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i Glossary and Abbreviations - Dunedin City Council

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Dunedin City Council – Kaunihera-a-rohe o Otepoti

i Glossary and Abbreviations

50MAX – standard dimension trucks with an additional axle allowing them to be loaded up to 50 tonnes.

ACC – Accident Compensation Corporation.

Accessibility – the time, money, discomfort and risk needed to reach essential services. Low levels of accessibility means that people will generally spend more of their household budget on transport costs. Accessibility is affected by both the quality of the transportation network and by the distribution of land-uses. The Transport Strategy also uses the term ‘accessible’ and ‘accessibility’ in relation to the extent that planning and infrastructure provides for the needs of users with mobility impairments.

Active modes – refers to non-motorised forms of transport involving physical activity, such as walking and cycling.

Amenity – The extent to which a place, experience or service is pleasant, attractive or comfortable. Improved features, facilities or services may contribute to increased amenity.

Asset Management – the combination of management, financial, economic, engineering, and other practices applied to physical assets such as roads and drainage to provide the required level of service in the most cost-effective manner. It includes the management of the whole life cycle (design, construction, commissioning, operating, maintaining, repairing, modifying, replacing and decommissioning/disposal) of physical and infrastructure assets.

CARR – Communities at Risk Register.

Centres – Commercial areas that have high levels of social and economic exchange, based on their being the focus for employment, retail and community, arts and cultural activities in the city, as well as areas of significant DCC investment in amenity features.

Communities at Risk Register – The register developed and maintained by the NZTA which ranks all territorial authorities in New Zealand according to their relative levels of road safety risk.

Connecting New Zealand – The central Government’s broad policy direction for transport.

Council – means the elected members of the Dunedin City Council.

DCC – Dunedin City Council.

Design speed – the speed used to determine the various geometric features of the roadway. The assumed design speed should be consistent with respect to the topography, anticipated operating speed, the adjacent land use, and the functional classification of the road.

DRUF – Dunedin Road User Forum.

EDS – Economic Development Strategy (DCC.

Freight – The transportation of goods or cargo by truck, rail, aircraft or ship.

Goods – Commodities, or physical, tangible items that satisfy some human want or need, or something that people find useful or desirable and make an effort to acquire. In this Strategy the term ‘goods’ refers to the commodities themselves, while the term ‘freight’ refers to the mass transportation of the goods. Goods can also be transported in ways which do not constitute ‘freight’, for example private transportation of small quantities of goods such as taking groceries home from the supermarket.

GPS – Government Policy Statement on land transport funding.

Greenfield – refers to sites that have not been previously developed for urban purposes (e.g. residential, commercial, industrial).

Homogeneous use, Principle of – the principle states that “… where vehicles or road users with great differences in mass have to use the same road space, speeds will have to be so low that, should a crash occur, the most vulnerable road users involved should not sustain fatal injuries. In addition, where traffic is moving at high speeds, road users should be separated physically.”

High Productivity Motor Vehicles (HPMVs) – trucks that exceed the weight (44 tonnes) or length of a vehicle that is allowed to use any road as of right. HPMVs can only operate under permit from the Road Controlling Authority (NZTA and/or the Territorial Authority), and only on roads and bridges that are specified on the permit.

HPMV – High Productivity Motor vehicles.

Infrastructure – The fundamental facilities and physical systems which service a city or region, such as railways, roads, bridges or bike lanes.

Inland port – a physical site located away from traditional land, air and coastal borders where shipping containers, or other freight goods, are transferred between ship and road or rail. The goods are collected from their origins or distributed to their ultimate destinations by road or rail with the transfer happening at the inland site.

Intervention hierarchy – a hierarchy of responses to optimise investment in the road network.

Land use planning – Land use planning is the process of making decisions and regulating the use of land to guide future actions. It involves analysis of population and employment and manages development, infrastructure and services.

Liveability – The way a place supports the quality of life and wellbeing of its residents.

Long Term Plan – is the Council’s 10-year plan adopted under the Local Government Act 2002. The Long Term Plan describes the Council’s activities, community outcomes, financial strategy and accountabilities.

LTMA – Land Transport Management Act 2003.

LTP – Long Term Plan (DCC).

Mode – The type of vehicle or method used for a trip, for example bus, car, motorbike, bicycle or walking.

Network Operating Plan – a plan that prioritises transport modes across the road network according to route and time of day in order to address the demands and conflicts of multiple users within limited road space.

