(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
HOLY BIBLE: Isaiah 37  
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Isaiah 37

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1 κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἐγένετο ἐνにゅー τたうῷ ἀκかっぱοおみくろんσしぐまαあるふぁιいおた τたうνにゅー βασιλέα Εζεκιαν ἔσχισεν τたうὰ ἱμάτια κかっぱαあるふぁὶ σάκκον περιεβάλετο κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἀνέβη εいぷしろんἰς τたうνにゅー οおみくろんκかっぱοおみくろんνにゅー κυρίου 2 κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἀπέστειλεν Ελιακιμ τたうνにゅー οおみくろんἰκονόμον κかっぱαあるふぁὶ Σομναν τたうνにゅー γραμματέα κかっぱαあるふぁτたうοおみくろんὺς πρεσβυτέρους τたうνにゅー ἱερέων περιβεβλημένους σάκκους πぱいρろーὸς Ηいーたσしぐまαあるふぁιいおたαあるふぁνにゅー υうぷしろんἱὸνにゅー Αμως τたうνにゅー προφήτην 3 κかっぱαあるふぁεいぷしろんπぱいαあるふぁνにゅー αあるふぁτたうῷ τάδε λέγει Εζεκιας ἡμέρα θλίψεως κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ὀνειδισμοῦ κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἐλεγμοῦ κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ὀρろーγがんまῆς ἡ σήμερον ἡμέρα ὅτたうιいおた ἥκει ἡ ὠδでるたνにゅー τたうῇ τικτούσῃ ἰσしぐまχかいνにゅー δでるたοおみくろんκかっぱχかいεいぷしろんιいおた τたうοおみくろんῦ τεκεῖνにゅー 4 εいぷしろんἰσακούσαι κύριος ὁ θεός σしぐまοおみくろんυうぷしろん τたうοおみくろんὺς λόγους Ραψακου οおみくろんὓς ἀπέστειλεν βασιλεὺς Ἀσσυρίων ὀνειδίζειν θしーたεいぷしろんνにゅー ζぜーたνにゅーτたうαあるふぁ κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ὀνειδίζειν λόγους οおみくろんὓς ἤκουσεν κύριος ὁ θεός σしぐまοおみくろんυうぷしろん κかっぱαあるふぁὶ δεηθήσῃ πぱいρろーὸς κύριον τたうνにゅー θεόν σしぐまοおみくろんυうぷしろん πぱいεいぷしろんρろーτたうνにゅー καταλελειμμένων τούτων 1 No sooner had king Ezechias heard it, than he tore his garments open, and put on sackcloth, and went into the house of the Lord.[1] 2 Meanwhile, he sent word to the prophet Isaias, son of Amos. Eliacim, the controller of the household, and Sobna, the scribe, and some of the older priests, went on this errand. 3 Here is a message for thee, they said, from Ezechias. Troublous times have come upon us; times to make us mend our ways, or else blaspheme God.[2] What remedy, when children come to the birth, and the mother has no strength to bear them? 4 Unless indeed the Lord God should take cognizance of what Rabsaces has been saying, Rabsaces, who was sent here by his master, the king of Assyria, to blaspheme the living God. Surely the Lord thy God has listened to the reproaches he uttered. Raise thy voice, then, in prayer for the poor remnant that is left. 1 Et factum est, cum audisset rex Ezechias, scidit vestimenta sua, et obvolutus est sacco, et intravit in domum Domini. 2 Et misit Eliacim, qui erat super domum, et Sobnam scribam, et seniores de sacerdotibus, opertos saccis, ad Isaiam, filium Amos, prophetam, 3 et dixerunt ad eum: Hæc dicit Ezechias: Dies tribulationis, et correptionis, et blasphemiæ, dies hæc; quia venerunt filii usque ad partum, et virtus non est pariendi. 4 Si quomodo audiat Dominus Deus tuus verba Rabsacis, quem misit rex Assyriorum dominus suus ad blasphemandum Deum viventem et exprobrandum sermonibus quos audivit Dominus Deus tuus: leva ergo orationem pro reliquiis quæ repertæ sunt.
