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时间 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 とべ转到内容ないよう


すななかてき沙子いさご流量りゅうりょう以用らい衡量時間じかんてきりゅう逝。 它也具體ぐたい代表だいひょうりょう現在げんざいざい過去かこかず未來みらいあいだ

時間じかん(time)いち尺度しゃくどざい物理ぶつりていこれ标量,藉著时间,事件じけん发生せんきさき以按过去-现在-未来みらい序列じょれつとく以确じょう(时间てん/時刻じこく,point in time/instant),也可以衡りょう事件じけん持續じぞくてき期間きかん以及事件じけんあいだ间隔长短(时间だん,duration)[1][2]












目前もくぜんさいこう泛被接受せつじゅせき於时间的物理ぶつり论是おもね尔伯とく·爱因斯坦てきあい对论ざいあい对论ちゅう,时间あずかそら一起かずき组成よん维时むなし,构成宇宙うちゅうてき基本きほん结构。时间與空間くうかん绝对てき觀察かんさつしゃざい不同ふどうてきしょう对速ある不同ふどう时空结构てき测量てんしょ测量いた时间てきりゅうえき不同ふどうてき狹義きょうぎ相對そうたいろんあずかはかいち具有ぐゆうしょう对運動的どうてきかね时间りゅうえき另一个靜止的時鐘之时间流易慢。ざい1971ねん物理ぶつりがく哈菲なんじ(Joe Hafele)あずかもと廷(Richard Keating)做了證明しょうめい們將高度こうど精確せいかくてき原子げんしがねざい機上きじょうにょうちょ世界せかい飛行ひこうしかはた讀到てき時間じかんあずかとめ在地ざいちめんじょう完全かんぜん一樣的時鐘做比較。結果けっかしょうみのるざい機上きじょうてき時間じかんりゅうえきとく實驗じっけんしつさとてき慢。よりどころあいいん斯坦てき理論りろんとう移動いどうてき速度そくどこしかいあいだりゅうえき速度そくどえつ慢,とう移動いどう速度そくどたちいた光速こうそくてきいち半時はんとき時間じかんやく慢13%。
















