137. おわり (zhōng) (zhōng) - eventually,after all,in the end
  138. ぶんなり (fēnchéng) (fēnchéng) - divide,split a bonus,divide into,divide (into)
  139. たいちゅう (táizhōngshì) - Taichung(big city in Taiwan)
  140. 代理だいり (dàilǐ) (dàilǐ) - act as agent/proxy
  141. 代理だいり (dàilǐ) (dàilǐ) - act as agent/proxy
  142. らくおもむき乐趣 (lèqù) (lèqù) - amusement,playfulness,fun,merriment,pleasure,sweet,delight,bang,entertainment,enjoyment,pleasance,joy
  143. ちょうきゅうちょう (chāojí) (chāojí) - super
  144. ろうどう劳动 (láodòng) - work,labor
  145. ろうどう劳动 (láodòng) - work,labor
  146. ただゆう (wéiyǒu) (wéiyǒu) - only,alone
  147. 宣傳せんでんせん (xuānchuán) (xuānchuán) - propagandist,publicist
  148. 交給交给 (jiāogěi) - relinquish,give_away,submit,give to,hand/give to,hand to,give_up,reach,hand
  149. 受傷じゅしょう受伤 (shòushāng) (shòushāng) - injure,bruise,injured,be wounded,crush,hurt,sustain an injury,be injured,wounded,maimed,wound
  150. 講師こうし讲师 (jiǎngshī) (jiǎngshī) - docent,professor,lecturer,instructor,reader,lector
  151. 抵達抵达 (dǐdá) (dǐdá) - reach,arrive at
  152. 體重たいじゅう体重たいじゅう (tǐzhòng) (tǐzhòng) - body weight,beef,(body) weight,avoirdupois,weight
  153. 见得 (bùjiàndé) (bújiàndé) - not likely,not necessarily/likely,likely,unlikely,not necessarily
  154. りょうしるべ领导 (lǐngdǎo) (lǐngdǎo) - leader
  155. 蝸牛かぎゅう蜗牛 (wōniú) (guānióu) - snail
  156. ぐんぐん (qúnzhòng) (qúnzhòng) - swarm,posse,herd,huddle,ruck,concourse,crowd,varletry,the masses/People,lineup,throng,the masses,mob,multitude,press,mobility,clamjamfry,People,crush,jam,horde,the People,confluence,army,flock,mass
  157. 抵達抵达 (dǐdá) (dǐdá) - reach,arrive at
  158. こく (kèyì) (kèyì) - fastidiously,sedulously,conscious,purposely,painstakingly
  159. 登輝とうきのぼる (lǐdēnghuī) - Li Denghui,a past president of Taiwan
  160. 合作がっさくしゃ (hézuòshè) (hézuòshè) - cooperative,cooperation,co-op,artel
  161. しるしあま (Yìnní) (yìnní) - Indonesia
  162. 規格きかく规格 (guīgé) (guīgé) - quality requirements,requirement,specification,standard,spec,criterion,measure,touchstone,specifications
  163. あたい值觀价值观 (jiàzhíguān) (jiàzhíguān) - values,valuation
  164. 依賴いらい (yīlài) (yīlài) - rely/depend on
  165. 百貨ひゃっか公司こうしひゃく公司こうし (bǎihuò gōngsī) (bǎihuògōngsī) - department store
  166. 依賴いらい (yīlài) (yīlài) - rely/depend on
  167. 負擔ふたん负担 (fùdān) (fùdān) - bear,shoulder
  168. ふう (fēng) (fēng) - m.[general]
  169. 馬路うまじ马路 (mǎlù) (mǎlù) - drive,road,driveway,riding,a road,carriageway,avenue,street,a street used by vehicular traffic
  170. 通知つうち (tōngzhī) (tōngzhī) - notify,inform
  171. 普及ふきゅう (pǔjí) (pǔjí) - popularize,disseminate,spread
  172. つぼ (píng) (píng) - m.[standard]
  173. みどり绿 () - green
  174. 不安ふあん (bù'ān) (bùān) - be anxious; be uneasy; be restless
  175. 不安ふあん (bù'ān) (bùān) - be anxious; be uneasy; be restless
  176. 鐵路てつろ铁路 (tiělù) (tiělù) - rails,railroad track,loop-line,rail,Pullman,railway,road,couchette,chemmy,railroad
  177. 普及ふきゅう (pǔjí) (pǔjí) - popularize,disseminate,spread
  178. ろくかげたい录影带 (lùyǐngdài) (lùyǐngdài) - videotape,video tape,recording
  179. 局面きょくめん (júmiàn) (júmiàn) - aspect,picture,state of affairs,situation,conjuncture,facet,position,phase
  180. だんたい团队 (tuánduì) (tuánduì) - team
  181. 優先ゆうせん优先 (yōuxiān) (yōuxiān) - preferential,preferred,priority
  182. たい (duì) (duì) - treat,be trained on,answer,reply,compare,check,set,adjust
