(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
HOLY BIBLE: Numbers 6  
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Numbers 6

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1 κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἐλάλησεν κύριος πぱいρろーὸς Μみゅーωおめがυうぷしろんσしぐまνにゅー λέγων 2 λάλησον τたうοおみくろんῖς υうぷしろんοおみくろんῖς Ισραηλ κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἐρろーεいぷしろんῖς πぱいρろーὸς αあるふぁὐτούς ἀνにゅーρろー ἢ γυνή ὃς ἐὰνにゅー μεγάλως εいぷしろんὔξηται εいぷしろんχかいνにゅー ἀφαγνίσασθαι ἁγνείαν κυρίῳ 3 πぱいοおみくろんνにゅーοおみくろんυうぷしろん κかっぱαあるふぁὶ σικερα ἁγνισθήσεται ἀπぱいοおみくろんνにゅーοおみくろんυうぷしろん κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ὄξος ἐξくしー οおみくろんνにゅーοおみくろんυうぷしろん κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ὄξος ἐκかっぱ σικερα οおみくろんὐ πίεται κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ὅσしぐまαあるふぁ κατεργάζεται ἐκかっぱ σταφυλῆς οおみくろんὐ πίεται κかっぱαあるふぁὶ σταφυλὴνにゅー πρόσφατον κかっぱαあるふぁὶ σταφίδα οおみくろんὐ φάγεται 4 πάσας τたうὰς ἡμέρας τたうῆς εいぷしろんχかいῆς αあるふぁτたうοおみくろんῦ ἀπぱいὸ πάντων ὅσしぐまαあるふぁ γίνεται ἐξくしー ἀμπέλου οおみくろんνにゅーοおみくろんνにゅーπぱいὸ στεμφύλων ἕως γιγάρτου οおみくろんὐ φάγεται 1 This message, too, the Lord gave to Moses 2 for the sons of Israel, Man or woman that would be set apart for the Lord by taking the Nazirite vow must abstain from wine, and from all strong drink. 3 They must not drink vinegar made from wine or from any such liquor, nor any draught that is strained from the grape; they must not eat grapes, whether fresh or dried. 4 No fruit of the vine, grape or raisin,[1] must pass their lips while the days of their consecration last. 1 Locutusque est Dominus ad Moysen, dicens: 2 Loquere ad filios Israël, et dices ad eos: Vir, sive mulier, cum fecerint votum ut sanctificentur, et se voluerint Domino consecrare: 3 a vino, et omni quod inebriare potest, abstinebunt. Acetum ex vino, et ex qualibet alia potione, et quidquid de uva exprimitur, non bibent: uvas recentes siccasque non comedent 4 cunctis diebus quibus ex voto Domino consecrantur: quidquid ex vinea esse potest, ab uva passa usque ad acinum non comedent.