5 κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἦλθον οおみくろんπぱいαあるふぁῖδες τたうοおみくろんῦ βασιλέως πぱいρろーὸς Ηいーたσしぐまαあるふぁιいおたαあるふぁνにゅー 6 κかっぱαあるふぁεいぷしろんπぱいεいぷしろんνにゅー αあるふぁτたうοおみくろんῖς Ησαιας οおみくろんὕτως ἐρろーεいぷしろんτたうεいぷしろん πぱいρろーὸς τたうνにゅー κύριον ὑμみゅーνにゅー τάδε λέγει κύριος μみゅーὴ φοβηθῇς ἀπぱいτたうνにゅー λόγων ὧνにゅー ἤκουσας οおみくろんὓς ὠνείδισάν μみゅーεいぷしろん οおみくろんἱ πρέσβεις βασιλέως Ἀσσυρίων 7 δでるたοおみくろんὺ ἐγがんまὼ ἐμβαλῶ εいぷしろんἰς αあるふぁτたうνにゅー πぱいνにゅーεいぷしろんμみゅーαあるふぁ κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἀκούσας ἀγγελίαν ἀποστραφήσεται εいぷしろんἰς τたうνにゅー χώραν αあるふぁτたうοおみくろんκかっぱαあるふぁὶ πεσεῖτたうαあるふぁιいおた μαχαίρᾳ ἐνにゅー τたうγがんまαあるふぁτたうοおみくろん 5 Thus visited by the servants of Ezechias, 6 Isaias answered, Give your master this message. Do not be dismayed, the Lord says, at hearing the blasphemies which the courtiers of the Assyrian king have uttered against me. 7 See if I do not put him in such a mind, see if I do not make him hear such news, as will send him back to his own country. And when he reaches his own country, I will give the word, and the sword shall make an end of him. 5 Et venerunt servi regis Ezechiæ ad Isaiam. 6 Et dixit ad eos Isaias: Hæc dicetis domino vestro: Hæc dicit Dominus: Ne timeas a facie verborum quæ audisti, quibus blasphemaverunt pueri regis Assyriorum me. 7 Ecce ego dabo ei spiritum, et audiet nuntium, et revertetur ad terram suam, et corruere eum faciam gladio in terra sua.
8 κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἀπέστρεψεν Ραψακης κかっぱαあるふぁὶ κατέλαβεν πολιορκοῦνにゅーτたうαあるふぁ τたうνにゅー βασιλέα Λらむだοおみくろんμみゅーνにゅーαあるふぁνにゅー κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἤκουσεν βασιλεὺς Ἀσσυρίων ὅτたうιいおた 9 ξくしーῆλθεν Θしーたαあるふぁρろーαあるふぁκかっぱαあるふぁ βασιλεὺς Αあるふぁἰθιόπων πολιορκῆσしぐまαあるふぁιいおた αあるふぁὐτόν κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἀκούσας ἀπέστρεψεν κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἀπέστειλεν ἀγγέλους πぱいρろーὸς Εζεκιαν λέγων 10 οおみくろんὕτως ἐρろーεいぷしろんτたうεいぷしろん Εζεκια βασιλεῖ τたうῆς Ιουδαίας μή σしぐまεいぷしろん ἀπατάτω ὁ θεός σしぐまοおみくろんυうぷしろん ἐ{F'} ᾧ πεποιθὼς εいぷしろんἶ ἐ{P'} αあるふぁτたうῷ λέγων οおみくろんμみゅーὴ παραδοθῇ Ιερουσαλημ εいぷしろんἰς χかいεいぷしろんῖρας βασιλέως Ἀσσυρίων 11 οおみくろんκかっぱ ἤκουσας ἃ ἐποίησαν βασιλεῖς Ἀσσυρίων πぱいσしぐまαあるふぁνにゅー τたうνにゅー γがんまνにゅー ὡς ἀπώλεσαν 12 μみゅーὴ ἐρρύσαντο αあるふぁτたうοおみくろんὺς οおみくろんἱ θεοὶ τたうνにゅーθしーたνにゅーνにゅー οおみくろんὓς οおみくろんἱ πατέρες μみゅーοおみくろんυうぷしろん ἀπώλεσαν τήν τたうεいぷしろん Γがんまωおめがζぜーたαあるふぁνにゅー κかっぱαあるふぁὶ Χαρραν κかっぱαあるふぁὶ Ραφες αあるふぁεいぷしろんσしぐまιいおたνにゅーνにゅー χώρᾳ Θεμαδ 13 πぱいοおみくろんεいぷしろんσしぐまιいおたνにゅー οおみくろんἱ βασιλεῖς Αあるふぁιいおたμみゅーαあるふぁθしーた κかっぱαあるふぁὶ Αρφαθ κかっぱαあるふぁὶ πόλεως Σεπφαριμ Αあるふぁνにゅーαあるふぁγがんま Οおみくろんυうぷしろんγがんまαあるふぁυうぷしろんαあるふぁ 8 And now Rabsaces went back to find the king of the Assyrians before Lobna, hearing that he had raised the siege of Lachis. 9 News had come that Taracha, king of the Ethiopians, was on his way to do battle with him. And the king, when he heard the report, despatched messengers to Ezechias; 10 Give this warning, he said, to Ezechias, king of Juda. Do not let the God in whom thou puttest such confidence deceive thee with false hopes, telling thee that Jerusalem will never be allowed to fall into the hands of the Assyrian king. 11 What, hast thou not heard what the kings of Assyria have done to the nations everywhere, destroying them utterly? And what hope hast thou of deliverance? 