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腾格さと信仰しんこうこれ突厥じんこうむ古人こじん匈人匈奴きょうどひとしちゅうゆうまき民族みんぞくてき传统信仰しんこう[1],带有萨满きょう泛灵信仰しんこう图腾崇拜すうはい祖先そせん崇拜すうはい色彩しきさい。腾格さと信仰しんこういちかみ思想しそう为主[2][3]崇拜すうはい中心ちゅうしんしん腾格さと突厥语𐱅𐰭𐰼𐰃ẗŋr̈y→täŋri、täŋäriあるtäŋiri保加ほかとぎТангра Tangraみみ其語Tanrıこうむᠲᠩᠷᠢ TngriえいTngriいたる斡爾:tangar /təŋgər/[4]哈萨かつ:تاڭىر Тәңір かい鶻語 /tängri/;維吾なんじ:تەڭرى tengri[5])。きさきよし于受到佛教ぶっきょう印度いんどきょうとうかげ响,腾格さとじょうかく称呼しょうこ分裂ぶんれつなり为众かみ灵,17せい纪后甚至现“きゅうじゅうきゅう腾格さとてき说法,ゆう学者がくしゃいん而称为“いちかみ论和かみてき结合”[6]ざいおうしゅう萨人保加ほか尔人马扎尔人[7]おもねかわら尔人也曾信仰しんこう腾格さと[8]。腾格さと信仰しんこう也是历史上しじょう突厥あせこく西にし突厥あせこくきゅう大保たいほ保加ほかとぎ亚第いち帝国ていこくてき主要しゅよう宗教しゅうきょう

“腾格さといち词最早出そうしゅつ匈奴きょうどざい中国ちゅうごく古代こだい典籍てんせきちゅううつしさく“撑犁”[9][10]。“腾格さと”,古代こだいちゅう亚游牧民ぼくみんぞく对于てんてき称呼しょうこあずか突厥同族どうぞくてき敕勒发展りょう“苍天”(Koke Tengri;こうむ语:Khukh Tengri)てき概念がいねん[11],而蒙古人こじんはたこうむ哥·腾格さと(突厥语:Mangu Tangri;こうむ语:Mongke Tangri,汉语译作长生てんさく为最だか信仰しんこう。现代みみ其语也称腾格さと信仰しんこう为“Göktanrı dini”,为“天神てんじんきょう”,语源こうむ语的“Khukh Tengri”,そく“苍天”[12]


腾格さと信仰しんこうざい其各しん众部ぞくちゅう逐渐斯兰きょうぞう佛教ぶっきょうあまきょう[13]基督教きりすときょうひとしつよ势宗きょうだいただし20せい纪90年代ねんだいおこり苏联解体かいたいおこりちゅう亚新建立こんりゅうてき突厥语族共和きょうわこくまた开始おもしん推崇这种传统信仰しんこう[14][15]ざいにわか罗斯西伯さいはくとぎてき萨哈共和きょうわこく鞑靼斯坦共和きょうわこく布里ふり亚特共和きょうわこく图瓦共和きょうわこく等地とうち也有やゆう复苏迹象,ただしあずかすんでゆう信仰しんこう冲突[16]よし尔吉斯共和国わこくてきぜん政府せいふなりいたる斯坦·薩里らくおっとえいDastan Sarygulov成立せいりつりょう“腾格さと军”(Tengir Ordo),むねざいせん传腾かくさと信仰しんこうてき传统价值;还领导有一个声称有50万名信众的腾格里社群,支持しじこく际腾かくさと信仰しんこうてき研究けんきゅう[17]

こうむ薩滿信仰しんこうえいMongolian shamanismこうむ语:Бөө мөргөл Böö mörgöl)以腾かくさと信仰しんこう为核しん,也常つね直接ちょくせつしょう为“腾格さと信仰しんこうある“腾格さときょう”(Tengrism)[18][19]