  183. すすむ进去 (jìnqù) - enter,entry,go_in,get in,go in
  184. (huáng) (huáng) - Surname
  185. 神經しんけいかみ (shénjīng) (shénjīng) - nervus,nerve
  186. 近來きんらい近来きんらい (jìnlái) (jìnlái) - newly,of late,lately,fresh,new,latterly,in recent times,freshly,yesterday,late,recently
  187. 英語えいごえい (Yīngyǔ) (yīngyǔ) - English,English (language),profit,surplus
  188. 刺激しげき (cìjī) (cìjī) - stimulate,provoke,irritate,upset
  189. ひつじ (yáng) (yáng) - kidney,drover,baa,trotter,argali,mutton,sheep,Surname
  190. ろうとら (lǎohǔ) (lǎohǔ) - cat,tiger,Panthera tigris,puss
  191. 所得しょとく (suǒdé) (suǒdé) - harvest,gains,taking,earnings,finance,revenue,proceeds,income
  192. 健全けんぜん (jiànquán) (jiànquán) - sound,perfect
  193. あたり (biān) (biān) - v.1 and v.2 simultaneously
  194. 主體しゅたい主体しゅたい (zhǔtǐ) (zhǔtǐ) - main body,body,hypostasis,main body/part,subject,principal part,corpus,main part,part
  195. だい (dàzhì) (dàzhì) - roughly
  196. たい对手 (duìshǒu) (duìshǒu) - mate,competitor,opposite,antagonist,comparative,contender,adversary,opponent,opposition,counterpart,equal,counterworker,rival,match
  197. かえよう还要 (háiyào) - even more,even/still more,even,still more
  198. 健全けんぜん (jiànquán) (jiànquán) - sound,perfect
  199. けんけん (jiàngòu) (jiàngòu) - fabricate
  200. ほしぼし (xīngxīng) - star
  201. けんけん (jiàngòu) (jiàngòu) - fabricate
  202. だい (dàgē) (dàgē) - eldest brother,elder brother,gang leader
  203. つちかえいく (péiyù) (péiyū) - cultivate,foster,breed
  204. 用心ようじん (yòngxīn) (yòngxīn) - be diligent/attentive
  205. 書記しょき书记 (shūjì) (shūjì) - scribe,penpusher,clerkship,amanuensis,secretarial assistant,pencil pusher,actuary,recorder,secretary,secretariat,clerk,scrivener
  206. 財政ざいせい财政 (cáizhèngbù) (cáizhèngbù) - exchequer,ministry of finance,Treasury Department,Ministry of Fianance,Treasury,treasury,Comptroller of the Currency,Department of the Treasury
  207. つちかえいく (péiyù) (péiyū) - cultivate,foster,breed
  208. 遊行ゆぎょうゆうこう (yóuxíng) (yóuxíng) - parade,march,demonstrate
  209. 遊行ゆぎょうゆうこう (yóuxíng) (yóuxíng) - parade,march,demonstrate
  210. くだり (xíng) - be all right
  211. 太平洋たいへいよう (Tàipíngyáng) (tàipíngyáng) - Pacific_Ocean,the Pacific,Pacific,Pacific Ocean,the Pacific Ocean
  212. みやつこ (zào) - arrive at,training,create,go to,build,invent,construct,education,concoction,mint,invention,cook up,educate,establish,fabricate,make,concoct,train
  213. 咖啡 (kāfēi) (kāfēi) - arabica,coffee,cafe,Java,java,mocha,blackstrap
  214. めいたんめい (míngdān) (míngdān) - checklist,register,registry,list,roll,listing,roster,name list
  215. ちゅうじゅう (zhùzhòng) (zhùzhòng) - lay stress on,pay attention to
  216. 周圍しゅういしゅう (zhōuwéi) (zhōuwéi) - all around,circumference,circumambience,compass,ambit,periphery,circumambiency,round,surrounding,perimeter,environment,precinct,vicinity,circuit,ambience,around
  217. 主權しゅけんしゅ (zhǔquán) (zhǔquán) - imperium,ascendance,reign,ascendency,ascendancy,possession,empire,majesty,signory,paramountcy,lordship,sovereign rights,sovereignty,raj,supremacy,dominion,ownership
  218. 水泥みどろ (shuǐní) (shuǐní) - cement
  219. ちか (jìn) (jìn) - close,near
  220. 合法ごうほう (héfǎ) (héfǎ) - legal,well-formed,rightful,lawful,legitimate
  221. 便利べんり (biànlì) (biànlì) - facilitate
  222. 落後らくご落后 (luòhòu) (luòhòu) - fall/lay behind
  223. 詢問询问 (xúnwèn) (xúnwèn) - ask about,inquire