12 What saving power had the gods of those old peoples my fathers overthrew, Gozam, and Haram, and Repheth, and the race of Eden who lived in Thalassar? 13 Where are they, the kings of Emath, and Arphad, the kings who governed the city of Sepharvaim, and Ana, and Ava? 8 Reversus est autem Rabsaces, et invenit regem Assyriorum præliantem adversus Lobnam: audierat enim quia profectus esset de Lachis. 9 Et audivit de Tharaca rege Æthiopiæ, dicentes: Egressus est ut pugnet contra te. Quod cum audisset, misit nuntios ad Ezechiam, dicens: 10 Hæc dicetis Ezechiæ regi Judæ, loquentes: Non te decipiat Deus tuus in quo tu confidis, dicens: Non dabitur Jerusalem in manu regis Assyriorum. 11 Ecce tu audisti omnia quæ fecerunt reges Assyriorum omnibus terris, quas subverterunt: et tu poteris liberari? 12 Numquid eruerunt eos dii gentium quos subverterunt patres mei, Gozam, et Haram, et Reseph, et filios Eden qui erant in Thalassar? 13 Ubi est rex Emath, et rex Arphad, et rex urbis Sepharvaim, Ana, et Ava?
14 κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἔλαβεν Εζεκιας τたうὸ βιβλίον πぱいαあるふぁρろーτたうνにゅー ἀγγέλων κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἤνοιξεν αあるふぁτたうὸ ἐναντίον κυρίου 15 κかっぱαあるふぁὶ προσεύξατο Εζεκιας πぱいρろーὸς κύριον λέγων 16 κύριε σαβαωθ ὁ θしーたεいぷしろんὸς Ισραηλ ὁ καθήμενος ἐπぱいτたうνにゅー χερουβιν σしぐまθしーたεいぷしろんὸς μόνος εいぷしろんἶ πάσης βασιλείας τたうῆς οおみくろんἰκουμένης σしぐまὺ ἐποίησας τたうνにゅー οおみくろんὐρανὸνにゅー κかっぱαあるふぁτたうνにゅー γがんまνにゅー 17 εいぷしろんἰσάκουσον κύριε εいぷしろんἴσβλεψον κύριε κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἰδでるたτたうοおみくろんὺς λόγους οおみくろんὓς ἀπέστειλεν Σενναχηριμ ὀνειδίζειν θしーたεいぷしろんνにゅー ζぜーたνにゅーτたうαあるふぁ 18 ἐ{P'} ἀληθείας γがんまρろー ἠρήμωσαν βασιλεῖς Ἀσσυρίων τたうνにゅー οおみくろんἰκουμένην ὅλらむだηいーたνにゅー κかっぱαあるふぁτたうνにゅー χώραν αあるふぁτたうνにゅー 19 κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἐνέβαλον τたうεいぷしろんἴδωλα αあるふぁτたうνにゅー εいぷしろんἰς τたうπぱいρろー οおみくろんγがんまρろー θしーたεいぷしろんοおみくろんὶ ἦσしぐまαあるふぁνにゅーλらむだλらむだὰ ἔργα χかいεいぷしろんιいおたρろーνにゅー ἀνθρώπων ξύλα κかっぱαあるふぁὶ λίθοι κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἀπώλεσαν αあるふぁὐτούς 20 σしぐまὺ δέ κύριε ὁ θしーたεいぷしろんὸς ἡμみゅーνにゅー σしぐまσしぐまοおみくろんνにゅーμみゅーᾶς ἐκかっぱ χかいεいぷしろんιいおたρろーὸς αあるふぁτたうνにゅーνにゅーαあるふぁ γがんまνにゅーπぱいσしぐまαあるふぁ βασιλεία τたうῆς γがんまῆς ὅτたうιいおた σしぐまεいぷしろんἶ ὁ θしーたεいぷしろんὸς μόνος 14 These despatches were handed by the messengers to Ezechias, and when he had read them, he went up into the house of the Lord, and held them out open in the Lord’s presence. 15 And this was the prayer which Ezechias made to the Lord: 16 Lord of hosts, God of Israel, who hast thy throne above the cherubim, thou alone art God over all the kingdoms of the world, heaven and earth are of thy fashioning. 