5 πάσας τたうὰς ἡμέρας τたうῆς εいぷしろんχかいῆς τたうοおみくろんῦ ἁγνισμοῦ ξυρὸνにゅー οおみくろんκかっぱ ἐπελεύσεται ἐπぱいτたうνにゅー κεφαλὴνにゅー αあるふぁτたうοおみくろんῦ ἕως ἂνにゅー πληρωθῶσしぐまιいおたνにゅー αあるふぁἱ ἡμέραι ὅσας ηいーたὔξατο κυρίῳ ἅγιος ἔσται τρέφων κόμην τρίχα κかっぱεいぷしろんφふぁいαあるふぁλらむだῆς 6 πάσας τたうὰς ἡμέρας τたうῆς εいぷしろんχかいῆς κυρίῳ ἐπぱいὶ πάσῃ ψυχῇ τετελευτηκυίᾳ οおみくろんκかっぱ εいぷしろんἰσελεύσεται 7 πぱいὶ πατρὶ κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἐπぱいὶ μητρὶ κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἐ{P'} ἀδελφῷ κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἐ{P'} ἀδελφῇ οおみくろんὐ μιανθήσεται ἐ{P'} αあるふぁτたうοおみくろんῖς ἀποθανόντων αあるふぁτたうνにゅーτたうιいおた εいぷしろんχかいὴ θεοῦ αあるふぁτたうοおみくろんῦ ἐ{P'} αあるふぁτたうῷ ἐπぱいὶ κεφαλῆς αあるふぁτたうοおみくろん 8 πάσας τたうὰς ἡμέρας τたうῆς εいぷしろんχかいῆς αあるふぁτたうοおみくろんῦ ἅγιος ἔσται κυρίῳ 9 ἐὰνにゅー δέ τις ἀποθάνῃ ἐξάπινα ἐ{P'} αあるふぁτたうῷ παραχρῆμみゅーαあるふぁ μιανθήσεται ἡ κεφαλὴ εいぷしろんχかいῆς αあるふぁτたうοおみくろんκかっぱαあるふぁὶ ξυρήσεται τたうνにゅー κεφαλὴνにゅー αあるふぁτたうοおみくろんῦ ᾗ ἂνにゅー ἡμέρᾳ καθαρισθῇ τたうῇ ἡμέρᾳ τたうῇ ἑβδόμῃ ξυρηθήσεται 10 κかっぱαあるふぁτたうῇ ἡμέρᾳ τたうῇ ὀγδόῃ οおみくろんσしぐまεいぷしろんιいおた δύο τρυγόνας ἢ δύο νεοσσοὺς περιστερῶνにゅー πぱいρろーὸς τたうνにゅー ἱερέα ἐπぱいτたうὰς θύρας τたうῆς σしぐまκかっぱηいーたνにゅーῆς τたうοおみくろんῦ μαρτυρίου 11 κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ποιήσει ὁ ἱερεὺς μίαν πぱいεいぷしろんρろーὶ ἁμαρτίας κかっぱαあるふぁὶ μίαν εいぷしろんἰς ὁλοκαύτωμα κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἐξιλάσεται πぱいεいぷしろんρろーαあるふぁτたうοおみくろんῦ ὁ ἱερεὺς πぱいεいぷしろんρろーὶ ὧνにゅー ἥμαρτεν πぱいεいぷしろんρろーτたうῆς ψぷさいυうぷしろんχかいῆς κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἁγιάσει τたうνにゅー κεφαλὴνにゅー αあるふぁτたうοおみくろんῦ ἐνにゅー ἐκείνῃ τたうῇ ἡμέρᾳ 12 ᾗ ἡγιάσθη κυρίῳ τたうὰς ἡμέρας τたうῆς εいぷしろんχかいῆς κかっぱαあるふぁὶ προσάξει ἀμみゅーνにゅーνにゅー ἐνιαύσιον εいぷしろんἰς πλημμέλειαν κかっぱαあるふぁαあるふぁἱ ἡμέραι αあるふぁἱ πρότεραι ἄλογοι ἔσονται ὅτたうιいおた ἐμιάνθη κかっぱεいぷしろんφふぁいαあるふぁλらむだεいぷしろんχかいῆς αあるふぁτたうοおみくろん 5 The Nazirite, while he is set apart, must not pass any razor over his head until his consecration to the Lord has been completed; the growth of his hair is a sign of dedication. 6 Nor, during his time of consecration may he come near any dead body, 7 nor may he incur defilement when father or mother, brother or sister is buried; the hair is a sign of his dedication to his God, 8 and he is set apart for the Lord as long as the time of his consecration lasts. 9 If he is present when a death befalls unexpectedly, his consecrated head is defiled thereby; he must shave it there and then, on the very day when the need for purification arises, and again on the seventh day. 10 On the eighth day, he will offer to the priest two turtle-doves or young pigeons at the tabernacle door, 11 and the priest will offer one by way of amends for the fault, and the other in burnt-sacrifice; then he will pray for pardon for the fault which the death occasioned. On the same day, his head sanctified afresh by the priest, 12 he will dedicate to the Lord his new period of consecration, and offer a yearling lamb in amends. His former days of consecration go for nothing, once they have been interrupted by defilement. 