  224. 詢問询问 (xúnwèn) (xúnwèn) - ask about,inquire
  225. おくきゅうおく (sònggěi) - present to,to give as a present,send to,give,send/present to,to present
  226. おもんみ (wéi) (wéi) - only,alone,but
  227. ひょう (biǎo) (biǎo) - table,form,list
  228. 糾紛纠纷 (jiūfēn) (jiūfēn) - entanglement,embarrassment,cobweb,skein,embroilment,dissension,complication,issue,conflict,confusion,dispute,shindig,knottiness,dustup,aggro,tangle,betanglement,maze,imbroglio,strife
  229. 空中くうちゅう (kōngzhōng) (kōngzhōng) - in_the_air,air,in the sky,sky,aerial,open air/sky,open air,space,open sky,midair
  230. 过于 (guòyú) (guòyū) - to a fault,unduly,too_much,troppo,over-,excessively,too,too much
  231. にん (rèn) - serve in a position,appoint to a position
  232. ばん (wǎn) (wǎn) - far on in time,late
  233. くるま车站 (chēzhàn) (chēzhàn) - station
  234. ゆうじょゆうじょ (yǒuzhùyú) (yǒuzhùyū) - helpful to,lead,advantage,redound,be conducive,conduce,be conducive to,conduce to,sell,contribute to,subserve,avail,contribute
  235. 便利べんり (biànlì) (biànlì) - facilitate
  236. 落後らくご落后 (luòhòu) (luòhòu) - fall/lay behind
  237. これるいこれ (zhīlèi) (zhīlèi) - conj.: such like
  238. 下降かこう (xiàjiàng) (xiàjiàng) - descend,go/come down,drop,fall,decline
  239. 下降かこう (xiàjiàng) (xiàjiàng) - descend,go/come down,drop,fall,decline
  240. 手續てつづき (shǒuxù) (shǒuxù) - formality,procedures,formalities,procedure
  241. 轉換てんかん转换 (zhuǎnhuàn) (zhuǎnhuàn) - change,transform
  242. 轉換てんかん转换 (zhuǎnhuàn) (zhuǎnhuàn) - change,transform
  243. 立法りっぽう (lìfǎ) (lìfǎ) - legislation,legislative,legislate
  244. かたな (dāo) (dāo) - knife,sword,blade,sth. shaped like a knife
  245. おびきゅう带给 (dàigěi) - take,bring to
  246. 涵蓋涵盖 (hángài) (hángài) - cover, include
  247. (chàbuduō) (chābùduō) - good enough
  248. 主持しゅうもちじん (zhǔchírén) (zhǔchírén) - anchor,emcee,host,symposiarch,anchorman,director,impresario,chair,chairperson,linkman,presenter,compere,master of ceremonies,moderator
  249. 完工かんこう (wángōng) (wángōng) - finish doing sth.
  250. さと () () - m.[standard]
  251. (yáng) (yáng) - poplar tree,Surname,Yang,poplar
  252. 內政内政ないせい (nèizhèngbù) (nèizhèngbù) - Interior,Ministry of the Interior Affairs,interior,Department of the Interior,Ministry of Home Affairs,Interior Department
  253. (duǒ) (duǒ) - avoid,hide,hide oneself,dodge,hide (oneself)
  254. 美術館びじゅつかん术馆 (měishùguǎn) (měishùguǎn) - picture gallary,salon,art gallery,pinacotheca,museum,gallery
  255. りょうさき领先 (lǐngxiān) (lǐngxiān) - lead,lead (in competition),precede,lead_up,be in lead,show,be in the lead,get the jump
  256. 不當ふとう不当ふとう (búdàng) - unsuitable,inappropriate
  257. 不當ふとう不当ふとう (búdàng) - unsuitable,inappropriate
  258. 用地ようち (yòngdì) (yòngdì) - site,location,land (of certain purpose)
  259. 認知にんち认知 (rènzhī) (rènzhī) - cognize,perceive
  260. 認知にんち认知 (rènzhī) (rènzhī) - cognize,perceive
  261. 基層きそうもと (jīcéng) (jīcéng) - grass-roots unit,basic/primary level
  262. 做出 (zuòchū) (zuòchū) - throw_off,give,to make,to do,make,place
  263. 政權せいけんせい (zhèngquán) (zhèngquán) - rein,political power,political/state power,state power,power,regime,political
  264. 甚麼いんも甚么 (shéme) - det.: what
  265. 風景ふうけい风景 (fēngjǐngqū) (fēngjǐngqū) - scenic spot
  266. ぶし (jìjié) (jìjié) - season
  267. 享有きょうゆう (xiǎngyǒu) (xiǎngyǒu) - enjoy (right/etc.)