  1. ^ Oxford Dictionaries:Time. Oxford University Press. 2011 [18 December 2011]. (原始げんし内容ないようそん于2012-07-04). the indefinite continued of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole 
  2. ^ Webster's New World College Dictionary. 2010 [9 April 2011]. (原始げんし内容ないようそん于2011-08-05). 1.indefinite, unlimited duration in which things are considered as happening in the past, present, or future; every moment there has ever been or ever will be… a system of measuring duration 2.the period between two events or during which something exists, happens, or acts; measured or measurable interval 
  3. ^ "Newton did for time what the Greek geometers did for space, idealized it into an exactly measurable dimension." About Time: Einstein's Unfinished Revolution, Paul Davies, p. 31, Simon & Schuster, 1996, ISBN 978-0-684-81822-1
  4. ^ Sean M Carroll. From Eternity to Here: The Quest for the Ultimate Theory of Time. Dutton. 2009. ISBN 978-0-525-95133-9. 
  5. ^ Official Baseball Rules, 2011 Edition. Rules 8.03 and 8.04 (Free PDF download). Major League Baseball. 2011 [7 July 2012]. (原始げんし内容ないようそん (PDF)于2017-07-01). Rule 8.03 Such preparatory pitches shall not consume more than one minute of time...Rule 8.04 When the bases are unoccupied, the pitcher shall deliver the ball to the batter within 12 seconds...The 12-second timing starts when the pitcher is in possession of the ball and the batter is in the box, alert to the pitcher. The timing stops when the pitcher releases the ball 
  6. ^ Guinness Book of Baseball World Records. Guinness World Records, Ltd. [7 July 2012]. (原始げんし内容ないようそん于2012-06-06). The record for the fastest time for circling the bases is 13.3 seconds, set by Evar Swanson at Columbus, Ohio in 1932...The greatest reliably recorded speed at which a baseball has been pitched is 100.9 mph by Lynn Nolan Ryan (California Angels) at Anaheim Stadium in California on 20 August 1974. 
  7. ^ Zeigler, Kenneth. Getting organized at work : 24 lessons to set goals, establish priorities, and manage your time. McGraw-Hill. 2008. ISBN 9780071591386.  108 pages
  8. ^ 引用いんよう错误:ぼつゆう为名为DefRefs01てき参考さんこう文献ぶんけん提供ていきょう内容ないよう
  9. ^ 引用いんよう错误:ぼつゆう为名为Burnhamてき参考さんこう文献ぶんけん提供ていきょう内容ないよう
  10. ^ Cummings, Raymond King. The Girl in the Golden Atom. U of Nebraska Press. 1922: 46 [9 April 2011]. ISBN 978-0-8032-6457-1.  Chapter 5. Cummings repeated this sentence in several of his novellas. Sources, such as this one页面そん档备份そん互联网档あん), attribute it to his earlier work, The Time Professor, in 1921. Before taking book form, several of Cummings's stories appeared serialized in magazines. The first eight chapters of his The Girl in the Golden Atom appeared页面そん档备份そん互联网档あん) in All-Story Magazine on 15 March 1919. In the novel version页面そん档备份そん互联网档あん) the quote about time appears in Chapter V页面そん档备份そん互联网档あん).
  11. ^ International, Rotary. The Rotarian. Published by Rotary International: 47. Aug 1973 [9 April 2011]. ISSN 0035-838X. , What does a man possess? page 47页面そん档备份そん互联网档あん
  12. ^ Daintith, John. Biographical Encyclopedia of Scientists third. CRC Press. 2008: 796 [9 April 2011]. ISBN 1-4200-7271-4. , Page 796, quoting Wheeler from the American Journal of Physics, 1978页面そん档备份そん互联网档あん
  13. ^ Davies, Davies. About time: Einstein's unfinished revolution. Simon & Schuster. 1995: 236 [9 April 2011]. ISBN 0-671-79964-9. 
  14. ^ Leap Seconds. Time Service Department, United States Naval Observatory. [2006-12-31]. (原始げんし内容ないようそん于2012-05-27). 
  15. ^ Markosian, Ned. Time. Edward N. Zalta (编). The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2002 Edition). [23 September 2011]. (原始げんし内容ないようそん于2006-09-14). The opposing view, normally referred to either as “Platonism with Respect to Time” or as “Absolutism with Respect to Time,” has been defended by Plato, Newton, and others. On this view, time is like an empty container into which events may be placed; but it is a container that exists independently of whether or not anything is placed in it. 
  16. ^ Navratil, Gerhard. Research Trends in Geographic Information Science. Springer Japan. 2009: 217 [9 April 2011]. ISBN 3-540-88243-X. (原始げんし内容ないようそん于2014-11-29). 
  17. ^ Mattey, G. J. : UC Davis. Critique of Pure Reason, Lecture notes: Philosophy 175 UC Davis. 22 January 1997 [9 April 2011]. (原始げんし内容ないようそん档于2005ねん3がつ14にち). What is correct in the Leibnizian view was its anti-metaphysical stance. Space and time do not exist in and of themselves, but in some sense are the product of the way we represent things. The[y] are ideal, though not in the sense in which Leibniz thought they are ideal (figments of the imagination). The ideality of space is its mind-dependence: it is only a condition of sensibility.... Kant concluded "absolute space is not an object of outer sensation; it is rather a fundamental concept which first of all makes possible all such outer sensation."...Much of the argumentation pertaining to space is applicable, mutatis mutandis, to time, so I will not rehearse the arguments. As space is the form of outer intuition, so time is the form of inner intuition.... Kant claimed that time is real, it is "the real form of inner intuition." 
  18. ^ McCormick, Matt : California State University, Sacramento. Immanuel Kant (1724–1804) Metaphysics: 4. Kant's Transcendental Idealism. The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 2006 [9 April 2011]. (原始げんし内容ないようそん于2012-10-31). Time, Kant argues, is also necessary as a form or condition of our intuitions of objects. The idea of time itself cannot be gathered from experience because succession and simultaneity of objects, the phenomena that would indicate the passage of time, would be impossible to represent if we did not already possess the capacity to represent objects in time.... Another way to put the point is to say that the fact that the mind of the knower makes the a priori contribution does not mean that space and time or the categories are mere figments of the imagination. Kant is an empirical realist about the world we experience; we can know objects as they appear to us. He gives a robust defense of science and the study of the natural world from his argument about the mind's role in making nature. All discursive, rational beings must conceive of the physical world as spatially and temporally unified, he argues. 