  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Rona-Tas, Andras; András, Róna-Tas. Hungarians and Europe in the Early Middle Ages: An Introduction to Early Hungarian History. Central European University Press. 1999-03: 151 [2020-08-24]. ISBN 978-963-9116-48-1. (原始げんし内容ないようそん于2020-09-22) えい语). There is no doubt that between the 6th and 9th centuries Tengrism was the religion among the nomads of the steppes 
  2. ^ The spelling Tengrism is found in the 1960s, e.g. Bergounioux (ed.), Primitive and prehistoric religions, Volume 140, Hawthorn Books, 1966, p. 80. Tengrianism is a reflection of the Russian term, Тенгрианство. It is reported in 1996 ("so-called Tengrianism") in Shnirelʹman (ed.), Who gets the past?: competition for ancestors among non-Russian intellectuals in Russia, Woodrow Wilson Center Press, 1996, ISBN 978-0-8018-5221-3, p. 31 in the context of the nationalist rivalry over Bulgar legacy. The spellings Tengriism and Tengrianity are later, reported (deprecatingly, in scare quotes) in 2004 in Central Asiatic journal, vol. 48–49 (2004), p. 238. The Turkish term Tengricilik is also found from the 1990s. Mongolian Тэнгэр шүтлэг is used in a 1999 biography of Genghis Khan (Boldbaatar et. al, Чингис хаан, 1162-1227, Хаадын сан, 1999, p. 18).
  3. ^ R. Meserve, Religions in the central Asian environment. In: History of Civilizations of Central Asia, Volume IV页面そん档备份そん互联网档あん), The age of achievement: A.D. 750 to the end of the fifteenth century, Part Two: The achievements, p. 68:
    • "[...] The ‘imperial’ religion was more monotheistic, centred around the all-powerful god Tengri, the sky god."
  4. ^ Barbara Kellner-Heinkele; Brigitte Heuer; Elena V. Boykova. Man and Nature in the Altaic World. 2006 [2021-06-19]. (原始げんし内容ないようそん于2021-06-29). 
  5. ^ How to pronounce تەڭرى. [2021-06-19]. (原始げんし内容ないようそん于2021-06-28). 
  6. ^ Fergus, Michael; Jandosova, Janar. Kazakhstan: Coming of Age. Stacey International. 2003: 91 [2020-08-24]. ISBN 978-1-900988-61-2. (原始げんし内容ないようそん于2020-09-23) えい语). [...] a profound combination of monotheism and polytheism that has come to be known as Tengrism. 
  7. ^ Fodor István, A magyarok ősi vallásáról (About the old religion of the Hungarians)页面そん档备份そん互联网档あん) Vallástudományi Tanulmányok. 6/2004, Budapest, p. 17–19
  8. ^ McGuckin, John Anthony. The Encyclopedia of Eastern Orthodox Christianity. John Wiley & Sons. 2010-12-15: 79 [2020-08-24]. ISBN 978-1-4443-9254-8. (原始げんし内容ないようそん于2020-07-01) えい语). 
  9. ^ 汉书·匈奴きょうど传》:“匈奴きょうど谓天为撑犁。”
  10. ^ さつもと·300》:“撑音庾切。”
  11. ^ 敕勒》:“てん苍苍,茫茫ぼうぼう”。
  12. ^ Eröz, Mehmet. Eski Türk dini (gök tanrı inancı) ve Alevîlik-Bektaşilik. Türk Dünyası Araştırmaları Vakfı. 1992 [2020-08-24]. ISBN 978-975-498-051-6. (原始げんし内容ないようそん于2020-08-11) みみ其语). 
  13. ^ Buddhist studies review, Volumes 6-8, 1989, p. 164.
  14. ^ Saunders, Robert A. and Vlad Strukov. Historical Dictionary of the Russian Federation. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press. 2010: 412–13. ISBN 978-0-81085475-8. 
  15. ^ Saunders, Robert A.; Strukov, Vlad. Historical Dictionary of the Russian Federation. Scarecrow Press. 2010-05-13: 412–413 [2020-08-24]. ISBN 978-0-8108-7460-2. (原始げんし内容ないようそん于2020-09-13) えい语). 
  16. ^ Balkanlar'dan Uluğ Türkistan'a Türk halk inançları Cilt 1, Yaşar Kalafat, Berikan, 2007
  17. ^ McDermott, Roger. High-Ranking Kyrgyz Official Proposes New National Ideology. The Jamestown Foundation. [2013-02-19]. (原始げんし内容ないようそん于2012-09-12). 
  18. ^ Walther Heissig. The Religions of Mongolia. Routledge, 2000. ISBN 0710306857. P. 46
  19. ^ Michael Stausberg. Religion and Tourism: Crossroads, Destinations and Encounters. Routledge, 2010 (ISBN 0415549329), p.162: «Julie Steward, alias Sarangerel Odigon (1963-2006), a woman with a Mongolian (Buryat) mother and a German father, born in the United States, started to practice shamanism (or what she would refer to as "Tengerism") as an adult; she then moved to Mongolia where she strived to restore and reconstruct the "ancient and original" religion of the Mongolians. Among her major moves was the founding of a Mongolian Shamans' Association (Golomt Tuv) which gave Mongolian shamans a common platform and brought them into touch with shamans in other parts of the world, with the prospect of starting a shamanic world organization. Through some books Sarangerel also spread her Mongolian message to Western audiences. She traveled widely, giving lectures and holding workshops on Mongolian shamanism. Moreover, she started a Mongolian shamanic association of America (the Circle of Tengerism).»
  20. ^ A. S. Amanjolov, History of ancient Türkic Script, Almaty 2003, p.305


  • Brent, Peter. The Mongol Empire: Genghis Khan: His Triumph and his Legacy. London: Book Club Associates. 1976. 
  • Richtsfeld, Bruno J. Rezente ostmongolische Schöpfungs-, Ursprungs- und Weltkatastrophenerzählungen und ihre innerasiatischen Motiv- und Sujetparallelen. Münchner Beiträge zur Völkerkunde. Jahrbuch des Staatlichen Museums für Völkerkunde München 9. 2004: 225–274.