  268. たいおこり对不おこり (duìbùqǐ) (duìbùqǐ) - be unfair to,I'm sorry,let ... down,let sb. down,excuse me
  269. 建設けんせつけん (jiànshè) (jiànshè) - build,construct
  270. 出口いでぐち (chūkǒu) (chūkǒu) - export
  271. 引導いんどう引导 (yǐndǎo) (yǐndǎo) - guide,lead
  272. 出口いでぐち (chūkǒu) (chūkǒu) - export
  273. 引導いんどう引导 (yǐndǎo) (yǐndǎo) - guide,lead
  274. 實行じっこう实行 (shíxíng) (shíxíng) - put into effect,fulfil,put ... into practice,practise,practice,put into practice/effect,live,pass,obtain,prosecute,cause,phase,meet,carry_out,pull,effect,operate,carry out,actualize,use,effectuate,put ... into effect,perform,apply,put into practice,run,implement,execute,do,make,wage,implementation
  275. 錯誤さくご错误 (cuòwù) (cuòwù) - wrong,mistaken
  276. くに內外国内外こくないがい (guónèiwài) (guónèiwài) - inside and outside the country
  277. まで () () - till
  278. 神話しんわかみ (shénhuà) (shénhuà) - fairy story,fairy tale,mythos,mythic,fable,fairytale,myth,mythology
  279. つきつき (jìn) (jìn) - use up,exhaust,try one's best,put to best use,end
  280. 花園はなぞのはな (huāyuán) (huāyuán) - flower garden
  281. しゅう (Fēizhōu) (fēizhōu) - Africa
  282. 組織そしき组织 (zǔzhī) (zǔzhī) - organize,form
  283. 音樂おんがくかいおと乐会 (yīnyuèhuì) (yīnyuèhuì) - musicale,philharmonic,concert
  284. つぎ () () - then,afterwards
  285. あずか预估 (yùgū) (yūgū) - predict
  286. あずか预估 (yùgū) (yūgū) - predict
  287. 著作ちょさく (zhùzuò) (zhùzuò) - composition,writing,composing,oeuvre,work,opus,literature,writings,book,production,bookmaking,body of work
  288. 感受かんじゅいた (gǎnshòudào) - feel,sense,experience
  289. 保障ほしょう (bǎozhàng) (bǎozhàng) - guarantee,safeguard
  290. 自主じしゅ (zìzhǔ) (zìzhǔ) - be one's own master,take initiative
  291. こう (hǎoduō) (hǎoduō) - det : many, much
  292. 自主じしゅ (zìzhǔ) (zìzhǔ) - be one's own master,take initiative
  293. 姑娘くーにゃん (gūniáng) - quiff,cummer,gill,calico,girlie,missy,moll,damsel,fille,girl,jill,miss,judy,jeune fille,sheila,jane,lass,colleen,toots,daughter,young girl,lassie
  294. 財團ざいだん财团 (cáituán) (cáituán) - financial group,foundation,consortium,a consortium,a syndicate,syndicate,pool,conglomerate,empire,big business,a money clique
  295. あずか预期 (yùqī) (yūqí) - expect,anticipate
  296. 安定あんてい (āndìng) (āndìng) - stabilize
  297. うえます (shàngshēng) (shàngshēng) - rise
  298. うえます (shàngshēng) (shàngshēng) - rise
  299. 未必みひつ (wèibì) (wèibì) - may_not,not necessarily,may not
  300. とん (dūn) (dùn) - metric ton,acre,ton,m.[standard],,A,MT,tonne,t
  301. 模擬もぎかたぎ (mónǐ) (mónǐ) - imitate,simulate
  302. 發言はつげん发言 (fāyán) (fāyán) - speak,make statement/speech
  303. そこ (dǐxià) (dǐxià) - under,below,beneath
  304. 安定あんてい (āndìng) (āndìng) - stabilize
  305. 模擬もぎかたぎ (mónǐ) (mónǐ) - imitate,simulate
  306. ひょう (piào) - ticket,ballot,note
  307. もん (chūmén) (chūmén) - go_out,go on journey,go out,go on a journey,be away from home
  308. 輔助辅助 (fǔzhù) (fǔzhù) - assist
  309. 傾向けいこう倾向 (qīngxiàng) - tendency,trend,inclination
  310. とし过年 (guònián) - celebrate/spend New Year
  311. あきら (zhào) (zhào) - according to,in accordance with,towards
  312. びょう (miào) (miào) - shrine,sanctorium,joss house,temple fair,temple
  313. (bāng) (bāng) - help,assist
  314. 人工じんこう (réngōng) (réngōng) - man-made,artificiality,manual work,manpower,art,labor
  315. れいれい () () - gift,present
  316. しん (xìn) - believe,true
  317. 勝利しょうり胜利 (shènglì) (shènglì) - win victory/success
  318. 魅力みりょく (mèilì) (mèilì) - personal appeal,allurement,charisma,fascination,spell,attractive feature,glitter,witchery,lure,appeal,grace,loveliness,attraction,allure,enticement,seduction,glamour,pazazz,charm,pishogue,prestige,enchantment,glamor,witchcraft,magnetism,attractiveness,appealingness,hypnotism,bewitchment,invitation,personal magnetism,captivation
  319. 首長しゅちょうくび (shǒuzhǎng) (shǒuzhǎng) - magistrate,lord,principal,header,chief,governor,raja,leading cadre,doge,senior officer
  320. 勝利しょうり胜利 (shènglì) (shènglì) - win victory/success
  321. とし过年 (guònián) - celebrate/spend New Year
  322. 毫不 (háobù) (háobù) - nohow,not at all,no,no more,none,nowise,nothing
  323. 組長くみちょう组长 (zǔzhǎng) (zǔzhǎng) - chief/head of group/section
  324. せんちょう专长 (zhuāncháng) (zhuāncháng) - department,excellence,metier,knowledge,speciality,specialty,specialism,specialisation,special skill/knowledge,special knowledge,adept,expertise,special skill,medium,forte,specialization
  325. 物品ぶっぴん (wùpǐn) (wùpǐn) - whatchamacallit,sundry,stuff,commodity,affair,physical object,goods,article,object,content,whatsis,res,sundries
  326. () - Wah!
