Monthly Archives: May 2013

TEPCO told to freeze soil around reactor buildings to block groundwater via The Asahi Shimbun

Tokyo Electric Power Co. will implement a “difficult” proposal to use walls of frozen soil to reduce the amount of groundwater flowing into reactor buildings at its crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant. A government committee working on measures … Continue reading

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TVA suffers blow, loses biggest customer via the

OAK RIDGE, Tenn. — The Tennessee Valley Authority is losing its biggest customer today amid growing concerns about rising industrial power rates. USEC Inc. is shutting down its Paducah, Ky., gaseous diffusion plant, ending uranium enrichment at the 61-year-old plant … Continue reading

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25,000 nuclear waste shipments through town each year via the Pahrump Valley Times

Pahrump Town Manager Bill Kohbarger said he had two different impressions before and after a special presentation on the transportation of radioactive nuclear waste through the heart of Pahrump. On Tuesday evening, Nye County Nuclear Waste Repository Office consultant Dr. … Continue reading

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Our Endangered Nuclear Weaponeers via The Wall Street Journal

It takes a nuclear weaponeer to stop a nuclear weaponeer. And I should know.   In the 1990s, I designed nuclear bombs at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. In the 2000s at Los Alamos, I ran one of the largest programs … Continue reading

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Rising radioactive spills leave Fukushima fishermen floundering via Reuters

(Reuters) – Dozens of crabs, three small sharks and scores of fish thump on the slippery deck of the fishing boat True Prosperity as captain Shohei Yaoita lands his latest haul, another catch headed not for the dinner table but … Continue reading

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全国ぜんこく50はいなら「とくそん1.7ちょうえん以上いじょう」 超党派ちょうとうは議連ぎれん via 朝日新聞あさひしんぶん

超党派ちょうとうは国会こっかい議員ぎいん61にんでつくる「原発げんぱつゼロのかい」は、原発げんぱつはいすすめるための2法案ほうあん骨子こっしあん策定さくていし、30にち公表こうひょうした。法案ほうあん提出ていしゅつけ、与野党よやとう意見いけんもとめる。  骨子こっしあんは、はいめた場合ばあい国民こくみん電気でんき事業じぎょうしゃ負担ふたんらすことが目的もくてき法案ほうあんと、周辺しゅうへん地域ちいき振興しんこうはか特措とくそ法案ほうあん電気でんき事業じぎょうしゃはい必要ひつよう費用ひようまかなえるように、交付こうふきん交付こうふれの債務さいむ保証ほしょうをする指定してい法人ほうじんくことなどをんだ。 全文ぜんぶんはこちら。

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Indian Point agenda pushed by Entergy ‘front’ groups, political money, report charges via Newsday

Entergy Corp. has showered political donations on friendly Westchester County politicians and used two “front” groups staffed by affiliated executives, consultants and lobbyists in an effort to muster support for the license renewal of the two working reactors at its … Continue reading

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Iowa Farmers Oppose Nuclear Power via Blog for Iowa

About 100 people gathered at the Wilton Community Center last night to view a screening of the documentary, “The Atomic States of America,” hosted by the group Saving America’s Farmland and Environment (S.A.F.E.). Attendees also heard an update from two … Continue reading

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Hanford Nuclear Waste Cleanup Plant May Be Too Dangerous via Scientific American

The most toxic and voluminous nuclear waste in the U.S.—208 million liters —sits in decaying underground tanks at the Hanford Site (a nuclear reservation) in southeastern Washington State. It accumulated there from the middle of World War II, when the … Continue reading

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Enel calls on Slovakian government to back nuclear projects via Power Engineering

Enel SpA says it may have to halt work on nuclear power development in Slovakia unless the government approves a plan to increase financing for the project. Slovenske, the company’s Slovak unit said in a statement that the government must … Continue reading

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