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Plan change – DIS-2023-1 (Variation 3) - Dunedin City Council

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Dunedin City Council – Kaunihera-a-rohe o Otepoti

Plan change – DIS-2023-1 (Variation 3)

The Dunedin City Council is working on changes to the Second Generation Dunedin City District Plan (2GP) to make minor improvements.


On 2 November 2021, the Planning and Environment Committee approved initiation of Variation 3 to the 2GP. Variation 3 will contain a range of proposals for minor improvements to the 2GP.

The minor improvements being explored include changes to rules to improve their effectiveness or efficiency, minor adjustments to zoning to correct split-zoning, alignment with site boundaries or to provide for established activities, and addition of scheduled items (heritage buildings and trees).

The issues that the minor improvements are intended to fix have mostly been identified through our resource consents team and feedback from other planning and development professionals.

The potential additions to scheduled items are being developed in consultation with Heritage New Zealand and the Southern Heritage Trust.

Variation 3 will not include fundamental changes to methods in the 2GP, such as substantive changes to strategic objectives and policies or reviewing the zoning of land other than for minor adjustments.

The scope of Variation 3 is being limited to ensure efficient progress can be made on the variation alongside other projects within resource and time constraints. The scope of changes is also being managed to ensure the 2GP can become fully operative as soon as possible. Having the 2GP fully operative will provide certainty and reduce the time and costs for many consents.

DCC will be undertaking initial consultation with key stakeholders over the coming months to make sure we have prioritised the right issues and to get initial feedback on options for fixing them.

After the variation is notified in 2024, all proposals will be subject to public submission and further submission processes, which include the right to be heard by a hearing committee.

If you have any questions about the Variation 3 project, please contact the 2GP Variation 3 team by emailing districtplan@dcc.govt.nz or by calling 477 4000.

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