NLTF – National Land Transport Fund.

NLTP – National Land Transport Programme.

NOP – Network Operating Plan.

NZTA – New Zealand Transport Authority.

Older drivers/road users – refers to drivers/road users aged over 65 years.

One-way system – refers to State Highway 1 between Great King Street and Andersons Bay Road.

Over-dimension routes – designated routes for vehicles that exceed the standard regulations for width, length and/or height, as they are unable to access all parts of the network.

ORC – Otago Regional Council.

Place based planning – integrated planning of Council activities and programmes for a centre or precinct, in collaboration with the community.

Precinct – A geographical area with boundaries determined by land use, for example, the Tertiary Precinct and the Warehouse Precinct.

RCA – Road Controlling Authority.

Resilience – means the ability to recover quickly from disturbances or setbacks and react to potential crises.

RLTS – Regional Land Transport Strategy (ORC).

Road capacity – the ability of a road to accommodate traffic volume, usually expressed in vehicles per hour or vehicles per day.

Road user hierarchy – refers to a hierarchy that is used to plan and design the transport network to ensure the needs of the most vulnerable road users are considered early in the design phase.

RoNS – Roads of National Significance.

Safer Journeys – The central Government’s road safety strategy 2010-20.

Safe System Approach – aims to address risk and improve road safety through a mixture of engineering, education and enforcement measures across the ‘four pillars’ of the Safe System (namely Safe Use, Safe Speeds, Safe Roads and Roadsides, and Safe Vehicles).

SCN – Strategic Cycle Network.

Second Generation District Plan – is the second district plan to be produced under the Resource Management Act 1991. The current Dunedin City District Plan (2006) is the first generation plan.

SH – State Highway

Single-occupant vehicle – privately operated vehicle whose only occupant is the driver.

Social exclusion – Social exclusion is the process of being shut out from the social, economic, political and cultural systems which contribute to the integration of a person into the community

Spatial Plan – sets the strategic direction for Dunedin’s growth and development. It outlines a broad set of principles, strategic directions, policies, and actions and visually illustrates how the city may develop in the future. It will be used to guide land-use planning in the city as well as influencing how future infrastructure and services may be provided or limited.

Streetscape – the visual elements of a street, including the road, adjoining buildings, street furniture, trees and open spaces that combine to form the street’s character.

STSG – School Traffic Safety Group.

Sustainable – Designed to meet present needs while also taking into account future costs, including costs to the environment and depletion of resources.

Sustainable transport – refers to any means of transport with low impact on the environment, and includes walking, cycling and public transport, and can also be extended to include car pooling, car sharing and use of electric or other ‘clean fuel’ vehicles.

SWS – Social Wellbeing Strategy (DCC).

TA – Territorial Authority.

Territorial Authority – A generic term for all New Zealand’s City and District councils.

Tertiary Precinct – the area encompassing the University of Otago and Otago Polytechnic, as defined in Dunedin’s Spatial Plan.

Townships – are the outlying residential settlements that have a centre and a range of community facilities and services. Townships include Mosgiel, Waikouaiti, Port Chalmers, Waitati, Middlemarch, Outram, Brighton, and Portobello.

Traffic calming – is the use of mainly physical measures to slow down or reduce motor-vehicle traffic, to improve the safety for pedestrians and cyclists as well as the living conditions for residents living along the road.

Transport equity – Where access to transport is equally distributed, and low income earners, the elderly and the unemployed have equal opportunities for employment, recreational and social activities.

Transport optimisation – maximising the performance and capacity of the existing network to make it more cost-effective and potentially minimise the need for major investment in new infrastructure.

Unitary Authority – A territorial authority (district or city) which also performs the functions of a regional council, such as Auckland Council, Nelson City and Tasman District.

Urban sprawl – refers to the expansion of car dependent, low-density residential development.

Vulnerable road users – are those who do not have a protective ‘shell’ around them and are more likely to experience serious injury or death in a crash. This includes pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists of all ages.

Warehouse Precinct – the area bounded by Rattray Street, Cumberland Street, Police Street and Bond Street.

Wheeled pedestrians – include people using wheelchairs, mobility scooters and skateboards.

YCOF – Your City, Our Future

Young drivers – refers to drivers aged 15–24 years.

Your City, Our Future – Community consultation conducted in 2010-11.

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