  327. 後者こうしゃきさきしゃ (hòuzhě) (hòuzhě) - latter,the latter
  328. 輔助辅助 (fǔzhù) (fǔzhù) - assist
  329. ちんとうとちん (zhēnguì) (zhēnguì) - valuable,precious
  330. けいぞう (jǐngxiàng) (jǐngxiàng) - prospects,spectacle,scene,picture,sight,show
  331. 選出せんしゅつ选出 (xuǎnchū) (xuǎnchū) - come_up,winnow,mark,come up,mark_out,select,single_out,center out,return,single out,vote,designate
  332. 澎湖 (Pénghú) (pénghú) - Peng-hu(county in Taiwan)
  333. がくいんがく (xuéyuán) (xuéyuán) - trainee,member of institution of learning,student
  334. 監督かんとく监督 (jiāndū) (jiāndū) - supervise,superintend,control
  335. 監督かんとく监督 (jiāndū) (jiāndū) - supervise,superintend,control
  336. 拿大 (Jiānádà) (jiānádà) - Northman,Canadian,Canada
  337. 以色れつ (Yǐsèliè) (yǐsèliè) - Beulah,Israel,Zion
  338. まいりさいまいり (cānsài) (cānsài) - take part in match, enter competition
  339. 混亂こんらん混乱こんらん (hùnluàn) (hǔnluàn) - confused,chaotic
  340. 走出はしりで (zǒuchū) (zǒuchū) - leave,walk out
  341. おさむいた (shōudào) (shōudào) - hear,find,achievement,receive,receipt,obtain,achieve,incur,get,come_to
  342. ふつ () - Buddha,Buddhism,image of Buddha
  343. 如同 (rútóng) (rútóng) - like,similar to
  344. はつ (chū) (chū) - at the beginning of,in the early part of
  345. 混亂こんらん混乱こんらん (hùnluàn) (hǔnluàn) - confused,chaotic
  346. はい (pái) (pái) - stand in line,arrange,put in order,sequence
  347. 歲月さいげつ岁月 (suìyuè) (suìyuè) - precession,years,days,time
  348. まいりさいまいり (cānsài) (cānsài) - take part in match, enter competition
  349. とどけとどけ (jièshí) (jièshí) - at appointed time,on the occasion
  350. 這邊这边 (zhèbiān) - this side,here
  351. はん (bān) (bān) - m.[event]
  352. 塑造 (sùzào) (sùzào) - model,mold,portray
  353. 權威けんい权威 (quánwēi) (quánwēi) - authoritativeness,sanction,pontiff,prince,pundit,a person of authority,authority,princedom,muscle,power,pope
  354. そうじゅうそうじゅう (shuāngchóng) (shuāngchóng) - twofold,dual,diploid,double
  355. 古老ころう (gǔlǎo) (gǔlǎo) - ancient,old
  356. こう广播 (guǎngbō) (guǎngbō) - broadcast,air
  357. 樂觀らっかん乐观 (lèguān) (lèguān) - be optimistic; be hopeful
  358. 樂觀らっかん乐观 (lèguān) (lèguān) - be optimistic; be hopeful
  359. 塑造 (sùzào) (sùzào) - model,mold,portray
  360. 定期ていき (dìngqī) (dìngqí) - fixed (of time),periodically,regularly
  361. 強大きょうだい强大きょうだい (qiángdà) (qiángdà) - big and powerful,formidable
  362. 強大きょうだい强大きょうだい (qiángdà) (qiángdà) - big and powerful,formidable
  363. 社會しゃかい主義しゅぎ社会しゃかいぬし (shèhuì zhǔyì) (shèhuìzhǔyì) - socialist,socialism
  364. ことよろし (shìyí) (shìyí) - arrangements,matters concerned,affairs,arrangement,personal business
  365. 交往 (jiāowǎng) (jiāowǎng) - associate,contact
  366. 交往 (jiāowǎng) (jiāowǎng) - associate,contact
  367. 時空じくう时空 (shíkōng) (shíkōng) - time and space,space-time
  368. 露出ろしゅつ (lùchū) (lòuchū) - bare,demonstrate,disclose,expose,crop out,show,basset,uncover,protrude,appear,reveal,emerge,evidence,tell,uncase,outcrop,peep,betray,ride,ascertain
  369. 請教请教 (qǐngjiào) (qǐngjiào) - consultation,Please enlighten me.,seek advice,take counsel,consult,ask,ask for advice
  370. 繁榮はんえいしげる (fánróng) (fánróng) - flourishing,prosperous,booming
  371. うれしがわ (xīpí) (xīpí) - flower child,hippy,hippie
  372. 繁榮はんえいしげる (fánróng) (fánróng) - flourishing,prosperous,booming