5 Omni tempore separationis suæ novacula non transibit per caput ejus usque ad completum diem, quo Domino consecratur. Sanctus erit, crescente cæsarie capitis ejus. 6 Omni tempore consecrationis suæ, super mortuum non ingredietur, 7 nec super patris quidem et matris et fratris sororisque funere contaminabitur, quia consecratio Dei sui super caput ejus est. 8 Omnibus diebus separationis suæ sanctus erit Domino. 9 Sin autem mortuus fuerit subito quispiam coram eo, polluetur caput consecrationis ejus: quod radet illico in eadem die purgationis suæ, et rursum septima. 10 In octava autem die offeret duos turtures, vel duos pullos columbæ sacerdoti in introitu fœderis testimonii. 11 Facietque sacerdos unum pro peccato, et alterum in holocaustum, et deprecabitur pro eo, quia peccavit super mortuo: sanctificabitque caput ejus in die illo: 12 et consecrabit Domino dies separationis illius, offerens agnum anniculum pro peccato: ita tamen ut dies priores irriti fiant, quoniam polluta est sanctificatio ejus.
13 κかっぱαあるふぁοおみくろんὗτος ὁ νόμος τたうοおみくろんεいぷしろんὐξαμένου ᾗ ἂνにゅー ἡμέρᾳ πληρώσῃ ἡμέρας εいぷしろんχかいῆς αあるふぁτたうοおみくろんῦ προσοίσει αあるふぁτたうὸς πぱいαあるふぁρろーτたうὰς θύρας τたうῆς σしぐまκかっぱηいーたνにゅーῆς τたうοおみくろんῦ μαρτυρίου 14 κかっぱαあるふぁὶ προσάξει τたうδでるたρろーοおみくろんνにゅー αあるふぁτたうοおみくろんῦ κυρίῳ ἀμみゅーνにゅーνにゅー ἐνιαύσιον ἄμωμον ἕνにゅーαあるふぁ εいぷしろんἰς ὁλοκαύτωσιν κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἀμνάδα ἐνιαυσίαν ἄμωμον μίαν εいぷしろんἰς ἁμαρτίαν κかっぱαあるふぁὶ κριὸνにゅーνにゅーαあるふぁ ἄμωμον εいぷしろんἰς σωτήριον 15 κかっぱαあるふぁὶ κανοῦνにゅー ἀζύμων σεμιδάλεως ἄρτους ἀναπεποιημένους ἐνにゅー ἐλαίῳ κかっぱαあるふぁὶ λάγανα ἄζυμα κεχρισμένα ἐνにゅー ἐλαίῳ κかっぱαあるふぁὶ θυσία αあるふぁτたうνにゅー κかっぱαあるふぁὶ σπονδὴ αあるふぁτたうνにゅー 16 κかっぱαあるふぁὶ προσοίσει ὁ ἱερεὺς ἔναντι κυρίου κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ποιήσει τたうὸ περὶ ἁμαρτίας αあるふぁτたうοおみくろんκかっぱαあるふぁτたうὸ ὁλοκαύτωμα αあるふぁτたうοおみくろん 17 κかっぱαあるふぁτたうνにゅー κかっぱρろーιいおたνにゅー ποιήσει θυσίαν σωτηρίου κυρίῳ ἐπぱいτたうκかっぱαあるふぁνにゅーτたうνにゅー ἀζύμων κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ποιήσει ὁ ἱερεὺς τたうνにゅー θυσίαν αあるふぁτたうοおみくろんκかっぱαあるふぁτたうνにゅー σしぐまπぱいοおみくろんνにゅーδでるたνにゅー αあるふぁτたうοおみくろん 18 κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ξυρήσεται ὁ ηいーたὐγμένος πぱいαあるふぁρろーτたうὰς θύρας τたうῆς σしぐまκかっぱηいーたνにゅーῆς τたうοおみくろんῦ μαρτυρίου τたうνにゅー κεφαλὴνにゅー τたうῆς εいぷしろんχかいῆς αあるふぁτたうοおみくろんκかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἐπιθήσει τたうὰς τρίχας ἐπぱいτたうπぱいρろー ὅ ἐστιν ὑπぱいτたうνにゅー θυσίαν τたうοおみくろんῦ σωτηρίου 19 κかっぱαあるふぁὶ λήμψεται ὁ ἱερεὺς τたうνにゅー βραχίονα ἑφふぁいθしーたνにゅーπぱいτたうοおみくろんῦ κριοῦ κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἄρτον ἕνにゅーαあるふぁ ἄζυμον ἀπぱいτたうοおみくろんῦ κανοῦ κかっぱαあるふぁὶ λάγανον ἄζυμον ἓνにゅー κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἐπιθήσει ἐπぱいτたうὰς χかいεいぷしろんῖρας τたうοおみくろんηいーたὐγμένου μみゅーεいぷしろんτたうτたうὸ ξυρήσασθαι αあるふぁτたうνにゅー τたうνにゅー εいぷしろんχかいνにゅー αあるふぁτたうοおみくろん 20 κかっぱαあるふぁὶ προσοίσει αあるふぁτたうὰ ὁ ἱερεὺς ἐπίθεμα ἔναντι κυρίου ἅγιον ἔσται τたうῷ ἱερεῖ ἐπぱいτたうοおみくろんῦ στηθυνίου τたうοおみくろんῦ ἐπιθέματος κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἐπぱいτたうοおみくろんῦ βραχίονος τたうοおみくろんῦ ἀφαιρέματος κかっぱαあるふぁὶ μετὰ τたうαあるふぁτたうαあるふぁ πίεται ὁ ηいーたὐγμένος οおみくろんνにゅーοおみくろんνにゅー 21 οおみくろんὗτος ὁ νόμος τたうοおみくろんεいぷしろんὐξαμένου ὃς ἂνにゅー εいぷしろんὔξηται κυρίῳ δでるたρろーοおみくろんνにゅー αあるふぁτたうοおみくろんῦ κυρίῳ περὶ τたうῆς εいぷしろんχかいῆς χかいωおめがρろーὶς ὧνにゅーνにゅー εいぷしろんρろーῃ ἡ χかいεいぷしろんρろー αあるふぁτたうοおみくろんῦ κατὰ δύναμιν τたうῆς εいぷしろんχかいῆς αあるふぁτたうοおみくろんῦ ἣνにゅーνにゅー εいぷしろんὔξηται κかっぱαあるふぁτたうὰ νόμον ἁγνείας 13 And this is the rite he must follow when the period of his vow is completed. He will be brought to the tabernacle door, 14 and there he will make his offering to the Lord, a yearling he-lamb without blemish in burnt-sacrifice, a yearling ewe without blemish to make amends for fault, and a ram without blemish as a welcome-offering; 15 a basket, too, of unleavened bread kneaded with oil, and cakes with oil poured over them, and the gifts proper to each. 16 All these the priest will offer in the Lord’s presence, performing there the sacrifice of amends and the burnt-sacrifice, 17 and immolating the ram before the Lord as a welcome-offering; at the same time he will present the basket of unleavened things and the customary gifts. 18 Then, before the tabernacle door, the Nazirite will shave off the consecrated growth of hair, and throw it upon the fire that consumes his welcome-offering. 19 And now the priest will take the ram’s shoulder, which has been cooking, and one of the loaves from the basket and one of the cakes, and put them into the hands of the newly shaved Nazirite, 20 who will give them back to him, so that he can offer them up in the Lord’s presence. These parts of the offering are set apart for the priest, like the breast that has been duly cut away, and the thigh. After this, the Nazirite is free to drink wine again. 21 So must the time of his dedication be brought to an end, and so must his vow be fulfilled; apart from any special undertaking he may have made. To achieve the purpose of such consecration, he must carry out the full intentions of his vow. 13 Ista est lex consecrationis. Cum dies, quos ex voto decreverat, complebuntur, adducet eum ad ostium tabernaculi fœderis, 14 et offeret oblationes ejus Domino, agnum anniculum immaculatum in holocaustum, et ovem anniculam immaculatam pro peccato, et arietem immaculatum, hostiam pacificam, 15 canistrum quoque panum azymorum qui conspersi sint oleo, et lagana absque fermento uncta oleo, ac libamina singulorum: 16 quæ offeret sacerdos coram Domino, et faciet tam pro peccato, quam in holocaustum. 