17 Give ear, Lord, and listen; open thy eyes, Lord, and see; do not let Sennacherib’s words go unheard, these blasphemies he has uttered against the living God. 18 It is true, Lord, that the kings of Assyria have brought ruin on whole nations, and the lands they lived in, 19 and thrown their gods into the fire; but these were in truth no gods; men had made them, of wood or stone, and men could break them. 20 Now it is for thee, O Lord our God, to rescue us from the invader, and shew all the kingdoms of the world there is no other Lord, save thee. 14 Et tulit Ezechias libros de manu nuntiorum, et legit eos, et ascendit in domum Domini, et expandit eos Ezechias coram Domino: 15 et oravit Ezechias ad Dominum, dicens: 16 Domine exercituum, Deus Israël, qui sedes super cherubim, tu es Deus solus omnium regnorum terræ: tu fecisti cælum et terram. 17 Inclina, Domine, aurem tuam, et audi; aperi, Domine, oculos tuos, et vide: et audi omnia verba Sennacherib, quæ misit ad blasphemandum Deum viventem. 18 Vere enim, Domine, desertas fecerunt reges Assyriorum terras, et regiones earum, 19 et dederunt deos earum igni: non enim erant dii, sed opera manuum hominum, lignum et lapis, et comminuerunt eos. 20 Et nunc, Domine Deus noster, salva nos de manu ejus, et cognoscant omnia regna terræ quia tu es Dominus solus.
21 κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἀπεστάλη Ησαιας υうぷしろんἱὸς Αμως πぱいρろーὸς Εζεκιαν κかっぱαあるふぁεいぷしろんπぱいεいぷしろんνにゅー αあるふぁτたうῷ τάδε λέγει κύριος ὁ θしーたεいぷしろんὸς Ισραηλ ἤκουσα ἃ προσηύξω πρός μみゅーεいぷしろん πぱいεいぷしろんρろーὶ Σενναχηριμ βασιλέως Ἀσσυρίων 22 οおみくろんὗτος ὁ λόγος ὃνにゅー ἐλάλησεν πぱいεいぷしろんρろーαあるふぁτたうοおみくろんῦ ὁ θεός ἐφαύλισέν σしぐまεいぷしろん κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἐμυκτήρισέν σしぐまεいぷしろん παρθένος θυγάτηρ Σしぐまιいおたωおめがνにゅーπぱいσしぐまοおみくろんὶ κεφαλὴνにゅー ἐκίνησεν θυγάτηρ Ιερουσαλημ 23 τίνα ὠνείδισας κかっぱαあるふぁὶ παρώξυνας ἢ πぱいρろーὸς τίνα ὕψωσας τたうνにゅー φωνήν σしぐまοおみくろんυうぷしろん κかっぱαあるふぁοおみくろんκかっぱ ἦρας εいぷしろんἰς ὕψος τたうοおみくろんὺς ὀφθαλμούς σしぐまοおみくろんυうぷしろん εいぷしろんἰς τたうνにゅー ἅγιον τたうοおみくろんῦ Ισραηλ 24 τたうιいおた δでるた{I'} ἀγγέλων ὠνείδισας κύριον σしぐまγがんまρろー εいぷしろんἶπας τたうῷ πλήθει τたうνにゅー ἁρμάτων ἐγがんまὼ ἀνέβην εいぷしろんἰς ὕψος ὀρέων κかっぱαあるふぁεいぷしろんἰς τたうὰ ἔσχατα τたうοおみくろんῦ Λιβάνου κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἔκοψα τたうὸ ὕψος τたうῆς κέδρου αあるふぁτたうοおみくろんκかっぱαあるふぁτたうὸ κάλλος τたうῆς κυπαρίσσου κかっぱαあるふぁεいぷしろんσしぐまῆλθον εいぷしろんἰς ὕψος μέρους τたうοおみくろんῦ δρυμοῦ 25 κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἔθηκα γέφυραν κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἠρήμωσα ὕδατα κかっぱαあるふぁπぱいσしぐまαあるふぁνにゅー συναγωγὴνにゅー ὕδατος 21 Then Isaias, son of Amos, sent word to Ezechias, A message to thee from the Lord, the God of Israel, in answer to the prayer thou hast made to him about Sennacherib, king of the Assyrians. 22 This is what the Lord has to say of him: See how she mocks thee, flouts thee, Sion, the virgin city! Jerusalem, proud maiden, follows thee with her eyes and tosses her head in scorn. 23 So thou wouldst hurl insults, and blaspheme, and talk boastfully, and brave it out with disdainful looks, against whom? Against the Holy One of Israel. 24 In thy name, these servants of thine have hurled insults at the Lord. It was thy dream that thou hadst scaled, with those chariots of thine, the mountain heights, the slopes of Lebanon; and now thou wouldst cut down its tall cedars, its noble fir-trees, till thou couldst reach the very summit of the ascent, the garden its woods enclosed. 25 Thou wouldst dig wells and drink wherever it pleased thee, thou wouldst dry up, in thy march, the banked channels of the Nile.[3] 21 Et misit Isaias, filius Amos, ad Ezechiam, dicens: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus Israël: Pro quibus rogasti me de Sennacherib, rege Assyriorum, 22 hoc est verbum quod locutus est Dominus super eum:

Despexit te et subsannavit te,
virgo filia Sion;
post te caput movit,
filia Jerusalem.
Cui exprobrasti? et quem blasphemasti?
et super quem exaltasti vocem,
et levasti altitudinem oculorum tuorum?
ad Sanctum Israël.
In manu servorum tuorum exprobrasti Domino,
et dixisti: In multitudine quadrigarum mearum
ego ascendi altitudinem montium juga Libani;
et succidam excelsa cedrorum ejus,
et electas abietes illius,
et introibo altitudinem summitatis ejus,
saltum Carmeli ejus.
Ego fodi, et bibi aquam,
et exsiccavi vestigio pedis mei
omnes rivos aggerum.
26 οおみくろんτたうαあるふぁτたうαあるふぁ ἤκουσας πάλαι ἃ ἐγがんまὼ ἐποίησα ἐξくしー ἀρχαίων ἡμερῶνにゅー συνέταξα νにゅーνにゅー δでるたὲ ἐπέδειξα ἐξερημῶσαι ἔθしーたνにゅーηいーたνにゅー ὀχυροῖς κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἐνοικοῦντας ἐνにゅー πόλεσιν ὀχυραῖς 27 νにゅーκかっぱαあるふぁ τたうὰς χかいεいぷしろんῖρας κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἐξηράνθησαν κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἐγένοντο ὡς χόρτος ξくしーηいーたρろーὸς ἐπぱいὶ δωμάτων κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ὡς ἄγρωστις 28 νにゅーνにゅー δでるたτたうνにゅー ἀνάπαυσίν σしぐまοおみくろんυうぷしろん κかっぱαあるふぁτたうνにゅー ἔξοδόν σしぐまοおみくろんυうぷしろん κかっぱαあるふぁτたうνにゅー εいぷしろんἴσοδόν σしぐまοおみくろんυうぷしろんγがんまὼ ἐπίσταμαι 29 δでるたὲ θυμός σしぐまοおみくろんυうぷしろんνにゅー ἐθυμώθης κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἡ πικρία σしぐまοおみくろんυうぷしろん ἀνέβη πρός μみゅーεいぷしろん κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἐμβαλῶ φιμὸνにゅー εいぷしろんἰς τたうνにゅー ῥῖνά σしぐまοおみくろんυうぷしろん κかっぱαあるふぁὶ χαλινὸνにゅー εいぷしろんἰς τたうὰ χείλη σしぐまοおみくろんυうぷしろん κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἀποστρέψω σしぐまεいぷしろん τたうῇ ὁδでるたῷ ᾗ ἦλθες ἐνにゅー αあるふぁτたう 26 What, hast thou not heard how I dealt with this people in time past? This present design, too, is one I have formed long since, and am now carrying out; such a design as brings with it ruin for the mountain-fastnesses, the walled cities that fight against thee. 27 Sure enough, they were overawed and discomfited, the puny garrisons that held them; frail as meadow grass or mountain pasturage, or the stalks that grow on the house-top, withering before they can ripen. 28 But I am watching thee where thou dwellest, thy comings and goings, thy raving talk against me. 29 Yes, I have listened to the ravings of thy pride against me, and now a ring for thy nose, a twitch of the bridle in thy mouth, and back thou goest by the way thou didst come. 26
Numquid non audisti quæ olim fecerim ei?