  373. きん (jīn) (jīn) - m.[standard]
  374. () () - conj.: and
  375. くだりじょう (hángqíng) (hángqíng) - prices,quotation,(market) quotations,market,price,quotations
  376. 先導せんどうさき (xiāndǎo) (xiāndǎo) - pacesetter,forerunner,precursor,vanguard,guide
  377. ぼう (fángzhì) (fángzhì) - prevent and cure,prophylaxis and treatment
  378. ぼう (fángzhì) (fángzhì) - prevent and cure,prophylaxis and treatment
  379. れついれ (lièrù) (lièrù) - be listed,be listed/placed,placed,be placed,rank
  380. 依據いきょすえ (yījù) (yījù) - basis,foundation
  381. かん (wánměi) (wánměi) - perfect,consummate
  382. 同胞どうほう (tóngbāo) (tóngbāo) - offspring of same parents,paisano,neighbour,countrymen,countryfolk,fellow countryman,neighbor,compatriot,countryman,cousin
  383. 原理げんり (yuánlǐ) (yuánlǐ) - principle,tenet
  384. たからとみ财富 (cáifù) (cáifù) - opulence,pile,worth,fortune,moneybag,riches,mammon,substance,wealth,wealthy,gold,lucre,means,shekel,pelf,opulency,money,oof,nabobery
  385. (huáng) (huáng) - yellow,spoiled,withered
  386. なんめん难免 (nánmiǎn) (nánmiǎn) - hard to avoid
  387. 中小ちゅうしょう企業きぎょう中小ちゅうしょうくわだて (zhōngxiǎo qǐyè) (zhōngxiǎoqìyè) - medium and small enterprise,middle and small types enterprises
  388. 全力ぜんりょく (quánlì) (quánlì) - all one's strength,wholehearted dedication
  389. 影響えいきょういたかげ响到 (yǐngxiǎngdào) - concern,impinge_on,interfere
  390. 貴族きぞく贵族 (guìzú) (guìzú) - baron,aristocratism,atheling,nobleman,jarl,grandee,raja,aristocracy,patrician,blue blood,lord,magnifico,noble,aristocrat,baronage,peer,mogul,nobility,patricianhood,peerage,sirdar,amir,nobles
  391. 祖先そせん (zǔxiān) (zǔxiān) - parent,father,forbear,forefathers,origin,progenitor,propositus,pedigree,forebear,forefather,antecedent,ascendent,grandfather,ancestor,forerunner,grandsire,stirp,root,ancestry,grandmother,antecedents,forbears,stirps,ascendant,primogenitor,ancestral,ancestors,sire,stock,forebears
  392. まち (dài) - treat,entertain
  393. 怎麼怎么 (zěnme) - what
  394. 流通りゅうつう (liútōng) (liútōng) - circulate
  395. 流通りゅうつう (liútōng) (liútōng) - circulate
  396. 姊姊 (jiějiě) - big_sister,older sister,big sister
  397. じゅん (chún) - pure,simple
  398. 學會がっかい学会がっかい (xuéhuì) (xuéhuì) - learn,master
  399. れん联系 (liánxì) (liánxì) - integrate,relate,link,get in touch with
  400. ほう (bào) (bào) - report,reply
  401. ほう (bào) (bào) - report,reply
  402. 颱風たいふうたい (táifēng) (táifēng) - typhoon
  403. ばん (pán) (pán) - m.[event]
  404. 精緻せいちせい (jīngzhì) (jīngzhì) - fine,exquisite,delicate
  405. れんこう联考 (liánkǎo) (liánkǎo) - general examination,entrance examination
  406. 精緻せいちせい (jīngzhì) (jīngzhì) - fine,exquisite,delicate
  407. 隊伍たいご队伍 (duìwǔ) (duìwǔ) - cue,procession,contingent,ranks,troops,gang
  408. 大台おおだいきた (dàtáiběi) - Taipei area
  409. 和尚おしょう (héshàng) (héshàng) - bonze,talapoin,monk,Bhikku,Buddhist monk
  410. れん联系 (liánxì) (liánxì) - integrate,relate,link,get in touch with
  411. 回收かいしゅう (huíshōu) (huíshōu) - recycle
  412. 回收かいしゅう (huíshōu) (huíshōu) - recycle
  413. 便びん (biànshì) (biànshì) - even if
  414. のちきさき (hòu) (hòu) - det.: later,succeeding
  415. 師範しはん师范 (shīfàn) (shīfàn) - teacher-training,pedagogical