17 Arietem vero immolabit hostiam pacificam Domino, offerens simul canistrum azymorum, et libamenta quæ ex more debentur. 18 Tunc radetur nazaræus ante ostium tabernaculi fœderis cæsarie consecrationis suæ: tolletque capillos ejus, et ponet super ignem, qui est suppositus sacrificio pacificorum: 19 et armum coctum arietis, tortamque absque fermento unam de canistro, et laganum azymum unum, et tradet in manus nazaræi, postquam rasum fuerit caput ejus. 20 Susceptaque rursum ab eo, elevabit in conspectu Domini: et sanctificata sacerdotis erunt, sicut pectusculum, quod separari jussum est, et femur. Post hæc, potest bibere nazaræus vinum. 21 Ista est lex nazaræi, cum voverit oblationem suam Domino tempore consecrationis suæ, exceptis his, quæ invenerit manus ejus: juxta quod mente devoverat, ita faciet ad perfectionem sanctificationis suæ.
22 κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἐλάλησεν κύριος πぱいρろーὸς Μみゅーωおめがυうぷしろんσしぐまνにゅー λέγων 23 λάλησον Αあるふぁαあるふぁρろーωおめがνにゅー κかっぱαあるふぁτたうοおみくろんῖς υうぷしろんοおみくろんῖς αあるふぁτたうοおみくろんῦ λέγων οおみくろんὕτως εいぷしろんὐλογήσετε τたうοおみくろんὺς υうぷしろんοおみくろんὺς Ιいおたσしぐまρろーαあるふぁηいーたλらむだ λέγοντες αあるふぁτたうοおみくろんῖς κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἐπιθήσουσιν τたうὸ ὄνομά μみゅーοおみくろんυうぷしろんπぱいτたうοおみくろんὺς υうぷしろんοおみくろんὺς Ισραηλ κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἐγがんまὼ κύριος εいぷしろんὐλογήσω αあるふぁὐτούς 24 εいぷしろんὐλογήσαι σしぐまεいぷしろん κύριος κかっぱαあるふぁὶ φυλάξαι σしぐまεいぷしろん 25 ἐπιφάναι κύριος τたうὸ πρόσωπον αあるふぁτたうοおみくろんῦ ἐπぱいσしぐまκかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἐλεήσαι σしぐまεいぷしろん 26 ἐπάραι κύριος τたうὸ πρόσωπον αあるふぁτたうοおみくろんῦ ἐπぱいσしぐまκかっぱαあるふぁδでるたηいーた σしぐまοおみくろんιいおた εいぷしろんἰρήνην 27 22 And this was a message the Lord gave to Moses 23 for Aaron and his sons: When you give the Israelites your blessing, you are to say: 24 The Lord bless thee, and keep thee; 25 the Lord smile on thee, and be merciful to thee; 26 the Lord turn his regard towards thee, and give thee peace. 27 So shall they invoke my name over the sons of Israel, to win a blessing from me. 22 Locutusque est Dominus ad Moysen, dicens: 23 Loquere Aaron et filiis ejus: Sic benedicetis filiis Israël, et dicetis eis: 24 Benedicat tibi Dominus, et custodiat te. 25 Ostendat Dominus faciem suam tibi, et misereatur tui. 26 Convertat Dominus vultum suum ad te, et det tibi pacem. 27 Invocabuntque nomen meum super filios Israël, et ego benedicam eis.
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