Ex diebus antiquis ego plasmavi illud;
et nunc adduxi,
et factum est in eradicationem collium compugnantium,
et civitatum munitarum.
Habitatores earum breviata manu
contremuerunt, et confusi sunt.
Facti sunt sicut fœnum agri,
et gramen pascuæ,
et herba tectorum,
quæ exaruit antequam maturesceret.
Habitationem tuam, et egressum tuum,
et introitum tuum cognovi,
et insaniam tuam contra me.
Cum fureres adversum me,
superbia tua ascendit in aures meas.
Ponam ergo circulum in naribus tuis,
et frenum in labiis tuis,
et reducam te in viam
per quem venisti.
30 τたうοおみくろんτたうοおみくろん δέ σしぐまοおみくろんιいおた τたうὸ σημεῖοおみくろんνにゅー φάγε τたうοおみくろんτたうοおみくろんνにゅー τたうνにゅー ἐνιαυτὸνにゅー ἃ ἔσπαρκας τたうδでるたὲ ἐνιαυτῷ τたうῷ δευτέρῳ τたうὸ κατάλειμμα τたうδでるたὲ τρίτῳ σπείραντες ἀμήσατε κかっぱαあるふぁὶ φυτεύσατε ἀμπελῶνας κかっぱαあるふぁὶ φάγεσθε τたうνにゅー κかっぱαあるふぁρろーπぱいνにゅー αあるふぁτたうνにゅー 31 κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἔσονται οおみくろんἱ καταλελειμμένοι ἐνにゅー τたうῇ Ιουδαίᾳ φυήσουσιν ῥίζαν κάτω κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ποιήσουσιν σπέρμα ἄνにゅーωおめが 32 τたうιいおたξくしー Ιερουσαλημ ἐξελεύσονται οおみくろんἱ καταλελειμμένοι κかっぱαあるふぁοおみくろんσしぐまῳζόμενοι ἐξくしー ὄρους Σしぐまιいおたωおめがνにゅーζぜーたῆλος κυρίου σしぐまαあるふぁβべーたαあるふぁωおめがθしーた ποιήσει τたうαあるふぁτたうαあるふぁ 33 δでるたιいおたτたうοおみくろんτたうοおみくろん οおみくろんὕτως λέγει κύριος ἐπぱいὶ βασιλέα Ἀσσυρίων οおみくろんμみゅーεいぷしろんἰσέλθῃ εいぷしろんἰς τたうνにゅー πόλιν ταύτην οおみくろんδでるたμみゅーὴ βάλῃ ἐ{P'} αあるふぁτたうνにゅー βέλος οおみくろんδでるたμみゅーὴ ἐπιβάλῃ ἐ{P'} αあるふぁτたうνにゅー θしーたυうぷしろんρろーεいぷしろんνにゅー οおみくろんδでるたμみゅーὴ κυκλώσῃ ἐ{P'} αあるふぁτたうνにゅー χάρακα 34 λらむだλらむだτたうῇ ὁδでるたῷ ᾗ ἦλθεν ἐνにゅー αあるふぁτたうῇ ἀποστραφήσεται τάδε λέγει κύριος 35 ὑπερασπιῶ ὑπぱいρろー τたうῆς πόλεως ταύτης τたうοおみくろんσしぐまσしぐまαあるふぁιいおた αあるふぁτたうνにゅー δでるた{I'} ἐμみゅーκかっぱαあるふぁδでるたιいおたὰ Δαυιδ τたうνにゅー πぱいαあるふぁῖδά μみゅーοおみくろんυうぷしろん 30 Here is a test for thee, Ezechias, of the truth of my prophecy; this year thou must be content to eat the aftergrowth, and next year wild things shall be thy food; in the third year you may sow and reap, plant vineyards and eat the fruit of them.[4] 31 A remnant of Juda’s race will be saved, and this remnant will strike root deep in earth, bear fruit high in air; 32 yes, it is from Jerusalem the remnant will come, from mount Sion that we shall win salvation; so tenderly he loves us, the Lord of hosts. 33 This, then, is what the Lord has to tell thee about the king of the Assyrians; he shall never enter this city, or shoot an arrow into it; no shield-protected host shall storm it, no earthworks shall be cast up around it. 34 He will go back the way he came, and never enter into this city, the Lord says; 35 I will keep guard over this city and deliver it, for my own honour and for the honour of my servant David. 30 Tibi autem hoc erit signum: comede hoc anno quæ sponte nascuntur, et in anno secundo pomis vescere; in anno autem tertio seminate et metite, et plantate vineas, et comedite fructum earum. 31 Et mittet id quod salvatum fuerit de domo Juda, et quod reliquum est, radicem deorsum, et faciet fructum sursum: 32 quia de Jerusalem exibunt reliquiæ, et salvatio de monte Sion: zelus Domini exercituum faciet istud. 33 Propterea hæc dicit Dominus de rege Assyriorum:

Non intrabit civitatem hanc,
et non jaciet ibi sagittam,
et non occupabit eam clypeus,
et non mittet in circuitu ejus aggerem.
In via qua venit, per eam revertetur,
et civitatem hanc non ingredietur, dicit Dominus.
Et protegam civitatem istam, ut salvem eam
propter me, et propter David, servum meum.
36 κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἐξくしーῆλθεν ἄγγελος κυρίου κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἀνにゅーεいぷしろんλらむだεいぷしろんνにゅーκかっぱ τたうῆς παρεμβολῆς τたうνにゅー Ἀσσυρίων ἑκατὸνにゅー ὀγδοήκοντα πέντε χιλιάδας κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἐξαναστάντες τたうὸ πρωὶ εいぷしろんρろーοおみくろんνにゅー πάντα τたうὰ σώματα νεκρά 37 κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἀποστραφεὶς ἀπぱいῆλθεν βασιλεὺς Ἀσσυρίων κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ᾤκησεν ἐνにゅー Νにゅーιいおたνにゅーεいぷしろんυうぷしろんηいーた 38 κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἐνにゅー τたうαあるふぁτたうνにゅー προσκυνεῖνにゅーνにゅー τたうοおみくろんκかっぱῳ Νασαραχ τたうνにゅー παταχρον αあるふぁτたうοおみくろんῦ Αδραμελεχ κかっぱαあるふぁὶ Σαρασαρ οおみくろんυうぷしろんοおみくろんαあるふぁτたうοおみくろんῦ ἐπάταξαν αあるふぁτたうνにゅー μαχαίραις αあるふぁτたうοおみくろんδでるたὲ διεσώθησαν εいぷしろんἰς Ἀρμενίαν κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἐβασίλευσεν Ασορδαν ὁ υうぷしろんἱὸς αあるふぁτたうοおみくろんῦ ἀνにゅー{T'} αあるふぁτたうοおみくろん 36 It was after this that an angel of the Lord went out on his errand, and smote down a hundred and eighty-five thousand men in the Assyrian camp; when morning came, and men were astir, nothing was to be seen but the corpses of the dead. 37 So Sennacherib, king of the Assyrians, broke up camp, and took the road, and was gone; nor did he leave Ninive again. 38 And one day, when he was at worship in the temple of his god Nosroch, two sons of his, Adramelech and Sarasar, drew their swords on him, and so escaped into the land of Ararat; and the kingdom passed to his son Asarhaddon. 36 Egressus est autem angelus Domini, et percussit in castris Assyriorum centum octoginta quinque millia. Et surrexerunt mane, et ecce omnes cadavera mortuorum. 37 Et egressus est, et abiit, et reversus est Sennacherib, rex Assyriorum, et habitavit in Ninive. 38 Et factum est, cum adoraret in templo Nesroch deum suum, Adramelech et Sarasar, filii ejus, percusserunt eum gladio, fugeruntque in terram Ararat; et regnavit Asarhaddon, filius ejus, pro eo.
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