  416. おちいいれ (xiànrù) (xiànrù) - plunge,be immersed in,land oneself in,slump,be caught in,lapse,launch,get_into,fall_in,invaginate,be deep in,engulf,run_into,fall_into,be lost/immersed in,be lost,sink into,tangle,fall into,immerse,sink,be lost in,bed,immersed in,get bogged down in,land,sink/fall into
  417. たび () () - travel
  418. 高度こうど (gāodù) (gāodù) - altitude,height,high degree
  419. () () - rent out
  420. ふく () - m.[general]
  421. よし大利おおとし义大 (Yìdàlì) (yìdàlì) - Italy
  422. 籃球篮球 (lánqiú) (lánqiú) - basketball
  423. 生產せいさんりょくなま产力 (shēngchǎnlì) (shēngchǎnlì) - fecundity,fertility,productive force,prolificacy,output,productivity
  424. はん (fàn) (fàn) - violate,offend,attack,assail,work against,commit,have recurrence (of old illness),revert (to bad habit)
  425. ひょうかん评鉴 (píngjiàn) (píngjiàn) - pass judgment on,evaluate,assess
  426. さがせひろさがせ (sōuxún) (sōuxún) - search/look for,seek
  427. さがせひろさがせ (sōuxún) (sōuxún) - search/look for,seek
  428. 有利ゆうり (yǒulì) (yǒulì) - be advantageous/beneficial
  429. じょうさかい (qíngjìng) (qíngjìng) - situation,experimental condition,condition,circumstances
  430. 處處ところどころ处处 (chùchù) (chùchù) - everywhere,in all respects
  431. のり () () - m.[general]
  432. 物價ぶっかもの (wùjià) (wùjià) - commodity prices
  433. むべ () () - right,suitable
  434. ろう (nòng) - play with,make,do,handle,engage in,obtain,get,fetch,play tricks
  435. (gēn) (gēn) - roots of a plant,the base
  436. ひょうかん评鉴 (píngjiàn) (píngjiàn) - pass judgment on,evaluate,assess
  437. (tàng) - m.[activity]
  438. 歌曲かきょく (gēqǔ) (gēqǔ) - melody,aria,song,madrigal,chant,lied,tune
  439. やき (shāo) (shāo) - oven broil,roast,burn,broil,run a fever,baking,stew ... in soy sauce,cook,heat,bake,burning,burnt,stew,grill,cooking,have a temperature
  440. ちょう (zhào) - Zhao,Surname
  441. 文物ぶんぶつ (wénwù) (wénwù) - historical relics,cultural objects,artifact,historical relic,cultural relic,cultural/historical objects/relics,cultural,historical objects,relics
  442. よんしょよん (sìchù) (sìchù) - about,all around,everywhere,everyplace,all over,throughout,around
  443. 心臟しんぞうこころ (xīnzàng) (xīnzàng) - ticker,cardiac,center,pump,heart
  444. なんかい难怪 (nánguài) (nánguài) - no wonder
  445. 唱歌しょうか (chànggē) (chànggē) - sing
  446. すうもくすうもく (shùmù) (shùmù) - figure,count,amount,number
  447. 不時ふじ (bùshí) (bùshí) - betweentimes,every so often,frequently,somewhile,at any time,every now and then,often
  448. 修訂しゅうていおさむ (xiūdìng) (xiūdìng) - revise
  449. 词汇 (cíhuì) (cíhuì) - mental lexicon,vocabulary,wordbook,lexicon,word-stock,lexis,words and phrases
  450. いぬいもろもろ (gāncuì) (gāncuì) - direct, forthright
  451. 社長しゃちょうしゃ (shèzhǎng) (shèzhǎng) - director (of association,principal,etc.),director,president/director (of association/etc.),president
  452. 修訂しゅうていおさむ (xiūdìng) (xiūdìng) - revise
  453. 唱歌しょうか (chànggē) (chànggē) - sing
  454. 球場きゅうじょうたま (qiúchǎng) (qiúchǎng) - playing_field,gridiron,court,ball field,field,pitch,course,park,ballpark
  455. (shēnfèn) (shēnfèn) - state,dignity,station,estate,body,estate of the realm,capacity,status,standing,caste,doctorate,place,identity,condition
  456. 解釋かいしゃくかい (jiěshì) (jiěshì) - explanation,interpretation
  457. 計畫けいかく计画 (jìhuà) (jìhuà) - plan
  458. みずはて (shuǐguǒ) (shuǐguǒ) - fruit
  459. 發明はつめい发明 (fāmíng) (fāmíng) - invention
  460. 戶外こがい户外 (hùwài) (hùwài) - air,outdoor,open_air,out-of-doors,open,outdoors,open air,open-air
  461. 司法しほう (sīfǎ) (sīfǎ) - justice,judicature,administration of justice,judicatory,judiciary,judgeship,judicial,judgship
  462. ねつもん热门 (rèmén) (rèmén) - favorite,in great demand,popular
  463. たまきたもつきょく环保きょく (huánbǎojú) - State Bureau of Environmental Protection,Bureau of Environmental Protection
  464. 解放かいほう (jiěfàng) (jiěfàng) - liberate,emancipate
  465. くさ (cǎo) (cǎo) - female (of animals),herb,herbage,female,careless,hasty,grass,rough,wort,draft,straw
  466. ひがしくれ东吴 (Dōngwú) (dōngwú) - Soochow University
  467. 幸運こううんこう (xìngyùn) (xìngyùn) - very fortunate,lucky
  468. 幸運こううんこう (xìngyùn) (xìngyùn) - very fortunate,lucky
  469. 解放かいほう (jiěfàng) (jiěfàng) - liberate,emancipate
  470. たがえぶんまわし违规 (wéiguī) (wéiguī) - violate rule/regulation
  471. したらいしたらい (xiàlái) (xiàlái) - come down from a higher place
  472. 熱心ねっしん热心 (rèxīn) (rèxīn) - be enthusiastic about
  473. さん (suàn) (suàn) - calculate,compute,figure,include,count,plan,think,suppose
  474. りょう (lǐng) (lǐng) - receive,draw,get,have jurisdiction over,be in possession of
  475. そうしん创新 (chuàngxīn) (chuàngxīn) - bring forth new ideas,blaze new trails
  476. でん (diàn) (diàn) - electricity
  477. 靈魂れいこん灵魂 (línghún) (línghún) - god,anima,Psyche,psyche,spirit,pneuma,ghost,manes,soul
  478. 尊嚴そんげんみこと (zūnyán) (zūnyán) - honour,dignity,loftiness,face,worship,self-regard,majesty,sanctity,self-respect,dignified,stateliness,self-esteem,honor
  479. 協商きょうしょう协商 (xiéshāng) (xiéshāng) - consult,talk things over
  480. あみ (wǎng) (wǎng) - net
  481. 協商きょうしょう协商 (xiéshāng) (xiéshāng) - consult,talk things over
  482. 軍人ぐんじん军人 (jūnrén) (jūnrén) - soldiery,soldier,swordsman,buffcoat,armyman,serviceman,military
  483. 物件ぶっけん (wùjiàn) (wùjiàn) - thing,article,object
  484. しょう (shěngfǔ) (shěngfǔ) - Taiwan Provincial Government
  485. (bèi) - learn by heart,recite from memory
  486. 書法しょほう书法 (shūfǎ) (shūfǎ) - calligraphy
  487. たがえぶんまわし违规 (wéiguī) (wéiguī) - violate rule/regulation
  488. そうしん创新 (chuàngxīn) (chuàngxīn) - bring forth new ideas,blaze new trails
  489. 運輸うんゆ运输 (yùnshū) (yùnshū) - transport
  490. 運輸うんゆ运输 (yùnshū) (yùnshū) - transport
  491. 禮拜れいはい礼拜れいはい (lǐbài) (lǐbài) - week
  492. かん (guān) - look at,watch,observe
  493. 願望がんぼうすなおもち (yuànwàng) (yuànwàng) - wish,desire,pleasure,Eros,will,orexis,desirability,dream,wishfulness,mind,mirage,wistfulness,aspiration,ambition,hope
  494. 臨床りんしょう临床 (línchuáng) (línchuáng) - clinical
  495. ねり (liàn) (liàn) - practice,exercise,boil and scour raw silk,educate,reeducate,nurture,coach,hone,drill,school,lunge,break,breed,train
  496. あさはんあさ (máfan) (máfán) - trouble sb., bother
  497. とうなりとうなり (dàngchéng) (dāngchéng) - regard as,take for,consider as,regard/consider as,treat as,regard
  498. 皇帝こうてい (huángdì) (huángdì) - emperor
  499. おとこ (nánhái) (nánhái) - feller,sonny boy,male child,tad,sonny,laddie,lad,child,man-child,cub,blighter,Jack,male offspring,boy
  500. ゆうぜにゆう (yǒuqián) (yǒuqián) - wealthy,be wealthy,be rich,rich,moneyed